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Le_Squish ago

Didn't you threaten to dox first?

You should have let your shitty friend die in the fire they made but you chose to involve yourself and now you don't like the result, huh?

captainstrange ago

yeah, he did first.

Thats why you're getting downvoated.

He and his buddies are a bunch of shareblue/srs faggots.

Le_Squish ago

Regardless of their trolling, why did you so vehemently defend a bad ban from an inactive mod?

Le_Squish ago

No one asked for Chilly to be removed. They asked for an unreasonable ban to be lifted. Then when your buddy refused to be reasonable and admit she over reacted and should calm her tits, it was asked she be removed.

captainstrange ago

I don't even personally know chilly.

But I know an agenda when I see one. ProtectVoat is being used and manipulated unwittingly by a few people controlling EPS, Crensch, heygeorge, and a few other accounts to trick the rest of the sub into brigading. They want to turn voat subs into v/whatever.

heygeorge ago

@Crensch @ExpertShitposter ^^^^

@captainstrange here thinks we are controlled accounts.

ExpertShitposter ago

He is ether 9-11 alt or a very lonely man. Both probably.

heygeorge ago

In my darker times I assume everyone is smoky. Maybe it's time to start mentioning cabbage again.

@captainstrange are you familiar with the effects cabbage can have to cure your gayness?

captainstrange ago

You made an actual effort.

Pat yourself on the back.

But don't break your arm doing it.

heygeorge ago
