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redditsuckz ago

Another Image;

The International Order of Saint Hubertus was founded in 1695 by Count Franz Anton von Sporck in what was then the Kingdom of Bohemia, then territory of the Habsburg Empire, now the modern Czech Republic.

After Scalia’s death, spotlight shines on ‘knightly order’ of elite hunters

goodguy1367 ago

The cross is The Knights Templar, this link may shine some light. I'm on mobile so not even attempting proper research.

redditsuckz ago



The person who made that pendant must have some knowlege of freemasonry because it looks like from a Knights Templar image 33 = All Seeing Eye which is the highest degree a Mason can have.

The Double Headed Eagle of the Scottish Rite, 33rd Degree Of Freemasonry

Order of the Knights Templar Image 33 - York Rite?Scottish Rite

Knights Templar as an Independent Body + York Rite

So John Podesta is a 33rd Degree Level Knights Templar...?

From Doug Band to John Podesta;

As John said, it doesn't get any better than this

"It doesnt get any better than this" - are they talking about the stenography pic and how it relates to the highest level for the Knights Templar - The highest order of sodomites?

Email also sent to Secret Service Department of Homeland Security - Sean Gallagher - [email protected]

Edit 2;

The Sodomite Gateway - Rosetta Stones Yielding the Secret of the Masonic 33

The 33 inside the triangle is a legitimate substitute for the eye sometimes found inside because the message is equivalent, testifying of the sodomite gateway.

Aleister Crowley "The All Seeing Eye" Explained In His Own Words. - The Rectum - "The Gateway"

julian_assanger ago

That is entirely Masonic, afaik. That means, "not related to Knights of Malta," which means not EXACTLY related to the (((Templars)))...

I wish these misconceptions would end.
EDIT: Although, according to what the fuck ever, all of these symbols point to Da Joos!
Even freemasons know that the Jews fucked a lot of shit up. Freemasonry, at least in part, originates from the escape of slavery from the juice.

Ihatepizza2 ago

I think that's a phoenix (not an eagle). Important distinction for researchers.

julian_assanger ago

Yes, although the thread below is funny, these are extremely important distinctions. That's especially true if they feel like taking up arguments with the ones who know what these things actually mean.

MolochHunter ago

pheonix = resurrection, which is also a theme of the Osiris/fish storyline

julian_assanger ago

Can you please stop joining correlations with causality?

MolochHunter ago

jez shootn the breeze, I aint making no assertions nor conclusions

julian_assanger ago


VieBleu ago

that's just a new triangle eye glued onto a relatively new cheap metal double eagle. Come on.

redditsuckz ago

The person who made that pendant must have some knowlege of freemasonry because it looks like from a Knights Templar image 33 = All Seeing Eye which is the highest degree a Mason can have.

The Double Headed Eagle of the Scottish Rite, 33rd Degree Of Freemasonry

Knights Templar Image 33

VieBleu ago

No it does not mean "the person who made that pendant MUST HAVE some knowledge of freemasonry..." Again, you are making a false assumption by excluding all other possibilities that don't confirm your biased idea - confirmation bias.

You could as easily assert, "the person who made that pendant MUST HAVE some knowledge of heraldry..." because of this