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ExpertShitposter ago

Kadynce should still be booted so this doesn't happen again. Reddit = enemy of voat.

captainstrange ago


You're a fucking whore, but you shouldn't be banned just because someones a salty little bitch about what you posted.

On the otherhand post-counting is some reddit-tier retardation.

Also you may be guilty of forum sliding with that post count.

Smells like an agenda.

ExpertShitposter ago

80 times more posts means a lot.

Also, isn't simple post counting. Its a case of one person not giving a shit and basically leaving voat (last post 5 months ago) and another to whom this place means the world. On top of that no one ever complained about chilly while kay is on her second rodeo as she did this back in the @she era as well.

Ps, i know who you are nigger.

captainstrange ago

80 times more posts means a lot.

means a lot of nothing

Also, isn't simple post counting.


another to whom this place means the world.

you need to find a healthier hobby--like going out into the actual sunlight every now and then

while kay is on her second rodeo as she did this back in the @she era as well.

virtue signalling about "the good ol' days" like anyone gives a shit about you.

i know who you are nigger.


You don't know who I am, but I can and have found out who others are on here.

Keep talking shit, we'll find you.

ExpertShitposter ago

means a lot of nothing

Wrong nigger.

you need to find a healthier hobby

I was referring to chilly when i said "means the world to him"

virtue signalling about "the good ol' days"

@she debacle wasn't good old days, it was terrible. Atko saved voat when he demoded her.

You don't know who I am,

I do you texas transvestite. Tell me, do you get paid per post or per hour?

Keep talking shit, we'll find you.

Do it my nigger.

captainstrange ago

I'll give you a last opportunity to retract your original threat before obliterating any notion in your mind about your so-called anonymity.

ExpertShitposter ago

Thank you for your kindness and an offer of the second chance.

I, expert shitposter, would like to retract my thread and declarer that

Are we cool now?

captainstrange ago

Are we cool now?

Yeah, nigger.

Just don't make dumb threats.

Talking shit is fine. But you don't get to bandy-about threats about peoples information.

You want to do that, then you should at least be aware of who you're talking to. Some of us are actually capable of finding people.

ExpertShitposter ago

Your autism prevented you from understanding my reply. I am being ironic with the "are we cool nigger". I am insulting you to piss you off and get you to dox me. How many more insults do i have to lay out? Dox me you jewish faygo drinking faggot.

captainstrange ago

How many more insults do i have to lay out

I don't care about your boring and unoriginal insults you dumb invalid.

Get some original materiel scrub. All you are is weak entertainment to us goats.

you jewish faygo drinking faggot.

Ain't nobody got time for your sad attempts at projection.

ExpertShitposter ago

OK, but when will you find me and kill me? Or are you only going to doxx me? Eta?

captainstrange ago

You retracted your statement so your fine. Your intent behind the retraction was ironic, but I don't care. Intent is irrelevant. Compliance is all that matters.

Who said anything about killing?

Publicly humiliation is my go to.

Speech must be preserved, and anyone who uses talk of someone's info to silence people will likewise be found and exposed. Karma is a bitch. So don't do it any more guy. It's really a bitch move on your part and makes you look insecure and weak.

ExpertShitposter ago

You retracted your statement

Umm, I didn't?! Are you blind?

Doxx me faggot.

captainstrange ago

Umm, I didn't?! Are you blind?

I, expert shitposter, would like to retract my thread

Well yeah, thats a technicality.

Doxx me faggot.

Asking for it doesn't warrant it.

Is this all you do, all day? Shitpost?

ExpertShitposter ago

My point was to prove that you are a tough talking pussy with no substance behind his words and i have succeeded at that.

This thread was great for exposing more 1990 alts.

captainstrange ago

Is this all you do, all day? Shitpost?

You seem to be afflicted with epic levels of projection. Its not our fault if you are so retarded you couldn't win a participation medal at the special olympics. You and your 50,000 alts.


ExpertShitposter ago

Its not our fault

our fault


Its nice when you occasionally slip up and admit it 1990 group alt. Everybody knows all of you, but still, its nice ti see accidental self admission.

captainstrange ago

ooh, I think I triggered the little alt brigading faggot.

Is that salt I detect?

ExpertShitposter ago

Why would i be triggered? I suspected you to be 1990 and you admitted it by accident.

captainstrange ago

Why would i be triggered?

I fucking knew it. You are triggered, haha. I'm gonna grab a hops stupid and revel in my cheap pointless victory over you.

ExpertShitposter ago

I'm just chillin' with beer and watching gun videos on jewtube. Replying to your sorry ass between each video. Glad you're having fun too, maybe you wont cry your self to sleep tonight 9-11/grifter42/freshmeat.

End of discussion.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

you just virtually sucked expies dick

captainstrange ago

you just virtually sucked expies dick

why, you jealous? Because you sound jealous.

Dick sucking jokes aside, you're welcome to jump in and do some shit talking too.

I'm over here doing all the heavy lifting, where have you been?

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

alas i waa getting my dick sucked too @freshmeat just made my toes curl.....l

captainstrange ago

ah, I see, a shitposter alt.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago


#me too

incellivision ago

I swear I've seen @captainstrange post loli porn on RFH.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@captainstrange did 9/11

incellivision ago

@captainstrange had gay lesbian sex with @9-11? That @expertshitposter guy needs to know hot juicy detail like this.

ExpertShitposter ago

Trufe mane.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@yurisrevenge what say you

yurisrevenge ago

i need 4 moar up voats on my comments to submit anything shit post wise

please halp

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@gabara @ilikeskittles @expertshitposter upvote brigade yuri wit me