justiceforever ago


thelastaelor ago

Well the argument against pedophilia is that a minor is unable to truly give consent in such a power dynamic. 16 is the age of consent in plenty of respectable places, so depending on where you're from, nothing's really wrong.

On the other hand, even though 16 might be appropriate to erase any overbearing influence stemming from age, what gets me is nobody ever extends the logic to wealth or position. How can some bimbo really say no to a president, or a celebrity, ya know? This is why I think anybody influential should be castrated...

shortymcbossypants ago

Why are you here?

therealwopD ago

It's funny the more I see your name the more I think shill. Please stop posting.

ababcb ago

He actually refers to himself as a "street caster" in this article:


ababcb ago

LOL!! Those images are nothing like the ones on the midland "modeling" agencies site.

But hey, if you want to keep revealing how much of an obvious shill you are, be my guest.

The Streisand effect is strong with this one.

ababcb ago

The shills have taken a clear interest in this thread. Is there a connection here that they are not comfortable with?

I have archived both the Walter Pierce "modeling agency" site: https://web.archive.org/web/20161203015440/http://www.walterpearce.info/

and the midland agency site that shows the link to Rachel Chandler: https://web.archive.org/web/20161203015231/http://midland.agency/

Last night Rachel Chandlers main site linked directly to the super creepy midland agency website and now it doesn't, so I archived these just in case they try to clean things up.

ababcb ago

Being photographed drugged and shirtless by a modeling agency is not a "natural" thing growing up xD

Seriously, anybody reading this exchange should look at Throwaway's post history and come to their own conclusion about whether or not he's a shill.

ababcb ago

You literally showed up 30 minutes ago and all of your posts are in defense of having sex with minors and underage drug abuse (and in conjunction, no less!!).

Don-Keyhote ago

LOL. You're a real credit to the force.

ababcb ago

Look where Rachel Chandler works:



And take a look at this "Walter Pierce" guys site:


Look how drugged these kids look. This is clearly prostitution masquerading as a "modeling agency".

justiceforever ago

That second link...why is it called a "menu"?

ababcb ago

I appear to have missed that. Where does it say that? Which link?

justiceforever ago

I misunderstood. On this link http://www.walterpearce.info/ it says "menu" at the top. But that's actually a thing to click and see the menu options. It's not calling the page a menu.

My bad!

mergen ago

The bear is rilakuma. just a japanese bear mascot.

pedobear IS derived from it tho.

justiceforever ago

Holy crap this deserves its own post. Who is this guy? Why did that high chair buckle get 23 likes?

Nana66 ago

It looks like a site full of drugged out street people and kids for $ex...and most of them had plastic behind them so maybe snuff too.

contrary_mma_hipster ago

Many of these kids also clearly have some kind of developmental problem. Maybe Williams syndrome? Facial features seem to suggest that.

From wikipedia:

"People with Williams syndrome are frequently very trusting and want more than anything to make friends, leading them to submit to requests that under normal circumstances would be rejected. "

equineluvr ago

They're unattractive and many appear to be mildly deformed. But I don't see any real consistences. They're all over the place: micrognathia, macrognathic, different races, facial shapes, etc. The only thing they have in common is tribal.

Apothecarist ago

We've been talking about possible congenital anomalies on this thread:

Don-Keyhote ago

What's with all the fiveheads. I wouldn't bang any of those "models" with YOUR dick.