gun_and_a_sandwich ago

send me a link?

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

which post?

Commonwombat ago

So his name is close to I Love Children and the Achilles signifies the weakness for them. Its almost comical but they do like hiding everything in plain sight.

throwawayvoater ago

James Achilles Alefantis was named after his father. The Alefantis name goes back at least three or four generations. Alefantis did not change his name. It's pure coincidence Alefantis is similar to children or whatever in French.

Alefantis mentioned in an interview he grew up around Buffalo, NY. A Google search led me to his grandmother's obit. So drop the name angle, it's a red herring.

Melitica ago

Alefantis is a Greek surname.

MeatballPizza ago

This is the appearance of Comet Pizza to receive a liquor license. It references Big Cheese, LLC. The Robert Harris IV fellow mentioned in this thread is an attorney who acts as agent for the various businesses.

oldskeptic ago

Note section 6 of the the agreement, where it specifies Comet will not have delivery trucks. Then he can't cater off-premises with his own trucks.

Lady_Vox ago

You guys are rocking it! Keep contributing!

Lady_Vox ago

If someone here is good with computers, we should be working on diagram.

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

speaking of officers, there is a police chief named Sean Alefantis tied to a big brothers big sisters if i remember correctly in PA or MD... unable to find any info on him past this, and the Big Brothers/Big Sisters references have been almost entirely scrubbed from the internet, including the google cache pages

savethekids ago

Besta Pizza, 2 doors down from Comet Pizza is owned by Andrew Kline of Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit of DOJ There is an underground tunnel under that street.

Melitica ago

Two different Andrew Klines. One is DOJ, the other is the attorney who represents Besta Pizza....not the owner. He also represents spike Mendelsohn of we, the pizza for in alcohol and beverage and represents other Mendelsohn restaurants like bearnaise...all in DC.

Jazsper ago


Jifftlube ago

my lord do the people in this subreddit ever go outside?

Melitica ago

A big disconnect for sure. I know that MSM is highly suspect and Google is worse but some basic web searches reveal rabbit holes to be ... dead ends.


What's a "subreddit?"

Do you shills ever go outside?

quantokitty ago

Awesome work. This is the type of stuff needed. Please keep digging.

savethekids ago

I looked up Alefantis' list of businsses in D.C. at and one is called, Castellum Achilles LLC. A castellum in ancient Latin is usually either: a small Roman fortlet or tower, a diminutive of castrum ("military camp"), often used as a watchtower or signal ..

Lady_Vox ago

That's the right track.

ethernet ago

probably James alafantis.

James Alafantis is fake name because it looks similar to a french sentence saying "i love kids" or someshit

Melitica ago

Alefantis is a relatively common Greek surname. Several spelling variations in use.

TheAwakening ago

In November 2016, Comet Ping Pong became the target of a conspiracy theory, commonly called "pizzagate," that states that the restaurant is part of a Democratic child trafficking ring.

This page was last modified on 23 November 2016, at 00:53

I think he is trying to keep his ties to as many higher ups as possible, that way everyone keeps trying to protect him for their own self preservation.

bidentime ago

Another section of the wikipedia entry for Achilles " Virgil refers to Achilles as a savage and a merciless butcher of men,[40] while Horace portrays Achilles ruthlessly slaying women and children.[41] Other writers, such as Catullus, Propertius, and Ovid, represent a second strand of disparagement, with an emphasis on Achilles' erotic career. "

bidentime ago

From wikipedia "Achilles" "In Plato's Symposium, the participants in a dialogue about love assume that Achilles and Patroclus were a couple; Phaedrus argues that Achilles was the younger and more beautiful one so he was the beloved and Patroclus was the lover.[26] But ancient Greek had no words to distinguish heterosexual and homosexual,[27] and it was assumed that a man could both desire handsome young men and have sex with women."

MeatballPizza ago

I thought BIG CHEESE, LLC was the actual owner. A DC business.

the_sharpest_knife ago

Did anyone ever confirm he changed his name to I love children? Maybe this is what it was previously.

Lady_Vox ago

What is the French term for "I love children"?

SurgicalShitlord ago

"J'aime les enfants"

"James Alefantis" anagrams almost perfectly to this ("j'aime l'enfants")

bidentime ago

Hiding in plain sight again.

Lady_Vox ago

Oh jeez.

gass3k ago

Has he ever legally changed his name? that has to be public record?

Aprilrain ago

I was watching a You-tube video on pizzagate and the person narrating the video stated that Alefantis middle name is Achilles. Perhaps that is another name he uses.

Lady_Vox ago

Who's Christopher, then?

Lady_Vox ago

You have to enter the address manually.Everything you said needs to be looked into, we need someone who can make sense of this kind of stuff. Hopefully someone can give us some input.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Address: 5037 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008

Edit: Checked it out myself. It's true. Owner is listed as Christopher Achilles, LLC. Alefantis' full name is "James Achilles Alefantis." Maybe he changed his name after all?

GoldMoose16 ago

Christopher Achilles is not necessarily a person. This is a business name. It could signify a personal partnership. Any close friends named Christopher even with a different last name? A friend of mine named his LLC after his dog,

LLC denotes a Limited Liability Company. Here is the filing

LLCs are formed all the time. mostly for asset protection.



That name is literally synonymous with "I love kids" in French. It isn't even a normal surname. No fucking way I believe that Christopher and Jimmypedo are two different people.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Actually, it's a common Greek name. Google "Alefantis Greece." Still interesting that is may not be his birth name, though.


You keep telling me the same thing. On reddit too. O,O

It seems like a normal name. Just maybe odd coincidence/sick nickname.

Millennial_Falcon ago

If I've already told you this, why are you continuing to claim it isn't a "normal surname"? It's entirely possible he changed his name, but the fact is that it's a common name in Greece. Trying to bend facts to fit what we want to see isn't going to help our credibility.


Alrighty. I shall edit.

LostandFound ago

Christopher Achilles, LLC - is not the owners name a business entity unto itself, what info can we dig here? How is this person in the top 50 most influential persons in DC .. if thats all it takes I am opening up a lollipop stand and running for mayor.

snooooze ago

I can't verify if it was there before, but I can verify that it is not there now. Wtf...