Action_Bastard ago

You should use your position for the good of white society and slip some arsenic in with the nigger's meds.

Texas_Instruments ago

In my health system we occasionally get jawas fresh from the camps. Black holes for health dollars, i see it all: single rooms, interpreters, longer stays cos muh disadvantage, surgical queue jumping, specialist workups for spurious cultural difference psychosomatic symptoms, specialist work ups for shit like tuberculosis and MRO's, dental workups on public dollar, social work up the arse. white gloves VIP treatment,

remainselusive ago

"Nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger." -Nigger

Wazhappenin1 ago

Early retirement on PTSD in your future. Fuck that shit.

Shotinthedark ago

To bad you can't have a no nigger clause in your contract.

zyklon_b ago

kill em with fentanyl

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

There is no way I would be able to stop myself from beating the shit out of that nigger. I would not care if I lost my job. I wouldn't want to work in an environment where there is nigger piss flying around, sounds like a hostile work environment to me.

DintDoNothin ago

You now have herpes

SmokeyMeadow ago

I miss the days when niggers received no doctor's care, and instead were looked after by the local veterinarian.

Gorillion ago

Empty a bucket of piss on him to gain his respect.

Sheeit, dat dah nigga who near drownt me in piss - hard core - don' mess wi dat nigga not lessen you like dah taste o' oh-sylum piss!

jimibulgin ago

Did he at least pay you? /s

StanTheTRex ago

It was a nurses week gift, and was probably more than your administration gave you. From someone who's worked on the non-patient care side for 25 years you guys are awesome.

TheKalergiFan ago

I have heard this same thing from my nurse friends.

eongoat ago

"yes it was a nigger."

raise your hand if you didn't know that before reading it...

Jujubean ago

You are just paying the toll for being in a service industry. Anything involving social work will have you dealing with niggers. Go into private nursing and chose your clients.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Sorry you have to pretend to care for niggers

trevmon ago

give them less meds so they go thru pain

goatboy ago

Send a B-52 to bomb the fucker.


5 of adavan

2 of Haldol

sweatingbullets ago

benadryl 50 mg, haldol 5 mg and ativan 2 mg IM. it worked like a charm.

Holonomic ago

Niggers are awful animals no matter what role they play. You can't deal with rabid animals and you can't deal with niggers. Don't have them wait on you, don't send anyone you love to a nursing home with niggers in it, don't have nigger contractors, maintenance services with niggers, and so on.

It's beyond time to start treating this problem in the right way, and that can start with angry phone calls to companies that employ these pigs and threatening them to never come back and spend money with a company that hires slow, angry, incompetent niggers.Then take it from there.

I know as a nurse you don't have much say, but you can tell everyone on the floor about this animal and put information in her file, and report it to your boss. Being used as a toilet target practice is probably NOT in your job description.

Drunkenst ago

Bear? Bear Grylles, is dat cho baby?

Drunkenst ago


BentAxel ago

I am sorry and thank you very much for what you do. I come from a Family of nurses, though I am not one. Thank you.

8_billion_eaters ago

Dad was security guard at nigger-infested hospital. Nigger with an open head wound had enough hatred to flick brain matter at him. "Take that, you white mufugga... flick... flick... Tag duh... ...flick... flick... TU DAHK."

He was soon a dead nigger.

"Hey, dad...why didn't you stop him?"

"Shut up, son."

DontBeRacist ago

Bring back segregation now.

83855 ago

It's only natural. Nurse friend of mine said the entire 3rd shift were Filipinos, 2nd was Hispanic and 1st were whites. Naturally occuring segregation. Niggas live in shitholes. Whites work and move away from shitholes to be closer to whites and away from crime. Honestly the nigs would be happier with public schools being solely black. I say let that happen. Bring the voucher system on. The reason the libs fight it is to demand diversity that is an unnatural state. We are the only species on Earth who fights our natural dominace behaviors.

DontBeRacist ago

I'm tired of having to pay the invisible nigger tax. We can't have low cost living for white people, because niggers will invade anywhere cheap. Then white people leave to get away from the niggers just being themselves. We've got to pay taxes for public schools and then pay for private school to keep our kids away from niggers. You also might have a woman staying home and homeschooling, something like that. In Asian countries people can actually live in low rent places and use public transportation. Public transportation here generally gets filled up with the worst kinds of people, most of them niggers.

Heretohelpfats____ ago

Must be nice. Where I work, all the shitheads want to get into the nice shift, because the whites actually work.

SparkS ago

u sure all of those are psychotic?

SparkS ago

was a nigger this time? psychotic ppl... available 24/24? preety blury but wtfever.. doesnt matter to much...

SparkS ago

shieeeet :)))

Artofchoke ago

Oh honey, I'm so sorry. That profession can destroy people. Make sure you are getting PAMPERED in another facet of your life, you need that to balance out the fucking blows to your morale. hugs

P.S - I know an RN and a CNA who switched to IT after over a decade in healthcare, and both are infinitely happier for it.

BridgeBurner ago

Nurses are the backbone of our medical system. They keep the whole thing from collapsing while doctors get the recognition.

Blood-is-Nature ago

If the situation in the hospitals becomes unbearable, get out. Don't let them drive you into suicide, this shit is all orchestrated to take the healthcare infrastructure down. The sick migrants are deliberately send into your nations, almost assuredly infected by eugenics programs. Also the vaccines are now deliberately designed to lower your defense against the outbreaks. They are using bacteriological warfare against you. Talk this possibility through with your co-worker and check each other for suicidal tendencies. Hospital staff and cops all over the western world are dropping like flies these days, all carefully censored away by the media.

83855 ago

^^^this 1000 upvoats

Texas_Instruments ago

Did a dozen shifts nursing a behavioral tard with tantrum head banging brain damage and low sensitivity to pain. he punched 1 cop and 3 nurses during the admission, hits on the security no one counted. spit, fluids, any loose objects but never got me cos i kept up my situational awareness and the others didnt. Still... wasnt there, cant comment other than to say modern hospitals are the wrong environment for damaged animals.

RoBatten ago

The governmental cutbacks on mental health care in the early 80's was very bad. They were basically just released into the wild. Now they're in homeless encampments and prison. I've always wondered if the side benefit, besides saving a ton of money, was to use these events to grab our guns when these mental deficients get to killing . . .

ibepokey ago

just be glad it wasn't poo. they also throw poo.

goatsandbros ago

A pillow late at night could fix that.

DayOfThePillow ago

The good ole pillow, my weapon of choice!

con77 ago

looks like someones pain meds wont be administered for a few shifts

One-Way_Bus ago

No, give him more than enough to stop the niggers heart. It's called euthanasia.

con77 ago

or knock it unconscious

One-Way_Bus ago

As long as the feral animal is euthanized, the cause isn't really relevant. Of course, I prefer the most cost effective measure to get rid of the beasts.

Traveler ago

whelp sometimes life throws a cup of piss at you

SearchVoatBot ago

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totes_magotes ago

You should stop by SBBH. We'll do that for free.

Jeckle ago

It's not right. You're a nurse not a veterinarian!

bambou1991 ago

Even dogs wouldn't piss on him on purpose.

83855 ago

They would to show dominance. She should called a code and they would strap down the ape. Get a penile tube and stick up there to drain his dick. He will never throw piss again.

vastrightwing ago

That is an assault any way you look at it. File charges.

Heretohelpfats____ ago

See, this is why I'm happy with my boss. If someone threw piss on me at work and I proceeded to beat them, he wouldn't have a problem with it. I bet he'd watch it happen, then call the cops to file charges on the piss-thrower.

sweatingbullets ago

mechanical and chemical restraint.

CaucasianSlavery ago

That’s a start. You are not allowed to be assaulted, press charges or you lost to it

83855 ago

catheter tube and let him scream.......

RoBatten ago

Ahh yes. Atavan > intubation > silence . . . works like a charm. Chemical restraint is best restraint. Only problem is they have to be admitted to ICU now, where they may wake up "agitated." But the ER is on to the next one . . .

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

The only restraint a nigger will ever be capable of.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

What is it with monkeys throwing their excrement? We were on a tour in Costa Rica and the howler monkeys would throw their shit.

ranch-othelioma ago

It's not the howler monkeys throwing their shit, it's those other little monkeys. The howlers are nice and calm.

Cannonfodder ago

My guess would be a warning of territorial dominance as almost all animals use their waste as territory markers, so that other animals can pick up the scent to know whose boundaries they are in. So, when the monkeys throw their shit, you could see it actually as a kind gesture, meaning hey you obviously didn’t pick up on my scent that i live here, here is some more of my shit just so you know. Instead of just straight up attacking you without warning while entering their territory.


Which do you think would be worse, getting a cup of warm fresh thrown at you, or old room temperature piss?

Titanbikes4ever ago

Fresh is worse

MrPim ago

Fresh piss is still sterile. I mean it might be carrying disease. But piss that has sat can get nasty from sitting outside even if it started disease free.

SonofSuebi ago

fresh piss is sterile

No It isn't. That's a myth that golden shower fetishist propagate

DayOfThePillow ago

This man knows his piss! Lol

MrPim ago

The internet has taught me much. The value of it all is dubious.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Well, I have a medical background and offered my professional opinion from first hand experience :) just sayin

sane ago

Niggers gotta Nig

Zesty ago

Thanks for taking a major portion of your life to take care of people. Sorry some people aren't worth it.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Day of the pillow when?

One-Way_Bus ago

Niggers aren't people.

satisfyinghump ago

That "person" that threw a cup of piss at her, was not a person. They became a nurse to nurse back to health humans, not to be a cage cleaner at tbe zoo.

83855 ago

Best comment on the thread.

Artofchoke ago

The demented in state care should be humanely and peacefully euthanized. If you have a demented family member you aren't ready to lose, keep your pet in YOUR home and care for it YOURSELF.

watitdew ago

Speaking as someone who recently lost his mother to early onset alzheimers that took somewhere between 10-15 years I wholeheartedly agree not only on an economic basis (because this bankrupts medicaid when the boomers get it en mass) but it's just blatantly morally wrong to keep this thing alive that is uncomprehending and only has death ahead of it.

Much like this baby raccoon I just beat with a rake this morning.

Artofchoke ago

Did I suggest beating your mother with a rake? Or humanely euthanizing her? I'm sorry you're triggered.

watitdew ago

I'm not triggered you are. I would have smashed her skull into the hard floor of the nursing home if it would have just ended it sooner. I had many dark thoughts about it. I wouldn't have considered bringing a rake.

Artofchoke ago

Your mother was still a living, sentient life with a nervous system that recognizes fear and pain. Society and community and family owed her body better than such a shameful "life" and a dirty, humiliating death. Every body should be entitled to a peaceful death, don't you agree? When there is no hope?

Infants, who have been born, should be cared for, if there is a person willing to tame responsibility for them and provide that care. If there is no person, euthanasia. No matter the species.

watitdew ago

Yes I agree 6000000%

Artofchoke ago

I apologize for my original response being harsh, sincerely. I've got a head trauma yearling here, hit by a car. Had been awake for two days. It's that wonderful season up here in the northeast. :/

watitdew ago

Idc I was trolling you by bringing up the dead baby raccoon. On the one hand I'm not thrilled about killing it but on the other hand maybe its spirit would appreciate the lulz.

Artofchoke ago

Ahh, I thought you might still be grieving your mother. Alzheimer's is a filthy cunt. hugs

watitdew ago

I've had plenty long to get over it I just have what I think is an interesting quote unquote perspective on death.

watitdew ago

no more liek this

@artofchoke how old do you think it was? I think there are more in the roof I just had their mother taken away in a trap earlier this week.

Crensch ago

Why would you ping someone that likes raccoons to the death of one? Pretty fucked up, dude.

watitdew ago

because fuck you

Crensch ago

Imagine what kind of depraved individual gets off on causing pain to others. @Artofchoke spreads a lot of happiness with her raccoons, and you want to hurt her. Why?

Is it some deep-seated need to feel powerful? Is that your motivation? Do you feel emasculated in your real life by your dad, who didn't stand up to his feminist wife and daughters in front of you? Does it make you feel ashamed that you're related to that kind of "man"? Does it make you feel ashamed that he's your father?
Does it hurt that the man you were supposed to look up to went to Harvard and got brainwashed? Or that he believes Nazis are the bad guys still?

Did you ever follow through with quitting, or are you a failure like your father? Did you enjoy giving your genome to the kikes?

Yeah, it's pretty obvious you have daddy issues. Which is a little embarrassing, because it's usually the frontholes with daddy issues. I'd wager if you were a fronthole you'd be a little slut, but because you were born male from such a beta cuck, you have to go and shit on someone else to feel better about yourself.

I bet it wasn't dementia that killed your mom; it was being married and having a son with that beta cuck of a father of yours. I bet she was never proud of you, and I bet those last five years were a blessing for her compared to watching you grow up with an Electra complex for your take-it-in-the-ass father.

I know your type, though. You'll bluster and bluff about how none of this bothers you, but you'll crack open another bottle of some poison and suck it down while imagining you're sucking down your own father's cum straight from the source. You'll lose sleep over it, and hate me forever for showing you exactly what you don't want to see about yourself.

I'll bet, out of all of this, what hurts the most is that your father chose his daughters over you.

Enjoy your drink, buddy.

watitdew ago


Drunkenst ago

Set your house on fire just to be sure you got ‘em all. No charge.

watitdew ago

nah they'll probably starve. this is part of the building i'm planning to demo anyway.

Drunkenst ago

We had a family of four under a roof tarp to stop chimney leak. They didn’t make it.

watitdew ago

really not looking forward to cleaning up the poop and bodies. going to have to open up the ceiling more just to get to it. tfw you try to get in your ceiling and raccoon poop falls in your face.

this little bugger wasn't going to make it so I tried to make it quick. i have a dog i can't have these things in the house.

Drunkenst ago

That’s what turned the old lady around - sympathetic until showed her vid of the little coons that’d chewed thru walls and was poking they nappy heads through kitchen cabinets. She went from anti to pro death penalty in one swell foop. Atrocious vermin.

GreenSlug ago

I shot a big ass coon right in the forehead not too long and didnt even feel kind bad. Fuckin trash pandas.

WD_Pelley ago

I shot a big ass coon right in the forehead not too long and didnt even feel kind bad.

Damn, I bet that -

Fuckin trash pandas.

Oh, wrong kind of coon, never mind.

GreenSlug ago

I know right, not a lot of difference really though. I guess the trash pandas are a bit more peaceful, but they are still dirty burglars

DiscontentedMajority ago

Most people arn't worth it.

Thanks for doing a hard but needed job OP.

expose ago

niggers definitely aren't worth it.

CowWithBeef ago

This is the part of diversity that scares me most immediately. How do I know the medical staff doesn't hate me because of my religion or ethnicity? The only way to be confident instantly is that they are my religion and ethnicity.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Dude. Ain’t that the truth. My mother had a “surprise surgery” at the beginning of this year. Nothing life threatening, but it had to be done ASAP. Anyways, the very first doctor she saw was a shitskin sand nigger and she told me; and this is a non racist, but racially aware women, that as she was on the table, she said that the cross on her necklace felt heavy. She told me that she did not feel comfortable being treated by someone that she knew can/would/does judge people by their religion. She luckily enough was able to find a specialist that was also a woman from Montana, and everything turned out good in the end, but it was the first time I think she had a “diversity is our greatest strength” reality check.

CowWithBeef ago

Surgeon is probably the highest trust job there is. As long as a surgeon does dangerous procedures he can definitely get away with a murder now and then.

sweatingbullets ago

just so you know, as much as I hate niggers and sand niggers, I treat every single patient as if they were my own family, regardless of race or religion. The patients I take care of are the most vulnerable and under-served population in the medical community, psych patients.

Biggerpotato ago

Make sure to poison the undesirables

wokeasfook ago

Mighty white of you

cleverbird ago

Good for you I guess, very noble of you, but they won't do the same for us.

watitdew ago

thanks for not being a nigger i guess?

Corpse_washer ago

I admire nurses. But working with corpses is much more relaxing.

Artofchoke ago

Ahh the silence. The austerity. Dignified.