AndrewBlazeIt ago

[–] captainstrange -2 points (+8|-10) 7 hours ago

I'll give you a last opportunity to retract your original threat before obliterating any notion in your mind about your so-called anonymity.

Sounds a lot like crying about stings after you kicked the beehive.

captainstrange ago

[–] ExpertShitposter 4 points (+21|-17) 8 hours ago 80 times more posts means a lot. Also, isn't simple post counting. Its a case of one person not giving a shit and basically leaving voat (last post 5 months ago) and another to whom this place means the world. On top of that no one ever complained about chilly while kay is on her second rodeo as she did this back in the @she era as well. Ps, i know who you are nigger.

Sounds like threatening to dox.

Seems like you kicked a beehive.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

"I know who you are" vs "I'll give you a last opportunity to retract your original threat before obliterating any notion in your mind about your so-called anonymity."

I'm gonna side w/ Expert on this one. Yours makes you sound like a psycho. HIs sounds like a "you're on my list" joke.

captainstrange ago

I'm gonna side w/ my alt ExpertShitPoster on this one.

HIs sounds like a "you're on my list" joke.

It doesn't sound like a joke to anyone but you.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

It doesn't sound like a doxxing threat to anyone but you.

See? I can make claims about what everyone else in the world thinks too.

captainstrange ago

In that case

I know who you are nigger.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

I'm sure you do. You have your fat list of all my alts, remember?

captainstrange ago

you're just salty because voat sees through your bullshit campaign masquerading as fun and games over at sbbh and alt brigades.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Still not hearing a list of my alts.

captainstrange ago

Still not seeing my info posted up floozy.

I guess you don't 'know who I am' after all. Pussy.

Le_Squish ago

Didn't you threaten to dox first?

You should have let your shitty friend die in the fire they made but you chose to involve yourself and now you don't like the result, huh?

captainstrange ago

yeah, he did first.

Thats why you're getting downvoated.

He and his buddies are a bunch of shareblue/srs faggots.

Le_Squish ago

Regardless of their trolling, why did you so vehemently defend a bad ban from an inactive mod?

Le_Squish ago

No one asked for Chilly to be removed. They asked for an unreasonable ban to be lifted. Then when your buddy refused to be reasonable and admit she over reacted and should calm her tits, it was asked she be removed.

captainstrange ago

I don't even personally know chilly.

But I know an agenda when I see one. ProtectVoat is being used and manipulated unwittingly by a few people controlling EPS, Crensch, heygeorge, and a few other accounts to trick the rest of the sub into brigading. They want to turn voat subs into v/whatever.

heygeorge ago

@Crensch @ExpertShitposter ^^^^

@captainstrange here thinks we are controlled accounts.

ExpertShitposter ago

He is ether 9-11 alt or a very lonely man. Both probably.

heygeorge ago

In my darker times I assume everyone is smoky. Maybe it's time to start mentioning cabbage again.

@captainstrange are you familiar with the effects cabbage can have to cure your gayness?

ExpertShitposter ago

I love how smokey broke down in the end and abandoned voat, coming back only talk about empress being a tranny or god ordering him to kill atheists. Do check his post history and comments its really quite hilarious.

Actually lets try a post in sbbh....

heygeorge ago

Smoky never left. He just swapped alts. He has more influence here than any sane individual would give him credit for.

ExpertShitposter ago

Reasons for such beliefs?

heygeorge ago

Too much to mention here.

ExpertShitposter ago

PM a short summary when you feel lioke it.

heygeorge ago

I'll PM you if I feel like it! You're not the boss of me! (Honestly it's more feels than reals, which is why I mention dark times.

ExpertShitposter ago

Dark times are upon us, but we will thrive.

captainstrange ago

You made an actual effort.

Pat yourself on the back.

But don't break your arm doing it.

heygeorge ago


captainstrange ago

This is how expert shit poster and his merry brigade of faggots work.

Get everyone accusing everyone else of sock puppetry.

Le_Squish ago

Why did you defend a bad ban and not encourage your associate to do the right thing? You are avoiding that question like the plague.

captainstrange ago

You're avoiding what I posted.

Look at my post history. What ESP and his alts are doing is the same thing covered by this article on entryism. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

If I hadn't read about it, I would have been taken in too.

I'm defending a 'bad ban', because what they are involved in is covert censorship, and he provoked a ban to push this issue as a wedge in voat. You can't say he didn't.

So the real debate is, do you prefer removing manipulators (overt censorship), or not removing manipulators on principle and thus allowing covert censorship by third parties? We don't get to have both.

Either way, voat dies, ironically, because of him hijacking protectVoat.

Le_Squish ago

m defending a 'bad ban', because what they are involved in is covert censorship, and he provoked a ban to push this issue as a wedge in voat. You can't say he didn't.

This is why your claim fail. Expertshitposter did not behave any differently than he always has. You can't prove malicious intent.

He shitpost everyday, everywhere. Sometimes they are funny, sometimes not. Downvoat and move on. But your buddy got hurt vagina and made a bad choice. What got her in trouble was not the ban, but refusing to acknowledge she was wrong. If you were actually active on voat you would know what shitstorm was going to follow and advised your friend to reverse course. You did not.

captainstrange ago

This is why your claim fail

For someone so intent on 'proof' you sure are good at making a claim without evidence. Just holding you to your own standard!

Expertshitposter did not behave any differently than he always has.

Not behaving any differently than he always has is not mutually exclusive to bad faith campaigns. It's also not proof. On the otherhand what you're saying is a straw man, because the problem isn't the lack of consistency in his behavior, that would be explainable because few people are completely consistent in behavior--except people who are acting for an agenda. And while intent can't be proven, it can be infered based on a pattern of behavior evincing a certain motive. Do you deny that if eps and his lot are allowed to continue that most subverses, unable to implement bans on people who are essentially rules-lawyering, will eventually just have mods leave? Seriously answer that question. And do you deny that as mods lose the ability to manage private subverses, putitout will have to either give up on the mod system altogether, move to a 'democratic process' prone to vote tampering, and open up every subverse to forum-sliding?

Seriously, answer these questions, yea or nay?

Sometimes they are funny, sometimes not


But your buddy got hurt vagina and made a bad choice.

Not my buddy. And you obviously didn't read the article on entryism. This is just you re-asserting your position without any argumentation, and ignoring my answer--the sort of thing that makes it look like you're arguing in bad faith. Are you?

If you were actually active on voat

This is immaterial. I'm active daily.

you would know what shitstorm was going to follow

A shitstorm of alts, bots, and stooges tricked into brigading.

Le_Squish ago

You are triggered about your buddy getting banned, huh.

This is where you guys always fuck up and compromise your positions by coming out of the wood work to defend the indefensible and then using the same tired arguments as the sane goat group. At least use different buzzword and maybe you'd have a change of being mistaken for sincere.

You should've kept your mouth shut and encouraged her to quickly resolve the issue. She didn't and now you guys have one less sub to squat. It's fortunate you faggots are so easily baited.

captainstrange ago

You're either fucking deluded and being lead on by expertshitposter like a dumb cunt, or you're an expertshitposter alt.

Don't believe you can win. Voat sees right through your faggotry.

Le_Squish ago

Just calling it as I see it. Try to learn from your mistakes once in a while.

captainstrange ago

Do you deny that if eps and his lot are allowed to continue that most subverses, unable to implement bans on people who are essentially rules-lawyering, will eventually just have mods leave? Seriously answer that question. And do you deny that as mods lose the ability to manage private subverses, putitout will have to either give up on the mod system altogether, move to a 'democratic process' prone to vote tampering, and open up every subverse to forum-sliding?

Answer the questions.

Le_Squish ago

I support as little mod interference as possible and that includes the full democratization of choosing and removing mods. Does that make you uncomfortable to have to be accountable to the trollish masses or face expulsion?

captainstrange ago

trollish masses

a small core of faggots clutching to their copies of portnoys complaint too tightly.

You still haven't answer the questions.

Le_Squish ago

I did you are just stupid.

captainstrange ago

Nope. You didn't.

Answer the questions.

ExpertShitposter ago

This is a bad thread.

Lazmat ago

bad for the Expertshitposter that is

captainstrange ago

Hey guy, its just a joke, lighten up.

Not fun being on the receiving end of someones bullshit is it?

ExpertShitposter ago

"This is a bad thread." is a joke. You really need to take some classes to learn how to detect sarcasm, as your autism is getting in the way.

This will be my new thing. When i don't like someones thread i will comment "This is a bed thread" or similar.

heygeorge ago

I think he wants you to dox him. How strong are your powers? @ExpertShitposter has divulged personal info to me and I would like to see it verified.

Are there Voat rules on self-inflicted doxxing? Probably falls into a grey area.

captainstrange ago

Fairly good at it. Mostly social engineering, but I know how to do low level stuff like ip logging through c, python, and javascript, keylogging, those sorts of things. Also running simple sentiment analysis based on time-to-comment for responses on his posts to infer what accounts are his alts, but that is more of a project for the weekends.

Basically I don't give a shit what he says or does, I just won't tolerate people threatening or silencing anyone. Figure those who do it get whats coming.

I can have dozens of antifa outside his house day and night by sending them a 'tip off' about a 'right-winger nazi'. It would make him target number one for shit-head harassment in his area, using people like him--against him.

Also it appears hes using ProtectVoat as his unwitting accomplices to harass people.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

unwitting accomplices

Or we just think the same people are faggots. You definitely seem like you are.

@ExpertShitposter, care to weigh in? I'm pretty sure the mind-control chip you installed in me has stopped working, so I don't know the answer.

ExpertShitposter ago

Just call him a jew many times.

heygeorge ago

I missed where he made a serious threat of silence. I did read your couple of threats to dox him. Could you point me in the right direction?

captainstrange ago

don't know who downvoated you.

He wrote "i know who you are nigger", which is a thinly veiled threat.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

I know who you are: nigger

heygeorge ago

LOL, from my reading of that, he thinks you are an alt. It is not a threat of divulging any information, in any case.

captainstrange ago

alts and shills always resort to calling others alts and shills. Fuck him and his forum sliding sockpuppets.

heygeorge ago

Ok, so you are part of the gaslighting clan. I am very sure that you have l33t haxxxxxorr skillz and will be putting out your dox of Expie any moment now.

Also interesting to note that "you don't know who downvoated me" when I neither brought it up nor noticed because of replying from my inbox. @PeaceSeeker, I forgot to add "forum sliding sockpuppet" to the list.

captainstrange ago

No, the trick they use, when people are communicating is to immediately downvoat someone that replies in the hope that the supporting person is butthurt and thinks the person they are supporting was the one that did that downvoating--which is why I clarified.

You sound like a sock puppet yourself.

heygeorge ago

You sound like a sock puppet yourself.

I wasn't accusing you of that. I recently made a short list of things I've been accused of being on Voat.

I am not fond of DV whiners, and I often DV them when I see it.

captainstrange ago

Well shit. This has been a miscommunication.

When you wrote

LOL, from my reading of that, he thinks you are an alt.

And I responded

alts and shills always resort to calling others alts and shills.

I was explaining why he 'thinks' I'm an alt, and not accusing you Of course he doesn't actually think that, hes just throwing shit at the wall, because his intention is to drive people away from voat.

I thought it was pretty clearly an explanation or answer to your question when I wrote "Fuck him and his forum sliding sockpuppets", and not an accusation directed toward you.

Then when you responded

I forgot to add "forum sliding sockpuppet" to the list.

I was like "welp, fuck I'm getting messages left and right with his alts saying the same exact thing, so this is, without verification, probably just another one of his puppets or stooges throwing shit at the wall again."

So naturally I wrote that you sounded like a sock puppet. What am I supposed to think when the default mode of operation for the people brigading on protectvoat is "crying out as they strike you."

There is a subset of people here with bad intent, and the rotten core of it is shitposter organizing the forum-sliding and sock-puppeting and brigading.

heygeorge ago

I can understand the root of our miscommunication. Of course I note in another comment you are accusing me of BS without a ping. And in the same thread you are saying this is a joke. But maybe that is damage control? Or maybe this is a strange joke. Voat is weird.

There is a subset of people here with bad intent, and the rotten core of it is shitposter organizing the forum-sliding and sock-puppeting and brigading.

I believe you are mistaken.

AndrewBlazeIt ago




@heygeorge if you dox @Expertshitposter to make a deal with Andrew I will post @kevdude's tits on

Your call

heygeorge ago

Good offer, I'll admit. But I must decline.