PizzaGate711 ago

Found this in at Politics and Prose / Busboys and Poets -

flyingcuttlefish ago

reposted this on a bookstore thread - - -

that bad art needs a look at ....

flyingcuttlefish ago

More bad art! But no one will find these links here ... I will repost it on a Politics and Prose theme thread. There are 6 branches of that busboys shop! They seem to have a ton of money to dump into this biz!

flyingcuttlefish ago

PizzaGate Properties Align with Forgotten D.C. Catacombs

video -

voat thread on it -

flyingcuttlefish ago

a famous video -

Riddles in Stone - The Secret Architecture of Washington D C

flyingcuttlefish ago

on general topic, not Conn. Ave. - - -

On O.T.O. or the “Ordo Templi Orientis” and followers of Thelema etc. - good details -



flyingcuttlefish ago

Here is more on

Pierre Charles L'Enfant

This post says if you take a D.C. map you can draw all sorts of shapes on it and Mason stories a lot of bunk -

BUT - there's that OWL in the oval cul de sacs -

from -

The link above gets all into latitude and longitude of streets and monuments. There's lots on this theme if you look around the internet or bookshops. It isn't a line they draw over a city, it's a line connecting a US street or monument with something a continent away. And they get into the founding of D.C. as a location that is tied to the star Sirius. If you don't know your sky map, Sirius is super bright. It looks like Venus and has a big role in ancient history. The site says "“The extraordinary truth is that the very existence of the Washington Monument is intimately linked with the Egyptian star, Sirius the Sihor, which the ancients represented in their sacred hieroglyphics as an obelisk as well as a star. How is it possible that this most important star of the ancient world should find itself, as it were, resurrected in the architecture of the United States. …in the course of that day, when the cornerstone of the Washington Monument was laid, the Sun would have passed over Sirius … Computations clearly show that on the day the Declaration of Independence was agreed in Philadelphia, the Sun was on Sirius. The Mason who first signed the Declaration of Independence would have been aware of the particular significance of July 4 as a cosmic event. The day was the second in the so-called dog days…which begin on July 3. The dog days are so-called because they refer to the rising of the star Sirius.” -David Ovason, "Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol""

Satanic Occult Symbols in Washington D.C. - [PDF]

The Freemasons say - no, Pierre Charles L'Enfant wasn't doing D.C. according to Mason plans

A whole lot on D.C. plans and lucifer worshippers -

"Now, in the light of these facts about the Luciferian nature of Freemasonry, let us examine the material we discovered on the Internet. You will discover an article entitled, "The Most Approved Plan: The Competition for the Capitol's Design", giving the history of creating the plan for Government Center. Reading closely, you can see the influence which past pagan religions exercised on this plan."

Extra creepy:


"...When L’Enfant numbered the city blocks, the series runs from Q Street North through theCapitol grounds down to the mouth of James Creek. All the numbers between 600 and 900 are assigned to blocks within this area—except for the number 666 which is missing.It must have been given to the only section of blocks in the 600 series—the Capitol grounds. Of course, the prehistoric name for Rome was STUR (from Satyr, short for Saturnia, or Saturn). In the ancient Chaldee language, which used its letters for numbers, S=60; T=400; U=6; R=200, for a total of666...Meanwhile, Constantino Btumidi had arrived from work to do the artwork for the Dome ofthe Capitol. He painted what is called the “Apotheosis of Washington.” That means “the deification of George Washington.” According to Webster’s Dictionary, Apotheosis means “the act of placing a prince or other distinguished person among the heathen deities.”"

and just to prove Masonic/occult ties to D.C. this famous statue of George Washington is him as a deity as described above.

Catsfive ago

Can anyone verify this? This is way out of my league. I grew up in hearing lots of religious conspiracies, etc., but never ran into this one.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Masons say no ... but you can get a ruler and put it on a map between Washington monument and see if it lines up with anything interesting in Egypt pyramid area. The street plan to me that looks Masonic is that owl.

Yuke ago

R Street?

Forgive me, I'm a Brit, but that reads "Arse treet". FYI, the Gay village (the Gay part of town) in Manchester, England is conveniently situated on Canal Street, or, as you are most likely to see the road sign due to the removal of the "C" and "S" letters..."Anal treet" or "Anal St" A bit of humour never hurt anyone*

*That is, indeed, a lie.

kaelar ago

Dupont Circle was definitely one of the locuses of gay life in the District in the '80's and early '90's. As gay culture became more mainstream*, the need for a "gay district" changed and Dupont has re-gentrified with a whole bunch of annoying hipsters and their designer chais.

Lambda Rising was one of the holdouts, but closed up in 2010 and now the space is a... Comfort One Shoes. A few doors down was the legendary Circle Bar, which is now a Chipotle.

*i.e. gay/progressive culture took over the government in 2009 with Obama's election and progressive Dem majorities in House/Senate and all their buddies in the press. Podesta & company didn't have to sneak around anymore and hide from The Man. They were The Man, with all the rights and privileges thereof.

Theupsidedown ago

L'Enfant? Where have I seen that before...

cantsleepawink ago

Aefantis is friendly with the owner of the L'enfant cafe, which I think might have family connections to the original architect. here's an interesting article about the Washington tunnel and the designs of the freemason L'Enfant:

retreaux ago

Goat Hill Pizza or Goat Head?

flyingcuttlefish ago

It could just be oat hill. Many big cities expanded over farmlands and have funny names like that. In NYC West 96th street and West End hill was known long ago as nanny goat hill. It's described in 'Plunket of Tamminy Hall'.

I forgot the point of planned cities. Some cities grew organically, in a haphazard fashion and roads were made over existing trails. The grid design and mathematical layout come from planned cities or cities rebuilt after a fire in a more organized way. And those organizers tend to be Masons, in my opinion.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Here is some sort of shrine to honor someone or something that lies beneath.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Blaphemous prayer area on the patio with a goat in the trees to the right.

flyingcuttlefish ago

x-creepy!!took me a min. to see the topiary goat! And that wacky triangle in the center on top of the post.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Here is the Devil's symbol in the center of the painting headed into Mccullough's old home. Trapped souls.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Dead Man's Hole ---DMH Was used by the KKK to dump bodies.

cantsleepawink ago

The partial pentagram of Washington DC

redditsuckz ago

And "Goat" hill pizza?...The Goat is connected to Egyptian god Amun Ra who depicts a goat head and human body and Marina Abromovic also likes to hold goat heads;

NEW photos inside BESTA PIZZA - They are worshiping Egyptian gods and goddesses

Stormtrooperx52 ago

If you look in the center of the engraving on Thomas Mccullough's old home, it kind of looks like the bottom left of the pentagram is open. Weirddddddd.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

MSM couldn't stop talking about how Donald Trump's father was possibly arrested in the 1927 KKK riot. So far, for 1927, all I can come up with is reference to the KKK at that time, or the 1927 Flood of the Mississippi river. Probably the worst natural disaester in our country's history. DMH is tricky. Could either reference "Dead Man's Hole" (Dripping Springs, TX) Orange County, VA airport. Or to go along with the 1927 flood, it could mean the Dept of Meteorology and Hydrology. Thoughts?

srayzie ago

So they are pushing fake news before they even have proof. If alternative news said that about Hillary, the MSM would say that the Russians are spreading fake news. Frigin idiots

flyingcuttlefish ago

They leave out that the KKK in the 20s was like the Lions Club today. It was not unusual for white men to belong, march in parades etc. in the white robes in any state, not just the south. You see it in old newspaper photos fr the 4th of July parade in most towns if you do research. MSM leaves out in 1924 (summer) the KKK was the dominant participant (in robes too) at the DNC! They suppress the photos but they only narrowly missed the presidential nomination to run. So having a relation in the KKK in the 20s is not a rare thing.

srayzie ago

Wow I didn't know that. Well now it's being turned around and white people are being hated

flyingcuttlefish ago

history's pretty ugly ....

Stormtrooperx52 ago

The owner of McCullough construction is a mason. There are clues all over his old home.

quantokitty ago

Very important information and concept. Remember that in the Son of Sam killings, Maury Terry claimed that the tunnels in Long Island near where Aleister Crowley and others lived were being used for ritualistic killing of animals and to gather for meetings. It also allowed for them to scamper around unnoticed and disappear when they needed to. In the original Zodiac killings the same MO was used. I found a diagram of an underground tunnel system (it was an abandoned water project the city had undertaken) that would have given Zodiac the means to travel undetected from location to location. It would also have given him the means to hide if and when the authorities came within proximity. It connected with The Presidio where the shooting of the cab driver was near. Pelosi was a driving force in turning The Presidio into a trust. Think about it, if it had been privatized, there would be no access to this tunnel system and evidently it's important that the underground route remains open. Good stuff.

flyingcuttlefish ago

RE: Zodiac killer and tunnels - there's an old black and white movie made in the "Dragnet" style format called "He Walked By Night". It tells a true crime story of a crook who used the tunnels in L.A. to escape from his crimes and the movie shows a lot of the tunnels. In the 70s that movie could easily have been a Late Show type feature that could have inspired the Zodiac killer.


redberries ago

Check my previous thread, it has sacred geometry (pyramid) right where CPP is.