goathole200racer ago

How long have I had this account?

30 hours?

I already have more than 200 ccp.

Good idea,


Goathole ago

goathole200racer 0 points (+0|-0) 6 hours ago

How long have I had this account? 30 hours? I already have more than 200 ccp. Good idea, DUMB FUCK!

  • yes, you are the poster child of the CCP restriction that needs to be raised. I'm actually tearing up a little that you made an account dedicated to me and then worked so hard to help me prove my point.

You da reall MVP bro! You're my motherfucker forever..

goathole200racer ago

It was super easy proving your idea is retarded. From 100 to 200 took three hours longer, and I didn't even need to make any posts. Woooow, good job.

Stick with lurking, kid.

Goathole ago

I'm not sure you understand the point of the post.

Still, I am indebted to you for your effort. Thanks bro.

ruck_feddit ago

Oh God, fuck MYG. I don't miss arguing with that faggot. Good looking out.

ruck_feddit ago

I'm inclined to believe you're unfamiliar with vagina's irl, especially @Trigglypuff 's.

Reverse-Flash ago

Enlighten me, Sensei. I don't really care about triggly or its pedo pals, but they make for some fun shitposting.

ruck_feddit ago

I don't know her. I have only seen her anti jew/black/globalist attitude and presumed her to be some kind of European nationalist. Plus, I enjoy a certain genre of shitpost. I have no beef with you, Thawn, so don't go pushing any mysterious buttons.

Reverse-Flash ago

LoL, no worry ruck, we cool. Her and some of her anti-intellectual friends like to throw the word 'jew' around when they can't win an argument on it's merits. They got lots of game and zero skills. Enjoy your Friday night, niggerfaggot.

smallpond ago

Well, if you're going to retain the censorship rather than get rid of it, why not double-down on the hypocrisy:

Increase the requirement to 1000, and give unpopular people a limit of one comment a day, with no posting rights, and a site wide "Thought-criminal until proven otherwise" tag.

Would you feel safe then??

Disclaimer: If we’re conversing, I will soon fall silent. I may want to continue, but because many users are unpopular here and have less than 100 CCP, we are temporarily banned as soon as we make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech, but I'm grateful for recent comments stating an intention to improve things.

voatHatesTheFirst ago

Well, if you're going to retain the censorship rather than get rid of it,

LMAO, I can't believe you fell for that bullshit.

smallpond ago

I know it's trendy to pretend you're psychic around here, but there are two options described in that sentence - one being the possibility that PuttItOut will follow through on his post.

You're really going to waste our comments objecting to that?

heygeorge ago

the possibility that PuttItOut will follow through on his post.

He did, short term, saying that the restrictions aren't perfect, yet they work. You are clearly included in the accounts Putts referred to as desiring downvotes due, in part, to your 'uncharacteristically caustic nature'.

In short:

Your use case is part of why Voating restrictions continue.

smallpond ago

You speak for PuttItOut now?

That would be funny given your failure to understand basic concepts of free speech.

You still don't know the difference between non-zero speech and free speech do you?

heygeorge ago

I speak for myself, and only refer to Putt's public comments on the matter. You are the corrosive sort and, in my eyes, mainly serve as another example of the relative worth of the current system. It's rather simple. I would imagine you'd understand if you wished to present yourself reasonably.

Disclaimer: If I fall silent, it's because engaging with you is best described as zero-sum and I won't be wasting my time in the immediate future.

smallpond ago

From our previous conversation it's clear why you fall silent - you are unable or unwilling to engage on certain points that you most likely know you're wrong about:

Two examples:

(a) The difference between a user being able to comment at all, and being uncensored (b) Censorship serving to drive away new users who don't agree with voat's hivemind.

I smell vested interest. Are you a card-carrying Nazi like many others?

Edit: Of course you are.

heygeorge ago

card-carrying Nazi


I'm all for new users. But please, ignore my contentions (and actual point of discussion) again and then call me a Nazi. 2xLOL

You personally are a caustic entity begging for downvotes and you know it.

smallpond ago

Dude, you own /v/RidersoftheReich. Are you saying you're not a Nazi? Surely I'm allowed to call you one if you are one?

Assuming you are Nazi, you have a vested interest in perpetuating voat's censorship - your ideas are hivemind-dominant at present and voat is a great tool for propaganda and indoctrination. Try being honest about it, you'll feel better.

voatHatesTheFirst ago

Not psychic, just been seeing his bullshit for a while now. It would be great if the safe space faggot @puttitout did an about face and suddenly became pro free speech as opposed to what he's been doing. I wouldn't hold my breath though. People tend to not change.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Goathole ago

Voat is becoming reddit.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

How does 200 ccp prevent that?

Goathole ago

When was the last time you created another account?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I dunno, a while ago.

Answer my question. You're doing a terrible job of convincing me your idea has any merit whatsoever.

Goathole ago

I dunno, a while ago. Answer my question. You're doing a terrible job of convincing me your idea has any merit whatsoever.

Wow, that was arrogant. Who the fuck do you think you are? and why the fuck would I care you stupid fuckhead. If you don't fucking understand why then fucking figure it out cocklick, I'm not your daddy here to give you life lessons.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You posted an idea for voat. I'm part of voat. I vote on your ideas.

You're idea is stupid, will do nothing to improve voat, and would be a waste of time.

Also you're attitude is shitty, but that's neither here nor there.

Goathole ago

I posted an idea for voat. You are part of voat. You have one vote on "my" idea.

My idea is reasonable but you're too stupid or disconnected to figure it out so you don't like it.

You're an asshole that instead of asking why, demanded a reason for something that is self explanatory but that I would have explained if you weren't so fucking entitled.

ruck_feddit ago

Well, you're one of the 1% of thedonald refugees that stayed. That whole v/thepedes attempt was a laughable sizzle-out, but it's probably good you stayed. I'm glad you did, so don't go acting like an actual faggot and make me look bad :)

Oh yeah, the point here, I think measures like yours should be taken to at least make shills and refugees endure more hazing before shitting up the place.

Goathole ago

you're one of the 1% of thedonald refugees that stayed.

Uh no, you should really put an "/s" after that first statement because those are fighting words.

I think measures like yours should be taken to at least make shills and refugees endure more

That's kind of the point. The 100 CCP requirement is too easy to circumvent. I've done it a few times now and I am noticing a distinct change in the site currently.

ruck_feddit ago

Well buddy, let's recap the first bit so we don't wear ourselves out fighting on a Saturday. What percentage of r/TD refugees do you believe stayed on voat?

Goathole ago

10%. I am not one of the ten percent. I am/was independent of them and furthermore I had nothing to do with them on reddit. I fucking hated /r/the_donald but felt it was unjust of reddit to suppress them leading up to the election.

I by no means felt their invasion, nor how they went about it, was a good thing. I spent that weekend going from This user has downvoted 70 to "you're a big meanie" @ 700.

Those cocksuckers have no place here, they do not share this site's morals whatsoever.

ruck_feddit ago

I think 10% is a high estimate. If you didn't join in the time of that particular migration, I must have misread a post here or there.

Goathole ago

Profile overview for Goathole.- Member for: 7 months (joined on: 2/12/2017)

5/19/17 /r/thedonald invasion

clamhurt_legbeard ago

My idea is reasonable

You gave no reason whatsoever. Your idea can't even be defended.


ruck_feddit ago

Fromunda cheese. A juvenile way to describe the typically white/yellow yeast buildup under the foreskin of a man or in the vagina of a woman.

ruck_feddit ago

Her - "You know what would have made the sex way better? More foreskin and some cheese."

piratse ago

...do you not understand how washing a penis works?

ruck_feddit ago


SocialistKiller ago

Never really cared about ratings, CCP requirement could go up to 1000, or be removed. At the end of the day it doesn't really make a difference.

OhBlindOne ago

I'm down.

ZX4jBXu ago

I don't mind that actually. I've had about a good dozen accounts over the last 3ish years and If I try to witty and smart I could usually get 100 CCP in a day. Hell, I wouldn't mind 500 CCP requirement honestly...

I make a new account and nuke the old one every few months but I love voat enough not to give a shit if my new account has to work a little for the first while in order to to make it tougher on shills and other useless people.

Edit: whats with the faggots that downvoat and run. Pussy cunts.

voatHatesTheFirst ago

If I try to witty and smart I could usually get 100 CCP in a day. Hell, I wouldn't mind 500 CCP requirement honestly...

Just don't try to be honest or factual in any way.. Voat hates that.

ZX4jBXu ago

Heard they also hate shills and faggots, must be tough for you.

middle_path ago

Why not over 9000?

Cheesebooger ago

Why not 6 gorillion?

AndrewBlazeIt ago


Reverse-Flash ago

How about if we make it 200 SCP?

runs off giggling

Disappointed ago

Paging @she