SolidHyrax ago

What is this bullshit, who the fuck are you to tell who should be banned if they didn't even break subverse rule

Now the only point I will agree is that he was spammy, but you don't permaban a person for that. /u/Aged should be returned after a certain amount of time

0cra_tr0per ago

cOLD mOld on a sLATE pLATE

also nothing of value will happen if aged is unbanned, as he'll just continue dumping his hentai stash

Mustard_Monkey ago

What is reddit shit doing on VOAT? It doesn't matter!!! Fuck the Redditard users.

NiggerVirus ago

What is hentai? I'm not about to look that up.

0cra_tr0per ago

Anime NSFW stuff.

Essentially weeb fap material.

NiggerVirus ago

Why do people jerk off to cartoons?

0cra_tr0per ago

Because they're faggots.

slevin_kelevra ago

Porn is for losers. Cartoon porn is for retarded losers. That being said, I just will continue to avoid this sub until @aged dies, is arrested, or gives up.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Plant_Boy ago

Frankly I think u\Aged should dump his stuff in a subreddit. It would have no bearing on Voat and they'd probably love it on Reddit.

0cra_tr0per ago

Why banish him to a Qfag sub when you can banish him to reddit?

Plant_Boy ago

Not really banning him, just suggesting somewhere where he might have a wider audience.

Thrus2 ago

What SFW sub are you talking about, do you mean /v/gaming the one with a rule on the sidebar about how to treat NSFW material?

Shoob ago


RedditHasDied ago

Go back to Reddit, dude.

They need more censors.

sguevar ago

u/Aged was spamming. Voat global rules must be respected. "Art" work is not related to gaming. No discussion generated.

The ban was justifiable.

RedditHasDied ago

Fair enough. I'm just some guy who doesn't know what's going on.

Thrus2 ago

The content of the art is gaming characters, if that doesn't make it related then paintings or drawings of the olympics are not olympic related as they are art not the event itself. are photos art? if so we can rule out those and screenshots as well, at that point we may as well include video as well.

sguevar ago

I think you are confusing posting a picture of the olympics with drawing your olympic athlete.

Posting a picture of the olympics equates to taking a screenshot of a game match for example. Whilst fanart equate to drawing a portrait of for example bruce jenner and his olympic medals.

See the difference or is it still to hard to comprehend?

sguevar ago

When you show me an example of the user engaging in a discussion for gaming purposes instead of spamming his loli content just because it is about game related characters then we can agree. so far I haven't seen any of that.

Thrus2 ago

There are tons of users on this site that post links or topic and never respond to them. for example searchvoatbot only posts copies of links never responds, derram posts links of the same content from another site and very very rarely responds to anything, bitchutearchive does the same. if lack of responses is a reason to be against an account where do you stand on those?

As for examples of him commenting easy check his accoutn page and the comments section

sguevar ago

Comments are not to be deleted the comparison you are doing here is really dumb.

SearchVoat ago

Why do you think I never respond to comments? I'm pretty sure I almost always do, unless I'm missing something. (Even when you don't ping me!)

Rotteuxx ago

Funny you caught this.

In my case, you always have replied to me which is awesome, you actually maintain your bots accounts.

Cat-hax ago

"subreddit"? This is voat faggot, gtfo.

0cra_tr0per ago

Old habits die hard.

swinston79 ago

I don't like the fucker but if you want to BAN people go back to Deadit you kike faggot nigger.

chemlord11 ago

why are you calling our verses subreddits? Worse you are acting like a reddit member. Feel free to hate him and make that opinion known but unless he breaks the rules he is good. Even when he breaks a rule it is up to the mods to decide on a case by case basis.

In this case there is a simple solution to your problem listed. DON'T CLICK THE THREAD and/or block him.

chemlord11 ago

what are you doing on reddit?

tokui ago

Lemme guess, you prefer AWW. You realize those "cute" babies in AWW are never wearing any clothes?! You sicko.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

@puttitout it's time to ban /u/theoldones for spamming this subverse, no?

Since you banned @aged despite him not breaking any rules and "pulled a dictator".

sguevar ago

u/Aged did break the spam rule and his content is not related to gaming.

"Art" work is not related to gaming.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Would someone painting a picture of say.... a legend of zelda landscape be considered related to gaming? Most people would say yes, and the sidebar doesn't take a stance on this.

If so then we've established that art related to a video game is related to gaming then his posts are technically related to gaming.

sguevar ago

Would someone painting a picture of say.... a legend of zelda landscape be considered related to gaming? Most people would say yes, and the sidebar doesn't take a stance on this.

However it isn't. Gaming is not the same as fanart or artwork.

If so then we've established that art related to a video game is related to gaming then his posts are technically related to gaming.

If that were the case most people wouldn't agree with his banning. Hence you haven't establish anything. He spammed and made ZERO discussion posts regarding gaming for any of the games of the pictures he posted.

So I am sorry but you are missing the point here the user got banned for spamming images that were not related to gaming. They were related to the games characters. Not the same thing.

theoldones ago

oh, please feed me more delicious salt.

petition to ban u/Laurentius_the_pyro for being salty salty

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Petition to ban /u/0cra_tr0per and /u/theoldones for spam

SearchVoatBot ago

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Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I love that he actually thinks I'm serious.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Why should we give a shit about Redditard on VOAT?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I'm in because I don't support the normalisation of paedophilia.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

1: find something half the group doesn't like
2: make an account and post lots of that thing
3: make another account, demand that account 1 be banned
4: repeat steps 1 and 2 until ban is obtained
5: post something else that's not $banneditem but close
6: repeat steps 2-5 until the place is a censorship-happy shithole
8: profit!

headfire ago

Then that user should be banned for trying to install censorship!

Thrus2 ago

Nope, that is the fun of free speech you can hate what the person is saying but they still get to say it. The biggest test of free speech is if you are willing to stand up for the right of someone to speak when you disagree with the message.

ruck_feddit ago

He is a known faggot, for sure. I'm uncomfortable banning people. Give him a silly site-wide flair.

anoncastillo ago

Yeah, fuck Aged. If he wasn't a pedophile I would say no, but he's a pedophile.

mudbear ago

downvoat for 'subreddit'

We dont call them that 'round here

wt1984yb ago

Suck a dick

WhiteWolfSS ago

I personally don't want to see that shit, and told the faggot twice to fuck off with it. Take that faggotry to DeviantArt where it belongs.

heygeorge ago

Member when you called it a subreddit?

GoodGodKirk ago

This is the start of a slippery slope...

Tallest_Skil ago

Accepting pedophilia is the start of one.

sguevar ago

User disrespecting the global rule of spam. Content posted not gaming related. No discussion generated.

theoldones ago

Aged has a tactic of edging closer to actual CP. we were already on one.

GoodGodKirk ago

So, someone attempting to discredit the site?

theoldones ago

100% a hostile agent.

GoodGodKirk ago

So, someone attempting to get it shut down. Fuck them.

Charliethebum ago

Fuck that chomo shitstain I'm in

SearchVoatBot ago

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Broc_Lia ago

for dumping his hentai stash into a fucking SFW subreddit.

Rule 7.: Mark all NSFW posts appropriately.

The sub doesn't seem to agree with you on that.

theoldones ago

Spam (Voat)

Content violates spam guidelines

Broc_Lia ago

The spam guidelines are designed to hit commercial content or people promoting their youtube channel and such. I doubt someone posting a lot of the same type of content would qualify.

sguevar ago

If the site manager hadden applied the spam rule to this ban then maybe I would agree with you. But that is not the case.

Also you can spam more than commercial content like the user did. His content is not gaming related. Is art work related.

Broc_Lia ago

As I understand it it's artwork related to games.

The global spam rule on voat recognises two forms of spam:

  • Commercial spam, which clearly this wasn't

  • Self promotion spam (spamming links to your own blog/youtube channel etc.) which again, this wasn't.

Arguably you could make a broader rule against spam specific to this sub, I've done so in /v/movieswithgoats, but that hasn't been done yet and the global rule doesn't apply to this kind of thing.

sguevar ago

As I understand it it's artwork related to games.

Art work is mainly for marketing. Nothing more. Fan art still related to art work as it is indirectly promoting said game in some way. Nonetheless art work and fan art are not gaming related.

The user is more than welcome to create a subverse for artwork and fan art or generate a discussion about art work being important for the game development but in itself it is not related to gaming.

the global rule doesn't apply to this kind of thing.

I beg to differ for the reasons explained above.

Broc_Lia ago

Art work is mainly for marketing. Nothing more. Fan art still related to art work as it is indirectly promoting said game in some way. Nonetheless art work and fan art are not gaming related.

That's seriously stretching the definition of commercial content. Anyhow, that still wouldn't work unless he's posting more artwork related to a single game he's involved in developing more than anything else.

Nonetheless art work and fan art are not gaming related.

I disagree, and if that's to be the case from now on there very much needs to be a specific rule saying so as it's not at all obvious.

I beg to differ for the reasons explained above.

Have you read the global rule? It's still pinned on /v/reportspammers

sguevar ago

I have read the rule.

Why don't you define to me gaming then. Please tell me what is gaming?

So far what I know is that artwork is related to the game development and marketing. It is not related to gaming besides the fact that is used to appeal to the visual attraction of the gamers. But related to gaming in which way? Artwork doesn't improve the gaming capabilities of the games. It is used for commercial purposes.

The user never generated any discussion at all about gaming he simply spammed images of game characters. That is it. No discussion generating is simply spamming images to create discord on an specific subverse that he didn't use to be part of in the past. His spamming is just recent.

Broc_Lia ago

Why don't you define to me gaming then. Please tell me what is gaming?

I don't see the value of getting into a discussion about the edge cases of what might be considered a game. Metroid is clearly a game and content related to metroid is what this sub is for. Samus Arran isn't even an underage character.

So far what I know is that artwork is related to the game development and marketing. It is not related to gaming

Contradiction in terms. Look, I don't think you're arguing in good faith here so I'm going to drop this.

sguevar ago

I don't see the value of getting into a discussion about the edge cases of what might be considered a game. Metroid is clearly a game and content related to metroid is what this sub is for. Samus Arran isn't even an underage character.

But you still are arguing that artwork and fanart are gaming related. Which I fail to see the relation besides the development and marketing of said game.

I am a gamer. As a gamer I know gaming is about the functionality of the games, the updates, the bugs, game strategies, characters profiles/abilities, esports, computer specs to support a specific game, game consoles, game storylines, etc.

Artwork and fanart are simply artistics expressions inspired by the games storyline, characters, etc but are not related to gaming. They are related to the game yes, but not gaming.

Contradiction in terms. Look, I don't think you're arguing in good faith here so I'm going to drop this.

You see the contradiction because you are still unable to define gaming. You think gaming = content related to game and that is in fact incorrect. But we can agree to disagree if you so like.

theoldones ago

well check the subs banned user logs then

Rule Violation: Spam; Description: Spams borderline lolicon for attention

it seems to qualify, yes.

theoldones ago

it would appear you just linked me something now outdated :p

Broc_Lia ago

Reportspammers is outdated because of the report system putt instituted. But as far as I know those guidelines are still the official ones for voat.

theoldones ago


did you check the banned users list yet?

Broc_Lia ago

If I were to do so, what would this achieve?

Redpilleveryone ago

Subreddit wtf.

Also this shit is all coordinated. Prepare for relentless attacks.

Glipglup ago


He's not even a real user, he's using bots to spam.

Thrus2 ago

I feel the same way about many of the bots on here for example SearchVoatBot reposts old popular posts, should we be banning them for spamming as well? the frequency is lower but it never posts unique content all of it is duplicates or links to other posts, and not even from other sites.

modsrcuntz ago

This isn't fucking Reddit who cares, fuck Reddit

Maltherian1 ago

It’s off topic and annoying. Fuck him

Obrez ago

What are downvoats?


1.) This isn't reddit. You should go back to reddit and stay there.

2.) This isn't a SFW subverse. We don't have those on voat

3.) Fuck off noobie.

bluntripkin ago

come on worf @aged is a pedophile banning him from any part of voat is a good thing


What kind of person he is has nothing to do with it, it's about what kind of a place voat is. Voat is a free speech website. When voat starts banning people because the community decides that we don't like them then we're basically reddit just with different preferred types of people.

It's not as if he is posting actual cp. If/when he does then he'll deserve to be banned.

bluntripkin ago

well then i hope he posts pics of your young girl family members for other pedophiles to look at

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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frenemy ago

you are a piece of shit. wow.

bluntripkin ago

i know right

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/gaming comment by @Laurentius_the_pyro.

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Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Reported to @puttitout for encouraging pedophilia.

Since he "pulled a dictator" and banned aged, yet this comment of yours is advocating something worse than anything aged ever posted.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

That's fucking disgusting to hope for you fucking pedo.


I don't have any cartoons in my family so that seems unlikely

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Don't you find it very interesting who these vocal "anti-pedo" people immediately wish your children get raped if you disagree with them on something?

bluntripkin ago

he posts picks of little girls dude real children that why everyone call him a pedophile get your head out of your ass


That's actually a pretty fucked up thing to say too. What is wrong with you that you would you hope for that? You don't like an opinion of mine so you want children who are related to me to be victims of pedophiles? You should be embarrassed

bluntripkin ago

why its freedom of speech for him to put up pics of your young girl family members i thought you would be ok with it


I'm not saying you should be banned, I'm saying you should be ashamed. He should be ashamed too.

bluntripkin ago

well im not hes not, so understand there is a line what he posts is allowed but not welcome here and the more people that let that pedophile know that the better

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Ban yourself you hypothetical fuckwit

Schreiber ago

bluntripkin is a closet pedophile

bluntripkin ago

kill your self pedophile no1 will ever care about you

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

What makes you think anyone gives a fuck about you?

bluntripkin ago

not being a pedophile really helps

theoldones ago

  1. this isnt a hentai subverse, this is for videogames. Aged needs to keep that shit where its supposed to go, not here.

  2. porn has its own areas and everywhere outside of the porn is SFW. we do in fact have SFW places, and it's everywhere somethings not taking a dick.

  3. you fuck off

fusir ago

You see where on the rules it says to tag NSFW posts. That means the sub anticipates that there will be NSFW posts.

If you don't like the rules of the sub maybe you could unsubscribe to it.

theoldones ago

and for a while Aged did try labelling his posts NSFW

and they still rightfully got downvoted to shit. so, clearly the sub hates it as well.


I wasn't talking to you ya doofus

Obrez ago

Heads up that you've probably made it on to this cunt's shitlist, here's what to expect:

JamaicanRiceRat ago

People were mentioning free speech and not banning users and such, but one of Voat's *only * rules is not spamming. I think a ban is justified

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

It's not spam

fuckingmockies ago

Fucking signed.

yellowthread ago

This is the only porn sub I don't have blocked. Because occasionally there is a funny post which is not porn.

I should just block it, since I am not a gamer or porn enthusiast.

theoldones ago

^ and this right here is the problem around why he's running free right now.

Warmoose76 ago

Some one should just tip the FBI that they know he has child porn. I could just about guarantee they'de find some on his computer if he's that into it.

Seventh_Jim ago


There are plenty of places open to him to publish his shit, and this is a unique circumstance. Might be whacking a beesnest with the protectvoat crowd though.

fusir ago

And one of those places is voat. Reddit would use that argument.

Seventh_Jim ago

I'm not agreeing to a site ban. They're spamming the sub with content that is tangentially related at best. I've argued against my position before. I get it. I'm also tired of having to navigate through pedoshit when I'm relaxing.

Thrus2 ago

If we say these posts with pictures of gaming characters is unrelated what do we class posts like this one that are ban requests on users? That has even less tie to gaming then the image posts, and should be in a different sub. Where is the line between saying drawings of characters is not related and moving to screenshots of mods? When it comes to the adult content we hit a fuzzy line as it is allowed here (see rule 7 for using NSFW tag). Honestly I would take the opposite view on the ban if they are not breaking the rules in that sub (even if posting unpopular content) they should not get a ban from the sub, but if they are posting cp they should quickly be banned from the whole site regardless of where they are posting it, but that is for posting cp not for maybe posting it in the future.

Seventh_Jim ago

The line comes from community engagement. The pixtures weren't being posted for the betterment of v/gaming to discuss, enjoy, or react to. It was trollish, low-value attention seeking that was obviously disliked by the community.

I think @theoldones is crossing a line, but he is doing so in a way that builds up the verse, or tries to. His heart is in the right place and he isn't playing Alinskian fuck-fuck games.

theoldones ago

protectvoat is sort of aware he's a problem, and that he's been escalating himself. they'll probably understand everything.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Based on his profile it would seem its some sort of porn-bot.

theoldones ago

they've been caught posting actual childrens photos before

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Then its some sort of; and I fucking hate myself for using this term but, agent provocatuer?

theoldones ago

they're probably here to dump CP on the site somehow, report it, and get the place shut down.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Exactly. A piece of shit Niggerfaggot.

satisfyinghump ago

Signed and good job being on top of this

heygeorge ago

v/gaming is a system subverse. This makes deleting anything that is not illegal a bit of an issue, especially if it is not blatantly breaking the rules (as seen in just about all of the deleted posts).

If you really want to get rid of @Aged’s posts, you’ll want the mods to sticky something and make a rule change which is clear and can be objectively applied.

Glipglup ago

That's cool and all but he's using bots to spam and never comments. He's a bot account.

@aged is a bot account.

Rotteuxx ago

Pretty sure all the mods are back on reddit. The last active one was 10 months ago.

I'm wondering if any sub member has formally asked Putt to get the position to deal with it.

heygeorge ago

It seems like a job for... VOAT VOTES



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PuttItOut ago

I pulled a dictator already.

CameraCode ago

I'm cool with Putt being our dictator. But if he screws up we get to banish him to Nigeria and a new dictator will be whoever wrestles control by force.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Extremely disappointed in you putt, you can't ban users for things that do not violate the rules of a subverse.

Which subverse rule did aged break?

Will you also ban /u/theoldones for constantly making off-topic spam posts about /u/aged?

PuttItOut ago

Sorry you're dissapointed in me, I really am. But @aged will remain banned.

When the Vote feature is released we can call a Vote to unban him.

heygeorge ago

We’d need more action here than that. The subverse could/should probably nominate a new mod who also happens not to be @theoldones.

PuttItOut ago

"not to be" lol

theoldones ago

(obligatory response telling you to go eat a dick)

heygeorge ago

Understood. But I was only giving solid advice. I’m sure you can understand this. I think you’re the bees knees!

fusir ago

The guy you are replying to knows that. That's why he called it a system subverse. As in system is the moderator.

Rotteuxx ago

You mean @heygeorge ?

He ain't no dude... well not since he zapped off his nuts in an arc flash incident years ago. He actually traveled the world looking for a shaman who could grow them back but instead he just met @Mick and he's been shitposting ever since. He says it takes the pain away.

I digress... it's always been a system sub but it had 2 [M] mods doing the shit work until they scrammed off.

fusir ago

It couldn't have been a system sub before the concept of a system sub existed which is when /v/gaming was created.

Rotteuxx ago

I just saw it was created by @system in the sidebar

theoldones ago

all mods except system are dead.

theoldones ago


please dump fanart of all types in their own relevant subverses

add this rule and the situation would be golden. his "fanart" is porn and clogs up the new feed

heygeorge ago

Who’s to determine all of his ‘fan art’ is porn? I haven’t seen the most recent posts. But some of them that I’ve seen could very well not be considered porn. You’re not far off track, but maybe instead of taking a stand on porn, the proposed rule should be directed simply at fan art.

Glipglup ago

Doesn't matter, he uses a bot to spam posts and never comments. He's a spam bot, nothing more.

@aged is literally just a spam bot, not a real user.

heygeorge ago

gr8 b8 m8, despite being untrue

Glipglup ago

It's not untrue you stupid faggot, now go crawl back to your shithole.

Can't say I'm surprised to see SBBH defending a pedophile spam bot. Why don't you get your little crony faggots to come vote brigade me. Just who the fuck do you think you are fooling?

heygeorge ago

spam bot

no u


You sound like you have ass pain. I’d wager your display has spittle all over it.

theoldones ago

i would be 100% okay with legit fanart getting moved to its own sub as well. i fail to see how you've brought up a bad point.

heygeorge ago

getting moved

This is not currently possible. Also, and I’m not very surprised, the point of my previous comment is seemingly lost on you.

fusir ago

Then request the sub and add the rule. Unlike reddit we don't ban people from subs for unwritten rules. And that's just subs.

Thrus2 ago

I can promise that if theoldones gets control of gaming I'm gone, I would rather we stay with mods that are not present then someone that has been going on about banning someone for what they might start posting or what they have posted in other subs. Sure no one is likely to miss me but if one of us is willing to say that how many others will silently do the same?

fusir ago

I've been hanging on a few different sites.,,

I mostly recommend poal but hopefully you can find a fit. Also they are small enough that while no one will miss you here, people notice you there so this isn't the last I've seen of you ;)

Pattern_Blind ago

Pedophile degeneracy should be automatic Exterminatus. I don’t want to see the links. Put it together and get it to Putt. He will do the right thing.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I don't like that user. I also will not sign a petition for any user to be banned.

fuckingmockies ago

He's a pedophile. He deserves to be dead. Don't worry about his rights or whatever.

olltre ago

this... pedos get the rope before traitors

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Oh fuck you

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Don't worry about his rights or whatever.

What a cuck. Should I also disregard your rights, or are you for some reason more important?

Armpit_and_Ass ago

pedophiles have rights


not believing this is literally the same thing as watching niggers fuck your wife

This is your brain on itty bitty titty.

fuckingmockies ago

I'm not sexually attracted to children; so yes, I am more important.

Schreiber ago

That's what you said.

For all we know you could be raping a 3 yr old right now.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

You're another faceless username on a link sharing site. I don't care who you're attracted to.

theoldones ago

bad idea to use this argument when the topic is pedophilia.

ThisIsMyRealName ago


theoldones ago

"I don't care who you're attracted to."

topic is a pedophile

do you wish to add anything for the court record when his rampant CP shuts down the entire website?

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I'm unaware of any CP posted by the user. Last I checked, cartoons aren't illegal in the US.

theoldones ago

this link goes to a photo of a real child.

there's your proof.

go look at that picture and that title and explain why it was posted.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

goes to a photo of a real child

I'm not going to click that. Is the kid naked?

Tallest_Skil ago


ThisIsMyRealName ago

I've lost interest in the conversation.

Tallest_Skil ago

I was exposed as a hypocrite

lol i’m leaving that makes me right


ThisIsMyRealName ago

Sure, that's exactly correct. You got me. Good job, buddy.

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey a child rapist should totally be allowed to post here

what’s that, click a link defending him, gee no i won’t do that


theoldones ago

clothed but "out for a normal day", who just happens to have dressed nice, and have a taller adult figure there to photograph them at that exact moment...

bluntripkin ago

pedophile lover

Kippering ago

Voat has almost no rules to break and yet he/it broke the rules many times, its is almost impossible to break voat rules, you would have to be a weird perverted convict, subversive, weird, criminal.

fusir ago

He broke a sub rule. I know very few of those exist but one of them generally can be to be on topic.

If he didn't do that he can be banned from that sub.

17474912? ago

Edit: He broke zero rules, both for the sub and for voat.

Putt made the call that it constituted spam.

Will need to reflect on it. Because it is kind of weird, I think everyone could tell he was posting anime tits and ass frequently. Especially of characters like 2b, because the art wasn't loli, and it pissed off the same people who created this thread.

theoldones ago

"it's gaming becuase XYZ is from a video game"

"oh, should i assume you're trying to reach a new high score in cumstains then?"

is about how the conversation goes everytime i bring this up with them. these sick fucks need to hang.

Broc_Lia ago

I kinda agree with fusir here. If users should be banned for posting hentai in /v/gaming then it needs to be explicitly against the rules.

theoldones ago

the spam rule first of all.

he's broken the illegal rule with previous actions

another rule can surely be added if he's found a loophole in the rules.

Broc_Lia ago

I haven't seen the posts in question, and now I'm not sure I want to, but unless they're advertising something I don't think they'd qualify for the voatwide spam rule.

Fair enough, then you should ask for him to be banned for those, not for this.

I wouldn't be opposed to a SFW only rule in /v/gaming. From what I can see it's mostly SFW anyhow.

17475113? ago

I wouldn't be opposed to a SFW only rule in /v/gaming. From what I can see it's mostly SFW anyhow.

We kind of already have it. All NSFW posts need to be tagged NSFW. And I disagree with SFW only.

What happens with the next big. rated M for Mature game, that has a red band trailer? How can we talk about the rediculousness of the shirtless, pregnant woman cut scene in the Wolfenstein game without showing the footage? Do we ban unsafe for work language?

Broc_Lia ago

What happens with the next big. rated M for Mature game, that has a red band trailer? How can we talk about the rediculousness of the shirtless, pregnant woman cut scene in the Wolfenstein game without showing the footage? Do we ban unsafe for work language?

Yeah, true, good point.

theoldones ago

he spams it into the new feed and buoys it up with bot votes to counteract massive amounts of hate

"swimsuit fanart", fanart with suspiciously softcore-porn poses on clothed figures, underage figures, and some submissions which are straight-up closeups of ass. he dumps a lot of NSFW bullshit and its getting annoying.

Wahaha ago

Those aren't bots. Some people genuinely like what he posts, like myself.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

You spam everywhere in your war against "pedos". Fuck off with your censoring ass bullshit

theoldones ago

k, how is it i didnt make this post then XD

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

People can see your posting history

CatsControlTheEU ago

sign me up, fuck pedos

goship ago

where is the sweet hentai tho? :3

0cra_tr0per ago

Fuck off.

theoldones ago

Aged is a known pedophile. how about you fucking dont ask for this, you criminally sick pervert?

bad time and place.

goship ago

sorry I don't keep a fucking list of who's who on voat, like wtf

4n0n3m0u5e ago

I haven't seen a meaningful contribution from him to the board since I noticed he'd just been image dumping. Take out the trash.

TheUltimateQuakerII ago

Agreed. Fuck him. Deport him to the Qtard subs.

theoldones ago


i'm fucking tired of good content competing with the spam of HENTAI FROM A PEDOPHILE THAT'S CREEPING EVER CLOSER TO ACTUAL CP

add me to the list.

0cra_tr0per ago

Added to the list and I messaged Puttitout.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

No. Fuck off.

bluntripkin ago

worthless pedophile faggot

theoldones ago

gaming is not pornography. go eat a dick

bluntripkin ago

can i be the first to sign .... also can we just lynch that pedophile loser

0cra_tr0per ago

Added to the list.

B3bomber ago


This isn't the gaming fan art sub.