TheHolyGrail ago

Tomar was the Headquarters of the Knights Templar Order in Portugal for nearly 700 years.


John Podesta is a Jesuit

crazimal ago

In this thread:

idiots arguing about images with no documented relevance or provenance.

Muh owl muh racist muh unsourced .gif

Throgmorton ago

Which image? I smell bullshit.

WeCanDoThisThing ago

I'm no computer literate but it seems like actual stenography would be much more involved than the decoding of a bat flag...

Try to google "scary ass bat" + "flag"

Seems like a fraud/disinformation post

YingYangMom ago

IF this flag was really hidden in an attachment picture and is not fake, then it must mean something that nobody can come up with its origin. It seems to be a mix of the Knights Templars, Jesuit Order, Freemasonry, Bohemian Grove' Minerva Owl, et al. It seems to be a merge of the different orders. Could this be plausible? All united under one God, 'Lucifer'? Just brainstorming for fun, here...

lokfort ago

And in this post you can see how the shills work to distract people.

0xFFF ago

this. and also OP is starting to get on my nerves with his borderline spamming posts.

Truthplease5 ago

I saw a recent news article that said the photon looks like the Knights Templar cross...

spicitoarbos ago Could not find any source for this. Since it seems to me to be a waste of time, I'll just leave this here for anyone willing to go after it.

Phenomenonanon ago

I'm it's either an owl a pheonix or thisüber-alles-new-nazi-slogan-logo-ukrainian-forces

neurofluxation ago

This is from at least last November according to this tweet:

Here's a 16 page forum thread from LunaticOutpost...

Vindicator ago

OP, I am flairing this "Accuracy in Question" due to the fact that no one has been able to replicate the decryption of the steganography. Also, you have not provided any links to the original Wikileaks email, just this lame post on this questionable site.

The question I have is -- why would anyone go to the trouble of putting a silly-ass flag inside the picture? CP I could see hiding in such a manner, but a flag? It smacks of disinfo.

VieBleu ago

Thanks again for being VOR - voice of reason. Seen you working hard, much appreciated by a big silent majority.

Vindicator ago


0xFFF ago

keep an eye on him, he has been spamming the board with a few of these shallow copy paste articles to get some traffic on his site.

Vindicator ago

Alas, that seems to be the new cottage industry these days.

NoRagrets ago

Also curious, I've previously looked at these steganography claims and been unable to reproduce.

spicitoarbos ago

Thank you, I got the symbolism. I meant to ask for more on the 4chan thread with proof.

SaveTheChildren ago

SHILLS, go away

VieBleu ago

This entire thread is lulz by not nice lulzers - my opine buyer beware

MolochHunter ago

I think its a Maltese Cross (Podesta's ethnic heritage) and, at a guess - the owl of Minerva (occult)

VieBleu ago

seems like a good post in a sea of unreality on this thread

Fatsack ago


madhatter67 ago

As a few have pointed out, this has been floating around a while, the method of steg was never given and noone has been able to reporduce it, so have to call bullshit on it

redditsuckz ago

Thanks for the link I never saw that pic.

Emblematic Structure of Freemasonry

I would think that symbol would be a super secret symbol and doesnt exist anywhere on the web except in very few elite circles.


The shills have showed up so it looks like this thread has them I guess we must be on to something...:^)

Don-Keyhote ago

Lol the Super Excellent Master symbol wants to be a spiral triangle, shoulda been Totally Fab or something

julian_assanger ago

Do you not live in a building, made by human hands?

nomorepepperoni ago

+1, please explain how you decoded the image.

julian_assanger ago

This is fucking fake. At least that .gif is... That is not how steganography works.

If it's authentic, then decrypting this shit would take a long time, especially 7 images deep.

Summary: Fuck you.

Pechal ago

Yea anyone who falls for this is an idiot, this is the most fake thing I've ever seen. Yea right a Nazi flag with an Owl on it hidden in a picture of 2 Korean reporters. Not even to mention the .gif itself being the most amateur thing, that is not at all how steganography works.

VieBleu ago


julian_assanger ago

I may get brigaded, who knows? lol You have balls. I like balls.

VieBleu ago

this guy is on here all the time, spamming up with pseudo intellectually null arguments, mostly along the lines of "I FOUND A SYMBOL!!!!!! SMOKING GUN!!!!" And he's got a harem of a few supporters that upvoat his every utterance and try to emulate with even worse spam posts.
gets. so. old.

julian_assanger ago

Wait. Me? I shitpost casually and troll really hard when I'm drunk (disassociative defense mechanism), but yeah...
EDIT: lol I just read the thread again... Thanks, by the way.

VieBleu ago

no, not you at all. Glad you are saying speaking up. cheers.

julian_assanger ago

Cheers! Stone Ripper, at the moment

redditsuckz ago

I like balls.

So do the pedo elite.

spicitoarbos ago

Do you have more on that? Archive, screenshots, anything to confirm? So far, all we have here is hearsay and a gif anyone could have made. This Minerva owl with all seeing eye, on a flag resembling german empire insignia reeks of trolling. compare these flags

KnowThyself ago

I thought this was old and it came from some video game about tanks?

goodguy1367 ago

This link may help? I'm on mobile so researching is straight too hard. But the cross is The Knights Templar. Maybe there's something here.

huntercel ago

It looks like an owl with horns or something, reminds me of the owl on the dollar bill

goodguy1367 ago

Looks like an owl? Something to do with some sick cult or ancient order no doubt

redditsuckz ago

The heraldry symbol of a bird, could be a falcon, hawk, raven, or eagle, is very old, related to egyptian Horus (

Same with the bohemian grove statue it looks more like a falcon/god horus then an ow.

tooner96 ago

I was thinking the owl that they idolize at Bohemian Grove and that statue at Little St. James island, too. I looked Minerva up a few months ago but couldn't remember its name until I saw MolochHunter's post. That was my first thought of what it was, anyway. (I'm not saying the image is factual, just my first thought when I saw the owl)

goodguy1367 ago

I was about to Say maybe not Minerva but the Bohemian grove one! I googled both and the Bohemian grove one definitely had more resemblance and it would make a lot more sense

tooner96 ago

I don't want to sound silly, but do you know what is the difference between the two? I thought the owl of Bohemia was meant to represent Minerva? I keep seeing on Google that it represents Moloch, but I don't think any of those comments are factual and it hasn't ever been recorded as an owl in the past, has it? I might just be bad at searching for things on Google, but I had a hard time finding much information on Moloch. I tried to find books on demons in our local library(ies) about demons because I thought a published book would be more trustworthy as a source than some parts of the internet, but my options were still quite limited.

redditsuckz ago

Another Image;

The International Order of Saint Hubertus was founded in 1695 by Count Franz Anton von Sporck in what was then the Kingdom of Bohemia, then territory of the Habsburg Empire, now the modern Czech Republic.

After Scalia’s death, spotlight shines on ‘knightly order’ of elite hunters

VieBleu ago

Yeah, we get it, shady elites use these symbols. BUT YOU ARE NOT PROVING ANYTHING USEFUL.

redditsuckz ago

Dont you think the All Seeing Eye as a symbol for the anus is useful?

Aleister Crowley "The All Seeing Eye" Explained In His Own Words. - The Rectum - "The Gateway"

The 33rd degree masons would have the highest child sacrifice and rape John Podesta possible 33rd degree mason.

Here is pic from Comet Ping Pong friends (((Amanda Kleinman))) and her band The Apes website where they reveal the "anus" as the 3rd eye and showing 3 dead children as the genital area;

VieBleu ago

"ie John Podesta possible 33rd degree mason"

IS he? Why don't you investigate THAT - that would be a FACT that might mean something if you could prove it. All the rest of your Crowley anuses are just that - some other asshole's bullshit. I don't care if every person at Podesta's offices all have tattooed anuses on their foreheads and drink Bloody Mary cocktails every day while swearing on Crowley bibles, it doesn't help or mean anything without some facts.

You pick off low hanging fruit and think you demonstrate some kind of dazzling intellectual sleuthing skills. You do not. You just spin and grab and grab and spin spiderwebs into thin air with nothing to show for it but a lot of blather and 1000 links to meaninglessness. Just a narcissistic ego tripping perscription uppers fueled sideshow at a pizzagate forum. That's it

redditsuckz ago

So you dont think the "eye" means the anus? If it does than (((David Seaman))) shows his allegiance to this cult by having "the eye" on his vimeo page which would mean he does these sick rituals himself...

Thats pretty disgusting and he is just throwing it in everyone's faces...:(

VieBleu ago

There is definitely an anus in your face all the time, you just didn't know it before.

goodguy1367 ago

The cross is The Knights Templar, this link may shine some light. I'm on mobile so not even attempting proper research.

artfullyours ago

Interesting information. Not sure if some of it could be conjecture...but a lot of it is very informative. I'm not done with it yet. A lot of reading.

AugustaJulia ago

This looks to me like a melding or overlap of a maltese cross image with the eagle owl image.

redditsuckz ago



The person who made that pendant must have some knowlege of freemasonry because it looks like from a Knights Templar image 33 = All Seeing Eye which is the highest degree a Mason can have.

The Double Headed Eagle of the Scottish Rite, 33rd Degree Of Freemasonry

Order of the Knights Templar Image 33 - York Rite?Scottish Rite

Knights Templar as an Independent Body + York Rite

So John Podesta is a 33rd Degree Level Knights Templar...?

From Doug Band to John Podesta;

As John said, it doesn't get any better than this

"It doesnt get any better than this" - are they talking about the stenography pic and how it relates to the highest level for the Knights Templar - The highest order of sodomites?

Email also sent to Secret Service Department of Homeland Security - Sean Gallagher - [email protected]

Edit 2;

The Sodomite Gateway - Rosetta Stones Yielding the Secret of the Masonic 33

The 33 inside the triangle is a legitimate substitute for the eye sometimes found inside because the message is equivalent, testifying of the sodomite gateway.

Aleister Crowley "The All Seeing Eye" Explained In His Own Words. - The Rectum - "The Gateway"

julian_assanger ago

That is entirely Masonic, afaik. That means, "not related to Knights of Malta," which means not EXACTLY related to the (((Templars)))...

I wish these misconceptions would end.
EDIT: Although, according to what the fuck ever, all of these symbols point to Da Joos!
Even freemasons know that the Jews fucked a lot of shit up. Freemasonry, at least in part, originates from the escape of slavery from the juice.

Ihatepizza2 ago

I think that's a phoenix (not an eagle). Important distinction for researchers.

julian_assanger ago

Yes, although the thread below is funny, these are extremely important distinctions. That's especially true if they feel like taking up arguments with the ones who know what these things actually mean.

MolochHunter ago

pheonix = resurrection, which is also a theme of the Osiris/fish storyline

julian_assanger ago

Can you please stop joining correlations with causality?

MolochHunter ago

jez shootn the breeze, I aint making no assertions nor conclusions

julian_assanger ago


VieBleu ago

that's just a new triangle eye glued onto a relatively new cheap metal double eagle. Come on.

redditsuckz ago

The person who made that pendant must have some knowlege of freemasonry because it looks like from a Knights Templar image 33 = All Seeing Eye which is the highest degree a Mason can have.

The Double Headed Eagle of the Scottish Rite, 33rd Degree Of Freemasonry

Knights Templar Image 33

VieBleu ago

No it does not mean "the person who made that pendant MUST HAVE some knowledge of freemasonry..." Again, you are making a false assumption by excluding all other possibilities that don't confirm your biased idea - confirmation bias.

You could as easily assert, "the person who made that pendant MUST HAVE some knowledge of heraldry..." because of this

lawfag123 ago

I remember seeing that on a website back in November.. we need instructions on reproducing however that image came about. You think it would have been conclusively discovered by now, because many people were working on this particular image back then

FlameoftheWest ago

Is Athena against us? She is one of my favorite Greek goddesses

153sdsd ago

This is important, and it was discussed before, the image was also Identified, it basically and admission of guilt, bet they were very happy when they found steganography, the fools

party1981 ago

I thought it was an owl. But closer images show that it is a kind of parrot.

Still an underground Mossad/CIA blackowl child trafficking operation. But we gotta get the details right.

party1981 ago

please reproduce this?

rippingtheveil ago

I'm guessing that is a pictures of madeline mccann dead body, imo


This flag? It looks like multiple flags. I'm sure I've seen these flags before but I can't remember where.

Antonius ago

I recall seeing that flashing around on the screen for a split second when this stuff first came out.

spicitoarbos ago

Needs source. Post the key used, so everyone can see the hidden image.