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Zesty ago

Thanks for taking a major portion of your life to take care of people. Sorry some people aren't worth it.

satisfyinghump ago

That "person" that threw a cup of piss at her, was not a person. They became a nurse to nurse back to health humans, not to be a cage cleaner at tbe zoo.

Artofchoke ago

The demented in state care should be humanely and peacefully euthanized. If you have a demented family member you aren't ready to lose, keep your pet in YOUR home and care for it YOURSELF.

watitdew ago

Speaking as someone who recently lost his mother to early onset alzheimers that took somewhere between 10-15 years I wholeheartedly agree not only on an economic basis (because this bankrupts medicaid when the boomers get it en mass) but it's just blatantly morally wrong to keep this thing alive that is uncomprehending and only has death ahead of it.

Much like this baby raccoon I just beat with a rake this morning.

watitdew ago

no more liek this

@artofchoke how old do you think it was? I think there are more in the roof I just had their mother taken away in a trap earlier this week.

Crensch ago

Why would you ping someone that likes raccoons to the death of one? Pretty fucked up, dude.

watitdew ago

because fuck you

Crensch ago

Imagine what kind of depraved individual gets off on causing pain to others. @Artofchoke spreads a lot of happiness with her raccoons, and you want to hurt her. Why?

Is it some deep-seated need to feel powerful? Is that your motivation? Do you feel emasculated in your real life by your dad, who didn't stand up to his feminist wife and daughters in front of you? Does it make you feel ashamed that you're related to that kind of "man"? Does it make you feel ashamed that he's your father?
Does it hurt that the man you were supposed to look up to went to Harvard and got brainwashed? Or that he believes Nazis are the bad guys still?

Did you ever follow through with quitting, or are you a failure like your father? Did you enjoy giving your genome to the kikes?

Yeah, it's pretty obvious you have daddy issues. Which is a little embarrassing, because it's usually the frontholes with daddy issues. I'd wager if you were a fronthole you'd be a little slut, but because you were born male from such a beta cuck, you have to go and shit on someone else to feel better about yourself.

I bet it wasn't dementia that killed your mom; it was being married and having a son with that beta cuck of a father of yours. I bet she was never proud of you, and I bet those last five years were a blessing for her compared to watching you grow up with an Electra complex for your take-it-in-the-ass father.

I know your type, though. You'll bluster and bluff about how none of this bothers you, but you'll crack open another bottle of some poison and suck it down while imagining you're sucking down your own father's cum straight from the source. You'll lose sleep over it, and hate me forever for showing you exactly what you don't want to see about yourself.

I'll bet, out of all of this, what hurts the most is that your father chose his daughters over you.

Enjoy your drink, buddy.

watitdew ago
