NerdyNoodle ago

They do. I have seen people use the word queso for a little girl.


No, I don't believe any of it.

Edit: I mean I don't believe the pizzagate claims

notnatural ago

Ive also heard of map meaning the incriminating dna splattered handkerchief. Also heard of pizza also being a symbol for dna splattered handkerchief.

notnatural ago

Pizza in pizzagate could mean child-abuse-rape-murder.

notnatural ago

"but suffice it to say that when these emails are poured through one by one, it becomes absolutely clear that these food-related words are code language" Stories and opinions are important. I havent poured through all the emails but i trust that many like minded people have and I feel like I can trust their discernment and judgement over that of someone whos opinion is that they do not appear to be using codeworda which you might find no one claiming that. Also like all things related to the recent wdc pizzagate, the world wide 30yr+,8000yr+? pizzagate as the backdrop makes all the dots connect to form a very clear picture to anyone with intellegence. Not so clear as to know how long its been going on but enough to know what is going on.

Here some redpill pizzagate videos, sorry they aren't more codeword oriented. But, i feel like i should append them here on the subject of backdrop. pizzagate redpill videos

PizzaGate Has Happened Before

Pizza Gate Before It Was Commercialized

CIA / MK-ULTRA Hearings - Survivor Testimony 1996

15 Years Old Girl Survive Pizzagate Satanic Rituals Abuse

HAMPSTEAD Satanic Ritual Abuse In #UK Return 'Whistleblowers' Children!

Also note to mods: please understand that pizzagate is a broad subject and the major investigation and its focus on popular targets can coexist on the same board with a worldwide discussion of a worldwide problem. Something you think is unhelp and inappropriate could be useful to someone else. Here one more video. And this one may seem to be not at all related but maybe it is. Forget what you know | Jacob Barnett | TEDxTeen

So how does this translate into an easily comprehendable answer? Im asking you because I don't know. But, i'm not afraid to attempt to answer a question.


Thanks for replying, I was really just interested to see what the origin of the "code words" were, if there were any. It's starting to look like there isn't. I definitely believe that child sex trafficking exists and that a pizzagate type scenario could and has happened. But I don't see any credible evidence that shows that it is happening in this case.

Also about this:

but suffice it to say that when these emails are poured through one by one, it becomes absolutely clear that these food-related words are code language

this is obviously just an opinion piece but I would disagree that it's clear that a code is being used in the emails. I maintain that if you randomly surveyed people almost no one would find the emails confusing or suspicious (except some might be confused by the map one). Also there are only a handful of emails that people have pointed to that may contain the code or just generally sound suspicious, but there are thousands upon thousands of emails spanning a whole decade.

notnatural ago

That is an interesting opinion about creditable evidence. What is even more interesting is that no one denies that those are real emails. Also no one denies that the weird emails with the codewords are weird emails with codewords. They should and did spark an investigation.


Also no one denies that the weird emails with the codewords are weird emails with codewords.

This is a bubble though. Almost everyone who has seen the emails has seen nothing, everyone else is here.

notnatural ago

What, are. You saying, you have surveyed people asking them what they thought about various email out takes and "almost everyone" outside of says they see nothing because I got different results. What is science?


Yea, I think it is a real problem, since it is stated in the inforgraphic and the summary of evidence as if it is fact. I'm a skeptic but I was still against the "fake news" accusation until researching this. Either use more appropriate language to talk about "the code" or stop complaining about fake news, because this is almost outright lying.


Wait a second did you actually read that thread you sent me? It and the thread linked in it only confirm what I thought. As I said in my post I knew about "cheese pizza" I was asking about all of the rest of the words. The guy who claims to have been a pedophile confirms cheese pizza then goes on to say:

Pizza being used for a little girl i've never heard it used in that context. Nor have I ever heard hotdog used in that context

And then he doesn't say anything about the rest of the code words.

Edit: Also "cheese pizza" is not mentioned in the podesta emails.

NerdyNoodle ago

Unfortunately, in order to confirm the words, you have to visit the darkweb and chat with them on their forums. I haven't done it.

2impendingdoom ago

please use the search on the right. there are many other threads and the 4chan links.


I feel like I'm in some dystopia like westworld or something when I ask about this. Everyone's answer seems to be that it is simple to find but I can't find it and when I ask for them to show it to me no one will because it's apparently too easy to find.