wecanhelp ago

Removing due to rule #3.

Please see my comment here.

2impendingdoom ago

I don't know much about Tesla and am waiting to see what Trump reveals himself to be (as president vs businessman). These egotistically bruised people are the clintons & clinton supporters?

flyingcuttlefish ago

**Last paragraph seems to me you let Hillary off very easily. **Her savagery in Libya seems to me to be a giant blood sacrifice. The goal seems to be

  • switch leadership (via murder) so they could continue their arms dealing to help the terrur machine in Syria to squeeze Russia

  • steal the gold (as shown in the lurid e-mails in March, 2011)

  • wreck the wonderful new water delivery system, canals that would flower the desert with farms, a wonder of the world

  • grab all the mineral wealth and oil fields for your donator pals

  • blanket the country in depleted uranium to horribly kill and mangle future generations

These actions don't seem to be from military strategy but from a witch's cauldron. The same for harvesting children from Haiti, Selling advanced weapons to Saudi Arabia to bombard Yemen and steal oil. And the same for selling foreign policy to same for cash. And selling to other foreign actors for cash.

Hillary Clinton's actions seem beyond greed or thoughtlessness. They seem demonic.

[opinion] [sources - https://cfgate.wordpress.com ]

OrwellKnew ago

" human civilization draw closer and closer to the perfect civilization of the bee" - So are you some kind of globalist?

"Makes it look like Trump wants to keep women down, and Clinton wants to build them up" - Seriously? GTFO of here with that garbage

Your political analysis quite frankly, sucks. You have fundamentally misread the election and what it was all about. It was about Nationalism vs Globalism.

Jill Stein is a socialist throwback and Fauxcahontes is a complete joke, like you

2impendingdoom ago

Part one is more about OTO and religion which (most religions in general) is ultimately about suppressing and control of women so extending that to the election is hardly a surprise. Its not clear that the OP actually has these views.

2impendingdoom ago

Thank you for your insight, the comments about Tesla and Trumps family are interesting. The correlation that as women become better educated they have fewer children is not a revolutionary concept, but isn't, in my opinion, choking the maternal instinct. there are other factors that come into play, such as a later marriage age, and economic considerations where children are not contributing with work at a young age but are an expense to educate and raise. Actually, having fewer children probably results in a stronger child/parent bond. The lessening influence of religion as a (basically arbitrary) governing agent is going to happen where people are exposed to a more satisfying truth (science based on data) and the consequence (ie threat of hell) is obsolete. I haven't seen your part one. the people perpetrating pizzagate are unlikely to care about anything other than their own accumulation of power and money through whatever nefarious means they can use. your last sentence sums it up nicely.

jackthyme ago

I can remember my dad after he joined the OTO. It only took a few years for him to lose his mind.

tjarco ago