ThePuppetShow ago

The purple thing in the middle looks like it could have dual meaning, but it is blurred. My guess is a butterfly with it's wings folded back just right so it could also resemble moloch. I wonder if this was just someone LARPing though.

UglyTruth ago

Unless you can replicate the extraction process it could have come from anywhere.

ThePuppetShow ago

I completly agree, and I can't replicate it...

redditsuckz ago

It has similar wreaths as United Nations and Unicef;

1987: pedophile ring exposed, with secret photographic studio in basement of UNICEF building in Brussels

And the White and Red flag in the back is Switzerland...+ purple alien image...looks like Egyptian god Anubis;

Switzerland Flag


The Pharaoh Show; Alien Predators in Human Appearance - Swiss Secret Symbols in Switzerland

World Rulers are Satanic Fascist Pharaohs Hiding in Switzerland · Part 1 of 2

Child eater statue in Bern Switzerland;


The image resembles an owl/falcon or the Egyptian god Horus /Amun ra a little more;

**The Pharaoh Lineage "The Priest of Amon Ra and the connection to Switzerland **

"In the Old Kingdom, people thought of Horus as having the head of a falcon, and his name means "falcon" in Egyptian. The Pharaoh was the human form of Horus, and then when he died, the dead Pharaoh was the human form of Osiris. More generally, Horus was a sky god,the son of the sun god."

It would make sense since we see the EYE OF HORUS everywhere....also John Podesta had the "fish and 14" on his hands;

What if the "owl" in Washington DC and Bohemian Grove was actually the Falcon Horus Egytpian god?...

Washington DC owl/falcon/horus?

Bohemian Grove owl/Falcon/Moloch/Horus?

***EDIT 2

And why we might see the bull and Moloch everywhere is because they might be worshiping the counterpart to Horus and the eye of Ra or the Goddess Hathor/Isis which is part bull and mother of Horus and Osiris;

**Edit 3

They seem to worship all the gods of Egypt;

Eye of Ra...Eye of Horus

Amon Ra other forms = goat/ram

Osirus = Bull

Horus = Falcon

survivingtime ago

definatley a pair of wlikinson swords crossing aswell

Pizzagate709 ago

Theres an upside down triangle in the wings of whatever that is too.

pizzagateishell ago

Good fucking find mate ! Take my upvoat

redditsuckz ago

I remember reading about the Pheoniciens

This guy talks about the Pheoniciens in detail;

The Self proclaimed ELITE FEAR this Information, Black Nobility, Jesuits & More, A MUST SHARE!

pizzagateishell ago

0 Results Searched over 16.840 billion images --> tineye

redditsuckz ago

Here is a better pic of the image OP;

pizzagateishell ago

Thank you for that!!! Any leads to what this could represent?

redditsuckz ago

Still only guesses but you can really see the eye in the triangle and the Wilkinson swords better which someone pointed out they are.