5151 ago

If I had to speculate I would say that they are most likely all personally connected. I seriously doubt they got together online or something like traditional people do. Also, with their resources I would imagine that they have their own servers and whatnot and we will have no idea how or where they communicate online until their caught. If they were smart they would just hide a private site inside another unassuming site like http://www.hpj.cc/ which is a secret torrent tracking website. Just by looking at it you would never know what it is but people in the know know how to access it. If I had their resources and was into doing what their doing this is what I would do.

The_Schattenjager ago

In your time, had anyone in your communities used compression or algorithmic converting techniques to distribute CP? It is thought that this is how CP material is now being spread without detection. For reference please see this thread on items found at a suspect website: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1442652

Knowing how to detect this could aid in our efforts to investigate.

Also I must commend you for opening up like this. It is very much appreciated.

5151 ago

If I had to guess I would say that it has to do with BDSM not entirely sure it has to do specifically with children. Like I said before I imagine these people were involved in all kinds of sexual madness. Including but not exclusively children.

5151 ago

Cheese Pizza is absolutely CP child porn. Pizza being used for a little girl i've never heard it used in that context. Nor have I ever heard hotdog used in that context. That being said, it's been quite a few years since I was involved so things could have changed. There was no facebook, instagram, stuff like that when I was involved. And I have absolutely no desire to get re-involved.

As far as the symbols I know them all. I actually helped design this one https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/FBI-pedophile-symbols-417.JPG. I flew to Britain to meet with Lindsay Ashford and the guy who ran a website called "Butterfly Kisses" which was a website dedicated to female pedophiles. Me Linsday, and a few other people got high and discussed the CLogo and and sketched it out on a coffee table.

It says in that article that it was used for pedophiles without preference but that's not true it was intended as a way for us to know each other. We used to send out buttons, shirts, stickers that we would put in places to meet others. The Glogo is the triangle thing and I think that was started by Girlchat (annabelleigh.net) and the BLogo was done by their sister site for people who like boys.

vector3rector ago

Any other logo's or designs that we can be looking out for, that are commonly used?

Any organizations, forums, or groups, that you guys openly frowned upon?

Did you guys always report individuals who you knew or suspect, where hurting/abusing children? How where you able to distinguish if the CP you attained, wasn't created by the individuals in the support system?

Shogun77 ago

Elafantis, Christopher Boutlier and other Comet linked people made a lot of very strange comments on Instagram. Alongside pictures of children and babies they would say things like "hotard," "must have", "chickenlovers," "why does daddy like it in the butt?" "someone should put her on a menu", "yum...baby" etc. etc. Skeptics have tried to claim that these were either "dark jokes" or the product of gays being more "feminine". Does that strike you as plausible? Is there any doubt in your mind what's going on here?

5151 ago

I would say it's more inside jokes between him and his fellow criminals I don't know of any of those terms specifically. If I had to guess I would say that these people were involved in a lot more than just children. I would say that they probably got together and had anything goes orgies and shit like that I don't think it was all about children. Basically just an elite underground sex den. BDSM, torture, rape, snuff even who knows. Child molestion most certianly but I would say that they had adults involved as well. Basically the worst parts of the movie 8mm IRL.

wellington33 ago


Shogun77 ago

How common is attraction to babies? I didn't even know such a thing existed before the Ian Watkins case. Wouldn't attraction to babies necessarily be sadistic? I can't think of any other rationale.

5151 ago

It's not uncommon at all. My best friend as a matter of fact was attracted to infants as young as 1 year old. My AOA was much older so I couldn't really understand the attraction. He was and is a great person who would never harm anyone ever. He, like myself, is no longer part of that world and is the only person I still talk to from back then. When we met he was deathly afraid that he could never have a normal relationship and even talked about killing himself. Since then he's been married twice and is living a very normal life.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Thank you for your bravery and honesty. There is a difference between acting out and not acting out fantasies. Especially, this is true when the other is not consenting. Thank you

5151 ago

Thank you. It's not easy believe it or not. I really don't like reliving all this and there is a lot of paranoia involved... I regret a lot of what I said and did back then but I was a very confused person.

HolyMoly0 ago

Have you ever come across anything that looked like pizza gate? In other words, have you encountered these kinds of people, and if so, does their semi-public activity match your experience in any way?

5151 ago

Absolutely, there were some fucked up people. I never had anything to do with them but I have known and seen people who get off on torturing and humiliating children. They absolutely exist, and pizzagate sounds a whole lot like the sick shit they do. The Satanic ritual sacrifice shit I have a hard time believing.

HolyMoly0 ago

Were they ever "hiding in plain sight," so to speak?

Edit: More specifically... the art, the instagram photos/comments, the "Evie's crib" stuff--is it likely that these indicators would be visible to the public?

5151 ago

Well, given the scope of the matter I think they just got arrogant thinking they were untouchable. Any normal pedo is on a different level completely, we try and keep a VERY low profile. There are literal books on how to download, consume and distribute child porn without getting caught some written by cops. I would guarantee, with 100% certainty that you know at least a few pedophiles and probably see them every day. Most are only found out when they offend, or get caught with CP and those are most of the time people who are 1. completely stupid and careless, 2. Just stumbled upon some CP took an interest because it's taboo and got themselves caught or 3. very rarely they will catch someone who is actually a producer of the cp that is consumed by pedophiles. Otherwise you most likely will never have any clue. My belief is that these people thought they were untouchable and we're basically just flaunting it. I mean if the POTUS and SOS we're in on it would you be worried?

Subseadan ago

Are these high level people into this or is it a way to show their loyalty that they will not expose each other? Is it a one time thing for them just to prove they are loyal? Do you believe the whole trafficking thing and eating them and all that satanic ritual stuff?

5151 ago

The high level people rarely let themselves known to people whom they are not intimately involved. Meaning, they have shared "originals" with them. (i.e. home made, original CP.) This way everyone involved is equally indictable.

I used to run the website, I was somewhat of a public figure everyone knew me. I was also involved in the creation of CLogo so people knew they could trust me. So, I am the barer or a lot of awful secrets.

5151 ago

The Satanic stuff, I have never seen or heard anything like that at all. It's the most difficult part for me to believe. However, I am 100% convinced that they are talking about children but, no, I seriously doubt the Satanic murder and shit like that. Nothing I have read or heard leads me to believe in any of the occult stuff.

Shogun77 ago

The satanic stuff may be more of an elite niche thing. They certainly do engage in occult ceremonies like Bohemian Grove, regardless of how many of them believe in it. Another theory is that they do the Satanic stuff to make kids look crazy if they ever come forward.

5151 ago

This sounds very reasonable these monsters are on a different level.

wellington33 ago

Then what do you think of this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQofKwEEdSw

waxdino ago

So, does what we think looks like pedo activity, actually seem legit? I'm guessing it must, if you want it stopped. What, specifically, have been red flags to someone familiar with that sort of activity?
Are the symbols correct? What symbols look real, which are coincides?
What about the slang?

5151 ago

The slang is on par but different than what we used back in the day. Some of the key words words we used were PT, (Pre-teen) Kinder, (5 and under) Cake,(A little girls parts) Wine, (a vintage wine was an older girl (meaning over the age of 12) i.e. "7yo vintage red/blonde/brown etc. stuff like that) CL, (child love) KL, (Kinder love) KG (KG is also slang for CP there was a very famous set of images and videos called "Kinder", LG (Little Girl), LGL, (little Girl Lover) other words were used "Inga" was a word we used for Russian girls. (Inga was also one of the stars of a child porn series called KG or Kindergarten she was a 5 year old girl from Russia. ( I was never into boys so I don't have a lot to offer as far as boy keywords.) of course CP, or Cheese Pizza I imagine that's where the whole "pizza" thing started.

Wow, It's been a long time... I am honestly kind of weary about doing this and bringing up all these memories but I suppose circumstances dictate.

Anyhow, AOA is "Age of Attraction" is how we used to determine what people were into. "What's your AOA?" LGL 5-10. or "I like littler girls from the ages 5-10) The biggest difference I've seen is that the buzwords have gotten a lot more cryptic over the years. HC (Hard core, or PTHTC which is Pre-Teen Hurt-core which was despicable, horrible shit like beatings mutilations and shit like that.

Back then we were pretty easy to figure out.

So, the buz words are not the same as they were back then but the way they are used it's clear as a bell what they are talking about. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind what they were talking about.

EDIT Added definitions to my acronyms.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Amazing.. another world. How many are there put there that we are so unaware. You're awesome! Thanks for any help.