


You're absolutely delusional if you literally believe that Jesus is God, or that you go to a magic place after you die. That statement doesn't even make any sense. Religions are pretty much retarded if you gobble up all of the bullshit. There is no "disbelief" or "belief". Our universe exists, out of nothing. That is God. Books written by men 3500 years ago or 2000 years ago or in 600 AD don't change that at all. They are nothing more than stories.


The Bible is pretty lame when you read the Arabic in the Quran. You have just only read the Bible....

I don't ascribe to either religion, but you are delusional.

jangles ago

jangles ago

It makes sense, kinda the missing link. There must be intent to charge, and it is here. I am looking for links between podesta and intent.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Hot damn! Just took a brief look through and I think that maybe anon was not full of shit for once...Nice work! I'll dig through a bit later tonight when I have some time.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

After reading this thread I had an insight. And might have done something stupid. NEED advice.

I contacted someone that is an author. I accused them of being CIA plant because a book they wrote is uncannily accurate. They denied then wrote back cryptically admitting young sex abuse. The book is all about human control for our own good. Using sex and torture to break minds down and rewritting them better. It won a HUGO Award decades ago. I then started following their stuff. Lots of occult tie ins. Nervous because my dumb ass actually contacted...but dont want to hurt anyone if they are just victim. But looking at the online relationships I am also nervous they might be in an actual functioning baby killing group. What can I do?

My author on wikipedia page references college degrees in rome greek mythic. Lots of egyptian occult tie ins in their FB pages and her friends FB pages.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Hmm, I'm not really sure what to tell you or what the proper course of action might be. Was the abuse recent? What makes this whole thing difficult is that we don't want to start witch-hunts but our ability to really get deep into investigating this is rather limited as it is a crowd-sourced online movement. Even when we do find someone the most we can do is report it and hope it gets investigated by legitimate authorities who may or may not be involved. Maybe just keep some notes and see if it fits in more solidly with other discoveries for now? I just don't know.


They are definitely traced to the Brotherhood/Priesthood of Amon Ra. The IMF video was purely to show that these people even know about or care about numerology (magic with numbers).

But I agree, whoever the fuck it is, let's kill them and steal everything they know about our past. Then let's replace them. Destroying the soul of a little child is so fucking horrid.


It takes an extreme amount of cognitive dissonance to literally believe in the events of the bible.


I remember Bible school quite well.

webofslime ago

There is a weird corporate cult like structure to what we are dealing with that uses religious practices from every religion.

It would make sense if they call themselves the Visionaries, as they create artificial religious, environmental, political, charitable and government organizations as fronts for their real agenda. They try to control both sides of all causes. Create conflict and struggle, or infiltrate causes not of their own making.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Yeah, I think so too. They use symbols and art to broadcast what they are right out in the open. Some crazy shit. Whether or not the visionaries thing is legit or not that's beside the point.

cosmicmind ago

Is there info on Hirschorn museum? One of Alefantis Instagram pics shows he's speaking at a podium at with the name Hirschhorn on the front. Hirsch is german for deer and horn means antler. I noticed weeks ago on this voat forum someone posted a bunch of deer and antlers (bucks) wondering if it meant something.
I'm wondering if by digging into these museums a deeper lead might develop.

What's up with Abrahamovics main museum Gugenheim?

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

I don't know anything about the Hirschorn. It means deer you say? Interesting. I wonder if that's got anything to do with the name of his other place, Bucks Fishing and Camping. I got no idea about the Gugenheim exhibits other than this broad is demented and perverse.

cosmicmind ago

I wonder if their art displays and themes synchronize with solstice dates?

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

It wouldn't surprise me. Everything screams ritual with these people. Take the Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony in Switzerland. Notice the people coming out of the stands with the branches and shit on their heads? Check out that mural from inside ccp. Weird, huh?

cosmicmind ago

Yep, that's just the thing... people have to drop the fear of words such as 'satanic' etc, (whether they personally believe in it or not), because it's impossible to identify this against a ''normal'' reference point.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago



Fuck off. You believe in complete bullshit. Jesus is completely fabricated by these freaks. The events of his life are on a fucking line in Jerusalem. They wrote the fucking book. They made Islam too.


Typo. Meant to just say meters.

Millennial_Falcon ago

This is a completely unsubstantiated anonymous source, so I gotta flag this one "accuracy in question." Could be a larper, could be a shill, could be a troll, could be true. The point is, we don't know.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Yeah no worries. I would have done that myself if I knew how which is why I titled it the way I did.


I don't believe in either.....

dontkillmehillary ago

Wait... hang on... not to dismiss this or anything, but what happened to Three (anon insider Illuminati guy)? Or is this in addition to Three?

Does this mean we have Three vs. Visionaries vs. other dudes. vs other other dues?

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

It's the the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude! That illuminati guy looked like a complete larper to me the longer he went on. This guy could be too but was smart enough not to drag it out. I just figured since he named some organizations and places that it would be possible to find some connections via people involved with souls grown deep.

dontkillmehillary ago

I read that in the voice of Kirk Lazarus. Well done!

isthisreality ago

After everything I have learned so far- especially with all the t a v i s t 0 c k stuff- nothing, absolutely nothing, sounds crazy to me anymore.


No. I am saying that they came up with the entire "belief" "disbelief" dichotomy because we live in the pisces time. This is the time of the "two fish", one with doubt and one without doubt. They crafted a God which made this universe, as well as the devil. They made both retard. You got Rick-rolled.

darkofthemoon ago

I meant that back when the meter was calibrated for the first time, they weren't able to measure the Earth that accurately, and so the official meter model was a little bit off from the true 1/10,000,000. Later improvements to the SI system defined the meter more accurately, but used the old meter model as the target length rather than obsolete everyone's existing rulers and break the compatibility of items built to standard measurements.


What about "flat-earth"-theory? It cannot be proven nor denied...

darkofthemoon ago

What do you mean? Flat earth is the most impossible conspiracy theory I've ever seen. There are so many good arguments against flat earth, including the WHY of it. But I'm sure you've heard that stuff before...

Ancient Egyptians in the time the pyramids were built did think the Earth was flat though and had no idea about latitudes, let alone a way to measure them to multiple decimal points. It wasn't until the Hellenistic period (still B.C., but much later) that the Egyptians became aware that the Earth is round.

rail606 ago

How about a year old account agreeing with the said post. Fuck off shill. We know your magic geometry faggot.

rail606 ago

Doesn't matter if u took the time to watch the video you would understand pizzagate. However you refuse to acknowledge the truth all around you. It is shoved in your face day after day. Yet you don't even know god. Educate yourself before you accuse.



Watch the fucking videos. You will be blown away.


He might be a shill. I am FUCKING NOT.

sentryseven ago

This is an interesting and plausible angle especially demonstrable because of the characterization of Abramovic's work as "art". We should dig deeper on the art world angle.


See my rebuttal of someone else who said the exact same thing.

Skanda ago

I saw a 4chan post claiming the children were stolen by the tooth fairy. You want a screenshot?

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

I demand a screenshot!


Thanks dude. It means a lot to finally have some resemblance of an audience.


Couldn't agree more.


You make extremely valid points. You have persuaded me completely. I am sure that they test all of these things. I believe that they just assume the presence has always been constant, which simply doesn't make sense.

A test to confirm the validity of carbon dating further than 200 years uses other isotopic tests as confirmation. If all of these isotopes are created in the upper atmosphere via stellar wind, they would expectedly vary in accordance with each other.

Science is still an extremely powerful tool. It is not discounted by this revelation, in my opinion.

zoot3d ago


Sushilover69 ago

It's so annoying. I know my cool hip voaterz don't talk like these squares.

Artlife ago

It's not about what you believe, it's about what they believe. I agree that it's important to not get off focus, it does help to understand their motives.

UncookedSpirit ago

Here's an essay on the history of pederasty in the Roman empire and how it eventually became mainstream:

Schrodingers_Spy ago

Makes me wonder about all of the times I've heard Hollywood actors refer to someone being 'a true visionary'


This is the eventually self-evident "secret" that they don't want to get out.


Please explain to me how carbon dating is bogus. I agree with almost everything else you have stated.


Thanks. It really means a lot.


I said that my mind was open...


It has nothing to do with Scotland. They were just the last point in their journey West (like rising sun). Knights Templar fled Scotland.

You cannot overturn the evidence presented in those videos. You must watch them or you will never consider what I have said. It is too far fetched until you study the trail of symbolism these people have left throughout art and architecture.

pizzahthrowaway ago

The outsider spaces are for congregation/rituals, the big galas are for money laundering.

The board cfo of transformer is also board cfo for the phillips gallery (much higher end) and he happens to be a west point grad, former army spec ops officer...could be irrelevant but a strange connection i still havent seen mentioned much.


I'm just going to throw this out there. An artist called Frida Kahlo had a loveaffair with Lev Trotskij.

comeonpeople ago

More 4chan made up bullshit.

Transformer is a tiny art gallery in DC. Alefantis and Podesta are or were on the board and are or were donors.

Visionary Friends of Transformer is the title Transformer gives to people who donate a certain amount to keep them afloat.

ArthurChance ago

Don't want to appear to shill, or paint you as a shill, just trying to correct some information here so we don't seem disorganised;

The Dahmer victim sculpture, "Arch of Hysteria", was created by Louise Bourgeois, 1911-2010, in 1993. It may have been inspired by a Dahmer victim (the piece was created during Dahmer's spree, so maybe he was inspired by her work?) but she claimed that the inspiration was hysterical patients' movements at a hospital (Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris).

I can't find much information about the sale of the piece (only that the National Gallery of Canada bought it in 2005), or when Podesta acquired it. I'd say with a degree of certainty that it wasn't a commissioned piece.

*Edited to add source link:

lossau ago

hysterical patients' movements at a hospital

Ok, then why there is no head?

ArthurChance ago

No idea, sorry, I'm just digging around. I don't think she'd have seen the crime scene shots of the Dahmer victims, though.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I'd be shocked if they weren't also eating humans, as mental as that sounds. Its ridiculous that, even with the in your face references, you could never bring this up in person to someone.

looking4truth ago

Cheesepizza hashtag.........smh

bdmthrfkr ago

Did any of you see the friends list of Luzzatto? Many, many WaPo and NYT reporters and editors.

Post is about half-way down.

totesgoats908234 ago

Any archive? Someone could of just photoshop that. It is trivial. I would really like to see any archive of it.

MolochHunter ago

Oh for fucks sake. Sorry to be dismissive. But lets keep our investigators hats on, not our 'ive solved the mystery of all history and mankind' ego need for importance in check: IT DOESN'T MATTER ONE JOT if some of them call themselves this or that or illuminatis or uber-monkeys or visionaries or anything

Commit a crime you do the time. Even if 'Visionaries' are real it matters fuck all - you could have a visionary who hasn't committed a crime, doesn't know about their comrades crimes - they can walk free. You fuck and murder a kid and you've never heard of the visionaries - you go to society imposed hell

We are here for the children and their distraught parents and not to strut our sense of self worth through differentiation 'i know the big secret the average person doesn't know' complex

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Excuse me? It has 4chan in the title. I would assume that everyone who has been online for more than 15 minutes would know that anything from there should be taken with a giant grain of salt. My point in posting this here was that the person alluded to the Souls Grown Deep Foundation which can be looked into as well as locations that may also be relevant. I did not post this because I believed it or because of my 'ego' as you put it. I posted it because Souls Grown Deep is an actual organization run by real people that can be looked into. Maybe there is something there and maybe there isn't. I didn't say STOP THE PRESSES I FOUND THE KEY!!!! If you don't think this is something worth examining that's fine. Don't. We all want the same outcome here. Taking a shit on people for posting things that may have some relevancy is going to result in less people posting. The art angle is clearly very important with these people.

Gone20 ago

Couldn't agree more. There's no room for ridiculous conspiracy theories. Stick to facts and what you can see. Your personal theory on what's going on has no relevance. These are real kids who are the victims of real crimes. This isn't a platform to post your own personal agendas.

oresd ago

I can't believe how stupid what I am reading here sounds. I can't take any more of this bullshit.

postfascion ago

Fucking ay. Its waay too simple to point fingers at groups, that's how they get away with it. There is good and bad in every classification (the bad is obviously those who knowingly harm others for personal gratification). Ultimately... By their deeds you shal know them.

smokratez ago

Properly naming our enemies would make hunting them easier.

MolochHunter ago

Well, trueish, but always bear in mind, naming our enemies can lead to false accusations too. The visionaries could be a knitting club of 1000 old ladies with only 2 of them sadopaedophiles. There is plenty of evidence for us to know there is fire behind the smoke, but we are prone to confirmation bias, and our ego wants to be 'in the know' of the 'big evil secret'

smokratez ago

Some of us are waiting for the rest of you to catch up though.

MaryWolf ago

I posted some vids leaning towards this clue...8 days ago. If anything, it shows his mindset & bizarre interest with occult like activity, and his disdain of government meddling in his

James Alefantis Publicly Defends Satanic Artist! A Fire in My Belly & Where Evil Dwells

The Smithsonian Institution banned an "art" video, A Fire in My Belly, by David Wojnarowicz. Transformer art gallery in DC took it on for display & held a protest in front of Transformer where the board president, James Alefantis, publicly defended the video. Jesus, ants & blood is the theme. Alefantis states that "we have the right to free expression" & "the government should stay far out of our lives."

A Fire in My Belly, Full Vid

But, this is where it gets very disturbing. Wojnarowicz made a short film, Where Evil Dwells, which depicts human sacrifice & touture, Babies included....& Alefantis defended this "artist".

Where Evil Dwells

Be prepared, don't have children around when watching above video! You have been warned! It's very evil...

knight222 ago

wtf did I just watch?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

'Government should stay out our lives' rich coming from the child raping lover of the most notorious propagandist of recent times.

Rigg5 ago

Now I know why they had a Popcorn Machine in the show Mr. Robot.

sheer-con ago

Uh..doubt the Egyptians were using meters which is what is used for our measurement of the speed of light...


The king's chamber is fucking made in meters. IT IS A FUCKING TRANSCENDETNAL MEASUREMENT to our solar system. Watch THEE fucking video.

So they just happened to encode the golden ratio with 99.99 percent accuracy? FUCK OFF.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Added a link to the artist and origin of image in the op. Looks like anon just grabbed it from there.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Here is the artist. Yeah I dunno what to think about it.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

I screenshotted them off of /pol/ just before I posted them here. User had 3 posts here is the thread. That post was near the bottom of it. Thread is archived now. I'll add an of it to main post.

Your guess is as good as mine as to whether it's larper shit or not.

Piscina ago

Thakiddds ago

Looks like a code imo. Like a message in the images


Here is the even bigger picture :)

I have studied the elite for 20 years. Pizzagate isn't holly new to me, but the scale took me aback. The elite sacrifice children for a reason.

Here is the whole story of Pizzagate for anyone interested. The truth is stranger than fiction. The Scottish Masonic Order and their affiliates rule our planet. They are a direct continuation of the Brotherhood of Amon Ra that existed in Egypt 3500 years ago. Knights Templar, Medici's, Pheonicians were just a couple of the links in between. Our leaders are obsessed with Egyptian symbolism, specifically the story of Isis and Osiris. It's basically pretty cool math/geometry, but they have perverted it and made it into an esoteric movement. These people literally invented creationism and our religions. The Star of David is a mathematical symbol.

Here you go (explore the Egyptian/mathematical symbolism through art and architecture of the past 2 thousand years):

This guy is really funny. He sucks as a speaker, and looks insane, but info checks out. It'll make a man go insane.

and here is the mouthpiece for the IMF mentioning it casually:

Please refrain from calling me a shill because that sounds so fucking crazy. I know what it sounds like. Downvote me if you think it is a coincidence the the latitude of the King's Chamber at the pyramids at Giza is the speed of light (in m/s), accurate to at least 6 digits. You would have to think Pizzagate is a coincidence too. Meter was defined in 1800, but it was merely rediscovered. It is a length ingrained into the architecture of our solar system, as any student of Masonry would learn. Here is the King's chamber when measured in meters:

Maybe the meter isn't so arbitrary after all, if it is being used to encode the golden ratio in Egypt, thousands of years before the System International. By the way, the perimeter of the chamber's base is 10 pi meters. They squared the circle at the same time.

Numerology and mythology seem pretty fucking retarded, and they are, but our leaders fucking love it. You have to understand it, in order to understand our current situation, and them. It goes back thousands of years. If there is anything that you guys should be learning through Pizzagate, it is that many of the men and the women with the tin foil hats on, were preaching reality in your face (to a limit- I think that limit is aliens, but I am open minded). I think that it can be easy to try to explain this Egyptian symbolism as artistic influence, but major historic figures have gone out of their fucking way to make a point of it (as you will see in the first video).

Last thing, FUCK THE BROTHERHOOD OF AMON RA. They sacrifice children like sheep.

Just remember that at heart, humans are good. These videos will make you question reality, but we have each others' backs.

You guy's have found the tippy tip of the iceberg.

sentryseven ago

You should make this into a post.


I did:

The ones that excluded my explanation of 9/11 just didn't get any attention.

They think it is too "crazy" that B61 Neutron bombs blew up the towers despite fucking mountains of evidence, and the fact that we also used them in Fallujah and Syria. I can get over them not buying 9/11 stuff, but don't just fucking label me debunked. That fucking pissed me off.

Trump knows. Someone briefed him on reality. He mentioned "bombs" at the base of the towers. The coup is coming.

Skanda ago

You're a shill for not mentioning the shapeshifting reptilians!


Fuck off retard

Skanda ago




Know your containment forums.

This forum is for discussing Pizzagate.

Gone20 ago

You're pushing an agenda. Wish I could downvote.


Fuck off retard.

algernon4peace ago

It is crazy, but a lot of what you're saying I've read and believe as well. Pizzagate confirmed all of this for me. And it just blows my mind that these people worship Lucifer and Egyptian Gods. I think they get off on positive adoration as well. Perhaps that's one of the perks of Hollywood and celebrity culture for them (that and for it's hypnotic/suggestive/mind numbing effect).

The Illuminati is kinda like the Wizard from the Wizard of Oz, except in this case, the tiny little man hiding behind a big screen is also torturing and raping little kids. :(


They invented Creationism and the devil.

Boorasha ago

fuck off with your bullshit

LostandFound ago

Every interesting post, ever consider plate shift to bring that further in line than 6 places of decimal, given the location it would not be much since it was built. Also can I get your take on why the Sumerian base 60 counting system is required in this instance to make this work?

sbt2160p ago

Meter was defined in 1800, but it was merely rediscovered. It is a length ingrained into the architecture of our solar system



Watch the videos. I understand how mother fucking crazy this sounds.

Boorasha ago

you post the most bullshit nonsense. I've been following you. You're a troll, someone report this shill

rail606 ago

Coming from a new account. We know your secret geometry faggot. Fuck off beast. Actively covering up the babykilling and you call him a shill lmfao.

Boorasha ago

numerology is not a coverup for pedophlia. actively investigating leads is the most important aspect in this board. Do not damage the narrative with your nonsense. Stick with facts, stop derailing with numerology.



I had the same arrogance in my heart long ago. FUCK OFF.

AFriend ago

These pedophiles are delivering pizzas at the speed of light.

darkofthemoon ago

Meter was originally meant to be 1/10,000,000 of the distance between Earth's equator and poles. Nowadays meter has been defined much more exactly, and the errors in the original calculations mean that Earth's polar diameter is only approximately 40,000 kilometers.

Earth is part of the solar system though...

Wellwerefucked ago

Thank you for this!

madmanpg ago

I submit this for consideration:

The claim is usually put like this:

Speed of light through vacuum is 299,792,458 m/s.

A geographic coordinate of 29.9792458, 31.134658 will end up on the Great Pyramid Of Giza (,31.134204&sspn=0.018308,0.019205&t=m&z=17))

Both contain the number sequence 299792458, which to some is too peculiar to be a coincidence.

Therefore architects must have had "secret knowledge" about the properties of light, information some believe must have been passed down by higher intelligent beings.

However, there are a number of aspects we must take into consideration before we jump to such conclusions. And most importantly we must realize that we are tweaking a number of factors to get a perfect match. Without these tweaks we quickly realize that the match is in fact not much of a match at all.

According to GeoHack the geographic coordinates to the pyramid is 29.979175, 31.134358 (not the same latitude value.)

To get a latitudinal hit on the pyramid you actually need no more than five digits, as opposed to all nine. The last four numbers are basically redundant and pointless.

The speed of light through vacuum is an integer. A latitude of 299,792,458 isn't a valid degree so we have to consciously put a decimal in the right place. Two options are available, 2.99792458 and 29.9792458, so another conscious decision must be made to fit the speed of light claim.

We have the option to switch the latitude value with the longitude, but doing this points to another completely uninteresting place. A conscious decision has been made to put the right value in the right place for no other reason than to support the claim.

The longitude can be just about any value between -180 and 180, but we consciously pick the one that will end up on the Giza pyramid, forcing a connection.

A latitude of 29.9800000 also gives us a hit on the pyramid, but as an integer this value would actually be faster than the speed of light through vacuum. We make a conscious decision to limit this value downward.

We consciously choose to use the metres as unit when there are many other distance units to choose from.

The ancient Egyptians never used metres as a unit. They used 'cubits'. ( If they actually knew about the metre one would expect them to use such unit for measurement as well. They simply did not.

Conclusion: In order to make the connection we have to actively include various options that fit the original claim, and exclude the many that doesn't, even though they are still fully valid options. A matching sequence of five digits is not particularly strange or extraordinary. People have won the lottery matching far longer sequences than just five digits. Sometimes numbers simply match up without any connection whatsoever. So because this argument require some forcing we can conclude that this is likely nothing but a coincidence.

Please mention if any errors have been made in my analysis.

sleepingbeautycan ago

My theory is that very few of them are "true believers" in the satanic cult, old religious cults etc... You know I think that Baroness Philippine de Rothschild. <--- that lady is a true believer

I think the tippity top elites are using it as power plays. If everyone has to do evil things in order to move up in the power structure, they can block out good people and control those who are part of the power game. Maybe there are a few believers, I don't know. But my feeling is that the power of doing evil is addictive. Someone else is at your complete mercy.


Edit: all the downvotes, but no responses... hmmmmmmmmmm.

The meter was very important to the Brotherhood of Amon, as you will see if you watch the videos.

It would be extremely difficult to explain the Kings Chamber without it:

So debunking the "meter" conundrum is a greater problem than simply the latitude of the pyramids.

The speed of light through vacuum is an integer. A latitude of 299,792,458 isn't a valid degree so we have to consciously put a decimal in the right place. Two options are available, 2.99792458 and 29.9792458, so another conscious decision must be made to fit the speed of light claim.

I don't agree with this part of the analysis. It would be equally amazing if the pyramid was exactly situated at 2.99792458 N.

You are picking 2 points on a continuous line of values. There is an extraordinarily small chance of any permutation of the information of the speed of light being found in a latitude value. This one is no mistake, considering these guys worshiped light and the sun.

To get a latitudinal hit on the pyramid you actually need no more than five digits, as opposed to all nine. The last four numbers are basically redundant and pointless.

This still results in a random probability of 1/(10^5) times about 2 ways of storing that info (forwards and backwards). Extremely rare. Not Tridium Pepe Rare, but Rare.

People have won the lottery matching far longer sequences than just five digits.

There is only one "Great Pyramid". This is a false analogy.

The ancient Egyptians never used metres as a unit. They used 'cubits'. ( If they actually knew about the metre one would expect them to use such unit for measurement as well. They simply did not.

The Egyptians had 9 to ten different known measurements of distance, with the Royal Mile being the most important.

According to GeoHack the geographic coordinates to the pyramid is 29.979175, 31.134358 (not the same latitude value.)

This is not the latitude of the King's Chamber. That is the latitude of the tip of the pyramid. Check it out for yourself on google Earth.

In short. I think that this "debunking" is about as strong as the NYT debunking of Pizzagate.

IgnorantBliss ago

Didn't watch this one but it reminds me of spirit science. I binge watched the whole series years ago and it was really interesting & put together simply. Worth watching, but a bit beyond PG. I mean, not something to bust pedos with but a good perspective anyways.


SoManyQuestions ago

I remember watching that a year or more ago thinking it was all nonsense. I've watched it the other day with new eyes. All these topics coming up have me rethinking reality.

smokratez ago

It takes a while for people to grasp the depth of the retardation that we are fighting against. You are at least a lot better at presenting your information nowadays.


It is absolutely retarded. Can confirm.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

William S. Arnett who founded Souls Grown Deep did write a book on heiroglyphs for whatever it's worth.

oldchangling ago

Not saying I believe any of this, but here's an archive of the Souls Grown Deep Foundation:

Thrash57 ago

Jane Fonda, and two hollywood producers are on the board of trustees of Souls Grown Deep

Piscina ago

Sponsors 2016 Auction Corporate Sponsors (as of 11.3.16)   Optimus Prime Buck’s Fishing & Camping Centrolina Comet Ping Pong DC Magazine HMB Art Transfer kaze design Sachiko Kuno Foundation   Elita One Atmosphere Design foundry Dufour & Coompany Productions Lori Graham Design Occasions Catering   Ultra Magnus Aesop Alhar Enterprises, Inc Altria BDI Print1 Rippeteau Architects The Bonner Group   Alpha Trion 525 Water Alefantis & Associates Artex Evers & Company Real Estate Gensler JD Ireland Solis Betancourt & Sherrill The LINE DC The Mandy & David Team, LLC Think Make Build

Restaurant Sponsors  Buck’s Fishing & Camping Centrolina Comet Ping Pong Paisley Fig Room 11 Slim's Diner

zlomsocz ago The work supposedly in question that they are trying to censor? This is very bizarre any thoughts on what is going on here?

VieBleu ago

  • just more fake pretentious crap. I dozed off.

nobstruthseeker ago

Interesting. The artwork featured by Souls Grown Deep Foundation looks raw and can be creepy under this context. Not sure how true is this. Will look further.

Thrash57 ago

Transformer DC is the art organization Alefantis is part of. He has held events and gallerys with in the tunnels at Dupont Circle.

oldchangling ago

Here's a page from google cache of Transformer's "Visionary Friends of Transformer":

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Gotcha. I remembered seeing it before but I wasn't sure if it was an org or a gallery.