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An analogy I heard was something like: "Do you think I would do better playing football on water or gatorade?" Like she's joking saying do you think my dominoes game will be better if I've just eaten pizza or pasta? This is the natural interpretation I've seen most people come to and I would be willing to bet if you did a random survey of people almost no one would be confused by it.

whitehand ago

Except for the fact the vocabulary they are using is well known in law enforcement as pedophile code. I simple google search would have told you this. You are also forgetting the pornographic imagery on pizza slices that was pulled directly from Alefantis's Instagram acct.


I have never seen any evidence that dominos, cheese, or pasta are pedophile code words. If there is I would genuinely like to see it.
The code that is suggested by pizzagate is dominos = bdsm, cheese = girl, pasta = boy. If a quick google search would prove it could you spare a minute and show me anything that isn't 4chan. I'm willing to believe it I just haven't seen the citation for it.

Edit: Also I'm not sure which picture you're talking about but I think you're probably mistaken about the pornographic imagery from Alefantis's instagram. Careful about that because a lot of those pictures aren't actually from alefantis but from either people who know him or people who have tagged Comet. Also Alefantis has no bearing on this email.

whitehand ago

I am definitely not mistaken, as for your own research it is up to you. I suggest you start with the declassified FBI documents on wikileaks that show pedophile symbolism. In the meantime if you aren't contributing get out of the way.


What I'm saying is I have done some research and I haven't seen any evidence that cheese, dominoes, or pasta are pedophile code words. Shouldn't something like that be in the sidebar anyway? I'm aware of cheese pizza just not any of the other ones.

You replied to me saying:

Except for the fact the vocabulary they are using is well known in law enforcement as pedophile code.

Can you show that or not?

whitehand ago

Like I said go look at the FBI facts. If you spent as much time researching as you do posting fake news from PBS and the NY Times you would have had this case solved by now.