deadly_nightshade ago from here to answer your questions 5151. he confirms cheese pizza CP as child porn. He designed one of the symbols on the FBI list. He tells the code in use back in the 1990s, but does not know the code now.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

this quote from a reddit thread about the dark web, two years ago: " There actually are search engines for it, you can find them on the hidden wiki. I read somewhere that most of the "hitman" sites are just scams; makes sense, as you'd be sending tons of money you have zero chance of ever locating. Perhaps there are real hitmen on there, but I doubt they're the ones you find on a quick first stroll through the deep web. Also, there is a bunch of child porn. I went on an image board site to see what kind of images couldn't just be posted on the regular web, the sites specifically say no child porn, and it's still all over them. So stay away from those. On the wiki it says people use words starting with c p to signify child porn, like cheese pizza. So as awesome as a cheese pizza website sounds, NO."

Gottor ago

Hey thanks for pointing out the quote, but do you have a link for it by any chance?

YouaremeandIamyou ago

just found this also. from before pizzagate. cheese pizza, as pedophile code, is mentioned near the bottom of the page

ThighHighSwampBoots ago (from Spartacus) Ancient gay code: Oysters-female Snails-male

AreWeSure ago

Ancient gay code made up by the screenwriter.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

You were there.

AreWeSure ago

Saw interview with the screenwriter

ThighHighSwampBoots ago At 5:30, Katy Perry, in her 'Making of the "this is how we do" video, a pedo piece of crap, shows off her pizza bathing suit, earrings and fingernails. She biggest following is little girls. A colleagues 5 year old granddaughter knows all the words to her songs. To me, this and the Keanu Reeves line in that film clip are blatant confirmation. What do you want? A confession? Good luck.

dindonufin ago

This one is pretty hard to dispute (urbandictionary):

ganesha1024 ago

Look at Alefantis' instagram pictures. There are several that suggest that pizza is actually code for something else. Including a drawing of an erect penis ejaculating out slices of pizza.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago From the film "Knock Knock". The girls said they were underage and he was a pedophile. At the time, "free pizza" went right over my head, but I noticed MANY males in the theater laughed very hard over free pizza. Now I get it.

Gottor ago

Wow. Thanks for pointing out that reference. I know there are a lot more pizza references in other movies / music videos / art that people have found, and even though it's not direct proof of the pizza code word, it does add up and paint the overall picture that there is something going on. I may add a media / art pedo-reference section to the main post at some point.

LeChomeur ago

The comment on overchan marked from july 2015 is revealing. The entry from june 2010 on The urban dictionnary too. Is there à possible way to change or enter i false that o. This chan or in this online dictionnary? Its important

Gottor ago

Not that I am aware of (at least for the Urban Dictionary thing - I dont know anything about the overchan market). Im sure the date/time stamps come from the respective sites.

LeChomeur ago

À false date*

RedPowerRanger ago

I just want to add possible evidence to the soft proof that in google suggested search results there's a "4chan cheese pizza archive" suggestion that I was not prepared to ever click on.

SterlingJB ago

Yeah, I thought I would keep my comments connected. Not that weird. Edit: is it better to add on to comment with an edit? Serious question. I'm not a normal user of comment boards (which I'm sure further supports shill suspicions), but it sounded like you guys wanted more eyeballs, so expect older people not used to these formats to be using this format "weirdly".

momojaja ago

Its probably time we moved on from the coded messages and started trying to find any evidence of transactions. I liked the port corruption i read about earlier today. Its better to chase after something tangible and that can be covered by an official's signature.

Gottor ago

I agree that our top priority should be to look at the big picture with regards to future of the pizzagate investigation (such as focussing on Clinton Foundation, the port corruption that was discovered today, the 240B money laundering, etc). However, it is still important to clearly link our main and most basic inferences of evidence, so that other people that just heard about #Pizzagate (& who dont know as much as we do & may have been pre-manipulated from MSM "fake news"), understand what is going on and can see that pizzagate is real.

micha_ ago

I believe the 4chan interpretation defines to many wordsa nd tehrefore is not correct: Cheese pizza = CP = child porn -> cheese = child pizza = porn (sex?)

No need to give pizza another word.

Remember the picture with the kid saying "I don't care about my beauty I just want my pizza". Fits.

CPP flyer: Republican Party Democratic Party Pizza Party!

Fits, too.

I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth > handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island.

I guess handkerchief is used that the white w/ black color is understood as handkerchief color code. With pizza meaning "porn" in mind, square cloth could describe the form of a data storage; for example a DVD.

These are all very intelligent people. So it's not necessary to describe everything exactly, it's enough to give hints. Just like when corrupt politicians hold speeches for an elected audience. When they talk about "developing international collaboration" it means further erosion of national souvereignity. The Leftists are masters in concealed speech, because their ideology is rejected by the majority, therefore they must conceal it with nice sounding words. Today this is standard procedure of managers. That way they can identify, if someone really understands what they mean, or if someone is a honest, upright "idiot" whom they cannot trust.

featheredmasks ago

That overchan comment. I'm done for the night.

shootermcgvn ago did you get the "overchan" thing?

Jesus man.

I get that some sicko probably threw himself under the bus for the sake of the investigation. Poor fucker. Or...getting what he deserves...or...I mean...can we have pedos on our side? I CAN'T MAKE SENSE OF THE WORLD.

Gottor ago

Somebody on some voat comment here pointed it out - I coudnt find the comment again, so then just found the relevant picture on goggle images. Note that the post is from 2015.

But yeah overall I agree - it's a tough spot we're in with regards to obtaining evidence from these sick perverts.

anon123 ago

Just playing devils advocate for a second. The words are clearly code for something, but is there anything else they could be code for? Such as drugs, prostitutes, affairs, illegal use of money, ect? These are the types of arguments non-believers and defenders will come up with.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

You're not reading everything, in depth, or you'd know better. Try to keep up.

lawfag123 ago

Arms deal / money laundering deal is a possibility, but it doesn't make sense in most of the contexts of the emails

shootermcgvn ago

I hate calling myself a "believer," or "supporter," because I neither believe in (because I don't want to) nor support (because holy shit) these activities. I willingly call myself a conspiracy theorist.

That being said, I have a great story.

I was having a debate with a kool-aid drinker of the MSM, one of my best friends so I kept it all light. Every time I showed him something it was, "Well, maybe it was this." For example, the fact that Podesta has stuffed animals in his bedroom but does not have kids. His excuse, "Well, maybe it's his wife's collection from when she was a kid."

My favorite quote by him, I swear to God this is verbatim:

"Politicians don't lie."

I told him that was the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, and asked what would make him say such a thing.

"I used to campaign for a politician."

My sides.

SterlingJB ago

The video novel that was advertised here on voat made a couple years ago is pretty blunt about it. Every time the pizza shop owner shows up in the game he comes out of the shadows as the pedo bear. The other proof that pizza is definitely code is all the CP connected to pizza posts (this is what verified it for me), but that stuff isn't exactly shareable.

SterlingJB ago

I'm with you, though, the key to actually getting the rest of the public to take another look outside of the shit work coming out of the NYT is getting them to understand pizza is with out a doubt a code word used to network on the internet.