equineluvr ago

Interesting. When I read about PAX, the first thing that came to my mind is how popular the name Paxton is amongst Js.

equineluvr ago

One case wouldn't tell you anything.

I read on here in another thread that it was associated with Rh negative; however, it was just a statement with no attribution so who knows if it's true.

Pipebomb ago

I was just watching a documentary called "Visions of Light - The Art of Cinematography" and in the 1974 movie "Chinatown" directed by Roman Polanski(pedo) coloboma is mentioned.

"There's something black on the green part of your eye" "Oh that, it's a flaw of the iris"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIrDlMFD6KcYouTube At the 1:04:20 mark

equineluvr ago

Good catch! I've been reading about that movie but hadn't yet looked for a clip. Thank you.

blind_sypher ago

Nah mate youre thinking too small. These genes clearly play a role in overall morpohology in a really coordinated way. Massive shift in evolutionary traits. Like an x factor mutagen.

contrary_mma_hipster ago

OP, read the comments of this thread. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1456772

Particularly look at the kids Walter Pierce is "modeling". Many of them seem to have some kind of facial structure deformities - possibly Waardenburg or some other Congential Anomaly.

Apothecarist ago

Very interesting...again really creepy pictures referencing some dark stuff/child abuse.

dickface8 ago

The blue eyes!

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Henry Kissinger said "Chinatown" really IS the best movie ever made!", laughing to and with a man I know who is a political and artworks insider. I asked him why they were laughing. What's so funny. I've seen the .I've many times. The rich man's daughter and her young daughter both have coloboma. A huge deal is made over it. The rich man raped his daughter and got her pregnant, a few years before. The girl is Faye Dunaway's daughter AND sister. Faye Dunaway's dies and the rich man gets access to the young granddaughter, then, as she had kept her away. Jack Nicholson wants to kill him, and a fellow cop says "Let it go, it's Chinatown", referring to the past when Jake tried to help a girl in Chinatown, but got her killed because he did.

This is my third time on here pointing it out. The flawed iris means something and has for a long time. Movie set in 30's or 40's. Why did Kissinger say that. He doesn't give a flying fuck about films. My friend wouldn't tell me. It's to do with incest. With the rich always winning, and us being humiliated and stomped in the ground.

This movie and screenplay is taught in film schools and made a huge deal over. It's good, but not that good. Script by Robert Townsend, directed by pervert Roman Polanski.

sore_ass_losers ago

Note to mods: 189 comments at this point. Please don't delete this! A lot of people have invested a lot of time in this thread. Let the discussion proceed.

dickface8 ago

Oh yeah they deleted it. This was something alright...

NotTooLate ago

I agree with this!

Apothecarist ago

They may not necessarily have a coloboma eye, but there could be a number of genetic markers they are interested in. Just because we can't say for certain it's a coloboma doesn't mean all the info in this thread is inaccurate. I agree with sore_ass_losers comment: "Note to mods: 189 comments at this point. Please don't delete this! A lot of people have invested a lot of time in this thread. Let the discussion proceed." Thanks for all your hard work everyone!

IlluminatedJellyfish ago


IlluminatedJellyfish ago

It's PAX6 which relates to the pineal gland (DMT) and ocular development. (Window to the soul - Descartes called the pineal gland the soul) PAX2 relates to cell death.

Children on James Alefantis Instagram were said to feature the same eye distinguishing mark. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1458452

Preface The Greek for soul is Psyche. The Psyche can also refer to a butterfly. Whomever possesses your Psyche (Soul), Possesses you.

Descartes called The Pineal Gland "The Seat Of The Soul" Source: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/pineal-gland/

We could conclusively call the Pineal Gland, the gateway drug, in that it plays a major role within near death experience and day dreaming. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near-death_experience

At the age of 12 years old, according to rational wiki, half of the populations pineal glands will have calcified. source: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Pineal_gland

It would be presumable, the calcified pineal glands are the result of a lack of amino-acid within the diet, or speculatively genetics.


It has been discussed in various various threads that many of the trafficked children carry this particular genetic trait: Coloboma of the eye. Source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1448346

While many speculate John Podesta & Tony Podesta are responsible for the kidnapping of Madeline McCann, due to their likeness in the photo released of potential suspects. source: http://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/top-news/podesta-brothers-revealed/

The idea of the significance of McCann's Coloboma, is that it is shared with SOROS.

Below is information relating the the genetic origins of

"Snake-in-the-eye" as part of Sigurd's name denoted a physical characteristics. He was born with a mark in his left eye, described as the image of the Ouroboros (a snake biting its own tail) encircling the pupil of his eye. The snake mark had been prophesied by his mother Aslaug, the daughter of the Valkyrie Brynhildr. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigurd_Snake-in-the-Eye

In modern times, it has been suggested that the mark in Sigurd's eye was a result of a congenital mutation of the PAX6 gene. Source: http://en.rodovid.org/wk/Person:58462

Okay so where does that bring us folks? That's right, the cloning.

Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? http://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t3214-why-have-the-mccanns-lied-about-maddie-s-coloboma-for-4-years

The changing Coloboma of Madeleine http://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t984-the-changing-coloboma-of-madeleine

Clement Freud had the McCanns over for tea http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3643373/PICTURED-sinister-holiday-villa-paedophile-MP-Clement-Freud-hosted-McCanns-weeks-Madeleine-vanished.html

Who is related to Sigmund, father of Anna Freud who forms an institute with Tavistock involved in the snatching of children for secret military programs, discussed here: https://vid.me/GmbX

EXTENSION BUT YOU DON'T LOOK AFGHAN (Alexander The Great Genetics) http://www.burqasandbeer.com/but-you-dont-look-afghan/


Perdiccas appointed Ptolemy, one of Alexander's closest companions, to be satrap of Egypt. Ptolemy ruled Egypt from 323 BC, nominally in the name of the joint kings Philip III and Alexander IV. ... As Ptolemy I Soter ("Saviour"), he founded the Ptolemaic dynasty that was to rule Egypt for nearly 300 years. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptolemaic_Kingdom

The Ptolemaic Kingdom (/ˌtɒləˈmeɪ.ɪk/; Ancient Greek: Πτολεμαϊκὴ βασιλεία, Ptolemaïkḕ Basileía)[3] was a Hellenistic kingdom based in Egypt. It was ruled by the Ptolemaic dynasty which started with Ptolemy I Soter's accession after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and which ended with the death of Cleopatra VII and the Roman conquest in 30 BC. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptolemaic_Kingdom

The village was noted as "Ra" (see below) in the 4th century AD by the Roman geographer Rufus Festus Avienus. In the 6th century, the archbishopric of Arles was active and created a monastery or church in the town, named St. Mary, a favorite of the fishermen. The village became known as Notre-Dame-de-Ratis (Our Lady of the Boat - Râ being used in ratis, or boat) in reference to the three Marys arriving by boat. (Droit, 1963, 19). The name was later changed to Notre-Dame-de-la-Mer (Our Lady of the Sea, a synonym for the Virgin Mary).

The current Church of the Saintes Maries de la Mer was built from the 9th to the 12th century, as a fortress and a refuge. It can be seen from 10 km away. It has a fresh water well inside, for when the villagers had to take shelter from raiders. In the 9th century, the town suffered raids from the Mediterranean Sea by the Vikings and later from the Saracens. In the 15th century, someone "discovered" the relics of Mary of Clopas and Mary Salome, who were said to have arrived there by sea (together with Mary Magdalene). The 500th anniversary of this event was celebrated in the 20th century by Pope John XXIII.

In 1720, the town was spared by the plague. During the anti-clerical fervor of the French Revolution, the church was partially destroyed and the stones recycled.

In countries Hispanics , the asterism of Orion's belt is called " Las Tres Marias " (The Three Mary).

Orion correlation theory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orion_correlation_theory

The Orion correlation theory (or Giza–Orion correlation theory)[1] is a hypothesis in alternative Egyptology. Its central claim is that there is a correlation between the location of the three largest pyramids of the Giza pyramid complex and Orion's Belt of the constellation Orion, and that this correlation was intended as such by the builders of the pyramids. The stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the god of rebirth and afterlife, by the ancient Egyptians.

equineluvr ago

That is not proof or even evidence of cloning. It merely establishes a correlation. It is far more likely that these children are being targeted, even bred. No cloning evidence has been introduced to date that I have seen.

Truthplease5 ago

maybe caris james is your connection to caris and james for james alefantis?

murphy212 ago

Maybe targeting children with genetic disorders for ritual abuse/sacrifice can be explained with something akin to the acknowledged belief (widespread in parts of Africa) that children with the genetic disorder of albinism can transmit magical powers (by being used in rituals and eaten) : see here. Maybe their kabbalistic/hermetic beliefs hold something similar.

Or maybe it's the opposite: these children lives have no value, it is a sin to have let them be born, somehow it is okay to do to them what they're doing. That kind of eugenicist thought is unfortunately anything but inexistant

Apothecarist ago

Yeah, I've been sorta thinking about this along the lines of the Rh factor. It seems Rh- people are more susceptible to genetic disorders and also tend to have fairer skin and lighter eyes. But if they think this is some ancient lineage, perhaps they are using the Rh+ people to genetically correct some of these conditions. Or, on the other hand, if they think Rh+ people are tainted (due to the Rh coming from the rhesus monkey), maybe they are carrying out some eugenics program. If people really are more susceptible to HIV or Ebola for having the Rh+ blood, then that would make the sudden occurrence of these diseases and Simian contamination in vaccines a bit more interesting.

equineluvr ago

This leads us to the Georgia Guidestones, the depop. monument which expresses goal of a world population of 500 mil.

If all the survivors are Rh-, they are in a heap of trouble! Rheumatoid arthritis and its atypical variant psoriatic arthritis, etc (which runs in my family), etc. They would HAVE to do extensive genetic screening and/or "correcting" as you mention.

ansipizza ago

Maybe a cool project would be to pull up a large number of photos of missing children and count how many have coloboma. If 1 in 10000 people have coloboma, but somehow 1 in 200 missing children do, well, that would be a fascinating smoking gun of sorts. Just a thought.

jangles ago

http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/sigma/ckozfn16370?lang=en&region=US PAX2 - market price Just $5k for 10 aliquots. The pedos are just a tool for them to increase peptide production.

Apothecarist ago

It's been a few years since I've stepped foot in a lab but that link is for a Zinc Finger Nuclease. These enzymes are used to create "knockout" strains for research. The one you linked is to specifically "knockout" the human PAX2 gene. If you are not familiar with this technology, knockouts are used to study the effects of removing specific genes from the genome. So this one in particular would be used to study the effects of a missing PAX2 gene (and consequently, the importance of a PAX2 gene). PAX2 is involved in many signaling pathways and has been studied for a long time (I learned about it in many of my undergraduate courses).

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233383105_Signaling_pathways_of_PAX2_and_its_role_in_renal_interstitial_fibrosis_and_glomerulosclerosis (not the best image but I don't feel like looking any further atm)

As a side note, nothing is cheap in the biotech industry. It is not uncommon for a peptide or enzyme to cost hundred/thousands of dollars, even if you are only buying a few microliters. With that said, research is typically done on animal models. But I'm sure there's an interest in doing research on human models...and obtaining certain enzymes/peptides/tissues.

Apothecarist ago

On a side note, I have not done much research on melanin and will look into it soon. I have heard the melanin - pineal gland connection, though. Just wanted to let you know I didn't completely ignore the sources you cited! In relation to the Tuskegee experiments, and possible Ebola controversies...that would make the test subjects black (along with a lot of missing orphans/refugees not being white). Knowing our sordid history with racism, however, there's a possibility they saw blacks as a better "guinea pig" than whites (same for the gays with HIV). All humans/most animals produce melanin so animals could be the source of it, but there's no denying there's more melanin in humans with darker skin. Melanin is necessary, though, for proper development of the iris (coloboma connection??).

And would you look at this!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melanin The connection between albinism and deafness is well known, though poorly understood. In his 1859 treatise On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin observed that "cats which are entirely white and have blue eyes are generally deaf".[20] In humans, hypopigmentation and deafness occur together in the rare Waardenburg's syndrome, predominantly observed among the Hopi in North America.

Apothecarist ago

It is true that the HeLa cell line is the main cell line used for a lot of research today (I've worked with it), and it is because they do not die like other cell lines. Regular cells cannot thrive in the lab without the rest of the body to support it. The HeLa cell line is cancerous - it was taken from Henrietta Lack's biopsied tumor (These cell lines are cancerous because of HPV - I'm not sure what they mean when they say they took it without her permission...but HPV is what they test for in a pap smear. Perhaps she gave them a sample, they noticed it didn't die like the others and they saved it/replicated it without her consent?). These cells replicate in nutrient agar very well, while previous cell lines died after a few days (imagine how much this stunted research).

Ironically, when I graduated from school my lab instructor gave me the book "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot" and I have yet to read it (maybe I will now). Looking it up on wikipedia, there are a few things that strike me as odd:

  • HeLa cells were used by Jonas Salk to test the first polio vaccine in the 1950s.
  • In the spring of 1953, a cell culture factory was established at Tuskegee University to supply Salk and other labs with HeLa cells.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding both Salk/the polio vaccine, and especially Tuskegee University (Tuskegee syphilis experiment) "Just weeks after the Salk vaccine had been declared safe, more than 200 polio cases were traced to lots contaminated with virulent live polio strains manufactured by the Cutter Laboratories" http://www.history.com/news/8-things-you-may-not-know-about-jonas-salk-and-the-polio-vaccine

Interesting, Cutter Laboratories -- while doing this investigation I came across the news that Hillary/Bill were knowingly allowing the sale of HIV/Hep-C blood to hemophiliacs https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/4jv950/clinton_scandal_you_may_not_have_heard_of/
Cutter Laboratories was owned by Bayer. Bayer and Monsanto just formed a merger, and Hillary has been dubbed the “Bride of Frankenfood” for accepting donations and advocating GMOs on their behalf. Not to mention Bayer was responsible for the development and testing of Zyklon B on Jewish slave laborers during the Holocaust. They admitted it http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/news/bayer-nazi-role-article-1.701925. Bayer also invented chlorine gas and mustard gas. Monsanto helped develop the first nuclear bomb during the Manhattan project.

As a biochemist, for a few years now I have been interested in HIV and Ebola. There's a lot of controversy surrounding their seemingly "out of the blue" outbreaks. Both viruses/similar viruses were apparently being worked on in Africa, out of US funded labs. Their Simian counterparts have been studied as well.

  • For HIV: Look into the hepatitis B vaccine, its contamination (The polio vaccine was found to be contaminated with SV40). Rumor has it, the Hep B vaccine might’ve been contaminated with something like HIV. Look into Simian immunodeficiency viruses (we have done experiments with them…notice how the Rhesus factor comes into play here “Extensive studies in sooty mangabeys have established that SIVsmm infection does not cause any disease in these animals, despite high levels of circulating virus. However, if this virus infects an Asian or Indian rhesus macaque, the animal will develop simian AIDS (SAIDS)” – from Wikipedia. Sooo Rh+ = HIV, Rh- = no HIV – put Rhesus monkey into wikileaks, notice the US was dead set on obtaining Rhesus monkeys, and they were even starting a farm for research purposes. This could be for regular things such as the development of the RhoGAM vaccine, or hey who knows…) Look into Dr. Robert Gallo, he "discovered" HIV. He also inoculated monkeys with HIV and released them back into the wild. How about the now declassified U.S. Special Virus Program?

  • For Ebola: See George Soros, Kenema, USAMRIID, CDC patent CA2741523A1...why are Africans avoiding the Red Cross and claiming it is them that gave them all ebola? and now we are working on a vaccine? (It also doesn't take much to look into the companies developing it to see the fishy history/funding there...but with science comes a lot of mistakes, and it's expensive as we’ve established). Additionally, remember the period of time when Ebola broke out Boko Haram was apparently kidnapping a bunch of children? I could’ve sworn when I was doing research back then that I’d seen an article where the African people were saying it wasn’t true…

  • Now as for a weird connection, how about that doctor that claims to have cured Ebola victims using HIV drugs? Why was he reprimanded for doing so? What’s the molecular link between HIV and Ebola (this is what fascinates me)? http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/27/health/ebola-hiv-drug/

I’ve done this research multiple times over the past few years so a lot of what I am saying is coming off the top of my head. Also the sources I'm googling atm are not that credible and I have to go in a minute so I will not cite any sources but if you dig into this rabbit hole...it gets weird. I will try to delve into it and link some sources over the next few days.

Modern science has made tons and tons of progress since the 1950's. There are many ethical questions involved...animal research, stem cell research, genetic modification and the human genome project, etc. A lot of experiments that go well in animal models...do not go well in clinical trials with humans (and vice versa). Besides the question of ethics, experimenting on humans would be the next step. Take away ethics - add money, warfare, the possible quest for immortality into the mix. If people are willing to rape, murder, traffic and harvest organs from others - especially in an organized, underground matter, I cannot see why there wouldn't be a select few willing to do human experiments. Just knowing about this HeLa cell line, the Tuskegee experiments, MkUltra and the list goes on (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_States)) makes it incredibly plausible that we’re into some sketchy shit. While the satanic ritual abuse seems to happen, it’d seem a waste to me that they’d just dump perfectly good human tissue when they could be using it for stuff such as the aforementioned.

jangles ago

Hisv bengazzi comes to mind. Do you know much about that?

Apothecarist ago


Is that what you are referring to? If so, no I hadn't heard about it until I googled it! Thanks for the info.

jangles ago

MSM does great journalism, that is why.

Sharipie ago

The scheme I was referring to was their tagging kids as targets. Wondering how that works. Is it JA's job to ID and kidnap the kids. IOW is he the supplier. Do people somehow signal to him on Instagram that "yes theyll take that one" and then JA kidnaps the child, holds him/her awhile somewhere, and then delivers the "merchandise"?

SpikyAube ago

Haha and see if someone contacts you in order to buy your lovely broccoli?

Sharipie ago

Could you elaborate on this scheme a bit, please? I'm not quite understanding it but feel you are on to something important.

Cuboctahedron ago


I want to add that Alefantis is not the only person to use the #carisjames hashtag. I've seen at least two uses by k8damon (Kate Damon). I don't know if anyone's looked into her yet. There may be others, but I'm only aware of use by Alefantis and Damon.

520patriot ago

I think this confirms that these sick fucks are targeting people with this gene

srayzie ago

If they were run aways, they wouldn't have their faces posted online like they are in a lineup for display. Some look mentally disabled and drugged too. Why would a photographer post people online for casting like that unless he's putting them on display. The comments are suspicious too. Followers and all that are weird too and someone said yesterday that they were friends with Comet on Instagram too. I don't know if that parts true or not

srayzie ago

If they were rescued, they wouldn't be displayed with faces like that as if they are for the picking. Many look drugged up. Comments seem very suspicious. Did you see the very mentally disabled guy?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Could Lady Gaga have this Waardenburg disease?

equineluvr ago

She doesn't appear to have it to my eye. She certainly doesn't have hearing difficulties/deafness.

No, she just has J disease. :)

KansasJakeBG ago

Peas in a pod?

falseflagthesenuts ago

two pea's in a podesta

equineluvr ago

Good one. :)

Apothecarist ago

So this may be a bit of a stretch/coincidence but I figured I'd offer it up anyway

Amanda Kleinman of Heavy Breathing/Majestic Ape
There are theories going around that the lead of Majestic Ape (rhesus monkey??) might actually be James Alefantis https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1434482

She apparently works at George Washington University

Take a look at her degrees: B.A. Hearing and Speech Science, M.S. Special Education w/ concentration in Mild to Moderate Disabilities

"Waardenburg syndrome is a rare genetic disorder most often characterized by varying degrees of deafness, minor defects in structures arising from the neural crest, and pigmentation changes." https://www.revolvy.com/topic/Waardenburg%20syndrome&item_type=topic


Lol. It hit me.


True. Very true. Hmmm

neo50 ago

Upvoted for your participation. Thank you for going from lurker to poster!

ArthurEdens ago


dutch-justice ago

Tim Caine, HRC's running mate has it too!

SturdyGal ago

This article shows hands like John Podesta's hands associated with Waardenburg Syndrome: See Figure 9

Image Only

Sharipie ago

Great catch!

thezodiac ago

This is total bullshit, sorry

UglyTruth ago

The Caduceus as a medical symbol relates to the serpent of Numbers 21:8

FriesischShipping ago

I'm starting to think these children are selected for a cult or to be a MK Ultra CIA victim because they are more susceptible to personality fracturing giving them DID. If it's tied in with Rh- I'll be even more convinced.

Htaed ago

Maybe some of these billionaires have rh- blood and they can only have blood transfusion from children of the same blood type. Since they're billionaires they're willing to pay top dollars for them.

They may farm these kids like dairy cows. george soros.

equineluvr ago

^^ This is spot on!

srayzie ago

If you look at a lot of pictures, there are even mentally disabled people. Just crazy stuff. I can't believe this guy gets away with this by saying their models and has it under casting. That's sad (photography), at least that's what he calls it

ArthurEdens ago

Amen to that

SpikyAube ago

Whats the scheme?!

28leinad82 ago

This makes the #hotard comment even more significant...

Kawksnahch ago

Looking at that guy immediately made me think of Sasuke from Naruto and his Sharingan eyes. His colomba gave him super powers. The more torn his eyes got, the more powerful he became.


Yes, thanks for the link. The webpage in question was:


How many webpages are "excluded" from the Wayback Machine? I've never even seen this before. I find it extremely suspicious and incline towards the view that this is the true meaning. Especially because we know Alefantis spent at least part of his childhood in Hawaii. I think he could be a cult child. Could he possibly have grown up to be a cult leader?

Stukov ago

So what is the James part of carisjames then?


Most people assume it's a reference to Alefantis himself, but I think that's not self-evident.

Investigate1999 ago

Good research!

Would fix that Google search at the bottom, please? It doesn't work, when I click on it.

Apothecarist ago

The google link I posted? https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=waardenburg%20caris

It still seems to work for me :(
Let me know if there's a specific way I can fix it. Just redo the search and repost?

Investigate1999 ago

My browser must be too old. Don't worry about it, then.

Thanks again for your good work!

Apothecarist ago

I am using the latest version of chrome if that helps :)

Investigate1999 ago

It kind of does, but my browsers are probably about 3-6 years old. I'm trying to upgrade my computers.

Yuser_Manuel ago

Has it been proven the girls name is Caris?


Some people believe that it is her name. My view is that if these are perfectly innocent photos in which a child is tagged by her name they would simply be tagged #caris. Why add the "james"? And why add the name "james" just to "caris" and no other name? I'm sure that, whether or not the girl's name is Caris, there is an extra layer of meaning here.

srayzie ago

Please Upvote! I think these people are being used for Human trafficking! Although these people are not little children, many look like teens.

This reminded me of a suspicious Instagram page I found before. There were tons of strange pictures on it. These are supposed to be "models"! You will not believe your eyes. Many people look drugged, strange looking or deformed. But what stood out was some of the strange faces like the ones you just shared! Here are just a few examples. I thought some may be inbred. https://sli.mg/qtVPPn.jpg http://sli.mg/sMifRP.jpg http://sli.mg/AbtRVV.jpg http://sli.mg/RKMjiu.jpg http://sli.mg/j6YwUJ.jpg http://sli.mg/sMifRP.jpg https://www.instagram.com/walterpearce/ http://www.walterpearce.info/

dickface8 ago

All those pics are gone...

srayzie ago

Wow I wonder why? Someone probably informed them that we were talking about him

contrary_mma_hipster ago

You and me both had the same instant recollection of the bizarre Walter Pierce modeling agency.


I do believe there is a connection here.

srayzie ago

Right??? There has to be a connection because Rachel is connected to Bill Clinton! Did you see how there are drugged and messed up looking people on there as if they are trafficking them? I couldn't believe all the stuff I seen. Why was that thread deleted?

falseflagthesenuts ago

Dude, why the fuck do they all look like cast members who didnt make it in 'Requiem for a Dream'..........................

falseflagthesenuts ago

Most of these posts are already removed from the pages, but these kids have red shit on their lips and look swollen. Look at it closer! What could be the reason! What. The. Mother. Fuck.

sore_ass_losers ago

The plastic sheeting used as a backdrop is both unusual and creepy.

srayzie ago

I think so too. It's not like they are trying to cover up a bad paint job. Their whole place looks like crap

sore_ass_losers ago

Could be a portable killroom? Why put up plastic sheeting?

RecycledUser ago

And I agree, the eye thing is just too coincidental for one group of 'models'. Back when I first saw those pages, i did think there has to be some inbreeding going on.

srayzie ago

Wow I didn't know about the Epstein connection!

RecycledUser ago

The picture of her and WJC is probably in the archive.is.

RecycledUser ago

Yes, there's been threads and discussion s here and on Reddit about his 'modeling' agency he owns with Rachel (forgot her last name). She has some very disturbing pics also, and is known to have been with WJC on Epstein trip at at a younger (minor) age. Edit: found it, him and Rachel Chandler, Midland agency New York.

redditsuckz ago

People With Rhesus Negative Blood May Be Aliens – Your News Wire


Rh-Negative = Purest blood.

Might not be related but is interesting.

SpikyAube ago

Huh, and these people with this syndrome all kind of look alien-like with the eyes set far apart.

Yuser_Manuel ago

Podesta was particularly interested in aliens right? Rh- bloodline of the gods. Google that. It's not letting me link.

sore_ass_losers ago

Yes, there are some interesting, strange theories about Rh-.

IlluminatedJellyfish ago

My bloodline. Children on James Alefantis Instagram were said to feature the same eye distinguishing mark. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1458452

Preface The Greek for soul is Psyche. The Psyche can also refer to a butterfly. Whomever possesses your Psyche (Soul), Possesses you.

Descartes called The Pineal Gland "The Seat Of The Soul" Source: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/pineal-gland/

We could conclusively call the Pineal Gland, the gateway drug, in that it plays a major role within near death experience and day dreaming. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near-death_experience

At the age of 12 years old, according to rational wiki, half of the populations pineal glands will have calcified. source: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Pineal_gland

It would be presumable, the calcified pineal glands are the result of a lack of amino-acid within the diet, or speculatively genetics.


It has been discussed in various various threads that many of the trafficked children carry this particular genetic trait: Coloboma of the eye. Source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1448346

While many speculate John Podesta & Tony Podesta are responsible for the kidnapping of Madeline McCann, due to their likeness in the photo released of potential suspects. source: http://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/top-news/podesta-brothers-revealed/

The idea of the significance of McCann's Coloboma, is that it is shared with SOROS.

Below is information relating the the genetic origins of

"Snake-in-the-eye" as part of Sigurd's name denoted a physical characteristics. He was born with a mark in his left eye, described as the image of the Ouroboros (a snake biting its own tail) encircling the pupil of his eye. The snake mark had been prophesied by his mother Aslaug, the daughter of the Valkyrie Brynhildr. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigurd_Snake-in-the-Eye

In modern times, it has been suggested that the mark in Sigurd's eye was a result of a congenital mutation of the PAX6 gene. Source: http://en.rodovid.org/wk/Person:58462

Okay so where does that bring us folks? That's right, the cloning.

Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? http://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t3214-why-have-the-mccanns-lied-about-maddie-s-coloboma-for-4-years

The changing Coloboma of Madeleine http://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t984-the-changing-coloboma-of-madeleine

Clement Freud had the McCanns over for tea http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3643373/PICTURED-sinister-holiday-villa-paedophile-MP-Clement-Freud-hosted-McCanns-weeks-Madeleine-vanished.html

Who is related to Sigmund, father of Anna Freud who forms an institute with Tavistock involved in the snatching of children for secret military programs, discussed here: https://vid.me/GmbX

EXTENSION BUT YOU DON'T LOOK AFGHAN (Alexander The Great Genetics) http://www.burqasandbeer.com/but-you-dont-look-afghan/


Perdiccas appointed Ptolemy, one of Alexander's closest companions, to be satrap of Egypt. Ptolemy ruled Egypt from 323 BC, nominally in the name of the joint kings Philip III and Alexander IV. ... As Ptolemy I Soter ("Saviour"), he founded the Ptolemaic dynasty that was to rule Egypt for nearly 300 years. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptolemaic_Kingdom

The Ptolemaic Kingdom (/ˌtɒləˈmeɪ.ɪk/; Ancient Greek: Πτολεμαϊκὴ βασιλεία, Ptolemaïkḕ Basileía)[3] was a Hellenistic kingdom based in Egypt. It was ruled by the Ptolemaic dynasty which started with Ptolemy I Soter's accession after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and which ended with the death of Cleopatra VII and the Roman conquest in 30 BC. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptolemaic_Kingdom

The village was noted as "Ra" (see below) in the 4th century AD by the Roman geographer Rufus Festus Avienus. In the 6th century, the archbishopric of Arles was active and created a monastery or church in the town, named St. Mary, a favorite of the fishermen. The village became known as Notre-Dame-de-Ratis (Our Lady of the Boat - Râ being used in ratis, or boat) in reference to the three Marys arriving by boat. (Droit, 1963, 19). The name was later changed to Notre-Dame-de-la-Mer (Our Lady of the Sea, a synonym for the Virgin Mary).

The current Church of the Saintes Maries de la Mer was built from the 9th to the 12th century, as a fortress and a refuge. It can be seen from 10 km away. It has a fresh water well inside, for when the villagers had to take shelter from raiders. In the 9th century, the town suffered raids from the Mediterranean Sea by the Vikings and later from the Saracens. In the 15th century, someone "discovered" the relics of Mary of Clopas and Mary Salome, who were said to have arrived there by sea (together with Mary Magdalene). The 500th anniversary of this event was celebrated in the 20th century by Pope John XXIII.

In 1720, the town was spared by the plague. During the anti-clerical fervor of the French Revolution, the church was partially destroyed and the stones recycled.

In countries Hispanics , the asterism of Orion's belt is called " Las Tres Marias " (The Three Mary).

Orion correlation theory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orion_correlation_theory

The Orion correlation theory (or Giza–Orion correlation theory)[1] is a hypothesis in alternative Egyptology. Its central claim is that there is a correlation between the location of the three largest pyramids of the Giza pyramid complex and Orion's Belt of the constellation Orion, and that this correlation was intended as such by the builders of the pyramids. The stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the god of rebirth and afterlife, by the ancient Egyptians.

jangles ago

Up voat this

IlluminatedJellyfish ago

I know you work for them.

redditsuckz ago

No doubt these vampires would want the rarest and best blood on the market and that would be the RH-negative kind.


Its not very reassuring the medical community uses the "Caduceus symbol" of 2 snakes to represent them;


Medical Symbol;


Same symbol also found on Satans crotch;


They have access to all records of everyone's blood-type...

equineluvr ago

You don't get it.

They MUST have Rh-negative blood. That is not an "option." That is why some of these theories don't work for me.

Stukov ago

The picture Behomet was created and borrowed from older symbolism that had nothing to do with what that image was for.

Just like the Nazi's took the swashtika, the lightning bolts, and tons of other symbols and made it their own.

equineluvr ago

Not exactly. But I know that's what the mainstream version of history teaches.

Godwillwin ago

Whoah. Weird. I'll have to ask a doctor fiend of mine what was taught to them about the symbolism of the medical symbol.

IlluminatedJellyfish ago

The Caduceus is a negative emblem adopted by the American Medical Association.

They should be using The Rod Of Asclepius which represents medicine.

Stab ago

It's weird no on can agree on where the symbol comes from. Some say Greek mythology, others say Moses in the Bible: http://drblayney.com/Asclepius.html

amyrebeccajames ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoRa3MZxV8g This series explains nearly every element of symbology of the Satanic Egyptian Mystery religion since the beginning of time, including the symbol on the medical stuff. I think it's not a Caduces I think it might be called something else. Started rewatching this series yesterday while working. Or listening to it rather. This is a photo of Baphomet, not Satan, although all images of baphomet are Satanic. It's Satan's love child with Lilith, the first woman before Eve, who kills babies so she won't have to kill her own demon children. That's where circumcision came from. Satan not God. Child mutilation goes back to the beginning of time.

party1981 ago

This is truly an amazing find.

Commonwombat ago

Where are ALL the kids on his Instagram that have the eye defect? Your statement is blatant sensationalism and false. I can't see the defects.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Found this interesting!

Achilles the greek roman - Camp Half-Blood www.camphalfblood.org › t21869-achill... Apr 5, 2015 - 5 posts - ‎1 author ... travelling to the forges to make armour and weapons for the legion. .... a doctor, who diagnosed it as Waardenburg Syndrome, and so Alex

Apothecarist ago

Weird coincidence "James Achilles Alefanti" https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1429742

anolegion ago

Caris in your link refers to Congenital Anomaly Register & Information Service aka CARIS. They're in fucking Wales.

Where's the link?


And Madeline McCann was in Portugal!

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Holy fucking shit. What a find, well done. I feel like this is big.

crazimal ago

Caris is the name of the girl.

She has no coloboma.

I used to do eye research, I know.

Fwiw NONE of the kids in photos draggged into any of these voat, chan, and Reddit discussions have iris coloboma, except for Madeleine McCann who does.

Don't be stupid, people. Learn more before you post.

That means you, too, jangles.

Godwillwin ago

Just curious- not being snarky. Is the differentiation between iris coloboma and segmented heterochromis that the spot in the eye of colonies seems/looks as if it's leaking from the pupil? Like a black spot leaking from the black inkwell of the pupil??

I know two kids (siblings) that have blue eyes and each one has a brown spot in one their irises that spans from the pupil to the outer edge of the iris. But it's brown spots, whereas Madeleine's looks black like the pupil leaked into her iris. I hope I'm explaining myself understandably??

Just don't want to be running around thinking a segment of iris that is different color is colobona if it's not.

VieBleu ago

crazimal I'd be happy to walk away from this line of research based on your statement, but you'll need to provide documentation of your research history, credentials, and why based on your expert opinion you can decisively say no children's pictures that have been discussed reveal coloboma.

Otherwise DAFO.

crazimal ago

no, you can look up what coloboma is online and educate yourself.

there is no need to doxx myself.

if "DAFO" means what I think, die yourself.

or at least take a nice nap away from keyboard.

VieBleu ago

Can't you read? I'm not asking about coloboma is, I'm calling you out on your fake "research" background. lol


It's a shill lol........... is it not obvious? imho. We will see how the account pans out.

VieBleu ago


RexAxisMundi ago

I'm keen to see the credentials.

VieBleu ago

lol no breath holding on that though, not good for your health.

RexAxisMundi ago

Hey now, we might be pleasantly surprised haha

LawofTruth ago

How can we prove her name is Caris?

party1981 ago

No, all four of these people have the coloboma:

  1. George Soros
  2. Maddy McCann
  3. Caris James
  4. the eye in the Majestic Ape music video that is flashed full screen multiple times

The odds of that happening by chance are basically 0%. It is part of their weird cult.

crazimal ago

soros I am pretty damn sure has not got it, have seen many pictures of his eyes. caris has iris nevus at best, no coloboma visible in any of the pictures shown here. mccann has it. eye in video. - so maybe it is part of their cult to have this obsession. maybe because of mccann, maybe because of the ouroboros symoblogy. Does not prove all these people have it.


I don't think it is cult-related. I think that George Soros is looking for people with similar blood/organs for transplants and or ritual sacrifice.

party1981 ago

"I don't think it is cult-related." "ritual sacrifice"

You seem to be contradicting yourself.

If you watch the Heavy Breathing/Apes videos, you will realize that it is a kind of cult, and they value the coloboma.


You're mist definitely right.

SpikyAube ago

That defect would not indicate that the kid is a match for blood and organs, unless you mean that he is being cloned as female children. But even then, my understanding si that the defect is random so would not be a part of his original genetic blueprint, therefore would not be passed to a clone. For example there are identical twins where one has a coloboma and the other doesn't. Having said that though there has also been at least one case of identical twins where they both had identical coloboma in both eyes, so there could be different routes to a similar phenotype.


You're right. It does seem cult related.

Cuboctahedron ago

Fred Trump, the father of the president elect, seemed to have a coloboma in the same spot as Madeline McCann. What are the odds?

crazimal ago

reported prevalence of of iris coloboma 2-14 per 100,000

reported prevalence of iris nevus ~5 per 100

so for simplicity's sake, ~1,000 times more likely Fred Trump, or anyone with a "spot" visible on their iris, has iris nevus (or even melanoma if unlucky), not coloboma.


100% I hate to let you guys know that Trump is controlled opposition.

Real opposition is someone like Hitler screaming his head off and explaining the truth to his people. Telling people that there is a "satanic power" with a grip over the country.


If Trump is 'controlled opposition,' I find the extent of opposition to Trump very hard to explain. If he is indeed 'controlled opposition,' then the people controlling him are not very important in the larger scheme of things and do not have very deep pockets. I find it more plausible that he is in control of himself. That said, he does appear to have a connexion of some as yet to be clarified sort with Israel or, at least, the Netanyahu faction in Israel.


He is Jewish. Orthodox Jews rule the world: hence he is likely controlled opposition.

Watch the whole thing:




Nazism is about love. Imagine there had been the largest populist movement in history. Imagine it overthrew all monetary influence, all big banks, all special interests, all divisive factions, and brought together millions of people from different creeds, races, and childhoods.

You can imagine that if the displaced bankers and special interests and former rulers of the world ever managed to defeat that movement, they would paint it as the worst thing in history. They would use everything they have to prevent it from occurring again. They can't allow it, because they feed off of hatred among the people. They would infiltrate the movement's lineage and warp it to disgust the people. They would make everything that this movement of peace stood for, and tell the world that it was the opposite. They would attempt to destroy any reconstruction of it.

National Socialism was that movement.


I'm not arguing with you about Nazism, which was indeed a genuinely oppositional movement, perhaps the most radical there has ever been, I'm arguing that it doesn't make sense to dismiss Trump as 'controlled opposition.' If 'Orthodox Jews rule the world,' and they support Trump, then Trump should have been the favoured candidate from the very beginning and he should have received by far the largest volume of campaign donations. Why would such a powerful political force as the Jews risk Trump losing, if he was their man?

equineluvr ago

Riiight! Nazis were the opposition. That's why Prescott Bush and his goons supported them. That's why the Vatican supported them. That's why Hitler was a member of the Thule Society, a Freemasonic organization.

No cigar. Please try again.




You have valid points. I think there is a chance he is controlled opposition. I don't know how likely.


I'd agree there's a chance. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.


Indeed brother. Indeed.

Apothecarist ago

I guess the image could be doctored but this is the link that originally made me believe "Caris" might have coloboma: https://i.sli.mg/HLsbAY.png It's kind of hard to tell, but there could be something in her right eye.

found here https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1458452

dickface8 ago

Pics gone, surprising...


The eyes are also baggy, even on the children.

FriesischShipping ago

Just like Soros

Jem777 ago

I believe you are onto something here as well. There has been some research here on this but it should be a focal point. This Registry involves people with Rh- blood types which can lead to coloboma and because of how rare it is there has to be a worldwide registry. Also that would mean the baby at birth like in McCann case would be identified and registered so she might have been tracked or as mentioned before there is dispute of biological parents.

sore_ass_losers ago

I've been looking for proof that Rh- blood types can lead to coloboma and that McCann was/is Rh-.

There is a lot of speculation based on these two points so it is an important issue.

IlluminatedJellyfish ago

Children on James Alefantis Instagram were said to feature the same eye distinguishing mark. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1458452

Preface The Greek for soul is Psyche. The Psyche can also refer to a butterfly. Whomever possesses your Psyche (Soul), Possesses you.

Descartes called The Pineal Gland "The Seat Of The Soul" Source: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/pineal-gland/

We could conclusively call the Pineal Gland, the gateway drug, in that it plays a major role within near death experience and day dreaming. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near-death_experience

At the age of 12 years old, according to rational wiki, half of the populations pineal glands will have calcified. source: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Pineal_gland

It would be presumable, the calcified pineal glands are the result of a lack of amino-acid within the diet, or speculatively genetics.


It has been discussed in various various threads that many of the trafficked children carry this particular genetic trait: Coloboma of the eye. Source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1448346

While many speculate John Podesta & Tony Podesta are responsible for the kidnapping of Madeline McCann, due to their likeness in the photo released of potential suspects. source: http://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/top-news/podesta-brothers-revealed/

The idea of the significance of McCann's Coloboma, is that it is shared with SOROS.

Below is information relating the the genetic origins of

"Snake-in-the-eye" as part of Sigurd's name denoted a physical characteristics. He was born with a mark in his left eye, described as the image of the Ouroboros (a snake biting its own tail) encircling the pupil of his eye. The snake mark had been prophesied by his mother Aslaug, the daughter of the Valkyrie Brynhildr. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigurd_Snake-in-the-Eye

In modern times, it has been suggested that the mark in Sigurd's eye was a result of a congenital mutation of the PAX6 gene. Source: http://en.rodovid.org/wk/Person:58462

Okay so where does that bring us folks? That's right, the cloning.

Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? http://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t3214-why-have-the-mccanns-lied-about-maddie-s-coloboma-for-4-years

The changing Coloboma of Madeleine http://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t984-the-changing-coloboma-of-madeleine

Clement Freud had the McCanns over for tea http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3643373/PICTURED-sinister-holiday-villa-paedophile-MP-Clement-Freud-hosted-McCanns-weeks-Madeleine-vanished.html

Who is related to Sigmund, father of Anna Freud who forms an institute with Tavistock involved in the snatching of children for secret military programs, discussed here: https://vid.me/GmbX

EXTENSION BUT YOU DON'T LOOK AFGHAN (Alexander The Great Genetics) http://www.burqasandbeer.com/but-you-dont-look-afghan/


Perdiccas appointed Ptolemy, one of Alexander's closest companions, to be satrap of Egypt. Ptolemy ruled Egypt from 323 BC, nominally in the name of the joint kings Philip III and Alexander IV. ... As Ptolemy I Soter ("Saviour"), he founded the Ptolemaic dynasty that was to rule Egypt for nearly 300 years. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptolemaic_Kingdom

The Ptolemaic Kingdom (/ˌtɒləˈmeɪ.ɪk/; Ancient Greek: Πτολεμαϊκὴ βασιλεία, Ptolemaïkḕ Basileía)[3] was a Hellenistic kingdom based in Egypt. It was ruled by the Ptolemaic dynasty which started with Ptolemy I Soter's accession after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and which ended with the death of Cleopatra VII and the Roman conquest in 30 BC. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptolemaic_Kingdom

The village was noted as "Ra" (see below) in the 4th century AD by the Roman geographer Rufus Festus Avienus. In the 6th century, the archbishopric of Arles was active and created a monastery or church in the town, named St. Mary, a favorite of the fishermen. The village became known as Notre-Dame-de-Ratis (Our Lady of the Boat - Râ being used in ratis, or boat) in reference to the three Marys arriving by boat. (Droit, 1963, 19). The name was later changed to Notre-Dame-de-la-Mer (Our Lady of the Sea, a synonym for the Virgin Mary).

The current Church of the Saintes Maries de la Mer was built from the 9th to the 12th century, as a fortress and a refuge. It can be seen from 10 km away. It has a fresh water well inside, for when the villagers had to take shelter from raiders. In the 9th century, the town suffered raids from the Mediterranean Sea by the Vikings and later from the Saracens. In the 15th century, someone "discovered" the relics of Mary of Clopas and Mary Salome, who were said to have arrived there by sea (together with Mary Magdalene). The 500th anniversary of this event was celebrated in the 20th century by Pope John XXIII.

In 1720, the town was spared by the plague. During the anti-clerical fervor of the French Revolution, the church was partially destroyed and the stones recycled.

In countries Hispanics , the asterism of Orion's belt is called " Las Tres Marias " (The Three Mary).

Orion correlation theory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orion_correlation_theory

The Orion correlation theory (or Giza–Orion correlation theory)[1] is a hypothesis in alternative Egyptology. Its central claim is that there is a correlation between the location of the three largest pyramids of the Giza pyramid complex and Orion's Belt of the constellation Orion, and that this correlation was intended as such by the builders of the pyramids. The stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the god of rebirth and afterlife, by the ancient Egyptians.

Apothecarist ago

Idk how credible this website is but it claims the Basque population (Spain/France) and their descendants have the highest percentage of Rh- negative blood types.
"Then there is the Haplogroup J frequency connecting the Basque population with the ancient Sumerians...Haplogroup J is also quite high amongst the Celtic populations of the British Isles."

Halplogroup J seems to have something to do with the mitochondria and causes optic neuropathy.
Back to that email: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/44836 "Gene Editing and Eugenics by Pete Shanks - A recent commentary on the UK law allowing clinical use of mitochondrial replacement celebrates it as a benign form of eugenics. Is there such a thing?"

Could it be possible they want to keep their bloodline clean, yet find a way to fix the inevitable genetic defects?

salinaslayer ago

so essentially a continuation of royal bloodlines despite how inbred they've become

truly pathetic

Godwillwin ago

I think the CARIS registry is for all congenital anomalies and is for Whales. I just noticed that. I might be wrong

Fatsack ago

Since Soros has it and is old as shit, they probably use it to find compatible organs to keep the sadistic old fuck alive. Much like Rothschild getting his 5th heart transplant. Or perhaps it is for compatible blood transfusions for him, because these satanists believe the blood of the young keeps them immortal, or at least extend their life. It's called 'Parabiosis'.

RecycledUser ago

I totally agree.

MolochHunter ago

And we should all be aware of the implications by which the trafficking community will be on the lookout for kids that will fetch them a much higher price than the average haitian picaninny

Sharipie ago

Makes on wonder the real purpose of these registries.

LadyMinx ago

And the "23 and me" registries for ancestries and/or genetic diseases. Holy Crap. And people are paying for this service. They have all your info and can find a DNA match for organ trafficing. Dear God. What if this is the actual purpose?

SpikyAube ago

Eek, I hadn't thought of that, but the prospect is terrifying, and given what we've all been finding out, it's also not exactly unlikely. :-(


They are searching for people with DNA matches to steal their Creator/Universe-given bodies.

Sharipie ago

It's diabolical what the elites are doing.

SpikyAube ago

I don't think we should call them 'elites' anymore, they are about as elite as a week old piece of gum that has been raped and spat out by a Blobfish before landing in the stinking oozing turd of a dog that had been suffering from gastroenteritis and intestinal parasites.

Sharipie ago

Yes you're right. I was lazy. Still am. What should we call them?

Apothecarist ago

gonegoogling1 ago

This has got to be what they are doing. That's why the obvious panic mode. No wonder some of these mofos are so old. Makes me immediately think of Dick Cheney and David Rockefeller.

Godwillwin ago

From that email "First Gene-Edited Dogs Reported in China ( http://www.geneticsandsociety.rsvp1.com/s19803lfxBqj ) by Antonio Regalado, MIT Technology Review An extra-muscular beagle has been created through CRISPR-Cas9 genome engineering. Are we on our way to customizing the DNA of our pets, and children?"


Sharipie ago

This is amazing !

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Bingo! Holy Shit! Good Job! 1000 upvotes!

ArthurEdens ago

Prince Charles is the Prince of Wales. Wales was also where the Wicker Man took place right?

KansasJakeBG ago

The two explanations for the name Caris so far had been that it is a Welch name meaning love. And that it could be a shortening of the name of the muscle relaxer Carisopropole.

I am still not 100% convinced that Caris has coloboma but it is important si I put it in my first pizzagate art: http://kansasjake.deviantart.com/

Here is James' Instagram https://sli.mg/a/gaffhM

Yuser_Manuel ago

Carisoprodol aka soma Also Soma is a fictional drug from the books brave new world and island. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brave_New_World

Apothecarist ago

Soma might not be fictitious. It was used in ancient times during particular secret rites (Vedic). We don't know exactly what was in Soma but it's highly suspected to have contained hallucinogens. Soma could also have been the drink consumed during the Eleusinian Mysteries. Either way, these rituals were pretty much pagan holidays and/or initiations.

Update: this link has an interesting passage http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Soma

Haoma (Soma) the beverage still plays a major role in the ceremony of Yasna, the paramount Zoroastrian liturgy. This ritual involves the sacrifice of haoma in front of a fire. The ceremony is prefaced by the Paraga, a prepatory rite, where a number of ritual movements leads to the preparation of the haoma beverage, which consists of consecrated water, pomegranites, goat's milk and twigs (Marina Abramovic - https://i.sli.mg/laESt4.png)). This mixture is poured into a special well outside the building where the sacrifice is undertaken so that it may render its strengthening abilities upon all of creation. Thus, haoma fulfills the purpose of the Yasna, to purify the world by bridging the gap between the sacred and profane worlds so that they might come into union."

It's possible Caris/Soma is referencing the child to be used in a ritual (nectar of immortality, especially if this genetic anomaly indicates ancient lineage blood)


There's a third one. There's a cult located in Hawaii that has a cult leader whose webpage address ended with "carisjames" but the page itself has been deleted and has been excluded from the Wayback Machine.

sore_ass_losers ago

There is this: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1514623/7359084/10 about a Krishna cult in Hawaii, webpage was www.xanga.com/carisjames

KansasJakeBG ago

Holy fuck, that would be HUGE. How do I find that VOAT thread if it exists?

sore_ass_losers ago

See my reply. Personally, I don't know what to make of it.

Z11Mama ago

Since I have an adult friend named Caris it is a girls name to me. But...IF this defect has any significance, perhaps that is why this girl was named Caris.

KansasJakeBG ago

That is an amazing find.

There is only one child who comes up on JA Instagram, it's Caris Cummings, his goddaughter. It's hard to tell when she was a baby (they all look the same) but I looked at all the photos carefully and it's always Caris. She now lives in Portland.

LawofTruth ago

Interesting, can you provide proof or a source of how you know it's his god daughter?

KansasJakeBG ago

James has said that Caris is his goddaughter in two video interviews. There is no proof of this, it is what he says she is. It's a very convenient thing to say and I don't really think these people are Christian or Catholic, which is the function of godparents.

LawofTruth ago

Ok, can you edit your comment to say "alleged (by James Alefantis) to be his goddaughter". Because your comment reads that it's proven that she's his goddaughter - which helps to defend JA.

Also, how do we know this child is for sure Caris Cummings?

KansasJakeBG ago

No, and do you have face blindness? I have been looking at the photos for 60 days and I have also looked at Caris photos that are recent and published by her parents. She is in Oregon. You can do your own research.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

You have no proof the girl is even still alive.

KansasJakeBG ago

The most recent photos are about 6 months old if I recall correctly. But now, her parents have all the reasons in the world to make sure nobody butts into their business. I said BUTT LOL Why are you so vested in her being dead?

dickface8 ago

we're not, but prove to us your claims because you're the only one saying this.

LawofTruth ago

I'm not denying that it could be the same person (would have to study all the pics again). I'm saying we 1) don't know this is JA's goddaughter and 2) don't know her name. Both points help JA's case but are unproven.

KansasJakeBG ago

Let me tell you a story. James Alefantis has supported CC Woolman and Scott Cummings financially for 10 years. It is ALWAYS the same baby, I have looked at these photos for hours and I could describe them to you in detail one after the other. Because Caris is very important. CC and Scott don't spend all their time in D.C. but they were there when baby Caris was born. James tells us time and time again Caris is special, she has a purpose and she is his overtime. He doesn't ever refer to Mae, her older sister. Caris' parents have contributed their talents to the Comet operation. These people are in a chosen family. This bond is stronger than actual family. If Caris' parents decided independently that James will care for Caris should something bad happen to them (that is the purpose of goddparents) then who are we to judge. These are private agreements. Caris is not a stranger. She is, to him, his goddaughter. And this fact doesn't negate anything else. It's a minor detail. Caris seems fine right now but there is nothing we can do. I've consulted someone about this and we have to maintain a healthy line between caring about her safety and intruding in her life.

ETA: It's creepy to obsess over a kid like that but they are the ones who made a whole bunch of weird comments on her photo. I guess we will also have lots of splainin' to do when she gets older.

Pizzatemp420 ago

He claimed so in an interview. That all the 'proof' there is.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

He also claimed in an interview that she was his neice didnt he? Doesnt sound like a very accurate source.

Pizzatemp420 ago

I fully agree.


so-called god daughter

KansasJakeBG ago

The concept of godparents is ties to Christian and Catholic customs. If Caris is not baptised, all references to "god daughter" is casual and probably not supported by ANY paperwork. It's a convenient thing to say but it is James Alefantis who says it again and again, not me. (Keeping this in the vernacular reminds people he is lying)

equineluvr ago

True. Two possibilities:

  • He is using the term because it wouldn't raise suspicion. He isn't actually Catholic or Christian, and he and the parents have an "arrangement." Godfather is the "cover" term used to explain the relationship.
  • He could be "practicing Catholic or Christian" on the outside (not likely in this case given his overt homosexuality, but it's possible) but is not really an adherent. Perfect cover for a satanist.

Look up the word conversos or marranos. Crypto Js, Js who outwardly "joined the Catholic church" but were anything but. Same thing.

SpikyAube ago

Satan daughter

Z11Mama ago

Have you seen her sisters name anywhere?

KansasJakeBG ago

I think it is Mae. Mae is featured running away in the grass. She is in the baby catapult set where her mother points to the word Butt on her father's shirt. Mae can also be seen putting her face next to Caris when she was born. She is also in a picnic picture apparently making gestures with her hand. Those were the pictures of Mae in JA's saved Instagram. She seems to be of no interest to James. Which lends credence to the fact that there is something "special" about Caris. Could children like Madeleine McCann and Caris be bread specifically (in vitro) to be 100% matches for Soros as a donor? I mean if you are an old fuck who requires blood and organs, you can pay people with stars in their eyes to birth and partly raise a child for you, and then, oops, it goes missing. Want to bet that when Caris mysteriously vanishes, some random pizzagator will be blamed?

Z11Mama ago

There is a little girl that is being victimized. She appears to have a mark in her eye. What other explanations might there be besides Soros?

KansasJakeBG ago

Well, Caris is a Welch name, CARIS is a Welch registry. That's a pizzagate-style coincidence right there. The baby's iris is only slightly deformed and Madeleine's and Soros' eye is very deformed. If she does have coloboma then it's a really strong tie (you would have to cross reference coloboma in other abduction cases in the past 10 years). Since the McCann never mentioned the coloboma in Madeleine, it would indicate it's a secret or something that is kept out of the public mind. Madeleine McCann is an in vitro baby. Can we find out if Caris Cummings is an in vitro baby? I am working off the assumption that if Soros is involved, he is spawning compatible organ donors.

Z11Mama ago

I can't see what my last comment was. Sorry if I make no sense. There is a child I am concerned about that has a mark in her eye. Not prominent, but there, none the less. She is a victim in this and is dna tested and the mother and father are known. Of course they could be related to Soros but that is doubtful. I find it interesting that this child is obviously a victim and her eye has an imperfection of some sort. Wish we had an eye dr here who could look at her eye.

lostinthevalley ago

Not true that Madeleine's strange eye deformity wasn't mentioned at the time of the kidnapping. When I heard that the Podestas might be involved I said to myself, "Oh that's the girl with the weird eye." It was well-publicized so that maybe the kidnap victim could be spotted by the eye.

equineluvr ago

Yep. There were the "look" posters with the coloboma clearly depicted.

Later, during a national interview they LIED and claimed that they "never made an issue of it." Very strange behavior. I've always suspected the parents -- at least they know something they aren't revealing.

Apothecarist ago

I believe her sister's name is Mae. I have heard that James claims her name is Caris, and I have heard of the Carisopropole theory, but I figured I'd add what I found in case it became relevant.

carmencita ago

Her name is Maeve. I am sorry I don't have the record of the posting, it was deleted about a Midwives place in MD. It had the birth of Caris listed. They deleted it at least twice. This person really worked hard on the research. Maybe it was Ma Ma's Midwives or something like that. Whoa! I just found it. It is M.A.M.A.S. Midwives in Springfield, Md. with Families Stories. I may be getting the stories mixed up. It is Maeve Chaim Luzzatto. She was one of the three kids in the hot tub. If I remember correctly, there is a hot tub mentioned in the story.

badastrid ago

excellet find!!

Jem777 ago

Check caris +coloboma +rh- (blood Type)

sundalanded ago

nice catch! let's see what explanations surface for the "#carisjames" tag now!

KansasJakeBG ago

The explanation is that it is caris and james in the same photo. Why that is important to tag this... I have no idea. When we say that Pizzagate is a festival of smoke*, it's things like this that appear coincidental but can't be. It's like winning the lottery every fucking day with this thing. I wish I was a mathematician because apparently one can make stats for each of these coincidences.

My next pizzagate art will be a pizzagate festival poster... with lots of smoke ;) http://kansasjake.deviantart.com/

Kawksnahch ago

Wooooooah woah woah whoa Waardenburg Syndrome... Check out this girl. Faaaaack.


DerivaUK ago

Video not available

equineluvr ago

Maybe. I don't see the low forehead, and there doesn't appear to be any deafness. No white streak in hair.


I do see the typical eye-"tilting" and small (?underdeveloped?) mandible (micrognathia) present in many Js, however.

NerdyNoodle ago

First thing I thought of when I saw these pics was Becki Percy. Wow.

Sharipie ago

There was something about her face that bugged me but couldn't put my finger on it til now