throwaway89209834 ago

That is interesting to me for three reasons:

1.) It is claimed that mind control research stemmed from nazi scientist work, specifically Josepf Mengele's human experimentation work, continued in american under Operation Paperclip which lead to MKULTRA and then MONARCH and other related projects. It is well known that Josepf in particular was obsessed with genetics.

2.) It is claimed that part of the MONARCH program includes very specific abuse programs tailored to the victim on individual factors all the way down to genetic level. More information in this post -

3.) I couldn't understand why the Podesta brothers would fly half way across the world to kidnap one specific girl, but if there is some unique value that this genetic trait is a indicator for, then it could be a possible explanation why all the trouble.

Don-Keyhote ago

Yeah millennial falcon is a shill faggot. And now, the weather