redditsuckz ago

So the Anciant Egyptians were Cannibals and harvesting human meat and the pyramids might have been slaughter houses...much like today...

Ankh = Life - Human Captive - Food

Cannibalism at the GRAMMY Awards

And here you have the Sex Stains Band with the Spiral Triangle which the FBI says stands for boy love but in the video it depicts decapitation and the cutting of body parts with the scissors;

Head Decapitation;

Genital cutting;

Hand cutting

Just like the decapitation murals in Comet Ping Pong

Sex Stains - Land of La LA (Official Video)

The Spiral Triangle symbol for Besta Pizza might mean a place to eat human meat or might mean its slaughter house or the circle spiral symbol and 666 means human blood and the spiral triangle means human flesh while the all seeing eye symbol means anal rape of young children as revealed by Amanda Kleinman of Magestic Ape in one of her drawings;

redditsuckz ago

Image Dump of pics since Slimg is broken;

Famous Knights of Pythias - Chuck Schumer - Anthony Wiener

Papal Court Jew Chuck Schumer loves the Jesuit Pope more than Catholic Patrick Leahy!

The Pythian Temple looks like its all about ancient Egypt;

What the All Seeing Eye really means;

Aleister Crowly Ancient Egytian ties and rituals;

Child Survivors of Pizzagate draw Triangles on robed cultists - Hermetic Order of Golden Dawn Cult archive picture;

Pedophile Criminal Networks of the World Exposed

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (Latin: Ordo Hermeticus Aurorae Aureae; or, more commonly, The Golden Dawn (Aurora Aurea)) was an organization devoted to the study and practice of the occult, metaphysics, and paranormal activities during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Known as a magical order, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was active in Great Britain and focused its practices on theurgy and spiritual development. Many present-day concepts of ritual and magic that are at the centre of contemporary traditions, such as Wicca[1][2] and Thelema, were inspired by the Golden Dawn, which became one of the largest single influences on 20th-century Western occultism.[3][4] The three founders, William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott, and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, were Freemasons and members of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.).[5] Westcott appears to have been the initial driving force behind the establishment of the Golden Dawn. Movements Rosicrucianism Orders Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor Hermetic Brotherhood of Light Ordo Templi Orientis Topics Hermetic Qabalah Influence and influences Occult and divinatory tarot People John Dee Aleister Crowley Israel Regardie Thābit ibn Qurra Paracelsus Giordano Bruno Ahmad al-Būni Samuel MacGregor Mathers William Westcott Franz Bardon Jakob Böhme

Ordo Templi Orientis

Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) ('Order of the Temple of the East' or 'Order of Oriental Templars') is an international fraternal and religious organization founded at the beginning of the 20th century. English author and occultist Aleister Crowley has become the best-known member of the order.

redditsuckz ago

Egypt Obelisk;

Located in the center of each city is an Egyptian obelisk erect.

They are:

 **the obelisk in St. Peter's Square**

   **the Washington Monument**

   **Cleopatra's Needle in the City of London**

Big Ben looks like an Obelisk;

Of course, one question you might want to ask yourself is why is there an Egyptian obelisk, which is a tribute to the Egyptian "pagan" sun god Amen-Ra, in the middle of Vatican City?

Contained within these three cities is more than 80% of the world's wealth.

Giant Obelisks tribute to Osiris penis?

"owl" in Washington DC might be a Falcon symbolizing Horus?

Pentagram in Washington symbolizing the Goat head for Amun Ra;

Horus as "the Christ" and Christianity is just another form of Horus worship as "the sun of god"...

basil999 ago

That red symbol between the sphinx and pyramid looks almost like the pedophile symbol. Who knows, maybe the triangle in a triagle symbol somehow originated showing the inside passages of a pyramid.

pizzagate_is_fake ago

Pizzagate is a hoax. It is fake news and has been debunked. You folks need to find a new conspiracy to investigate...perhaps chem trails, bigfoot, or Obama's birth certificate. Haw haw haw. Now don't you feel silly believing that a family restaurant is a sinister den of nefarious activity?

squirreltruth ago

PLEAAAAASE provide debunk... none of us WANT this to be true! Provide the proof otherwise, explain why none of this is worth investigation! This information could be presented to me about no names and I would have still been like "WHAT THE HELL!?" so how we're not all just like- yes lets please take a hard look at that is RIDICULOUS!!! It's not just a few tired pieces of circumstantial evidence, it's not just some speculation. IT's a MOUNTAIN RANGE of shit.... no other words for it.

ArthurEdens ago

Tell James Alefantis to enjoy freedom while he has it. Prison is in his future.

thisneedstoend ago

yes, oh my god, your comment has cleared it all up for me, now i feel oh so silly........... Every word of this screams shill. There is more to pizzagate than just comet.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

The sphinx head being too small indicating that it used to be something else... wow! I hadn't run into that idea before, but it makes sense. Something being hidden by someone? Or did the original head get damaged and someone just wanted to make something artsy out of what remained? I like your suggestion about the Amun Ra goat head, but I'm no expert.

ArthurEdens ago

The sphinx always perplexed me but this theory makes a lot of sense. Wow is right!

jjonahjackass ago

A popular theory is that the larger monuments of Egypt actually predate our version of civilization (2000-8000BC) and that the larger monuments were built to reflect the constellations in an "as above, so below" manner. According to this theory, the three main pyramids are a reflection of Orion's belt and the sphinx was originally a lion built to reflect Leo.

zzvoat ago

While no one really knows what the meaning is of "Child Eater of Bern," there is interesting speculation.

There also happens to be other strange/odd art/sculptures in Bern. There's a good discussion of it on this forum. Scroll down a touch. If you keep reading, you'll get to Part 1 of as video, "The Cult of Saturn." Turns out there are 7 parts - very, very interesting in, again, getting context. If you are Christian/Catholic, try to sit through it all, if you can. Just as I encourage Jews to try to sit through this one, also very interesting:

All of this has very ancient roots going through many of the world's mystery traditions, paganism, and on into organized religion of many faiths, particularly the Judeo/Christian.

I investigate best and make many more connections having as much context and history that I can. But that's just me.

Thanks for this post - it took me down new paths to very old paths.

redditsuckz ago

I wonder what info they are trying to hide?...

ArthurEdens ago

I see the mods dictating what gets on here a lot.

pizzagate_is_fake ago

Hey I saw a Hard Rock Cafe in the shape of a pyramid. It must mean they are in on it too. Haw haw haw. You tin foil hatters believe in a debunked conspiracy theory. SMH.

redditsuckz ago

RUH ROH ...the child eating shills dont like this info exposing their egyptian gods...

pizzagate_is_fake(10 minute old account) So you create this new account just so you could shill on this post eh? should have used one of your 300+ other alternate accounts. :^)

redditsuckz ago

Nope...They are sacrificing children to these egyptian gods and it connects to "Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn" and Satanist Aleister Crowly who followed ancient egyptian teachings and rituals. Same goes for Spirit Cooker Marina Abramovic as she copied Aleister Crowlys "Cake of Light" recipe.

Pedophile Criminal Networks of the World Exposed

Kawksnahch ago

So you're suggesting that what's in the Bohemian Grove is a Falcon, not an Owl? Aren't you presenting the Eye of Thoth, not the eye of Ra, anyway?

redditsuckz ago

The Eye of Ra and the Eye of Horus differences;

Amun Ra = Goat head human body form

Horus = Falcon head human body form

Hathor = Bull head human body form

truthteller111 ago

What are your sources for this statement (not the picture)

LostandFound ago

Where did this come from? Some pics look legit but then you dont explain where the rest came from

rush22 ago

Google Maps. Drag the yellow guy on top of Besta Pizza.

redditsuckz ago

LostandFound ago

Yeah but wheres the pic of bohemian grove, podesta etc. that the op makes claim of

redditsuckz ago

There are only 4 pics from Besta Pizza that I posted...I tried to relate to other pics from the Egyptian gods they might be worshiping...

LostandFound ago

ah cool just a bit unclear nice find on the 360 view. I didnt imagine besta would be such a dive.