MathPhilo ago

They will tell you what your blood type is, yes.

Another way is to fall pregnant, as there is a risk the child will be rejected by the body if it is R+

MathPhilo ago

Donate blood.

wecanhelp ago

@8887766554433221, I'm removing this submission per rule 3. You need to provide a summary of any content you link to, either in the post title or in the submission body. Please do that if you decide to resubmit this. Thank you.

Jem777 ago

Exactly right. Even more sinister. Who said "it is just art in public but in private it is different".
Researchers: What ties them all together? Who are the heroes of their "story?" What does Osiris tell us? Who wrote the book of Law? Who was the SS? Who are the puppets? Who is the puppet master?


Researchers who said this?

When is "art" different? Who participates in private? Who has

8887766554433221 ago

Are you Okay?

Jem777 ago

Why are you asking?

8887766554433221 ago

Well you never know who has been through MKUltra.

Jem777 ago

Okay! Trying to catch up? This is 13 tribes?? MPD/DID ? Tav...? To Coast of Ca?

8887766554433221 ago

The 13 tribes of Israel or the 13 families of the Illuminati.

Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly known was Multiple Personality Disorder.

8887766554433221 ago

The migratory home of the monarch butterfly and home of the Esalen Institute which has it's roots with Huxley, a friend of Astor, involved in the School Alefantis donates to.

8887766554433221 ago

Big Sur you mean, relatively near Devil Mountain. Where Jack owns a home.

Jem777 ago


Jem777 ago

Breathless! Grace. Sacrifice for all of us none worthy.

Jem777 ago

I am breathless.Next? Watch?

8887766554433221 ago

Everyone is worthy.

Jem777 ago

How to help?

Jem777 ago

Thankyou. I have listened to their stories. In past other positions I have been an interviewer. I want to share but I don't want "share" to much ahead of time?? Just confirming these stories want be buried this time? That there are many helping? That You believe God through his son Jesus wants exposure of this mass exposure now? I saw you posted somewhere G. W. B. repented was this true? I don't care about politics, all will come to know. It would just blow me away

Please send me links as much as possible.

Jem777 ago

Okay. Which "account" users in Voat and/or mods to really follow closely

8887766554433221 ago

I am most of the account users.

Jem777 ago

Seriously? You must be in "contact" with others who have access? fbi anon must be a part

8887766554433221 ago

I am in contact with off world groups.

Jem777 ago

Off world? Safe?

8887766554433221 ago


Jem777 ago

I am nervous? Why are you deleting posts/changing account name?

Greta knows right?

8887766554433221 ago

I don't think I am who you think I am.

Jem777 ago

Confirming yes To safety & FBI anon

Jem777 ago

Okay. Can you slow down/enlarge the pages so I can read them better. My brain is growing!

8887766554433221 ago

Okay I will do that.

Jem777 ago

Hey there. I did some research and confirmed my believe that the 13th tribe is most likely Ashkenazi Jews from the region of khazarian. DNA studies confirmed this as true in 2013. This bloodline primarily has European/Scandinavian roots. They considered themselves unique and interbred (Incest) rampant. They are the 13 illimunati families that took over the banks, governments, etc. Also are the royal families and part of the Vatican. In WW11 they conspired with the Vatican and Hitler to exterminate the Jews. I don't know if their historical name Ashkenazi had anything to do with the term Nazi but quite a coincidence.

I know you have this saved I believed regarding the mark of incest "snake in the eye" as we see in coloboma. This an observable sign of RH negative bloodtype. Seen in McCann, SiOROS and others. The CARIS moniker is the registry for this bloodtype. There is so much more but I will finish for now. The biblical genealogy of the Ashkenazi Jews (khazarian) illuminati is in the book of Enoch. The fallen angels violation of God and the Nephilms being born. This bloodline RH negative is not from God's creation, but Luciferian. They are driven for world domination. I just chatted awhile ago with 12345678 and explained this research Because he was asking.He replied he was RH negative and said my life makes sense now. Later said I am one of them. He then went and chatted with you and others and announced he had just found this out as well that he was Annuk or Luciferian. What do you think of this.

Also if I am correct you are a member of DeMoray Oder and are protecting the relics. The shroud of Turin being located in France was a huge piece to the puzzle. The "world leader" wants these relics to bring this new world.

They are the carriers of the RH negative blood type. As we know this bloodtype is very rare. The

8887766554433221 ago

The Turin Shroud is Jacques De Molay's image.

As I told Carmencita, The French Aristocracy carried The Sun Lineage and were wiped out, in part through debt of financing America? Well some were, some escaped. Jesus had RH negative blood, I would imagine so did Alexander The Great, who's tribe ran all the way through to Cleopatra. @zetareticulan

Jem777 ago

Ok. How thought DeMoray was burned at the stake. How did his body leave impression on shroud then? What knowledge do you have that Jesus was RH negative. Is the story correct that the Knights Templar went underground and became freemasons that is who you represent

8887766554433221 ago

DeMolay was crucified in a doorway.

I know of the blood because Cleopatra was descended from the tribe of Alexander The Great. Hence why we see those of green eyes and red hair in Afghanistan. It should also be noted Rothschild means Red Shield and related to the tribe of Dan and the brotherhood of the snake, who show the genetic ouroboros in their eyes, as well as other asymmetrical quirks.

Yes it is correct in part. The Torah becomes the Tarot and was used to communicate ideas in secret. The Rider Waite deck contains many of these original symbols.

Jem777 ago

So clarify you are connecting the bloodline of the Rothschild through the tribe of Alexander the Great from the lineage of Dan. This has the brotherhood of the snake which we see now as the RH negative bloodtype with the mark in the eye (as in Soros) as an example.

I follow you here my question is how would Jesus have this bloodline?

8887766554433221 ago

I can't find this comment in the thread so I presume it is a figment of my imagination.

Well if Jesus was the son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra, it would make sense since Cleopatra was a descended from the tribe of Macedonia. Hail Plato!

Jem777 ago

Confirming you are the same poster who shared the picture of Jesus when the scripture John3:16 was offered? And the scripture of Solomon? Just clarifying you do not believe that Biblical son of God as in John3:16...born of Mary?

8887766554433221 ago

"I am not a craftsman let alone a disciple of a craftsman, but I can unravel this teaching. What is the problem anyhow? ..."

Jem777 ago

Yes I believe I see. I understand the carpenter symbology. My philosophy or understanding is in the book of Enoch there is the story where the fallen angels were disobedient and created offspring with the women of God (or his creation at least) they were called the Nephelim. They were also described as giants in many stories throughout the Old Testament as Gods creation battled to take back Israel and to believe and trust in their creator. Think David and Goliath.

There were many attempts to destroy this bloodline who wanted to fight the Israelites. I could go on but going into WW11 the attempt to destroy the Jews was spearheaded by some secret societies who were members of the banking elite. Also by the Vatican. The inner circle of Hitler and the SS involved very dark secrets. The CIA was nothing more than the SS scientists going under the radar into the US and the world. Their masters are these elite bloodlines which are then 13 illuminati bloodlines. Rothschild etc. They are the carriers of the RH negative bloodtype. This shows up as the snake symbol in the eye such as Soros and McCann. The incest mark. This is biblical and takes you all the way back to Enoch and the interbreeding that was encouraged so could achieve superior bloodlines. We have just seen in 2013 that the Ashkenazi Jews are historically from khazarian or are khazarian. My instinct says this is in fact not the blood line of Jesus but a clear indication to us that signs are being shown for those that can see.

8887766554433221 ago

hehehehe.... Alexander the Great Had Two Different Eye Colors

Jem777 ago

Okay blowing my mind. You are asserting that Jesus the Christ son of God blood line is connected through Alexander the Great. That he had was the one of more famous carriers of the Pax gene representing the RH negative bloodtype?

MetaTronEnoch ago

Yes. Cleopatra the Red Head Red "was a shade favoured by fashionable Alexandrian women, including some in the royal household. Perhaps Cleopatra's own auburn hair had set the trend, maybe enhanced with a vegetable colorant such as henna (Lawsonia inermis)" (Fletcher 238).

Jem777 ago

Okay so I am assuming this would be Jesus maternal lineage from Mary? Do you agree he was born of the Virgin Mary so his paternal lineage would be not God the Father?

You have my attention. If this is true how do you explain Nephilims which are clearly written in Enoch and traced through history? How do you explain the "serpent" representing disobedience to God. Do you believe in the crucifiction and resurrection?

8887766554433221 ago

The following was taken from a manuscript in the possession of Lord Kelly, and in his library, and was copied from an original letter of Publius Lentullus at Rome. It being the usual custom of Roman Governors to advertise the Senate and people of such material things as happened in their provinces in the days of Tiberius Caesar, Publius Lentullus, President of Judea, wrote the following epistle to the Senate concerning the Nazarene called Jesus.

"There appeared in these our days a man, of the Jewish Nation, of great virtue, named Yeshua [Jesus], who is yet living among us, and of the Gentiles is accepted for a Prophet of truth, but His own disciples call Him the Son of God- He raiseth the dead and cureth all manner of diseases. A man of stature somewhat tall, and comely, with very reverent countenance, such as the beholders may both love and fear, his hair of (the colour of) the chestnut, full ripe, plain to His ears, whence downwards it is more orient and curling and wavering about His shoulders. In the midst of His head is a seam or partition in His hair, after the manner of the Nazarenes. His forehead plain and very delicate; His face without spot or wrinkle, beautified with a lovely red; His nose and mouth so formed as nothing can be reprehended; His beard thickish, in colour like His hair, not very long, but forked; His look innocent and mature; His eyes grey, clear, and quick- In reproving hypocrisy He is terrible; in admonishing, courteous and fair spoken; pleasant in conversation, mixed with gravity. It cannot be remembered that any have seen Him Laugh, but many have seen Him Weep. In proportion of body, most excellent; His hands and arms delicate to behold. In speaking, very temperate, modest, and wise. A man, for His singular beauty, surpassing the children of men"

8887766554433221 ago

What does Tekton mean?

Jem777 ago

I just posted breadcrumbs for the Scientology connections from Hubbard/CIA including Dr. Kidman(Nicole father) exposure of the 9th circle in Australia. This involves the Catholic Church/Hollywood/pedophelia Ricky Dearman case Dearman connected to Haiti I believe Connections to top U. K.
Also Hubbard estate/ Alefantis/DC//Moonie Cult/Bush family...S.Korea Impeachment I did not want to put to much you have this archived right

Jem777 ago

How to share?