Diathorus ago

Well say goodbye to w/e little shitty excuse you shitheads had by pretending to defend "FREE SPEECH" yet you ban and ostracize anyone who doesn't conform to what you think is VALID SPEECH.

I suppose now I have a good enough excuse to ditch this rotten turd of neo-nazi infested hypocrites that operate under SJW logic.

Garbalon ago

Yes, loli will be he excuse the powers that be need to destroy Voat. It should be banned here.

SimonWest ago

Your posts are less gaming related than his were. Where's your ban?

theoldones ago

fuck that, i'm directly from the supplier.

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

I feel like I missed something. Koikatsu is love.

fightknightHERO ago

Fuck yes it is.

porn is degenerate and those who are still addicted to it are nothing more than men of weak substance

besides, there are porn subverses for those soulless degenerates, we don't want that shit here.

Bigneckedmanjr ago

Pornographic depictions of children is not art, it is not free speech and it certainly is not a fucking game. What the fuck is wrong with your head? What don’t you get? That guy is fucking scum. It is that simple.

56378907654678 ago

I think the ban is appropriate.

Loli porn is not related to gaming, even if it's based on a video game character.

Make your own loli subverse, im sure theres a rule 34 subverse as well.

I see it as spam.

This was an opinion.


UnknownAlias365 ago

"B-b-but it's loli, literally just cartoons! Sure it depicts sexual scenes involving children, but it doesn't count!"

realnstuff ago

He earned it, at one time the first page was full of that pedo shit. But it should rather be handled through changing the sub rules. Besides I bet the majority wouldn't even care if he didn't spam that shit all day.   For those nigger faggots crying that it's gaming related, you could also fucking post the EA ceo wanking on your money. Still gaming related, right?

GishKnots ago

Ps hi @theoldones ; ) ♡♡♡

GishKnots ago

You faggots and your damn cartoons. You guys really do jerk off to them don't you? Hahaha be a man and go to a massage parlor and have fun. Cartoons ha ha ha

GishKnots ago

Who jerks in public?

worthlesshope ago

You don't understand how the world got into this mess that brought you over to voat do you? If you want to censor things so badly you should probably go back to reddit. Your philosophy matches that of the left.

I'll clue you in, in case you care a little. How the people you hate came into power. It started similar to your post, but they were protestants. They came over from England because they disagreed with how strict the Roman Catholics were, kinda like voat separating themselves from reddit, but they also wanted to be strict themselves they wanted more control over the rules because they thought they could do better. People who sought power but agreed to the stricter rules eventually came to into power and now they control everything.

Banning something because you don't want to see it turns you into Reddit. It's people like you who are ruining western nations. You give up control of things as long as they agree with your own personal standards.

F0REM4N ago

Part of free speech is letting mods tailor a community as they see fit. anything goes, including moderators content requirements for their own communities. The difference between here and reddit, is that it doesn’t happen at an admin level.

If voat wants to gain users, there needs to be communities that have mass appeal. You can still get all crazy in the right places.

56378907654678 ago

I agree with you, however, isn't spamming a bannable offense? you seem well spoken so i would like your opinion.

worthlesshope ago

I didn't see the offending posts(not sure if they were deleted or if they exist). I looked at /u/aged's post history as soon as I saw the first thread and saw nothing that would piss people off as mentioned by this thread. He posts often in /v/loli but he posted like 3 images of sexually explicit adult/teen video game characters in /v/gaming.

As someone else posted out the OP seems to have a hard on against /u/aged simply because he enjoys posting loli. Which is also apparent by these kind of threads which 2 of appeared in a short time period.

So if he did indeed literally spam like.. some annoying guy(forget his username) who kept cursing at putt awhile back in every single thread and putt actually made a thread saying "I respect your free speech so I wont ban you" but eventually caved in and banned him for spamming. Then he should be banned. But I strongly doubt it was that bad or I probably would have noticed.

So I'm under the impression that this is a smallish group of people who are absolutely raving mad at anyone who enjoy loli porn. Which like the left are raving mad at anything that goes against their personal beliefs.

There are times when spamming gets out of hand and should be taken care of, and there are times when it's free speech. Much like the difference between a peaceful protest and a riot.

56378907654678 ago

Really great points, and thanks for your research, and insight. I didn't realize most of this. It seems like this was a personal grudge, unfortunately.

worthlesshope ago

Putt made a post which is pinned on the front of the page of the website I noticed after you asked. It has around 600 or so comments now. It has many details of the argument too. But yea the argument is still on going, and it appears just a personal grudge to me too.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/gaming comment by @Project2501.

Posted automatically (#28822) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Glipglup ago

@aged was a spam bot, the account was a bot that spammed posts. It's very simple, the account was not a real user. I get down voted every time I say this but nobody ever responds. He was a spam bot. How many more times can I say it? It was a machine code making posts, that's not speech, he wasn't saying anything.

frenemy ago

do you have proof?

Glipglup ago

@aged can come here and tell us all otherwise.

Just so you know, we'll be waiting for quite some time. As in forever. Because he doesn't comment.

frenemy ago

is that your proof? kinda weak...

CantBuySkills ago

Bro... on top of that... he's fucking banned! Bwahahahahahahahahaha 🤣😂😂😂🤣

I'm fucking dying!

Glipglup ago

I'll do the math later but a normal human can't make 26,000 posts in the time he has. Just look at his account and stop being willfully dense.

frenemy ago

maybe he just likes to post shit. his account is 3.2 years old. it's not hard to hit that number with image posts. it's also hard to converse with the site when theoldones calls you names in every single post. my point is that you still don't know. you're just making things up.

i really don't know who the hell Sasha_Smith is so i'll have to simply not answer.

Glipglup ago

Sasha Smith is a spam bot that posted in this thread. Are you being obtuse on purpose or do you just not realize you can see a user's comment history?

WakkoWarner ago

I have a better idea: why not let the users block content posted by some users they don't personally like? I don't know if it is already possible since i have no interest in blocking users to begin with and i have zero problems with questionable content but this could solve the issue without falling into censorship.

NassTee ago

I agree that would be a better solution. Right now blocking users only collapses their comments. Imo, it should hide their submissions entirely.

dishevel ago

Only. It only makes the go away by default, but if you want you can click a button and see it? How horrible.
Are you ok?

Thrus2 ago

This post as well should get removed or get you banned it is not gaming related. keep in mind this is what you wanted, content not related to the sub should get the person banned.

Sasha_Smith ago

Gift of Whistle copter toys and make up a range of action games. These games are guaranteed to keep your kids entertained and fit at the same time. A variety of our games like whistle copter , led copter , original copter and slingshots outdoor fun games make sure that your children stay mentally active.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ReportSpammers submission by @theoldones.

Posted automatically (#28819) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @theoldones.

Posted automatically (#28814) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Mumbleberry ago

ATTN @Cynabuns

Cynabuns ago

Thanks, I'm on this spammy account. By chance did you hit the report button on this one? If you did, we may have a bug :( . Let me know please.

Mumbleberry ago

I think so, but will now just in case I didn't

Cynabuns ago

Pretty sure it's already gone ;)

Mumbleberry ago

Self delete?

Cynabuns ago

No... I'm just that quick this morning LOL.

Report my comment, if you wouldn't mind please

Mumbleberry ago

I did not like doing that to you, even if it was a test.

Cynabuns ago

It was for science so it's okay ;)

Thank you!

Glipglup ago

Omg GUIZ we can't delete Sasha_Smiths account that would be CeNsORsHiP!!11!

ex-redd ago

I think u/theoldones has beef with u/aged 's brigade-teir ["spam"] postings of risque content. Though it is technically gaming related, and isn't against the sub's rules to my knowledge.

The solution would be changing the subs rules--not voat's global ones (it's why we are here, and free speech differentiates us from the overly-sensitive crybabies of the world who want everyone else to change for them being offended).

I get not wanting it in the sub: a Goat can always start a new sub with more specific rules (i.e. pertaining to general game information only) or get a new sub rule [if possible?].

Then again I disagree that it is porn or loli; personally I just pass it by, and down voat u/Aged when he is over-doing this post war.

...unless she is really cute with perfectly shaped anime-titties on display. [joking]

aCuriousYahnz ago



The incessant pic posting was an attack on this community being committed by a person with narcissistic personality disorder. It may, or may not have been intentional. True narcissists cannot control their behavior.

That's why he would not stop. He found a weakness that he could exploit, and took advantage of it simply to exert control to satisfy his narcissistic compulsion. He took advantage of people who value freedom of speech, and expression because he thought nobody could/would stop him from being a spamming asshole.

Moral of the story: Don't allow your moral convictions to be wielded as weapon against you. Nothing is black, and white.

Glipglup ago

I'm seeing lots of down votes with no replies. @aged is a bot account. Robots don't have "speech" , or is not letting pajeet bots spam Viagra ads on the front page also censorship? I guess we should start letting all the spam bots on voat, let's make this place look like an abandoned v-bulletin board from 2007!!

CantBuySkills ago

Is it really a bot?

KingHiss ago


WhiteWolfSS ago

Fuck yes. Keep that shit out of here. Gas the pedo weebs.

Obrez ago

Can we can you for spam too faggot?

frenemy ago

i would second this.

Schreiber ago

I'd say ban both of them and every offtopic posters.

All of them are faggots.

theoldones ago

m8. i am good at being a shit-disturber, but 7+ posts per day every day, sourced without already appearing in the new feed, like that pedophile was pulling, is a task even i cant match.

Thrus2 ago

Well you are at 5 posts in the last 5 hours, and 20 in the last 10 hours so I would say 7+ a day isn't that hard for you.

theoldones ago

sourced from the new feed. i dont dig it up fresh

frenemy ago

i don't think that helps your case any. low effort posts pulled right from the news feed? sounds like the new definition of spam.

theoldones ago

2 degrees of removal, suck my dick.

frenemy ago

i'm using putts definition. i don't see why you should have a problem with that.

theoldones ago

i siphon information from the new feed into my own sub so people dont miss it.

it's fucking on-topic to the place, and that's because it's my realm.

frenemy ago

oh, you're farming scp then. okay. that sounds legit.

theoldones ago

oh fuck you, that would be the original posters then you're blaming.

frenemy ago

no, it's you plagiarizing their work that i'm blaming. low effort posting in your own sub to raise your scp. sounds like farming to me.

theoldones ago

you dont know what the fuck you're blaming, vague cunt.

frenemy ago

there's nothing vague about my post at all. you just don't want to understand it.

theoldones ago

putt just thought it qualified for spam.

frenemy ago

i disagree. it was a bad move down a slippery slope. censorship is censorship.

you have had a justice boner for aged for months. last time you did this shit, putt said it was allowed even if he didn't like it. then you had a nervous breakdown. now it seems that it just takes is putt agreeing that he doesn't like content to get a user banned from a system sub. i think that's a huge step backwards. definitely not in line with the spirit of the site. not unless we are no longer about free speech.

honestly, this whole thing was badly handled.

fightknightHERO ago

spam is spam, it wasn't censorship, he was asked to stop SPAMMING the forum with low effort posts and he continued as usual

and considering an IRL pedophile who posted to non-nude lolitas, good riddance i'ed say

lolicon is fine on it's own if YOU KEEP YOUR DEGENERACY TO YOURSELF but he clearly didn't, he wanted to spread it everywhere like some cripple chan kike

hell i wouldn't be surprised if he was actually trying to gaslight this forum, as we all know

porn is a jewish weapon.

Clbull ago

There's a massive difference between banning someone who spams legally grey sexual content in a subverse where it doesn't really belong, and taking the /r/games approach of auto-removing any comment that contains a long list of key words like "trump", "obama", "spunkgargleweewee", "liberal", "rape", etc, or which automatically removes any comment that is shorter than an arbitrary word length.

frenemy ago

the reddit approach... fuck off.

Clbull ago

The reddit approach is what I've described /r/games doing, and believe it or not they're far from the most heavily moderated subreddit.

frenemy ago

i don't care. a list of naughty words is a stupid idea.

Clbull ago

And that's exactly what I don't want /v/gaming to become.

frenemy ago

it is actively being pushed here right now. suddenly, there's some extra rule that if i annoy putt in some fashion that also annoys some of the more vocal user base, i get banned for being a 'noid'. at least that's what it looks like here.

Clbull ago

And you know what, Putt is still acting better than most Reddit power mods, who will just lock the thread and mute you for 72 hours with no reply.

sguevar ago

Unfortunately I disagree with your position.

The reason why I say this is because even if the posts are about gaming characters it is not related to gaming because it is not about the games perse but the "art" (quotes are because the known pedophile u/Aged is just posting images that are in ost of them sexualized kid characters) work of those games.

Said user can go ahead and post his degenerate content on the subverse that is for posting lolicom.

Rule 1 - Submissions must be related to gaming.

Art work is not related to gaming.

What you're encouraged to post: Games! We should talk about games more than anything! New releases, old favorites, Speed Runs, Let's Play's, development news, what we love, what we hate and so on and so forth.

Try to post things that create discussion. We want people to feel engaged and feel their voices are heard, rather than to be a place of disposable content.

u/Aged was spamming continuous lolicom images without generating discussion at all about a game in specific. He was in fact posting disposable content.

valleysunshine ago

It says "try to." Not it has to be. Artwork of a video game is related to video games. His perverted intentions are irrelevant.

Broc_Lia ago

because it is not about the games perse but the "art" (quotes are because the known pedophile u/Aged is just posting images that are in ost of them sexualized kid characters) work of those games.

Can you link to the posts you're referring to? The ones I can see are adult characters and the depictions of them have large breasts, so clearly aren't supposed to be children.

sguevar ago

Can you link to the posts you're referring to? The ones I can see are adult characters and the depictions of them have large breasts, so clearly aren't supposed to be children.


As for game art not being gaming related... lol?

If you can't define what gaming is then in that case the laugh goes right back at you XD

Broc_Lia ago

Thanks for the link.

As in my other post I'm not getting drawn into some discussion about whether noncommercial fanart being commercial content, or not related to games, or "what is a game anyway?."

Broc_Lia ago


Ok, fair enough. I hunted back through a few pages of /v/gaming history and it was all adults.

If you can't define what gaming is then in that case the laugh goes right back at you XD

Are you seriously suggesting that it's unclear that Metroid is a game?

frenemy ago

all the content you don't like is disposable. to you.

what we love, what we hate and so on and so forth.

how on earth are his posts not covered by that blanket statement? how much are you willing to twist words instead of just making up a new rule? why is that so hard to admit? maybe v/gaming needs a new rule.... but banning a user for not really doing anything other than be mildly annoying is a shitty precedent.

sguevar ago

all the content you don't like is disposable. to you.

No discussion generated by the user that was spamming pictures of lolicom and were not gaming related.

how on earth are his posts not covered by that blanket statement?

Art work is not related to gaming. Why is it so hard for you to understand?

how much are you willing to twist words instead of just making up a new rule?

Nobody is twisting words here. I basing my entire premise on the rules of the subverse. Art doesn't equate to gaming.

why is that so hard to admit?

Why are you projecting your stubbornness to others? How is art work related to gaming?

but banning a user for not really doing anything other than be mildly annoying is a shitty precedent.

The user was spamming. All subverses are to respect the Voat global rules. The user wasn't respecting the spam rule. Got banned for spamming. You can check the ban log and see the reason.

frenemy ago

the artwork was of gaming characters. it was relevant to the sub. you can complain he was spamming but it doesn't hold a lot of water. i've seen no proof the v/gaming has suffered at all for it... other than this shit, obviously. i think we should err on the side of free speech here. all that requires is making a rule that fixes the problem without specifically targeting that one user. if fan art isn't wanted in v/gaming then make that a rule. done. no free speech issues, no complaints. it's like people are trying to make this hard on purpose.

sguevar ago

the artwork was of gaming characters.

Still not gaming related.

it was relevant to the sub.

No it wasn't. If the sub had the rule specifying that art work is included then yes. Gaming is about playing games, describing the games, the updates of said games, news about the games, espors, new techs to play the game, etc.

Art work is not about gaming.

Now had the user initiated a discussion like how is art work related to gaming or something like that one could argue that the discussion is related to gaming because of the fact that is expressing the relevance of the art work in the game development. But what the user was doing wasn't related to gaming at all and it was spamming.

you can complain he was spamming but it doesn't hold a lot of water.

According to your perception of the matter but a majority of the sub users do not agree with you.

i've seen no proof the v/gaming has suffered at all for it

Spamming doesn't necessarily means it hurts the sub but it can be as you stated middly annoying.

other than this shit, obviously. i think we should err on the side of free speech here.

We do. I do personally defend the fact that as his posts are legal he is more than welcome to post them on the lolicom subs. Even if I dislike his degenerate nature, he has specifics subs to post that shit there. Why coming here to take advantage of a sub that has a lot of users if not to create discord amongst the users?

all that requires is making a rule that fixes the problem without specifically targeting that one user.

The user didn't respect neither rule 1 nor spam global rule. Additionally he never generated any discussion thread in here. He simply was spamming pictures all over the place, because that is what he does.

if fan art isn't wanted in v/gaming then make that a rule.

Fan art doesn't equate to gaming. Fan art = art work, have the user create a subverse about fan art and so on and so forth.

it's like people are trying to make this hard on purpose.

Actually the one making it complicated is you. I don't see why is it so hard to understand that the content the user was posting wasn't gaming related as well as I don't see why they user doesn't create a sub for fan art. The fact that you defend a known pedophile here at Voat to allow hiim to spam a subverse with his degenerate content just because he is posting lolicom pictures of game related characters is beyond me.

He never addresses for example why those characters are his favorites or why he prefers them to play with. He simply spams pictures without generating discussion besides the fact that we don't appreciate his degeneracy here.

frenemy ago

Art work is not about gaming.

obviously this is an opinion. so fuck your opinion. i think it is. there's no rule that says different.

According to your perception of the matter but a majority of the sub users do not agree with you.

so you've asked all of them? counted votes maybe... no? didn't think so. also, when was it that we made our standard 'what the majority wants' for banning a user?

Spamming doesn't necessarily means it hurts the sub but it can be as you stated middly annoying.

i think we agree on that.

The user didn't respect neither rule 1 nor spam global rule. Additionally he never generated any discussion thread in here. He simply was spamming pictures all over the place, because that is what he does.

i say he did respect rule 1. art of gaming characters is gaming related. obviously this is opinion again. i have a different one than you. that makes the rules the final arbiter. there is no rule against fan art or limiting the sub away from it.

Fan art doesn't equate to gaming. Fan art = art work, have the user create a subverse about fan art and so on and so forth.

i don't agree with you. you don't get to classify everything you don't like as off topic.

He never addresses for example why those characters are his favorites or why he prefers them to play with.

is that required on voat now? do i have to give a statement of intent when i post so as not to offend you?

The fact that you defend a known pedophile here at Voat to allow hiim to spam a subverse with his degenerate content just because he is posting lolicom pictures of game related characters is beyond me.

and fuck you for making me do it. i don't care for it, but i have to stick by what i think is right, not what is easy.

sguevar ago

obviously this is an opinion. so fuck your opinion. i think it is. there's no rule that says different.

I should argue the same about yours which is why I am wrecking your entire justification of artwork being related to gaming.

so you've asked all of them? counted votes maybe... no? didn't think so. also, when was it that we made our standard 'what the majority wants' for banning a user?

Why don't you do a poll then. Link it to the subverse and give an specific time frame for the poll to be active. Then share your results. How about that?

i think we agree on that.

Glad to hear.

i say he did respect rule 1. art of gaming characters is gaming related. obviously this is opinion again. i have a different one than you. that makes the rules the final arbiter. there is no rule against fan art or limiting the sub away from it.

Then I can argue there isn't one arguing in favour of fanart or artwork on a gaming subverse just because of the mere fact that is about a game character.

is that required on voat now? do i have to give a statement of intent when i post so as not to offend you?

On the what do we encourage you to post it specifies that discussion is the reason of the posts here. He never generated any discussion about any game which leads me to believe he doesn't even play games besides the lolicom games he finds online. He is more than welcome to post discussion about those games but he doesn't even do that.

Offend me? Do I look like a triggered sjw to you when I am arguing with you rationally and objectively. I clearly stated that despite the fact that I don't like the nature of the posts he makes he is more than welcome to post them in the lolicom subs because they are legal.

But his posts are not gaming related.

and fuck you for making me do it. i don't care for it, but i have to stick by what i think is right, not what is easy.

Again I will argue that to you for not recognizing what is gaming and what is not. artwork is not gaming. Why don't you define then what is gaming?

frenemy ago

I should argue the same about yours which is why I am wrecking your entire justification of artwork being related to gaming.

the simple fact that we have to argue it should give you a hint as to who is right. game art. think about it for a second.

Again I will argue that to you for not recognizing what is gaming and what is not. artwork is not gaming. Why don't you define then what is gaming?

anything related to gaming. that seems like a good start. that includes photos of cosplay game characters, game figurines, game videos, game screenshots game reviews and yes, drawn game characters. easy. unless it obviously has nothing to do with gaming, no one should have a say in what another speaks.

you're not going to convince me that game art isn't gaming related. plenty of other users would agree with that statement i think.

sguevar ago

he simple fact that we have to argue it should give you a hint as to who is right. game art. think about it for a second.

what is gaming?

Rule 1 states content has to be gaming related not game related.

you're not going to convince me that game art isn't gaming related. plenty of other users would agree with that statement i think.

Not most of them.

I answered this to another user:

I am a gamer. As a gamer I know gaming is about the functionality of the games, the updates, the bugs, game strategies, characters profiles/abilities, esports, computer specs to support a specific game, game consoles, game storylines, etc.

frenemy ago

Rule 1 states content has to be gaming related not game related.

that's semantics and you know it. i'll call it 'gaming art' then.

Not most of them.

again, that is not the standard we use on this site. 'most people' don't matter when it comes to our main principle. some things are sacred.

sguevar ago

again, that is not the standard we use on this site.

Well I will address it in this way: both of the posts made on v/gaming front page https://voat.co/v/gaming/3104140 and https://voat.co/v/gaming/3104737 have a higher voting ration than this one: https://voat.co/v/gaming/3104703

Also the upvote and downvote ratio is way higher on the first two than the third one.

So as you can see I am basing my statements on quantifiable evidence. But if you want make a poll for an specific amount of time and then post the results.

frenemy ago

you're missing the point. there's contention about the posts. some people think they are good and should be there. who are you to tell them different?

sguevar ago

No but I will base my opinion on my own experience as a gamer and the fact that the majority of the community find the user's posts as spamming.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Tyranny of the majority isn't a good argument.

You can't redefine the wording of the rules to target a specific user.

The only way to ban aged would be to amend the rules to ban fanart posts or nsfw posts, and that would need to be done BEFORE a ban.

under the current rules his posts are objectively not rule breaking.

sguevar ago

You can't redefine the wording of the rules to target a specific user.

You are doing just that to defend the user's spamming. Artwork and fanart is not gaming.

under the current rules his posts are objectively not rule breaking.

I beg to differ. Artwork and fanart is not gaming related. Rule 1 was broken and he engaged zero times with the gaming community on any discussion and spammed the sub around.

But I think we have reached another impasse here.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Artwork and fanart is not gaming.

fanart of games is gaming related.

frenemy ago

again, a majority doesn't matter. that's not how free speech works.

BlueDrache ago

the artwork was of gaming characters.

Still not gaming related.

Akshually ...

it was relevant to the sub.

No it wasn't.

Akshually ...



Going to chime in here and disagree with your statements. I don't even like lolicon, but if the content of the post was of videogame characters, then it's topical.

sguevar ago

Ok then please explain how is artwork related to gaming?

BlueDrache ago

Games are literally a work of art that you can play.

sguevar ago

Please define what is gaming.

frenemy ago

if it's art of game character, it's gaming related. pretty straight forward concept.

sguevar ago

That is your opinion, yet not a correct one.

It doesn't involve any discussion about the game, the functionality, the system requirements, updates or bugs.

frenemy ago

true, my opinion is not yours. i say you are not correct. there. we have presented the same amount of evidence for our cases.

ex-redd ago

I think u/theoldones is just talking about v/gaming

for what it is worth u/Aged is posting game related -- yet otherwise questionable -- content

theoldones ago

the questionable part is the fucking kicker here.

ex-redd ago

I mean, I guess you could report posts for removal that break rule #7 if you really felt like you needed too

Mark all NSFW posts appropriately.

Thrus2 ago

Except he couldn't all the NSFW posts were tagged as such.

theoldones ago

all those posts he tried to save by marking it as that, had a tendency to be underage characters.

ex-redd ago

this is just a side note: there was a period a bit ago [you no doubt remember] when both loli-posters and anti-loli shills (I am not using "shills" in any sence but the most litteral [many outspoken spamming new accounts] came out of the wood-work in droves.

I honestly think that was an organized ploy to have voat crack-down on free speech via loli much as reddit did with FPH (in reality, the subject/target of loli is like shooting fish in a barrel [the vast majority of Goats don't like that perverted degeneracy]). In-so-doing it would have violated the one foundation of voat [no site-globally prohibited legal speech] and set a slippery-slope prescident (all you need is one exception to kill a maxim: one instance/exception to nullify the universal principle).

Effectively sealing voat.co 's fate

frenemy ago

it would kill the free speech aspect of this site. i would leave if that happened. i'm done getting burned.

fuckingmockies ago

You have to be retarded to think porn is gaming. That'd be like posting a video of some dude banging some girl in the back of a car in v/cars and thinking it was on topic.

Broc_Lia ago

Except that many games contain scantily clad women, or women in close fitting clothing. If you told me some of those images were official game art I'd probably believe you.

eggsaladsandwich ago

It's not censorship to maintain a community based around a specific topic. You're only calling it censorship because of the nature of the content in question. If someone was posting cooking videos to this sub it wouldn't be a conversation about censorship but simply one about "why the fuck are you not posting this shit in v/cooking or something?"

You wouldn't go to a civil war reenactment event dressed as a storm trooper and talk about star wars the whole time. It's just ridiculous.

Free speech doesn't mean we have to humour every autistic retard in every context no matter what.

You're free to post whatever you want. But why deliberately post it in a community that is obviously not about that thing, when there are communities out there already, on other sites as well as here on voat, that are specifically for that content? When you do deliberately post content that is off-topic to a specific community, it appears less like a statement about free speech than simply an autistic troll campaign.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

It wouldn't be censorship if this were just about posting off-topic shit. But all the people calling for bans are doing so not on the basis that it's off topic, but on the basis that the content is objectionable.

JJNova ago

Cooking Mama is a great game.

Thrus2 ago

I agree completely for the cooking video example, however what if all the recipes were for dishes out of games? as an example If I was posting videos of me cooking things from "Fallout: The Vault Dweller's Official Cookbook" would you still call it not related to gaming?

Farseli ago

I was going to say this. Making the cake from Portal or sea-salt ice cream from Kingdom Hearts. Cooking can be gaming related easy.

dvfdsfgv ago

What about Cooking Mama?

Broc_Lia ago

It's not censorship to maintain a community based around a specific topic. You're only calling it censorship because of the nature of the content in question.

They're not just demanding a sub rule, they're demanding he be banned sitewide.

Also, the content is arguably related to gaming.

frenemy ago

but that's not what the rules say. the posts are technically gaming related. if you want to change the rules, that's certainly a discussion i would be interested in. make a fan art rule. banning a user is way to heavy handed.

videocodec ago

"but that's not what the rules say. the posts are technically gaming related. if you want to change the rules, that's certainly a discussion i would be interested in. make a fan art rule. banning a user is way to heavy handed."

That's the most Jewish reply I've seen posted here

frenemy ago

what exactly does that mean? i want rules laid out that everyone can abide by. not sneaky bans of disliked users. you sound like the slimy one.

eggsaladsandwich ago

Yeah, I mean I suppose it's slightly more nuanced in that sense. On the one hand, if it's fan art themed around video game characters, there is an argument to be made there.

But I'm just saying that it can appear disingenuous. Like using a thin veneer of "gaming" to push something that is not really gaming related. It reminds me of those titty cosplayers who dont really know or care about vg, but they stream and go to all the conventions dressed in what amounts to glorified lingerie in a painfully obvious attempt to profit off of horny pre-teen gamers.

Obviously this is all my perspective, and I don't claim to have all the answers. I'm always open to new arguments and the possibility that I might be wrong. For the record I do believe that free speech is absolutely vital and should be visciously defended, so I definitely understand where you're coming from.

It actually presents an interesting situation here. Almost seems like he's trying to make hypocrites out of voaters who like to think of ourselves as advocates and protectors of free speech by forcing us to call for censorship. It's like this case is almost perfectly designed to bring this set of circumstances about.

That's not a bad thing, though. Like you, I am also interested in discussion and hearing what other people think.

frenemy ago

that's all i was trying to get through. it's more complicated than 'ban the pedo!'. if people start thinking like that, voat is done being a free speech site.

fuckingmockies ago

They're not gaming related you fucking idiot.

ex-redd ago

in v/gaming they are in general (anime pin-up girl game characters)

I think u/theoldones has beef with u/aged 's brgade-teir postings of risque content. It is technically gaming related, and isn't against the sub's rules to my knowledge.

The solution is changing the subs rules--not voat's global ones (it's why we are here, and free speech differentiates us from the overly-sensitive crybabies of the world who want everyone else to change for them being offended).

I get not wanting it in the sub: start a new sub or get a new sub rule (if possible), but I also don't think it is straight-up loli--I just pass it by anyway.

...unless she is really cute with perfectly shaped anime-titties on display. [joking]

frenemy ago

it is, in fact, art of gaming characters.

yewotm8 ago

Porn games can hardly be considered games

frenemy ago

how about skullgirls? that is a game with young looking anime characters. is that game porn? is it not allowed here?

theoldones ago

not related enough. gaming is not why they're being posted

frenemy ago

i don't care why you think they are being posted. lobby for a change of rules, not to have you're favorite villain banned from a system sub. stop being a fucking child.

theoldones ago

stop being a fucking child.

he said, defending a kiddy fucker.

frenemy ago

i'm not getting back in to this with you. you know what my position is and you purposefully misrepresent my views to try to get a rise out of me. it doesn't work. if you would like, i'll go fine the post where you admit as much to another user. you are a liar and you wear it with pride.

theoldones ago

oh now that's a hefty fucking claim to just drop and i don't believe you.

fuckingmockies ago

Porn is not art you fucking Jew.

frenemy ago

oh noes! i've been called a jew on voat! what ever will i do!?!?

gaming related porn is not against the rules. it just needs a nsfw tag.

fuckingmockies ago

Porn belongs in porn subs. It's as simple as that. You wouldn't post a video of two people fucking in a car to v/cars, and you wouldn't post a video of a woman fucking a cucumber to v/JustGrowIt - I don't know why you think v/gaming is any different.

frenemy ago

oh? which rule is that?

fuckingmockies ago

Can't tell if you're just retarded or if you're being wilfully obstinate...

...the entire purpose behind having different subverses is for the organization of content. Keep your porn in porn subs, keep vegetables out of v/fruits and fruits out of /vegetables, etc.

This isn't a free speech or censorship issue, it's a categorization issue.

eggsaladsandwich ago

To be honest I'm just surprised that v/fruits is actually about fruit.

fuckingmockies ago

To he honest, I didn't know it was even a real sub haha

frenemy ago

that one made me laugh a bit. thanks.

frenemy ago

they are gaming related, regardless of your feelings on the matter. they technically do work for the gaming sub. there is no rule against it. if there was you would be right, but there isn't and you aren't.

fuckingmockies ago

Gotcha, you're being wilfully obstinate then.

frenemy ago

about free speech? absolutely.

theoldones ago

what badly handled is a pedophile has been shitting up the place for months and that's half the reason v/gaming has been dead.

you do realize the mainline gaming sub here has been a hentai subverse factoring in ageds posts, right?

frenemy ago

you really think you're going to start some sort of v/gaming renascence by banning aged from posting? sounds a little deluded. you got what you want. you yelled for long enough that putt finally gave in. now he's banned. go pat yourself on the back. i'll mourn the loss of another free speech platform.

theoldones ago

what i fucking want here, is maybe, just maybe, some goddamn peace where the content that should be filling a fucking mainline gaming sub, does not have to fucking compete against 7 pages of 2B's ass, when its clear the only reason her ass is posted is so people wack it.

wylan ago

Start your own gaming subverse then, and include it in the rules.

frenemy ago

i don't give a shit what you want. i was under the impression that the defining principle of the site was free speech. right now i partly blame you for fucking that ideal up over a personal war against another user.

theoldones ago

well fuck you, blame me then.

Mustard_Monkey ago

This is not censorship. If someone wants to create a Voat topic called Porn Games they could put that subject there. If they choose to ignore the rules then they got what they asked for. When you stick your pecker out too far it's going to get smacked.

frenemy ago

which rules? this 'spam' ban is pretty vague. like it could be applied to any submitter. it wasn't but a couple weeks ago that putt was saying the content didn't break any rules. now that's all changed. i'm just sad to see it happen.

Mustard_Monkey ago

I am glad that the perv got kicked and the warning shot was fired.

frenemy ago

your 'warning shot' was 'we aren't a free speech site anymore'. i hope you're proud.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Censorship due to ass faggotry post of jacking off to porn on wrong verse. You must be into it if that's your thing. I am not judging you. This is what the "censorship" was about. The poster should of created his/her/it's own verse on it. Problem solved. Free speech is one thing, but, fuck the rules is entirely different.

frenemy ago

i don't give a crap about you personal attacks. they don't mean anything. in fact, i can't really understand what you are saying at all.

Free speech is one thing, but, fuck the rules is entirely different.

what on earth does this even mean? technically no rules had been broken. that's why i have a problem with this.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Was it a personal attack? Because clearly you are not reading it thoroughly. If I was attacking you I would of called you a NiggerKikeFaggotLiberal. If the person was warned about it numerous times to stop. No rules were broken. Obviously we should not post inappropriate posts in channels they don't belong.

frenemy ago

Censorship due to ass faggotry post of jacking off to porn on wrong verse. You must be into it if that's your thing.

that's you being a cunt.

If the person was warned about it numerous times to stop.

no one was warned about anything.

No rules were broken. Obviously we should not post inappropriate posts in channels they don't belong.

aged posted things that were technically on topic, weather you like it or not. who gets to decide if each post is really on topic? you? hard pass...

Mustard_Monkey ago

We don't know the back story. No technically about. If the poster was pm'ed it's between the moderator and that person. The moderator holds 100% percent of end decisions, nor does the mod have to defend themselves in end decision, and if you don't like it block the verse. You don't have to worry anymore. Crying censorship over someone posting dumbshitness is illogical. Not even technically censorship it's getting rid of inappropriate posts.

frenemy ago

from your point of view. not from mine.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Fantastic. This is what free speech is about. At least you understand that the post that was deleted was inappropriate.

frenemy ago

it's about all speech. not just what you like. you may find it highly morally offensive, but unless it's illegal, spam or a dox there's nothing in the site rules. the rules for gaming only say it has to be 'gaming related'. if you don't think the content should be there, then lobby for a rule change to segment off fan art... or whatever seems like the least abusable/most effective rule. why step all over the ideal that has defined this site for the last 4ish years? for expediency? that's fucking stupid.

Mustard_Monkey ago

I am sure free speech is allowed about posts following the rules in gaming. If the poster broke the rule he forfeited said free speech. The poster should of started a verse called "Things to Masturbate to." If it does not exist already. Let's say you are a moderator of a interest let's say ProfessionalWoodcarving. You use the exact guideline Gaming uses but apply it to carving wood wanting techniques used, how long it took, what is the best/worst wood to use, and what they made as long as it's not offensive. You gain 1,000 subscribers and all of them talented in their hobbies. So six months in your verse is the talk of VOAT and you now have 10,000 subscribers. But in those three months you get a perv submitting carvings of various sized wood penis's (5 a week). But you are okay with because it's free speech. At the same time you get 9,999 PM's telling you it's inappropriate and should be all removed.

frenemy ago

i don't think he broke any rule. i've made the case several times in this post. feel free to look around. my principles are not for sale, especially not for convenience...

Mustard_Monkey ago

To quote someone who said it better. “Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.” — The Dude

frenemy ago

pretty much. that's why we have to have very solid rules. everything else doesn't actually matter. just the rules.

BeauDacious ago

Agreed. I down vote every one of those posts that hits this sub. Keep the cartoon porn out of the gaming sub.

CantBuySkills ago

And that's how you handle this on Voat. Or at least how it used to be handled. It didn't break any laws, it didn't break any community rules, and you didn't like it? You downvoat and move on.

tokui ago

Stop looking, you hypocrite.