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kkasdfa88934 ago

if anyone want to know @puttitout why ccp is flawed... ehh just look at this submission. tell me im a fool

Crensch ago

You're the creepy little faggot at the lunch table that won't take the hint from everyone else that you're not cool, and nobody likes you.

Someone asked you to write out your grievances and you said it wasn't worth the effort, but 80-some responses over nearly 10 hours is?

Maybe if you responded another 30-40 more times, something will change for you!

Probably not, though.

kkasdfa88934 ago

You're the creepy little faggot

more conjecture

Crensch ago

It's an analogy to illustrate what I see.

Well, it was until you tried to defend yourself against it by setting goalposts as if it were a legitimate accusation.

Now I know you were just being defensive because you know that very thing about yourself.

kkasdfa88934 ago

defensive, grrrr look, im simply pointing out how you are wrong. I promised someone I would not attack you. Trust me I want to, but I'm a man of his word. And trust me I have plenty of ammo.

Well, it was until you tried to defend yourself against it by setting goalposts as if it were a legitimate accusation.


Now I know you were just being defensive because you know that very thing about yourself.

more fiction

sorry do you just make stuff up in your head as you go along? maybe you should seek psychiatric help, im concerned about you.

Crensch ago

Nah, you're a creep. You'll do anything at all for a woman just virtue-signal to yourself that you're a nice guy that deserves poon.

You have nothing on me, and my analysis of you is correct.

kkasdfa88934 ago

oooooo burrrrrrn

you really know zero about me, and if you do? who is the creep now?

You'll do anything at all for a woman

I'll do the same for a guy, or a friend for that matter.

you're a nice guy that deserves poon

see this is where you are wrong, im assuming you are referring to kat. No, never once was I creep towards her or to anyone on voat NEVER , she can confirm

more lies about me.

See Crensch, I have people around the world that would like to come visit me. Even of all people Might, says to move down to texas.

Point is i am liked, just not on your lunch room table. You can keep making up lies about all you want, because the people that know me on here know i'm legit.

You have nothing on me,

Youre right I dont have nothing, because you were requested to be whitelisted and that I should fuck with. Plus I'm not a creep. But if you force me reply, I will berate you and tear apart everything you write.

and my analysis of you is correct.

you analysis is flaws, based on conjecture.