jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I'm sorry that this will sound condescending but let me be real: you have poor critical thinking skills. Your post is full of assumptions and biased word choices.

"it stands to reason that when Podesta talks about pizza and is clearly not talking about actual pizza, there is a good chance that this is what he's talking about."

Right, consider this. Clearly Podesta was not talking about pizza. Now we know that Alefantis, and many of Alefantis friends use pizza as a sexual reference. We know the Podesta's are friends with Brock and Alefantis. So you tell me, what conclusion do you come to regarding his use of the word pizza, if he isn't talking about pizza. I think it would be fair to assume, that if people he knows use pizza as a reference to sex, and he didn't mean something sexual that he would avoid using 'pizza'. Is that not a reasonable assumption?


Clearly Podesta was not talking about pizza.

The first point of your reasoning I actually would not agree with. I wish you had provided at least one or two example emails of instances when it was "clear" he was not talking about pizza. But for arguments sake let me assume that there are emails that mention pizza but clearly aren't about pizza.

The only email that sounds confusing to me is the map-related handkerchief one, however that email wasn't written by Podesta although it is directly addressing him. Actually if you search for the term "pizza" in emails sent by john podesta I only ever see him say the word once and that is in response to someone else who is talking about pizza. Maybe I'm not doing the search correctly. Can you provide one or two emails where you think it is clear he mentions pizza but it is clear he is not talking about pizza? Your final conclusion relies heavily on Podesta using the term pizza.

But are the other people in the email list talking about pizza or something else? As I said for me the handkerchief email is the most confusing one. Although I'm not at all convinced that this person is definitely not referring to pizza. I think the simplest answer and the conclusion most people would come to is that the handkerchief has graphics on it of a map (like this one) and that the map or the artwork on it has something to do with pizza. If this is not the explanation and they are referring to something else it could be any number of reasons for why it sounds confusing to us. 1. We have no other context besides the emails. People listening to you talk to your friends might seem confusing to outsiders because they are completely left out of shared references, inside jokes, short hand talk. 2. Auto-correct. 3. Distracted typing which might cause awkward sentence structure. There are any number of things that are far more probable before we got to coded language.

Take a look at this image from the sidebar summary. Although I don't know where it actually comes from it seems plausible that this could be from an actual dark web pedophile site. Look at how clear and obvious it is that they are not talking about pizza, the podesta emails do not sound at all like this. Although I'm definitely not an expert in this area I would think that the point of using coded language like this is to make it harder for police to investigate. If you came right out and said "we are selling child pornography" that would be extremely damning. But if you distributed only to people you knew and never explicitly said what it is your selling anyone investigating could not prove it was child porn you were selling. they would still be one step removed from proving that. It does not seem like this coded language is meant to be a perfect smoke screen, since that would be nearly impossible.

I think you could agree that even if you thought the Podesta emails were talking about a child sex ring, they clearly are not coordinating it through their dnc email. Keep in mind whenever you are talking about the emails that there are thousands upon thousands of emails spanning more than a decade.

Now we know that Alefantis, and many of Alefantis friends use pizza as a sexual reference.

Show me something from Alefantis himself where he is using pizza as a sexual reference.

"Use pizza as a sexual reference". Something that involves sex and pizza is not "using pizza as a sexual reference". I would think that the term "pizza" would have to be substituted for something sexual for you to be able to say that. Also common sense should apply here since these are people who work at a pizza shop.

I think it would be fair to assume, that if people he knows use pizza as a reference to sex, and he didn't mean something sexual that he would avoid using 'pizza'. Is that not a reasonable assumption?

I actually found it difficult to find actual conversations that mention pizza at all. Most mentions of pizza are in passing and could not possibly be talking about pedophilia. Some mentions ,like these (1 , 2 ,3 ) , are directly addressed to Podesta but I think we can agree aren't referring to anything but pizza. When they talk about actual pizza how do they not confuse the terms? But I don't know maybe these people aren't apart of it. How do you tell who is apart of it?

Your reasoning falls down on key points since 1. Podesta doesn't seem to talk about pizza. And 2. I've never seen alefantis use pizza to refer to anything other than pizza. IF alefantis used the word pizza to refer to sex and then Podesta also used pizza in the same way then THAT would be something to look into. The facts are that someone tagged comet to dirty pictures involving pizza and that someone emailing John Podesta used pizza in an odd way (1 email out of thousands). It is completely unreasonable to connect those things.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

What is the evidence? So far the evidence is that these people have an unhealthy interest in children, and are obsessed with sex and pizza, and are among the most powerful people in the nation, and run propaganda, and fund armies of trolls much like the Chinese Communist Party and almost destroyed the last illusions of the most important democracy in the world. Alefantis should be seriously looked at and put on a sex offenders register for advertising the place as 'kid-friendly' and making that Heay Breathing show all ages, when they talked about sex with children, and got a great response from the crowd. They also talked about killing a baby, it was fucking grotesque. Not normal people, and certainly should never again be allowed within a hundred feet of a child, I'm sure you at least won't attempt to debate that, even if you'd like to.


Alefantis should be seriously looked at and put on a sex offenders register for advertising the place as 'kid-friendly' and making that Heay Breathing show all ages, when they talked about sex with children, and got a great response from the crowd.

Not normal people

A theory I have about pizzagate is that the people who believe it are mostly from rural areas because if you lived in a city these are the kinds of things you would see every once in a while. The punk rock counter-cultural movement is something that is defined by going against the grain of what mainstream society would think is acceptable. The odd art, clothing styles, and the taboo topics they talk about are completely normal. This is a movement that is decades old so not just normal but actually mundane and almost downright quaint at this point. This movement was made to be shocking and to question the order of mainstream society, but the staples of the punk counter-culture movement are maybe 30-40 years old at this point. But maybe if you have never lived in a city this might be strange to you, and I don't mean that to sound condescending it just might be the case.

What I see when I watch the video of heavy breathing is the performer is just doing some crowd work talking to the audience in between songs and is joking around, kind of just riffing whatever comes to mind. She mentions there is a subway above them and the controversy with Jared Fogle (maybe it was around that time that it broke so it was somewhat topical) and then someone makes the comment from the audience that he likes little boys and then she makes the comment "we all have our preferences" as some dark humor.

Something I wish the pizzagate people would ask themselves is "do people behave that way?". If you were a part of a secret pedophile ring would you openly talk about pedophilia in a show that is open to the public? Is everyone in the audience a pedophile?

I think that the reasonable assumption almost everyone would make is that the performer is joking. Us americans don't really have a word for it but the English would say she's being "cheeky" when she jokes about pedophilia like that. Meaning that maybe she shouldn't joke in that way since it's a serious subject but everyone knows it's just for fun. The pizzagate interpretation of that interaction could be right. It could be that that is two pedophiles openly talking about pedophilia, but are people likely to behave that way? To talk about their crimes openly in the public? What does occams razor say in this situation? Which explanation is the simplest and requires the least assumptions?

Something else I wish pizzagate people would do is to use google. What is an all ages show? In the context of a punk rock show at night what does that mean? Here's a wikipedia page that mentions it. . The important part:

The term in this context does not denote a restriction on the thematic or lyrical content of the music.

Take a look at these all ages shows. In this context "all ages" is not synonymous with "kid friendly". It simply means that either there will be no alcohol served or if there is alcohol there will be some system to denote who is of age and who isn't.

I could go on and on here but I think I will call it quits for now with this post. But you make many more assumptions that I would question. You say:

the evidence is that these people have an unhealthy interest in children, and are obsessed with sex and pizza


run propaganda, and fund armies of trolls much like the Chinese Communist Party and almost destroyed the last illusions of the most important democracy in the world.

I would also question the assumptions that are implicit in your post. Does alefantis schedule the bands that play at comet? I know he owns a few businesses, maybe he wouldn't have time to do those kinds of things. Maybe comet has an event planner since it does bands and parties, that would be a full workload. Is the heavy breathing performance typical for comet or is it more of an outlier? Are those comments typical of Heavy Breathing or are they outliers? I would think that comments like that actually aren't outliers since they are a rock band but it is an important question to ask instead of assuming what they're like based on a few comments. If you took any venue that has bands play like Comet would it be fair to take the most taboo band that has played there and then extract the most taboo comments that were said and then make characterizations of the owner based on them? I assume that heavy breathing has played in many places, are they all suspect in your mind?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

You are an ineffective shill btw, and this is not the best forum for your (lack of) talents. To try and convince people this is normal, aside from being immoral, will only be possible on a fringe of idiots.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

  1. I grew up in a city, have also lived in a small town. 2. I agree about going counter culture, and maybe there are some people who are obsessed with children, joke about pedophilia and killing babies in front of kids at a 'kid-friendly' restaurant who aren't child abusers. I don't think (a)we should take that risk (b) even if we could guarantee they won't abuse, it is still not a healthy environment for a child. Why, why would you intentionally expose children to this. 3. I don't know if you're aware but the Clinton clique, as with most political power groups, have shown themselves to be outrageously arrogant. This likely stems from the fact that the media and political establishment have allowed them to brush off major, major scandals, many times before. 4. Would they do this in the open. Absolutely they would, they have plausible deniability, and as you said, they can just say 'we're being edgy'. Especially in the context of having a close knit nucleus who share the same interests and the power these people hold. You ask yourself this, lets say there is no ring. Are people 'likely' to mention sex with children, "say oh yes he likes little boys" and have a good laugh about it? No people are not likely to act that way, if they conform to basic societal values. 5. I'm aware 'all-ages' is not synonymous with 'kid-friendly', however if you google comet pizza, the first words in the line are "a kid-friendly restaurant". 6. Heavy Breathing are more disgraceful than most I would think, but there aren't many bands that play that a normal person would have in a 'kid-friendly' place. "Sex Stains" come to mind. 7. Any 'kid-friendly' venue that hosts a band with a constant theme of pedophilia related imagery would be suspect, yes absolutely. 8. Looking back thru Occams Razor is a stupid thing to bring up in relation to these types of crimes, one sees the most bizarre behaviour in these circles, and amongst societal deviants.

whatonearth ago

Dude, it has been explained to pizzagate so many times that the bands do not perform in front of children that at this point you guys are just straight up lying if you still claim the bands perform in front of children.

Comet is "kid friendly" in the sense that it is not like the other sit-down restaurants in that part of town which by and large are fancy grownup date-night sorts of places or booze-soaked happy hour joints. In that context people understand that Comet is basically saying "unlike the other places around here, the staff won't give you the stink-eye if you bring the family." It doesn't mean that Comet is strictly for kids like Chuck E. Cheese or whatever.

Anyway you've been told a million times that the music shows happen late at night after the kitchen closes and it's past little kids' bedtime, so quit lying about it already.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I'm not saying the crowd is full of children, but they are advertised as all-ages at a 'kid-friendly' restaurant and they are talking about sex with children. They should not be anywhere near children.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

  1. I'm not saying Walnut is code for anything, or any of the others. But it doesn't seem likely that the email for example saying 'dreaming of your hotdog stand in Hawaii' is talking about a hotdog stand. 2. I understand the pictures don't reference pedophilia, they reference sex, pizza and sex. The pizza reference may not regard children, it may regard escorts, gay prostitutes etc. But,, given the Haestarts email and the numerous pedophiles they associate with, the numerous sexual references to children, many of which mention the word pizza that pizza has a sexual connotation which can be applied to adults or children.

Pizzainmyass ago

It's extremely unfortunate to see everyone responding with their emotions because they want it to be true. I couldn't agree with you more. When making a jump like this, it's more than logical for someone to assume that all of our conclusions came from sort of jump. You should mention the mods or be persistent with posting this because it does seem rather important.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I don't know mate, if the fact that the word pizza comes up related to sex in pedo conversations and culture thousands of times I don't know what to say to you. Alefantis is a close friend of Podesta, if he uses Pizza as a sexual reference, it stands to reason that when Podesta talks about pizza and is clearly not talking about actual pizza, there is a good chance that this is what he's talking about. I'm not saying its proveable, I'm just saying its idiotic to theorize it could be drugs etc. Im not recommending using it as evidence, that would be stupid. They don't 'involve pizza in some way' they have a slice of pizza on genitals. That is concrete symbolism, to deny it is beyond cognitive dissonance. have you looked at the photos? have you researched any of this?

Pizzainmyass ago

I think the dude was just trying to make the point that we can't use it as evidence and that this being some people's main argument is counter productive for us and would allow to someone to infer that our other conclusions include logical jumps of the sort.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Yea, I agree the argument points should be concrete, not hypotheses.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Pizza as sperm shooting out of a penis, a young looking girl with pizza over her vagina, a man with pizza over his cock, there are about 10 other examples I can think of where they concretely substitute pizza for genitalia or use pizza as a sexual reference. I can't prove that them drawing pictures of a cock blowing a load of pizza means that pizza relates to sex to them, but I think it's pretty fucking clear when pizza repeatedly is connected to sex with these people. It's irresponsible to be saying it could be other things, which may be theoretically plausible but no circumstantial evidence exists for.

Don-Keyhote ago

Bitch. You know full well at least a bakers dozen of those we look at have been at least credibly accused of precisely those thimgs

notdivided ago

Word to the wise check out u/junoak2 to see disingenuous replies over multiple threads. Pretending to not know the sources that have been provided previously. Limiting their knowledge based on what is revealed in each thread instead of being forthright. They are hoping you will believe this post instead of moving on to find the actual evidence which is well documented over multiple threads and platforms. Don't be fooled.

Pizzainmyass ago

You could've saved yourself some time if you would've just posted a fucking link instead of your feelings. Seriously, attacking a person and not the content of what they said? That's mainstream media tactics you're better than that if you're on here I hope

notdivided ago

so what is your criterion for accepting something as code?

as soon as I say word a= pseudonym for word b and people start using it that is a code. There is no code officiating body that gives certificates for bonafide codes. Stop with your disinfo.

so for the rest of us, a reminder, we have SOURCES THAT SAY Cheese Pizza = CP and evidence of the encoded termininology in use on a 4chan thread. Excellent evidence that this is a code that has been made and used. We have podesta emails that only make sense as code and this previous CP code is the most compelling fit. If you have another code that is equally compelling DO TELL.

notdivided ago

you are talking in circles. You already agreed these words are known to be used by pedophiles prepizzagate, see my previous reply for those sources.

Plus the email makes no sense UNLESS it is relying on codewords. I mean my best argument on your behalf is that particular email is obviously in code, but if they are using those words as pedos have in the past (AND THEY HAVE), we really can't say. maybe it's drugs, or weapons.

Nevertheless I question your interest in seeking the truth. You have proposed none.

mysecretidentity ago

Joe Biden is a DOCUMENTED pervert. He's on video groping child after child and everyone's focusing on Instagram posts of a pizza place.

mysecretidentity ago

I've seen (cheese) pizza used for CP on endchan loli board.

"Looking for pizza, 8-10 slices" slices being age.

personally I think the dominos on cheese or pasta email is referring to actually playing dominos and cheese or pasta is drugs. or it was a shitty old person jokr, the joke being that food doesn't actually affect your ability. Old people make the worst jokes.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I agree. We need actual links/sources for the codewords. Just saying "appears in informal dictionaries" isn't enough. We need proof that it appears in informal dictionaries.

jackthyme ago

Oh no, we absolutely do realize the gravity of the accusation. Also you forgot to mention cannibalism.

SterlingJB ago

This was a addressed a number of times, but unless you've started from scratch on YT or Twitter down a pizza trail that ends in explicit images, you'll never be convinced. As for the argument against whatever's happening here, going after pizza content not being used for networking on online forums is not the route to go. (Many of these references in this post are indeed reaching, some not so much, but you'll find much more on the archived pages of reddit and 4chan)

UglyTruth ago

You don't a have a point to make, you're just arguing irrrelevancies.

jackthyme ago

It doesn't matter if you think it's a witch-hunt nor does it matter if you think Millions of people are wrong. Keep posting your support of CPP, though. Maybe they will give you a free slice.

UglyTruth ago

It's not a serious problem. There's plenty of evidence if you know where to look.

Pizzainmyass ago

Prove it

UglyTruth ago

Buck's Fishing & Camping:

Pizza is used to mean sex or sex with a girl (Keanu Reeves in "Knock Knock").

Pizzainmyass ago

You used a link to your posts somewhere or something? And I mean I think it is but you have to have something that'll hold up and that's one word that you didn't have a link for

UglyTruth ago

Maybe if you were be a little more vague it would be obvious that you have nothing meaningful to add.

jackthyme ago

What is your interest in protecting pedophiles?

2impendingdoom ago

I haven't personally said these are known pedophile words, but I do believe they are based on everything else I've seen. Pedos use code for deniability, that is the point of code. Maybe the FBI has evidence, call them, I already told you to call them. The code came from FBIanon, not me.

Pizzainmyass ago

Yo if you want to believe it then go ahead. I do. However, when presenting it to someone, even if they were fully prepared to research, when they can't find the code words they'll think it's bullshit and lead them to believe that there's more bullshit if it's confirmed by most people and they can't actually prove it. Seeing people argue for it is almost like seeing people try to convince someone god is real

jackthyme ago

If you had been hanging out in seedy gay bars and novelty shops for the past 5 years you would know EXACTLY what these words mean in the dark underground world of shock porn and why Webster's doesn't touch that sh*t.

jackthyme ago

The point being those submissions were made way before pizzagate.

jackthyme ago

Of course you could just bravely go into dark web and order some cheese pizza (child porn) you can buy it in lots of 10 -10000 slices. Make sure you get the hard core ones so you can see what is really happening to the missing kids. Or maybe you know that already. Why are you trying to stick up for CometPP?

Pizzainmyass ago

He's in no way standing up for comet pizza. He's saying that having this as an argument without any legitimate sources makes us look stupid, which it is. Normal people will hear that and make the conclusion that all of our conclusions make the same jumps.

jackthyme ago

MAP is a common acronym for Minor-Attracted Person. In the context of the hankercheif found at Podesta's rented party house, it may refer to DNA evidence on a handkerchief used during BDSM sex act.

2impendingdoom ago

please believe what ever you want. Unlike a cypher, code of ordinary words only work in context. The language that the words are used in make more sense if you believe the pedo meanings in the specific sentences in the emails. Sorry I can't help you any more on this, if you have questions about anything else, that's fine.

UglyTruth ago

And your point is?

2impendingdoom ago

the corresponding images and the odd use of the language supports the theory. Obviously these are just words, and using them in code is the point of a code. drug dealers use code words all the time, saying dough, or bucks or green for money is code. The pedos are not going to admit it.

UglyTruth ago

Look at the cognitive dissonance in this thread and tell me that pizzagate doesn't have a serious problem.

Pizzagate doesn't have a serious problem. The case doesn't hinge on knowing exactly what the codewords are.

jackthyme ago

The list of code words and their meanings that went viral at the start of #pizzagate2016 came from some random blog.

jackthyme ago

Look up any words in and read EVERY definition for each 'code word'. Like Wikipedia, anyone can make a submission to UD. Each definition submission features the username and date of submission.

Example, Walnut

TOP DEFINITION Walnut A term for an immature vulva, before the labia have developed. Term derives from the similar appearance of a little girl's pussy to an uncracked walnut. "I'm a virgin! Don't split my little walnut!" "Too late. You're the main ingredient of this Waldorf salad I'm making." by Ignominious Bob August 25, 2009

~ This Urban Dictionary definition was submitted by user in 2009

jackthyme ago

pasta a code word for sex, or any sexual activity equal to or greater than a hand job or fingering. Yo did you hear that joe ate some pasta with kelly? He said that was the best pasta he had in a long ass time.

sex #pasta #good food #campolindo #masturbation

by thepersian1 January 07, 2012

Pizzainmyass ago

That's not what pasta means

jackthyme ago

p.s. I am very disappointed to see people posting that walnut is code for dark skinned people.

2impendingdoom ago

Are you blaming us for a code that we did not create? And that's your problem? How about the raping of children, black or white, are you okay with that?

jackthyme ago

Im saying walnut is a code for undeveloped labia of immature vulva of small female child and my comment is that I do not agree that walnut is a term for colored people in the context of pizzagate.

2impendingdoom ago

Sorry that I misunderstood you, I was not noticing your id, I thought you were a shill, because the OP is. But take it up with Urban Dictionary, I have no use for either definition personally. All of it is offensive.

jackthyme ago

The use is to be aware of the evils as, we can make our children more aware and safer. My kids and their friends (older teens) are acutely aware of all these new developments in our culture. They are more careful when they go out and more protective and watchful of their friends at all times. I know all this is disgusting and disturbing to realize but It is happening. While we may never see alleged perps Podesta, Alefantis, Abromavich and their friends in jail, we could save a child's life- maybe many children's lives by this exposure of knowledge. It goes way way beyond codewords and creepy band art.

2impendingdoom ago

I'm glad your kids are looking out for each other, it must be horrifying to be a parent in light of all of this, its hard enough raising children without this worry.

carmencita ago

So you in the past have said you doubt the Silsby story also that we are in the minority. That is for starters. You also think that there is no coverage of this because there is no real evidence. Go away.

Pizzainmyass ago

He's pointing out that there is no real evidence. Until ONE person can give proof, spreading this like fact is actually disinformation. Don't believe it just cause it fits your narrative. Sure it's damning, but it's not gonna hold up in a court of law so keep it in mind and move on.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Mate pizza is clearly a sexual reference, all you need to do is look at Comet pizzas iG, with loads of pizza in relation to sex, its so in your face, i don't know what ur playing at, you either haven't looked into this at all, or your spreading disinfo.

notdivided ago

Also, just because someone you talked to didn't know their source doesn't mean there is no source or the info is bad. All kinds of logical fallacies in this OP


I realize that but the fact that everyone on here seems to believe that these words are "known pedophile code words" is extremely irresponsible.

Look at the infographic and the summary and tell me that the code is being talked about as if it's just speculation. The infographic has the words with an equals sign to what they're supposed to mean but there is no evidence for any of those. Maybe leaving it at "appear to be code words" might be ok. But that list with the title "The Code" is ridiculous and irresponsible.

The summary is awful oto, just stating it outright that these are known code words.

I realize that there could be evidence for this code but that doesn't give anyone license to believe it and make accusations of pedophilia based on it.

notdivided ago

The fact is the words are pseudonyms that have been used by pedos on the internet for which we have evidence prepizzagate. That makes them known pedophile code words..

That being said if someone is saying the codewords as applied to the emails isn't speculation I tend to agree with you, we don't have any email that says "hey john we are using these codewords" etc..

UglyTruth ago

Facts are public not private. What seems to be the case for you is not necessarily how things actually are.

notdivided ago

I have found old references predating 2016 in 4chan, and urban dictionary. I'm not posting them so that you can get them taken down.

To others-Please don't listen to this ongoing disinfo.

notdivided ago

quite a lot of shilling going on here. Follow the upvotes/downvotes on shill threads. It's opposite day!

DeckoGecko ago

yes we need better code word meme's,, stuff that highlights the legitimacy of things like Cheese Pizza which is solid and we can prove being used for Child Porn,,, but I've seen a load of those 'code words' explained meme's that kinda feel like they're done to make it all look like bs.

but to be clear i do think they're talking in code... and some of them aren't very good at it. Like the email where the guy types "waitress",,, and or they argue over how to split one slice of pizza between an office. That stuff feels solid. The pizza related map even. It's the walnut sauce i'm not sure on and muddies that water, imho

2impendingdoom ago

This was imported info from 4chan so look through those threads. I think it was FBI sourced. There was also some links to law enforcement from Chile and somewhere else, on official websites collaborating these codes. If others aren't joining you, its because we have already exhausted this subject. You are welcome to add additional sources.

Use the search for "code words" and then "Chile" you will find LOTS of thread for this subject and multiple international outside sources.


Why do people keep pointing me to these documents. There are NO mentions of the code in there. Where does it say ANY OF THESE:

Pizza (girl?)

Pasta (boy?)

dominoes (bdsm?)

map ( semen)

walnut sauce (?)

hot dog (boy?)

cheese (girl?)

sauce (orgy?)

I have actually seen the MAP one defined as minor attracted person before but not semen. The "do you think I would do better at playing dominoes on cheese than pasta?" , is spoken about so much on here but is there evidence for ANY of those words being code words?

jackthyme ago

Look up all those on

Pizzainmyass ago

My friends facebook post said so too

2impendingdoom ago

You can call the FBI headquarters and ask. Let us know what they tell you.


I maintain that it is totally irresponsible to be spreading this information as if it were fact with absolutely no citations. You say "additional sources" but what do you mean? You also commented on my other post in a nonchalant way about it but do you really believe that this is based in actual facts? Not 4chan or an urbandictionary post with two upvotes, but real evidence. And if there is why isn't it anywhere on the sidebar or in this forum?

UglyTruth ago

urban dictionary is a legitimate source for alternate meanings of words.

2impendingdoom ago

there are links to official documents to Chilian child detective that show the logos. The same logos. I read the threads and am satisfied so if you take the time, you either see the connections or not. No one here is forcing you to accept anything.


This is exactly what I'm talking about in the other post when I responded to you saying I feel like I'm in some dystopia like westworld. I keep asking and everyone simply says it's there but too easy to show you or they point me to the logos. what do the logos have to do with the code words, why do people keep showing me the logos???

2impendingdoom ago

Please read the threads and the comments in the threads. There is too much info to find and recap it all for you. we are working on new research. Either accept our findings or search for your self. We will not force you to believe anything, but we are convinced.