jkshdjkf7234 ago

this is out of touch kevdud is @puttitout and also how retarded he is.

anyone using new alts to upvoat is fucking retarded, the 10 ccp is adequate. 100 doesn't take long to get. I'm going to let you in on a secret. you just need 4-5 100 accounts. I can do it with 2 if needed. I'm stopping right there if putt wants to know more he can pm me.

All these restrictions only hurt voat from growing is that the goal? you are listening to the wrong people


dfgadg35235 ago

That's what you're going with?

thanks for making a list for me!

dfgadg35235 ago


learn to read fuckface

Keep lying.

so far you only have been lying, faggot only think this way

No, you're really not. You are an impotent joke.

more lies

The alcohol is really affecting your perception of reality now.

you see im a dangerous mother fucker when sober.

are you retarded?

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Drink moar faggot!

349023095sdfl ago

sigh ug, alright one more time.

Commenting should have zero restrictions. in fact I would just say remove downvoting all together on them. wouldn't change them a bit.

I believe there should be set milestones at 10, 100, 2000 etc this means you cannot brigaded below this amount

Comment history should be able to set private, akin to who are subbed to. as an option to the account.

this alone would curb 95% of downvoat brigades (as of right now it only used to really limit new users and people they do not like want proof, myself)

if someone get out of hand, GIVE MODS A REASON TO EXIST. as of now they are pointless unless you just want to shitpost the verse unlimited, basically a overglorified submitter.

Also where the "report to moderator" option?

Spammers fuck them, cynabuns, get more of the role. there is countless people on here that fight and report spam. @mumbleberry for one that comes to mind. Excellent job reporting them and he is deadly accurate. Give him some fucking power to nuke them on spot so he doesn't have to waste his time making posts about it. He clearly enjoys doing it

there is others (even myself at one point) beside mumble too, he just stands out. Its just retarded that @puttitout doesn't add more.

there happy? just a few of my shitty ideas

also make anon posts voat count against you, voat knows who you are obviously

Mumbleberry ago

Shit alt, @pittituot

dfgadg35235 ago

i will take this as a thankyou

Mumbleberry ago

Works for me.

dfgadg35235 ago

this just shows how retarded you are kevdud

If you believe anything dial said 95% was me just fucking around.

Have another drink, loser.

im actually sober faggot

dfgadg35235 ago

and everyone sees it.

lies and conjecture, ive actually been defended in this thred multiple times and received pm supporting me.

Maybe if you rip your head out of self inflated ass you'd see it. Lie about me all you want faggot. In fact I encourage it, it will only prove myself correct

you see im a dangerous mother fucker when sober.

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

No one defends you because you're a degenerate alcoholic. Ps. Thought you were leaving the site?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I don't understand. What does he get from being an utter faggot obsessed with Voat?

Is he a shill and if so, for who? Is he a Jew working for JDIF? Is he just a pathetic human being with nothing else to do with his time? I find it hard to believe that its the last one because if that's why he is here, then he deserves to be thrown into a mental institution.

jkfaksj776 ago

s he a shill and if so, for who? Is he a Jew working for JDIF

only a retard would think im JIDF, you see this is voat is turning into shit. (i always say JDIF too, so I wont give you shit about that)

nothing else to do with his time?

maybe im just so good with my time, on dial i would routinely 30+60 replies. At one time at peak I would run 25+ alts at the same time. Nothing malicious.

You see when having more than one monitor you do what smart people call multitask! amazzzzzzing as my boy JLP would say.

faggot obsessed with Voat?

when you've been fucked with as much myself... yeah. I remember they were even tring to fuck with you. I even had your back, thanks faggot

lets_get_hyyerr ago

You didnt have my back. In fact, you targeted me and launched a downvote brigade on me using your alt accounts.

The history is there Dial. Really, you had NO ones back and maybe for a second you may have made a friend on here, but instead you chose to burn them all down.

jkfaksj776 ago

no i didnt

The history is there Dial. Really, you had NO ones back and maybe for a second you may have made a friend on here, but instead you chose to burn them all down.

more lies and conjecture

psst I actually did have your back, you just didnt know 99% of who I helped never known

lets_get_hyyerr ago

You didnt have my back dude. You launched a downvote brigaided on me for literally no reason.

jkfaksj776 ago

if i wanted to downvoat you, you would not be here @puttitout

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

He's an alcoholic with psychosis, it's patently obvious. No one but an Alkie would stick around here after being humiliated and laughed out of the room daily. Psychosis causes the kind of delusions he is having.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

JIDF is paying him 5 shekels an hour. It keeps him out of trouble and wastes a few bad goys' time. Probably no more elaborate than that...

jkfaksj776 ago


HoneyTrap1488 ago

Why are you replying to me from all your alts, Dial? Did I hurt your feeling that much...? Hahaha, you dumb fucking kike.

jkfaksj776 ago

shit alt

jklsjas8347895 ago

you did against me.

you couldnt argue out of wet bag, you only have downvoats and lies. I win against you everytime.

Nice accounts

@puttitout see how he gloats, kevdud is a angry spiteful malicious deceiving manipulating motherfucker. and if you think this will only be used on spam, you are dead wrong.

On my main.

Again fuckface, you think i like this? its a necessity, why try and build an account when it can be dropped to shit when the goon squad kicks in. probably as a request from you, similar as to when you asked me to brigade a verse, remember that? Gabara has has even asked to as well. "No No No lets not talk about that" I know how many alts he runs.

I will say there is another one on here nope not gunna mention it.

silent downvoating is sure strong isn't, its why I push for transparency in voat results. setting comment history to private similar to you are subbed to option. and set milestones to ensure you cant be downvoated to shit by your goons.

this will kill 95% of downvoat brigades, no you dont want that do you kevdud king of "protectvoat". your stickies calling out people SRS style wont work anymore.

you see kevdud your shit does stink, im here to show you that.

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Whine whine whine. Shouldn't you be lying face down in a puddle of whiskey-flavoured vomit?

When are you leaving? There isn't enough space on the whole interwebz for @Kevdude's list of people who want you GONE.

jklsjas8347895 ago

youre a shit alt and is irrelevant to me @puttitout

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Still read all my messages tho don't you faggot

klasdfk48945 ago

who was the one really doing the manipulation tho? you think i enjoyed waking up every morning fixing -400 ccp from brigades -3 -3-3 -3 -3

I never really abused it either, i reset it. It was easy to tell if organic, I would leave them alone

protectvoat in its entirety is about manipulation of voats

I think in one comment I mentioned "my mother is dead" -3

all throughout my comments. you could tell when they ran out downvoats too because it would suddenly stop. I could set my watch to them too.

never heard anything on those people, they are free to go! Why dont you actually protectvoat instead of being an ass. you may feel better about yourself kevdud

then you whine to @puttitout when your precious downvoats dont work on me

you kevdud want to keep voat polarized, a hive mind. Which you have somewhat accomplished. I on the hand remember a time where voat was place for idea and discussion and tolerance.

Wiserman ago

Any ideas what kind of posts would get more points?

captainstrange ago

This was exactly my issue @kevdude.

I misjudged you.

mali_bu ago

Great, I'm new here and I have 7 ccp   43 ccp to be happy, and it will be great

poopdawg15 ago

You motherfuckers are so insignificant on this site you don't even realize Mossad tampers with the numbers of quality posters - whatever (((they))) can do to prevent decent posts. This type of shit is not a good idea.

Crensch ago

In 6 months you've managed a massive 65ccp.

Who's insignificant?

poopdawg15 ago

I'm targeted by Mossad pussy

Crensch ago

No, you're not.

poopdawg15 ago

what a faggot

Crensch ago

what a faggot. I got here from notabug. Says you're a faggot and kike.

Might as well be Reddit. Get lost, snowflake. Not following your cancerlink directly.



Straight_up_Prick ago

I am a newbie myself, for now I just enjoy reading and sometimes replying. I don't have much to say anyway for now, so.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

This is true

kjhasd758756 ago

This is true

you should also look at how much @kevdude lies and manipulates

every fucking thing he say about me is a lie @puttitout

lord_poseidon ago

free of censorship

Crensch ago

Low effort

lord_poseidon ago

agreed. the people here have no ideological backbone.

Astroqualia ago

Hear, hear!!!

Straight_up_Prick ago

I'm at 41 CCP, but I am patient. I have some cool topics to post; I can and will wait till I earn my honor to post.

Crensch ago

I don't know what the current ccp requirement to submit is, but I'm pretty sure you've reached that.

The links you try to post should be broken. Most will simply copy-paste and fix the links in their browser. Goats aren't really lazy about that sort of thing.

Straight_up_Prick ago

I thought it was 100, but I am probably wrong? I'll wait. i just enjoy the post's so far. Even if I posted chances are it would go unnoticed anyway. Thanks though. I'll just wait till I get something decent and discussion worthy to post. i don't want to post some normie nigger hate BS. Don't get me wrong though. I cannot stand the apes.

think- ago

I thought it was 100, but I am probably wrong?

currently, it's ten ccp.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

No questions asked. Has @Puttitout banned the IP addresses from the accounts?

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Make it 150

kkasdfa88934 ago

if anyone want to know @puttitout why ccp is flawed... ehh just look at this submission. tell me im a fool

Crensch ago

You're the creepy little faggot at the lunch table that won't take the hint from everyone else that you're not cool, and nobody likes you.

Someone asked you to write out your grievances and you said it wasn't worth the effort, but 80-some responses over nearly 10 hours is?

Maybe if you responded another 30-40 more times, something will change for you!

Probably not, though.

kkasdfa88934 ago

You're the creepy little faggot

more conjecture

Crensch ago

It's an analogy to illustrate what I see.

Well, it was until you tried to defend yourself against it by setting goalposts as if it were a legitimate accusation.

Now I know you were just being defensive because you know that very thing about yourself.

kkasdfa88934 ago

defensive, grrrr look, im simply pointing out how you are wrong. I promised someone I would not attack you. Trust me I want to, but I'm a man of his word. And trust me I have plenty of ammo.

Well, it was until you tried to defend yourself against it by setting goalposts as if it were a legitimate accusation.


Now I know you were just being defensive because you know that very thing about yourself.

more fiction

sorry do you just make stuff up in your head as you go along? maybe you should seek psychiatric help, im concerned about you.

Crensch ago

Nah, you're a creep. You'll do anything at all for a woman just virtue-signal to yourself that you're a nice guy that deserves poon.

You have nothing on me, and my analysis of you is correct.

kkasdfa88934 ago

oooooo burrrrrrn

you really know zero about me, and if you do? who is the creep now?

You'll do anything at all for a woman

I'll do the same for a guy, or a friend for that matter.

you're a nice guy that deserves poon

see this is where you are wrong, im assuming you are referring to kat. No, never once was I creep towards her or to anyone on voat NEVER , she can confirm

more lies about me.

See Crensch, I have people around the world that would like to come visit me. Even of all people Might, says to move down to texas.

Point is i am liked, just not on your lunch room table. You can keep making up lies about all you want, because the people that know me on here know i'm legit.

You have nothing on me,

Youre right I dont have nothing, because you were requested to be whitelisted and that I should fuck with. Plus I'm not a creep. But if you force me reply, I will berate you and tear apart everything you write.

and my analysis of you is correct.

you analysis is flaws, based on conjecture.

klasdfk48945 ago

yeah why encourage discussion, when we have downvoats!

ldjafs45345 ago

you were the one doing the brigading in the first place.

more kevdud lies

zxcvzxcvzx ago

your welcome crensch for me getting you 200 +comments


Crensch ago

Nobody wanted you here.

ldjafs45345 ago

[–] Crensch [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 3.4 minutes ago

Nobody wanted you here.

this is protectvoat @puttitout

they dont want discourse, they want what they want... dont get manipulated

Crensch ago

Give it up already. You're not important to anyone. You never have been. You're a failure at anything you're trying to accomplish besides repelling literally everyone you engage with.

klasdfk48945 ago

Give it up already. You're not important to anyone.

lmao, and you think you are? delusional

zxcvzxcvzx ago

Stop saying it. Do it already

reeeeeeee get in your safe place

zxcvzxcvzx ago

You're the guy who always upvote brigaded cancer mods and spammers

says you

I wanted to see if you would help stop an alt farmer from attacking v/aww. Then I realized it was YOU attacking the subverse

100% lies @generaldouche

with your rPV friends.

im friends with sbbh, so what?

Keep reminding everyone of that.

that i have friends on voat and you lies all the time about me, sure


Bfwilley ago

No that just means they will grind until the have a CCP of 50.

Crensch ago

Better than just making an account and getting to post right away.

Intrixina ago

Seems he's hitting you with the downvoat brigade again.

What a fuckwit.

zxcvzxcvzx ago

caling the alts out

BushChuck ago

Pardon? The cunt sack with putt-knows-how-many alts thinks he is "calling out the alts'?

Could you please suck-start a shotgun? Pretty please?

klasdfk48945 ago


who the fuck says "pardon"

only fags do that want to kwel on the internets? i bet you wear a fedora

BushChuck ago

Hey dial. How many new alts have you made for today?

klasdfk48945 ago


SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/funny comment by @vtusr.

Posted automatically (#38820) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

They're disabling the link, but it's not like people won't put it together and go there anyway. Chans break their own links all the time, and here on Voat, I'd wager the collapsed comments are read at the same rate as the lowest-voted non-collapsed comments. Goats are curious creatures.

Crensch ago

I think I misunderstood your comment, or got lost in the fog on my previous response.

How would shills be any more incentivized than they are now to downvote legitimate accounts due to this?

BrokenCanary ago

It will piss me off because I change me name all the time, but if you support it, so do I.

phillyjoe ago

Join the club. I've been stuck since the Boomer Q tard invasion.

BushChuck ago

Meh. It takes me a rain/snow day to get back to unrestricted status.

BrokenCanary ago

Folks on this site must like your views. They are iffy about mine.

BushChuck ago

I'd like to think I have solid arguments and opinions.

Looks like I get 3 up, 1 down. Your ratio is better than mine.

I ditched my account because it had all the internet points, and was considered "old goat".

Looks like my opinions stand apart from internet reputation.

Crensch ago

I appreciate that, kind stranger.

I don't honestly think it will effectively keep legitimate-seeming links from being visited. This is Voat. I bet if we could track such things, downvoted-to-collapsed comments are likely read at the same rate as the lowest non-collapsed comments.

If the link-breaking is automatic, it doesn't even inconvenience you, just the reader that wants to see, and if your words are otherwise decent, they'll put it together themselves without a problem, IMO.

BrokenCanary ago

All good. You are doing good work.

LocksAimbot ago

What is ccp? I am new

Crensch ago

Cummins contribution points. If you came from Reddit, it's comment Karma.

sfaskjdfaksd834 ago

You mean does he do what you do?


shit are for retards faggot.... @puttitout

BushChuck ago

100% every alt goes straight on putt's blocked list.

The only value you have is entertainment.

Dance, monkey!

sfaskjdfaksd834 ago

actually they dont, putt doesnt have to respond. I just faith in him that will read the shit I point out. And yes he does respond on occasion.

Dance, monkey!

you the only nigger here

BushChuck ago

"you the only nigger here"


Crensch ago

The shows themselves would have to get accounts above 100 CCP and then they would have to use those accounts. It would be easier for putt to find those accounts and ban them.

Also, broken links aren't censorship. The shills could already do that to new accounts.

KrazyKlownKlub ago

What about introductions? New accounts are directed to go post in introductions, but in order to do that a certain amount of CCP must be accrued. I think if the bar is raised too high then it'll discourage participation for new users.

While I understand what motivates you, I am looking at it from the perspective as a new user. Solution is to change nothing. If changes are made be sure to change the posting requirements for introductions so that new accounts can still have a chance to be relevant.

Crensch ago

This has nothing to do with the submission requirements. I rather like the submission requirements as well. Comment and contribute and then introduce yourself and have a little bit of a history for people to look at.

klasdfk48945 ago

little bit of a history for people to look at.

and downvoat brigade if they dont like you

KrazyKlownKlub ago

Oh ok cool, you guys get the most out of this so make it work best for you. I am just adding more ideas to the table. If they are helpful then cool. So maybe I am standing corrected, but the way I understand this idea is 50 ccp require to copy and paste a link into a comment? At first I was thinking you were talking about the "Share a link" button, but I think I got ya now.

Intrixina ago

They can still post links in their individual posts, they just won't be clickable links until they accrue the amount of CCP required. It's not censoring anything with the exception of you not being able to click their links.

Even with the upvoat requirement being raised, all it means is that you have to participate and not act like a jackarse while doing so. The only people who get affected there, are newbies who haven't learned the rules and spammers (which will be discouraged from spamming).

Crensch ago

Very well written description. Kudos.

Intrixina ago

No worries.

Seems a fair few people are unsure what it would mean, tried to sum it up.

Crensch ago

Sometimes I'm not the most eloquent in my explanations; it helps having people like you around.


Intrixina ago

Eh, you do a reasonable job from what I've seen before.

Have a good one.

ldjafs45345 ago

hey i remember when you asked me to brigade a verse, rember that... awww good times right kevdude? @puttitout

Crensch ago

It doesn't matter if he is. If the spammers start getting their usernames to 50 or 100 and spam their links and then get downvoted but they're links stay, it's still worth it for them.

Antiracist10 ago

no u

captainstrange ago

This is the best idea so far.

The CCP should be tuned so that it acts as a break on how fast attitudes and site demographics can change.

tokui ago

Have the barrier move. As the account ages + activity level.

Sleeper accounts suddenly rampage at will.

New accounts seemingly rampage out the gate.

SandHog ago

Yeah. If he could just keep it together he wouldn't get nearly so much shit.

captainstrange ago

Also break links for usernames that dip below 50 CCP.


That would give a vector for mob censorship to shitspamming israeli alts.

Crensch ago

You're more than a little stupid, aren't you?

Broken links aren't censorship, retard.

captainstrange ago

You suddenly seem like you have an agenda Crensch.

Crensch ago

Right, attack me instead of explaining how broken links are censorship. It's not my argument you're concerned with discrediting, it's me.

Who looks like they have an agenda now?

captainstrange ago

Crensch, I'm telling you, in no uncertain terms, the way you are getting salty over people questioning your idea literally smells of an agenda.

You're acting like a massive faggot for some reason.

I've done explained to you why your idea is bad.

Lift the CCP requirements. Leave links alone. The internet is literally built on them.

Crensch ago

Those links are literally the only reason most spammers spam. And here you are defending them.

@kevdude @srayzie @trigglypuff @peaceseeker @vindicator

captainstrange ago

I just looked at your profile. Now I see what your agenda is.

Fuck, I sure as shit wouldn't want to wade through that much spam if I owned or moderated that many subverses.

Wait, so does breaking links mean just breaking them, instead of preventing them all together?

Crensch ago

It's common practice on the Chans to break your own links. The reader can put them together in his browser just fine.

There's nothing they could do to prevent broken links being posted. The idea is to remove the clickable link from lower-quality usernames.

captainstrange ago

No, no, no. I'm not done arguing.

Right, attack me instead of explaining how broken links are censorship.

Guy, your profile shows a boatload of people disagreeing with you, followed by your weak ass personal attacks on dozens of comments.

It's not my argument you're concerned with discrediting

Thats literally what you're doing to others. Thats why I said you have an agenda. Because you haven't bothered to explain beyond "hey my idea is great!"

And I explained it when I wrote That would give a vector for mob censorship to shitspamming israeli alts.

It stemmed from my misunderstanding, but it doesn't change how salty you're acting that people disagreed with you.

Crensch ago

Guy, your profile shows a boatload of people disagreeing with you, followed by your weak ass personal attacks on dozens of comments.

What frontholes like you fail to see is that I address their arguments, if they have any. That's the difference between me and you.

Weak personal attacks? Kek. I've caused more account deletions than any other goat on this website; probably more than double second place.



I challenge you to do better. Fuck that, I challenge you to find better, anywhere on the internet.

Thats literally what you're doing to others.

For fuck's sake, does ANYONE understand the ad hominem fallacy, or are you all too stupid to read the fucking definition?

Let me make it real simple for you:

I address the points and arguments and evidence presented. My arguments are not based on a character flaw of the other person. The invective is something I choose to add whenever I want, and it has no bearing on the veracity of my claims.

Is that simple enough for you?

Thats why I said you have an agenda.

Because I talk like I have a pair of testicles? Are you so estrogen-soaked that anything with a little viagra feels like rape to you?

Because you haven't bothered to explain beyond "hey my idea is great!"

Because it is self-evident to any legitimate user, and you couldn't even be bothered to understand it before commenting.

I had to go in to your account and look just to see why you were acting pissy.

You really should look deeper; you might learn something.

And I explained it when I wrote That would give a vector for mob censorship to shitspamming israeli alts.

You explained an absurdity. That vector already exists, and broken links doesn't increase the censorship whatsoever.

A fronthole like you couldn't possibly understand that.

It stemmed from my misunderstanding, but it doesn't change how salty you're acting that people disagreed with you.

Again, I welcome disagreements. You are so fat and lazy that you couldn't be bothered to understand the subject before flashing your hormones at everyone like an aposematic feminist.

captainstrange ago

Weak personal attacks? Kek. I've caused more account deletions than any other goat on this website; probably more than double second place.

Oh look guys, we got a real man here. He caused account deletions on a website! hahaha. The ego on this guy is bigger than his shrunken nut sack just like every other tinpot internet wannabe, can't tolerate anyone disagreeing with him.

Because it is self-evident to any legitimate user,

"Hey guys, I don't have to prove my argument, it's self evident. I'll just try and shut you down if you disagree."

And thats how I know you're a leftie or a kike. Sooner or later you'll be pushing for censorship like all the rest, my bet is on 6-12 months.

and you couldn't even be bothered to understand it before commenting.

Maybe if you explained it better retard. Not all of us moderate a dozen forums day and fucking night while living on the dole.

You explained an absurdity. That vector already exists, and broken links doesn't increase the censorship whatsoever.

You're suggesting something to fix it, and I already walked my position back. What you fail to see is this will set a precedent for changes that will make Voat worse, not better.

A fronthole like you couldn't possibly understand that.

Then why are you explaining it now retard?

Again, I welcome disagreements.

I doubt that.

You are so fat and lazy that you couldn't be bothered to understand the subject before flashing your hormones at everyone like an aposematic feminist.

Ad homs, failure to explain your original idea for those out of the loop, attacks on anyone that questioned.

Yeah sounds like he really welcomes disagreement Goats.

Maybe it's just his time of month.

What frontholes like you fail to see is that I address their arguments, if they have any. That's the difference between me and you.

I already addressed your argument faggot, as did others, and you, like an angel, devoid of memory or reason, denied it out of hand. Did Tallest_Skil buy your account or some shit?

I address the points and arguments and evidence presented.

How about I just do what you do, and call you a liar.

My arguments are not based on a character flaw of the other person.

Okay, sure.

he invective is something I choose to add whenever I want, and it has no bearing on the veracity of my claims.

He says, as he claims in the same breathe he only ever attacks the argument.

Because I talk like I have a pair of testicles? Are you so estrogen-soaked that anything with a little viagra feels like rape to you?

Crensch literally called someone a rapist who questioned his idea guys in another thread.

Crensch ago

Oh look guys, we got a real man here. He caused account deletions on a website! hahaha. The ego on this guy is bigger than his shrunken nut sack just like every other tinpot internet wannabe, can't tolerate anyone disagreeing with him.

@Trigglypuff , do you want to take this one? Maybe @Vindicator can explain it to you.

I'll try, as well.

Many goats pride themselves on hunting shills and destroying Jews. There are some amazing shill hunters among the goats. I'm not exaggerating about my own accomplishments, and it's very obvious that you have no idea what such a thing entails. You couldn't do it. You aren't smart enough to do it.

You're a clown. You're in over your head, just like everyone else that tried what you're trying. You've lost already, but you keep flailing about as if you have some hill left to defend.

"Hey guys, I don't have to prove my argument, it's self evident. I'll just try and shut you down if you disagree."

It is. Look back at that thread, and take a gander at the usernames that you find to be on the same side as you. Great company you keep. The known spammer/liar/vote-manipulater/multiple-times-banned Dial-Indicator.

That's your level. That's where you belong. Everyone else at most voiced a mild concern or asked about clarification.

And thats how I know you're a leftie or a kike. Sooner or later you'll be pushing for censorship like all the rest, my bet is on 6-12 months.

Oh, THIS is what you meant. Yeah, your comment was too long for me to respond to conveniently earlier.

You already look like a jew, since @Le_Squish and @ExpertShitposter completely destroy you. You're 1990


captainstrange ago

@Trigglypuff , do you want to take this one? Maybe @Vindicator can explain it to you.

Fight your own battles, pussy.

Many goats pride themselves on hunting shills and destroying Jews. There are some amazing shill hunters among the goats. I'm not exaggerating about my own accomplishments, and it's very obvious that you have no idea what such a thing entails. You couldn't do it. You aren't smart enough to do it.

Hahaha, you've literally got the iq of warm mud buddy. If you're who is doing our jew/shill hunting everyone should be concerned.

You're a clown. You're in over your head, just like everyone else that tried what you're trying. You've lost already, but you keep flailing about as if you have some hill left to defend.

No, I'm not defending anything. I'm just insulting you because you keep taking it like a sponge. Because it entertains me and because it genuinely bothers me that anyone could give a fuck what others think. You've been here longer than me, why the fuck are you obsessesed over people's approval?

I was redpilled in the first year. Get on my level.

It is. Look back at that thread, and take a gander at the usernames that you find to be on the same side as you. Great company you keep. The known spammer/liar/vote-manipulater/multiple-times-banned Dial-Indicator.

I don't support him, I just don't fucking support anything that I see setting a bad precedent. But like a shill you got to make it about sounds. And that, among a dozen other things is what clued me in about your narcissism. Narcissists, common among jews, always try to make differences of opinion into picking sides, and recruit others like you keep doing, into their unimportant little egotrips.

That's your level. That's where you belong. Everyone else at most voiced a mild concern or asked about clarification.

I initially disagreed with you and you got butthurt about it so now I'm just milking you and wasting your time because you're a jewish cunt with an ego made of glass.

Oh, THIS is what you meant. Yeah, your comment was too long for me to respond to conveniently earlier.

You already look like a jew, since Le_Squish and ExpertShitposter completely destroy you. You're 1990

You mean all your sbbh/protectvote alts and backup because you can't fight your own battles jewish pussy?

Must be your period.

Crensch ago

I don't care if people disagree with me. You fundamentally misunderstood everything about what I was saying, but commented anyway. Do you have any idea how often that happens here? It's actually one of those vectors of attack that you mentioned. Look at how the shells react constantly pretending not to know what is going on or pretending that they know what's going on and that you don't.

captainstrange ago

I guess you'll always just be an ego-tripping salty faggot Crensch and someone who thinks anyone who disagrees with him is out to get him.

See, thats the difference between a personal attack and disagreeing on something retard.

Crensch ago

You didn't even disagree with it. You didn't understand it in the first place, retard.

Crensch ago

That awkward moment when both your opinion means nothing to anyone, and your conclusion is so laughably absurd that everyone in this thread would get a chuckle out of it.

DayOfThePillow ago

Why would you join a new website and submit links right away? If you had some truly important info you would just post it in the top thread and ask someone to repost it. 100 CCP sounds good.

ldjafs45345 ago

your are a shit alt 16 day account @puttiout

DayOfThePillow ago

You tagged a non existing user and you are talking shit, shouldn't you be on Tinder looking for a black man to fuck your wife cuck?

zxcvzxcvzx ago

lmao, "dayofthepillow"

you pillow biter, you name ensues you took it up the ass, fucking incel

zxcvzxcvzx ago

You tagged a non existing user and you are talking shit, shouldn't you be on Tinder looking for a black man to fuck your wife cuck?

omg you got me dude, i could never recover from that burn kelso

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Did you see Putt's response to the drunk above in this thread? LMAO!!!!!!!

NPCGator ago

I've reported that spammer so many times I lost count, I like this idea.

NPC-57981209 ago

What's the Sara spam? I must have missed it.

Crensch ago

Some faggot that spams off-topic funny dog videos and other shit. Never clicked on a link because it was suspicious as hell and didn't want to give them the clicks.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

no what means is that the goon squad could further control and censor people they do not like more authoritarianism

jkshdfka78938 ago

Also you still the ONLY one who grinds their hands at someone getting banned or leaving or getting downvoated on voat thats saying a lot isnt it? @puttitout

Kalergi ago

Maybe get rid of all the assholes I don't like, then it'd be just to cool people.

jimibulgin ago

So the Jews?

tokui ago

Good Plan.

ldjafs45345 ago

Maybe get rid of all the assholes I don't like, then it'd be just to cool people.

+4 @puttitout

spaceman84 ago

Whatever it takes. Build the wall ten feet higher.

Goathole ago

Throw broken glass on top and have machine gun towers every 100 yards.

BushChuck ago

Weapons free, unlimited ammo. Fuck. You could charge money for that.

jkshdfka78938 ago

you can lie about me all you want kevdud aka nellie, but truth will prevail

jkshdfka78938 ago

this is how little you know about me kevdude, dial was an experiment, i intentionally did shangagians to see how voat would react. This is why you should not sit in your basement and come up with ideas to cesor and ban people that you do not like.

The evidence that you engage in vote manipulation is indisputable.

you asked to vote manipulate /v/aww remember that? how many others are you calling "for their services" now who is the power mod?

Project much? Here is concrete proof of how much you lie: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125

I bailted you to so I kind find out who were the ones downvoating me... you provided you still dont understand. I trolled you. Pul that is .0001% of voat.

echo chamber much?

think- ago

This would mean that people with less than 50 ccp will not be able to post to v/pizzagate, since each post there is required to have at least one link.

irradiated_toaster ago

You can get to to 50 ccp in a day or two if your active

BushChuck ago


think- ago

Yes. But sometimes people come to v/pizzagate who have been longtime lurkers, and now want to post aout a specific topic, because it's in the news etc.

They won't have the patience to spend a couple of days on v/news or other subs just in order to gain ccp I'm afraid.

Crensch ago

They can post the link. It'll just be broken and not clickable. People do that on the Chans all the time. If they haven't been contributing, they have no right to feel entitled to having a clickable link.

Crensch ago

You're right. They would have to comment and contribute in their comments. Also, they could break links. It's not like there isn't precedent for that. The spammers just wouldn't be getting the link backs that help their SEO and advertising

Vindicator ago

Breaking links would work.

jkshdfka78938 ago

INB4 Dial reeeeees about this idea as it would really fuck with his MO.

more conjecture and lies about me

jkshdfka78938 ago

fuck with his MO.

which is?

ForTheUltimate ago

Instead of outright bans. There should be a rate limitation.

If it's for spam alone, there should be no limitation. voats are regulation enough.

Crensch ago

Nobody is talking about bans. They're talking about not being able to post links that give spammers SEO and marketing clout. Someone would simply have to put the link together themselves in order to follow it. This doesn't mute or keep anyone from sourcing their claims or sharing a link. It just won't be clickable

ForTheUltimate ago

That's a ban on posting links.

Crensch ago

I think you're fundamentally misunderstanding the entire situation here.

jkshdfka78938 ago

i think i actually said this before in the past

but once you 100 it is a milestone and you cant be brigaded to shit by protect voat

ksjdfkas878345 ago

i also think anon voats should count against you

CameraCode0 ago

Is this downvoated because of Dial? I actually think it's a good idea. Anyone have any good reasons why not?

You mean if you post an anonymous comment and get a downvoat it should count as a downvoat on your ccp, right?

klasdfk48945 ago

Is this downvoated because of Dial? I actually think it's a good idea.

@crensch see awwwwwww smell it! getting out of the hive mind will do you wonders

yes CameraCode0 this is the only reason, its also why I have to use these numbered accounts. I dubbed them the goon squad. I have many good ideas.

I also think there should be set milestones at 10, 100, 2000 etc so that people cannot get downvoat brigade to shit on here anymore by protectvoat

they (goon squad) dont like that because then they cant feel all powerful in their downvoat brigades that they laugh and have fun about. "aint censorship kool"

This is why dial_indicator got banned, there is no more free speech on voat, its authoritarianism. what you are looking in this submission is was to cripple free speech.

"Oh its for spam accounts" yeah right so is ccp. this idea will be used against users protectvoat & the goon squad dont like. period. just like me

zxcvzxcvzx ago

i also think anon voats should count against you

notice bam! -10

notice that @puttitout

BushChuck ago

That's because we all hate you, dial.

zxcvzxcvzx ago

That's because we all hate you, dial.

also no

klasdfk48945 ago

That's because we all hate you, dial.


see this idea wont be used to combat spammers, it only be exploited like the ccp system

ksjdfkas878345 ago

When putt added the 10ccp restriction, I commented that it was way to low and suggested 100ccp. then I was downvoated to shit.

my oh my oh my have things changed.

but really getting to 100 isn't hard, at least for me organically.

wonder when the rest of my ideas will be repeated and called their own.

Kekalicious ago

BushChuck ago

Haha. This faggot, and every one of his many alts, has negative ccp.


The Voat immune system at work.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

wonder when the rest of my ideas will be repeated and called their own.

Oh shit guys, we got a visionary over here.

zxcvzxcvzx ago

derp de derp honey trap 1488 omg yur name so cool

HoneyTrap1488 ago

What time does your (((shift))) finish, Moishe?

zxcvzxcvzx ago

1488 yo yo yo yur so kool

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Keep wasting your post allowance on a buried thread Dial.

zxcvzxcvzx ago

1488 yo

dfgadg35235 ago

oh my @BushChuck alt here

HoneyTrap1488 ago

16 day old account accusing people of alt abuse

Did you just graduate from JIDF special ed. division?

dfgadg35235 ago

did you just get done sucking cock? you shit alt @puttitout

lets_get_hyyerr ago

you shit alt

@kevdude @Puttitout that right there is some thing Dial_Indicator would say all the time.

you shit alt

I strongly believe that if you see an account saying "you shit alt" like that, it's probably Dial. He would comment so much and he'd say that all the time.

LightestHour ago

What are you, the fifth random-letters-and-numbers account to go around calling people shit alts and pinging Putt just since I joined?

Jewish projection checks out, I'd say.

BushChuck ago

Nope. I have no alts.

More jewish projection.

dfgadg35235 ago

Nope. I have no alts.


@puttiout investigate this fuck he clearly upvoting himself.... he'll wait till he till he a semi popular comment then up voat to shit while sprinkling here and there

oops did i give out your secret YOU FUCK

MAYBE you should work on the other one you have

BushChuck ago

I'm reasonably certain putt has already worked out who I am.

I've been here for years, cunt.

dfgadg35235 ago


watch yourself yourself around me you cunt i will drop you

dfgadg35235 ago

yeah you fag, voat doat brigade you fucking faggot.... now you have a monster angsit you

and i know really who you are

dfgadg35235 ago

do you think you could even handle me goatskin? ffs

BushChuck ago

Thank you for the laughs.

I'm sure your skill as a warrior is eclipsed only by your command of the English language.

Mustard_Monkey ago

100cp is okay. I think with all the new Reddit refugees coming 1000cp might calm them down.

dfgadg35235 ago

shit alt

Mustard_Monkey ago

With your -58ccp you are a shit alt. Go back to Reddit faggot.

klasdfk48945 ago

not my fault the fags here downvoat me to shit, talk with the jews. They hate free speech and discourse... must be one of the borg.

PuttItOut ago

This is also a good idea. Dry up the supply, starve them out.

Mylon ago

Can votes be provisional? Users are allowed to vote, but until they meet a margin they don't count for real?

ratsmack ago

How about making newly created users only able to post submissions to /v/introductions until their CCP reaches a certain level. That would corral them in an area that could be more closely monitored for nefarious activity.

waterniggas ago

do it do it do it

do both things

lets_get_hyyerr ago

+1 in show of support for both ideas mentioned here.

I think you should enact them.

BushChuck ago

Yes, please.

ldjafs45345 ago

shit alt & voat voat manipulator

BushChuck ago

Who's alt am I?

Since you are in the know and all.

srayzie ago

I like the idea too Putt

Crensch ago


I actually like this one.

Why should someone that hasn't even contributed a hundred CCP be able to upvote things?

A_Clockwork_Kubrick ago

I'm sort of new here and really don't care about internet points but I just looked and I have -39 CCP. What does that even mean?

poopdawg15 ago

You might also be eyeballed by Mossad

BushChuck ago

Generally speaking, it means we think you are a raging faggot.

A_Clockwork_Kubrick ago

I feel proud!

BushChuck ago

Go glue some dildos to your head, I guess.

A_Clockwork_Kubrick ago

Whatever you say, boss. I really don't care what anyone in this cesspit thinks or has to say.

BushChuck ago

If that were true, you wouldn't be talking about it.

A_Clockwork_Kubrick ago

Good thing you know so much, I suppose.

BushChuck ago

It's a curse. I have to walk the Earth surrounded by idiots.

Crensch ago

It means you should lurk more before trying to comment. Either that or you should stop being a raging faggot.

madazzahattereboot ago

Why should someone that hasn't even contributed a hundred CCP be able to upvote things?

The other issue are the accounts that are downvoting things to hide them. There are various forms of censorship and mass downvoting something is one of them. That's a big problem I have with other sites. Yes, they may "allow" you to post something, but then it'll mysteriously and suddenly get downvoted outta sight. People here are smart enough to know this, but come on, the game is rigged and the "front page" on other sites is just advertising what they want you to see. Hell, the past two years (more?) have been brought to you by Marvel...

Crensch ago

The other issue are the accounts that are downvoting things to hide them. There are various forms of censorship and mass downvoting something is one of them.

Voat sees those collapsed comments at the same rate as the lowest non-collapsed comments, IMO.

The downvoting system is there and established and unlikely to change. The changes here would come from the upvoting and the links.

PuttItOut ago

I like it because it guts why spammers spam: Links. Take links away from spammers and they have little incentive to spam.

Damnpasswords ago

And it encourages people to get to know one another

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

It really cuts down on vote manipulation too.

jkshdfka78938 ago

its not going to stop anyone from spamming, it will used to suppress people they do dont like.... warning ya

Crensch ago

And the up vote restriction would help curb the abuse of new accounts being just upvote Bots. It would definitely lighten the workload of your crew.

SandHog ago

One thing to consider about 100ccp restriction on submissions is that it would radically dissuade freshly banned communities from coming here in large waves. I know we generally don't retain a lot of people from these migrations but we do retain some and they wouldn't even bother coming here in the first place if they can't even make a discussion submission in their freshly formed sub. That is if I am understanding this correctly.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

I know we generally don't retain a lot of people from these migrations

because they generally get spammed to shit and leave when a mod actually does their job? you censor freak

I should start post video game news in /v/movies and cry wolf

think- ago

you censor freak

you mad?

think- ago

SandHog ago

Why not just write up all of your ideas for Voat and post them in one place, Dial? I'm dunno why you are bitching at me. I've never fucked with you.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

because anything i do insanity get downvoted to shit

apologies , im a little grumpy

SandHog ago

It's all good. You should write something up, though. I'd be interested in reading it.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

not worth the time

Crensch ago

But responding 50 or 60 times in the same submission is?

klasdfk48945 ago

But responding 50 or 60 times in the same submission is?

yeah because voat is a open forum, is it not?

wait that only for people protectvoat approves of

jkasdfhk7732 ago

it would radically dissuade freshly banned communities from coming here in large waves

yeah why grow voat

Crensch ago

There wouldn't be a submission restriction.

The new restriction would just not allow them to post clickable links

Vindicator ago

Does that mean new folks wouldn't be able to submit to v/pizzagate, since we require linked support for all major claims in submissions?

Crensch ago

www.vo at.co/v/shekelverse/xxxxxyyyy (example) works just fine as a source, no?

Vindicator ago

Yes. A broken link would be fine under those circumstances.

SandHog ago

Ah, ok. I don't really see any other downsides to it. It would definitely slow the spammers down to the point where the community could easily police them.

thelma ago

I say 37,000

PuttItOut ago

This is actually a great idea!

fuchs_davis ago

I disagree because I had a single guy go through my comment history giving downvotes until the system stopped him, not just the ones from whatever post pissed him off.

cthulhu69 ago

The system didn't stop him. Either ran out of DV's or got tired. I've had it happen to me, lost 600 over one night.

349023095sdfl ago

goon squad

349023095sdfl ago

just look at all my comments

349023095sdfl ago

it really isn't, it censorship

vtusr ago

CameraCode0 ago

I think posting links to another voat page would be ok. I can't see much room for abuse there, but I could be dumb.

jkshdfka78938 ago

pssst you should cut off upvoats to comments like downvoat like 7 days isnt it? it would help curb people like @bushchuck who abuses the ccp system

PuttItOut ago

Have you ever considered how great you'd be, and the impact you'd have, if you used your energy towards more important matters?

I've been waiting for you to realize this. It will happen someday but I'm hoping it's sooner rather than later, as regret is often crippling in life.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

ive helped many people on voat, and in real life thru here.

more important matters?

you question yourself, i cant answer that. I will continue to show you the hypocrisy of the users here. Dial did nothing wrong, yet you are fed false information.

All my the others, my alts you banned just negated the nightly downvoats i would get systematically. I never hid this. And if I seen someone else getting brigaded i would help.

this is a bad idea man, it will be used against users they do not like, rather than spam.

ccp in general is used to censor, this entire submission proves myself correct.


valleysunshine ago

You're right. It will discourage people to speak their mind and make the votes artificial in perspectives. Not allowing hyperlinks for low rep accounts is enough, it prevents accidental clicking malicious links. More is not necessary.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

shit alt

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Lmao. Putt sure told you. Faggot.

dfgadg35235 ago

he really didnt

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

No, you've been made a fool of. Again. Looks like you enjoy being humiliated. My favourite part was when you posted a selfie and everyone ran with it and created all those hilarious memes. Hahahaha!

BushChuck ago

We are all laughing at you.

ldjafs45345 ago

We are all laughing at you.

@puttitout this is voat and the ccp system

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Reeeeeeee! Muh internet pomts reeeeeeeee! I'm being brigided, that's corr, brigigiged i tell yah.

BushChuck ago

Now we are laughing harder.

jklsjas8347895 ago

thought you were not a alt person, miss ya

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

No really he did. HAHAHAHA!

jkasdfhk7732 ago

your better than this

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Drink moar feggit

Crensch ago

Some days you wake up a Savage.

BushChuck ago


Crensch ago

You just made my day.

ksjdfkas878345 ago

this isnt a bad idea. you could post discussions links etcs at 10

Also break links for usernames that dip below 50 CCP.

nope, It should be milestones and you shouldn't be able to lose it because you were downvote brigade to shit. same with posting, same downvoating.

doing this, what you suggesting is just a way to censor people in a way that a select group of people could easily exploit.

I've already found comments of people can wait for the new mod shit (yes a terrible idea) so they can exploit it.

Crensch ago

So the shill outfits get a bunch of usernames to 50 and they spam their links and they get to keep their links up there?

that they waaaaay already do

Yeah? Give me an example.

ksjdfkas878345 ago

So the shill outfits get a bunch of usernames to 50

what cynabuns for? whats mods for? I understand what your saying. But the current ccp system hurts more legit users than spam, and you want to strengthen it

Crensch ago

But the current ccp system hurts more legit users than spam,

I reject this claim as absurd. You're going to have to come at me with more than just your claims to convince me otherwise.

jkshdfka78938 ago

I reject this claim as absurd

why do I have to multiple account to "have my say" on voat ?

the ccp is abusing more legit users than good from a select group of people

Crensch ago

Because you spam absurdities to the point that nobody likes you and everybody thinks that you're not contributing. If you're not contributing you get downvoted. It's not a conspiracy against your just a dick.

The only users ever complaining about this kind of thing or the kind of users that nobody likes and nobody wants to hear from. It's not that you don't have good ideas it's that you refuse to engage honestly and instead act like a raging jackass to everyone and nobody really wants to deal with you.

There's a place for ideas. There's a place for differing ideas. There's a place for diametrically opposed ideas. But some shity spammer that acts up and makes Alta counts and manipulates votes and is just in general a nuisance to everyone deserves ostracization.

You can't treat everyone around you like shit and expect to be treated equally. You can't stand on your soapbox in the middle of the road and expect people to give you equal time as someone that isn't shouting into a megaphone.

jkshdfka78938 ago

Because you spam absurdities to the point that nobody likes you and everybody thinks that you're not contributing

youre not listening

You can't treat everyone around you like shit and expect to be treated equally


Crensch ago

I have to prove that it's absurd to treat everyone around you like shit and expect to be treated well?

What am I not listening to? I bet everyone rolls their eyes and sighs as soon as they see you posting a comment where they are enjoying themselves. I bet they no longer really enjoy themselves after that.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

I have to prove that it's absurd to treat everyone around you like shit

conjecture, i treat everyone around very nice actually.

I bet everyone rolls their eyes

naw, maybe in your niche group.

since when did discussion turn into personal attacks? oh yeah nevermind

its funny the people that more ccp restrictions are the ones with 20-30k ccp @puttiout

Crensch ago

No, you don't. Which is why you have to grandstand about not going after me because someone asked you not to.

Personal attacks? How about a wake-up call to reality? Your usernames are not a welcome sight. Your words don't resonate with anyone. You're the faggot at the school that ruins the fun for everyone.

You can take that as an attack if you want, but it's what I see consistently. You're not like a shitposter where everyone has fun with you. You're not a serious user that anyone can respect. You present nothing of value to anyone.

When you don't show up, nobody even thinks about you. Nobody misses you.

Prove me wrong. Find somebody in good standing either with shitposting or actually presenting content that will vouch that they appreciate your presence.

Find somebody that will tell your story in a way that makes what you are palatable to anyone else.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

im going to leave you alone i promised someone that i would. out of respect to that person I will. this is done.

I'm going to leave it at this.

You are misinformed about myself, have a good sunday. I hope your belly full of good food and spirits high

Crensch ago

It's not like I was informed by somebody else. This is what I see.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

then we are in agreement, i am not the enemy.. okay??

i read what you wrote, but im sorry you feel that way its just wrong about myself.

personal attacks are never cool dude

captainstrange ago

jk are you the one responsible for this faggotry Crensch is pushing?

jkasdfhk7732 ago

are you the one responsible

no, do nothing malicious. i will take credit for 10ccp restriction to post tho

captainstrange ago

i will take credit for 10ccp restriction to post tho


karmas a fucking scam anyway.

Crensch ago

I don't know if you're an enemy, but you're definitely a douchebag that causes problems for everyone. I've never met a single person that like having you around.

Crensch ago

It's not just me. It's everyone around you. Maybe try a little introspection now and then?

If everyone around you thinks you're a douche, Maybe you're a douche?

jklsjas8347895 ago

its enough crensch, just look at the downvotes. im not going to fight you. I would win in 2 seconds.

It's everyone around you

no, just stop... thinks you're a douche

stay strong, i understand now... m day is hard for me.


Crensch ago

You wouldn't win. You never had a chance to begin with. Some part of you knows this.

Just being cocksure and stubborn doesn't make you right.

I don't know why this day is difficult for you, but if you stop responding, I'll leave you alone.

ksjdfkas878345 ago

Yeah? Give me an example.


Crensch ago

Nobody thinks you are legitimate. You spam constantly off-topic bullshit and manipulate votes with your sock puppets. You contribute nothing.

ksjdfkas878345 ago

Nobody thinks you are legitimate

lies, you'd be surprised crensch

Crensch ago

No, I really wouldn't. There's never been anyone showing up to defend you. Ever.

There is not a single user that looks forward to your comments.

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

There was literally one faggot, another alcoholic, who stuck up for him once, got downvoted to shit and was never heard of again. Even his one alcoholic buddy doesn't try to defend him anymore, haha!

ksjdfkas878345 ago

There's never been anyone showing up to defend you. Ever.

nope, not true. there is people that do. Im sorry to let you down. The ones that know me know i'm legit. And, that I do things for the right cause. I tell them don't do it publicly so they don't get tied to me

I'm really misunderstood.

I don't blame you for seeing not it that way. I got pretty crazy on dial.

There is not a single user that looks forward to your comments.

lol, right... its okay man, i get it. have a good sunday

Crensch ago

Since I wrote my last comment to you, I figure I'll go ahead and address this as well:

The ones that know me know i'm legit. And, that I do things for the right cause. I tell them don't do it publicly so they don't get tied to me

Isn't that convenient? They exist, but they won't show themselves because you don't want them connected to you.

Sorry, but I don't think anyone on this website would buy that. If some user decided to highlight your good qualities to other users, qualities no one else seems to see, they wouldn't be hated for it.

But if someone came and defended you without pointing out your redeeming qualities, then of course everyone would think they were just you.

I'm open to being introduced to something that suggests that you're not just a complete douche nozzle.

klasdfk48945 ago

you live in a hive mind crensch, sorry to inform you of this.

I have a dozen or so names in my head right now.

But if someone came and defended you

I have been defended before, thats the funny part. even in this thread. MORE LIES & CONJECTURE you've been hanging around kevdud too long.

I'm open to being introduced to something that suggests that you're not just a complete douche nozzle.

you are not even open to accept it anyways. you are too caught up in the hive mind. You see crensch im an independent thinker. If I start agreeing with everyone, I go wait a second. Its called critical thinking. Something you lack.

And you know damn well this will be used against people that PV doesnt like. This is why I push my milestone idea, no wonder PV doesnt like it.

ksjdfkas878345 ago

only if you listen kevdud, do you really think dial was my first account on voat? you have ANY idea how many accounts ive lost due to downvoat brigades?

your perception of me is flawed, dial was a fuckingaround account. If you believe 90% of what he did or wrote on voat you're a retarded. And yeah I will stop downvoat brigades, that is why I was banned.

You notice I just get downvoated now for a simple comment. downvoats = censorship and you want to make it stronger., you even admit it in this idea you want that you want it to censor. It will be used against users the same way as ccp restrictions, people fucking laugh about it.

again it hurts more than anything. till the point it will be 30 people here with all their alts. and when this mod bullshit kicks in, its death of voat.

Im not the only one that upvoated alts... But I've watched entire commities spammed and harassed to death, reminder @kevdude wanted me to upvoat brigade /v/aww hmmmm what else is he conspiring others to do???

but yeah i guess im full of shit aint i

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

You get downvoted because you're a disruptive loser who contributes nothing. even putt thinks you're a faggot judging by his earlier reply to you. Even your 1 alcoholic buddy doesn't try and defend you here anymore.

jklsjas8347895 ago

disruptive loser who contributes nothing

I've contributed many things in here, you are the one being disruptive. And i can tell who you are, thought you didn't like using alts?

you could make a better account name, this one is kinda lame. sorry bro

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Who am I faggot?

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Well YOU would know all about alts - after all you got banned for using your alts for voat manipulation. LMAO

jklsjas8347895 ago

no it wasnt the real reason, it was the excuse they used to justify it. besides I knew I was going banned. It was a matter of time.

And really all i did was offset the night downvoat brigades dial would receive. And if you dont believe that... Well I I only offsetted them, say -3 i would place +3 on him.

When I (dial_indicator) was banned, he reverted the points. He dropped over half in ccp, so that should tell you something.


LMAO, quit sounding like a retarded 14 year old

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Glad you admit to vote manipulation. That's why you were banned

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

You sound like an alcoholic.

BushChuck ago


goatsandbros ago

I'd tend to agree with a higher number, to get past those who get CCP for simply replying.

ksjdfkas878345 ago

hey shit alt i was bored ran threw you comments, you should be around 600

BushChuck ago

Your investigative skills are as worthy as your command of the English language.

dfgadg35235 ago

you know i could crush you in any argument, i suggest you shut your retarded mouth or i will come after you spastic whore

Crensch ago

I actually wouldn't mind that, either.

ksjdfkas878345 ago

so tell me bushchuck do you spam comment till you get over 19 pages and upvoat those comments past 19 pages? making it harder to see @puttitout @kevdude

BushChuck ago

English, please.

I don't speak moron.

zxcvzxcvzx ago

English, please.

listem mouth breather we all know you manip votes, you already stated you did, and no, I dont think you know english

dfgadg35235 ago

voat manip.... i already know know who you are

BushChuck ago

You're a moron.

Crensch ago

As for the Anon faggots, they could contribute 50 CCP to the rest of this site as a one-time payment for us hosting them.

Antiracist10 ago

It'd be so fun to crucify you.

Crensch ago

Thanks for the confirmation that it's a good idea, Jew. Jesus didn't have any guns, I do, and I've been looking for an excuse to send one of you child rapists to hell.

Antiracist10 ago

Good luck shooting with your hands nailed to wood. Tell me again how you love to defend loli porn, faggot.

Crensch ago

Tell me again how you love to defend child-raping niggers.

Antiracist10 ago

Your imagination is overactive again, you who literally defends loli porn. Faggot.

tokui ago

What's wrong with loli cartoons? Grow up. Your mommy hates you.

Antiracist10 ago

They're degenerate.

What's wrong with loli cartoons? Grow up.
