flyingcuttlefish ago

this bookstore spin-off info was posted on another thread -

Found this in at Politics and Prose / Busboys and Poets -

The second link is to Busboys and Prose stores. There are 6 locations in/around D.C. with bad art!

The locations are on the bottom of this page

Note the right side of the blog page has facebook and twitter.

archons ago

Eli Sizemore does a review of Politics and Prose along with numerous other shady pedo shops including Comet Ping Pong. I posted all his videos in this thread.

archons ago

Here it is.

Not sure how important it is. I have looked through the videos and checked out some of the places but I have not found anything too wild but I have not gone very deep into them with all the other stuff that has come to light.

whatonearth ago

What tattoos? Have you made the amazing discovery that some people are heavy metal fans or something?

whatonearth ago

Looks like a fun place to work where people have a sense of humor.

Also, that mural is on a different building and it is clearly a call for liberal healthcare reform, so it makes perfect sense for it to show sick people.

Shitseverewhere ago

Here is the guy that made the sorry sign. Some other notable art.

reasonedandinformed ago

Megyn Kelly's book launch at Politics & Prose was just prior to her PR piece for poor JA.

OrwellKnew ago

Some high-res shots from Megyn Kelly's book launch at Politics and Prose, here:

Criticalthinker615 ago

Wait is P&P a theater? I thought it was a book store.

Nana66 ago

Weird lock...

reasonedandinformed ago

"Employees Must Carve Slayer [shows Satanic Pentagram symbol next to it on the sticker] Into Forearms Before Returning to Work" plus "666" sticker. I am sure that it is another irrelevant coincidence. Nothing to see here you conspiracy kooks. Not!

Hopevoats ago

I keep saying that I think P&P could be the access to the underground. I even read an article marveling at how a brick and mortar bookstore could be so wildly successful when so many others were closing down.

What better place for high profile people to duck away without causing suspicion?

flyingcuttlefish ago

I have a feeling there may be funny bookkeeping too. No evidence, but some business can be set up not to make money... but to MOVE money.

And I think the same of these art "happenings" and some movie deals, like James Alefantis is supposed to be in on. Projects that suck up a lot of money with a loose expense report system are perfect for managing payments for crime deeds.

archons ago

Eli sizemore does a mini review of politics and prose doing with comet ping pong and a number of other places. I posted all his videos in pizzagatewhatever.

pizzaequalspedo ago

More proof that DC's elite are satanists/occultists

Cuboctahedron ago

Hidden in plain sight.

whatonearth ago

No, it's proof that people in a liberal city are likely not very religious and therefore take jokes about Satan about as seriously as you'd take a joke about Darth Vader. Not that that will ever sink in to the religious fanatics who seem to make up most of /v/pizzagate these days.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Technically there's no more proof in your assertion that it's a joke than mine, but you're entitled to your opinion.

I think the circumstantial evidence is mounting that these people are in fact motivated by the occult/dark forces.

When someone references Christian, Muslim, Jewish symbols, I don't automatically dismiss them as a joke and compare them to known fictional characters.

I think your defense of them is exactly the type of cover that they want to maintain.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Can we get solid verification that these stickers and doors are indeed inside of P&P?

Yuke ago

It's Politics & Prose alright. Here's two pics from an employees instagram showing the signs They have metal fans amongst them so that explains it to some degree

Criticalthinker615 ago

Oh wow. Just checked out that lastpic.very inviting bunch. Manson family much?

Criticalthinker615 ago

Thank you.

MolochHunter ago

one wonders if there's a 'secret door' in that kids reading room?

srayzie ago

Well there is no mistaking the symbols on the door