RamblinRambo ago

Well this will be interesting to observe. I've yet to see a single site that relies on crypto currency as a donation method not have to close its doors. I hope voat will succeed. But crypto currencies suck balls from the perspective of your average person.

Votescam ago

Have no clue what NET Corel (2) is or what any of the programming means... But I only contribute via personal check and wonder why it is so difficult to have a PO address for the website where checks can be sent?

And why pay a middle-man a percentage of your donations?

These financial restrictions "risks" can only be about the risk that Voat represents to Pedo-gate.



If you're not completely paranoid about wanting to stay anonymous, I didn't find coinbase.com to be particularly intrusive. From there, you could try a coin washing service to get some anonymity back, but I don't have any recommendations there. Personally, I don't really care if the NSA knows I've donated a few bucks to a website, this is just a good way for Voat to stay independent of the "deep state" nonsense that try to shut down Voat's commercial accounts altogether.

Otherwise http://localbitcoins.com is the way to go. Just remember all blockchain transactions are public, so once you send money from your wallet to someplace that knows your identity, that entity (or anyone who subpoenas it) can trace it back and look up your other transactions too. But it's also trivial to have multiple wallets, even make a new one each time you buy coin, and this limits such exposure.

CatoIII ago

Uh - I can't seem to find the wallet address to contribute Bitcoin to Voat. Does it exist yet?

kingE ago

you're only using 8% of your ram at peaktime? couldn't you scale that back to save cost?

jstrotha0975 ago

I'm not paying a penny until something is done about the Mod named Millenial Falcon. He deletes posts for no reason.

kevinhng86 ago

Your financial record does not look healthy, why don't you run one or two more Sidebar Ad. I wouldn't mind them.

User2060 ago

Try Stripe for a credit card processor. I'm certain you will not have issues with them. Unless it's actually Visa and MC refusing to dispense the funds.

RobertCurry5 ago

Good Day Dear Loan Seekers, Have you been struggling to start a project or open a business? do you need an urgent finance to complete your education or build a house? do you need urgent finance for hospital treatment or travel abroad? kindly contact us today via our email for quick solutions to your problems, Contact Moore now: 1% * Long-term repayment (1-30) If you are interested contact him via: [email protected] and fill out the below loan application form. Loan application form: Full Name:.................... Country:.....................  State:.............. City:..............  Sex:......................... Phone Number:...........  Loan Amount :........... Have You Applied Before?.................... With Best Regards. You can tell him that Robert Curry referred him to you for quick reply Email Address: [email protected]

bernitdown ago

This place would grow more if you got your racist nazi group under control.

Zanbato ago

If there any way to advertise on certain sub-voats only? I have a specialized product would be interested in advertising

FuckTheVirileAether ago

Have you considered translating Voat into a decentralized app on a blockchain like Ethereum? It would make crypto-based microcurrency transaction business models way more feasible to implement and would make it that much harder for speech on this site to be shut down by hostile states.

go1dfish ago

People are posting questions and answers on /v/bitcoin the buying process will be different for each country.

Easiest first step might be to look for a bitcoin ATM.

compaioncube ago

You are welcome :)

compaioncube ago

The community is more than welcome. Just trying to help out.

Rotteuxx ago

removed CCP manually from multiple users' accounts after claiming they never mess with users' CCP

You lost your farmed ccp automatically when your alts got nuked, not manually.

promised to not ban more users until clarifications on the bans were made transparent. never made clarifications; has banned hundreds of accounts since that promise.

More of your alts

manipulated the userbase in a witch hunt against a user, lied to the userbase about that user, and took punative action against many users, without basis or cause, simply to silence dissent.

Bla Bla Bla Reee Reee Reee. Pure bullshit

coded censorship - - hard censorship - - into voat

Take your meds, you child molesting kike. I hope you get raped in every hole at once by a north african biohazard case.

supported and protected criminals

See my last point

again, and i can't stress this enough: repeatedly lied to the userbase, and repeatedly got caught lying to the userbase

More delusional bullshit. When does your contract cone up for renewal ?

jsac ago

have another downvoat cumstain...............

TheDude2 ago

There must be an easy way to just get normal cash or something to Voat in some anonymous way. How high is mark up on trading in gift cards?

Elwoodblues ago


Anchy ago

Wow, 3 years, time flies man!!

These are amazing news @PuttItOut

Grifter42 ago

Don't forget the debacle with chat.

Him shutting down chat achieved absolutely nothing. The day it was brought back, SoapDoxBanHammer was right back on it, spamming it.

Really, my main problem with Spez Jr. is that he won't deal with SDBH, or Hecho. Whenever I try to convince people from The_Donald to join Voat, they just repeat that tired old bit about Voat having child porn on it.

You know WHY it had it on the site?! BECAUSE OF FUCKING HECHO! And Putt did less than fucking nothing. He just twiddled his fucking thumbs, and continued being an absentee landlord.

I've stated my displeasure with your methods of communication, I.E, interjecting them into random threads and random users out of context, but atleast here, you're on topic.

The average Voater isn't going to agree with a statement that Putt should be raped and murdered.

@PuttitOut, why do you shelter a known pedophile?

I mean, yeah, fuck SaneGoat for spamming, but fuck you, for doing nothing about spamming from fake-sane/beatle.

Fuck you, Putt, for allowing Hecho to continue to exist on the site.

Just fuck you in general. IF the site was really in danger of shutting down, you shouldn't keep jerking yourself off and taking credit for the donations. It's the site's user base that bailed it out.

And yeah, yeah, You say you've got a job and have very little spare time. Somehow, I doubt that. PeaceSeeker seems pretty active, and I'm about 95% sure he's your alt.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'm not sanegoatSiswear. i don't spam.

or are you "behavior policing" me by suggesting i must always be on topic.

also, yes

puttitout's fumbled chat, subverse request transfers (almost 4 months now), voat's finances, keeping their lies from being out in the open.

it's like if spez went full retard, and you get @puttitout.

p.s. i don't give a single nigger shit what you think about how i "communicate"

i'm bleeding ccp and will be censored soon, and it doesn't matter.

voat2 cometh soon. (non-profit uncensored community-run uncucked voat code)

Grifter42 ago

I'm saying that your message would be better received if you stayed on topic.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'll let you know when voat2 is up.

unless you want to jump in earlier.

@sound_of_silence disappeared last week. if you have seen them speak up.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

and if you're incapable of reading my "message", you have failed my own personal turing test.

i'm amazing you of all anons haven't figured that out by now.

stop. re-read the first sentence of this comment 5 times in reference to all i've done.

Grifter42 ago

I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying that when you act so goddamned smug, it turns off the normies of Voat who have no opinion one way or the other.

You're not reaching enough people, and you're just serving as a two-minutes hate figure. Your name has become a smear for anyone who questions Putt.

@Puttitout, the pedophile apologist, who won't do jack-shit about Hecho, even though he posted child porn. SoapDoxBanHammer uses your name to smear everyone who calls them out on their upvote manipulation, and you play into their hands.

Your actions have consequences that the rest of us have to deal with. I wish you'd try to be more coherent.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

your coherence argument is - in short - a misdirection.

the issue isn't me or what i've done.

it's about the criminal shill cabal and what the criminal shill cabal has done.

you are "behavior policing" as you have been on me for a while now.

luckilly i no longer voat, and am just back to kill off the rest of my ccp (allow the downvoat brigaders to have comments to downvoat)

Bigz_Sarducci ago

How about a national reloadable credit card where donors can donate to. But keep under a name unknown to anyone. All we have to do is send you a code for you to add to it.

Chiefpacman ago


My guess is that checking how much donations we got would've taken more than the small time frame he allows for working on this website. I get it, he's a busy guy. And so far it's been working I guess..

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

CounterFund is being developed by Pax Dickson, I have no doubt he would allow payment processing through there. @PuttItOut

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you still chuging paint and raping your boyfriend, retard?

9579143? ago

EDIT: I agree with go1dfish in that it would be better to use an existing cryptocurrency if this or something like this were to be done at all.

Putt what would be the feasibility / potential benefits of creating VoatCoin and incorporating it into the Voat system / framework somehow? We have goats who could probably do the legwork of creating the currency and then you could add features surrounding it -- doing so might encourage a larger percentage of the userbase to get involved with cryptocurrency, be able to donate without obstruction, and might even attract others to Voat. It doesn't have to be like reddit gold -- it could be as simple as a secondary upvote that transfers 1/100 of a cent worth of VoatCoin to the wallet of the person receiving the upvote. Everyone on Voat would want to have some VoatCoin. Just a thought that could be expanded upon.

@bikergang_accountant @Fred-Stiller-OnAWire @go1dfish (sorry go1dfish, I think this is the 3rd time I've pinged you in recent days)

go1dfish ago

Please don't. There are plenty of great cryptocurrencies already.

If this sort of thing interests you check out this post instead:


I would like to see some cryptocurrency integration with Voat, but not a Voat specific cryptocurrency.

bikergang_accountant ago

People really need to stop calling bitcoin distributed. It's just copied. If you want a distributed voat, which I think you do, there are distributed content networks that are much more viable than any blockchain system. When people hear distributed they shouldn't automatically think of blockchain. You could actually attach it to Freenet. It's just a distributed content cache, with cryptographic sharding, and multi layer proxy like tor. It's somewhere between DHT, tor, and bittorrent.

Also you could just fork it and set up your own seed servers and it would be 100% incompatable with the other network, sort of like starting a altcoin is as easy as selecting a private key, a seed server just get's people their first 1 or 2 peers. It's really light weight to set up a seperate network because if you have a seperate pool of peers you have a seperate network.

Ok, it wouldn't be 100% incompatable because someone could intentionally leak peers into the other network, but it would be interesting to use a global key as part of the cryptography making the content intentionally incompatable (if you have a hash of a file, and peers from another network you still can't utilize the key so seperate key space).

9581380? ago

That is a much better idea. I remember that post and I support it. I did wonder if creating a separate cryptocurrency would hurt the development of the others and I would not want that. I just thought it might encourage more to participate, but I agree, an existing currency could be used just as effectively, and with less work from us.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

If any of you want to try this, count me in. I've been looking for a good reason to get into (coding for) crypto.

bikergang_accountant ago

Crypto is pretty easy once you dive in. There's a difference between inventing it and using it and the using part is super easy and fun to think about. Knowing crypto doesn't mean you have to invent AES algorithms.

I recommend nodejs.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Thanks. Nodejs is definitely on my list.

9579543? ago

I personally likely don't have the programming / coding experience necessary to work on something like this, although I think it is at least worth exploring.

Voopin__Voopin ago

that's a GOOD thing! There's got to be at least 4 or 5 of us that've been on forums that long. (probably)

(get off my lawn)

Voopin__Voopin ago

holy shit, now THAT's something I havent seen in a long time.

VBulletin type shit.

Voopin__Voopin ago

motherfucker. (not you, just in general)

Tinfoil hatter here; do you or @goldf1sh have any extra elaboration on this?

I'll do like @gabara and mail fucking cash, no problem. I can't get past the notion that there's not anonyminity in cryptocurrency........ isn't that the entire point?

edit: i'm not in the cryptocurrency game right now, for this very reason. I got no problem taking a 100 dollar bill and turning it into bitcoin. But If I can't do shit with it, for fear of future wrongthink regarding supporting a free speech site, what good is it?

ALSO is it generally advised to use a VPN any time you fuck with cryptocurrency?

RamblinRambo ago

If it's online, it's not anonymous. Just different degrees of kinda-anonymous. If you want to keep gov out of your shit, only use cash. The reason I've refused to donate to voat, even if I'd like to do so, is the lack of anonymous donations. I want an address so I can throw some Euros into an envelope and send it off.

Moabman ago

Pretend you want to buy drugs from silk road and look up the guides on that.

The hardest part is actually transferring the money. For that your best bet is to find a guy who sells them in person. If that's done, then you have to set up an encrypted wallet and communications account. Set up a VPN, possibly even boot to a linux desktop from an external HDD, pray that tor hasn't been 100% compromised by the NSA, which it has because all global data hard lines have been compromised by the nsa, sit back and hope you don't ping the radar hard enough to make someone kick in your door.

Make it as hard for them as you can, and give them as little reason as possible to come looking, aka buy a small bag of drugs every now and again, don't try to set up a terroristic cult, offer yourself as a hitman, buy a hitman, or distribute drugs. If god wills it, you'll get lost in the ocean of data and even if you ping the radar you'll be labelled low to no risk and filed away in the jedi archives until doomsday.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Thank you for the reply :) however, I am not even comfortable searching for the aforementioned guides. I feel like that would make me "ping the radar" so-to-speak.

go1dfish ago

First off it's go1dfish. Hence the delay in me seeing this.

If you're worried about the government that is a valid concern.

But that concern would also apply to the credit card payments Voat accepted previously.

If you can manage to trade a 100 dollar bill in person for bitcoin that you transfer entirely to Voat, you will be quite anonymous indeed if you practice solid networking opsec. (Use proxies/tor and tails maybe)

Voopin__Voopin ago

ah, danke. sorry for the fuckup; not sure if i should attribute to shit memory or touch of selective dyslexia. Probably a little from "column a" and a little from "column b" :)

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Use VPN any time you fuck with the internet.

Also, there are coin 'washing' services which claim to break the chain of custody, or at least obfuscate it enough to make it more difficult to prove ownership. I can't vouch for any, personally, though.

DependasaurusRex ago

Oh, I am sure. Talking about it though pretty much takes my name off the list, not that I was probably on it anyway ;)

Holonomic ago

Congrats OP!

No great victory comes without a great challenge.

Chiefpacman ago


Thats revenue from merchandise sold

9576067? ago

Compare it with precious metals. Picture bitcoin is at the top with gold and ethereum as silver then there's a few coppers and aluminums.

draegspir ago

A more accurate analogy would be Bitcoin is to gold whereas Ethereum is to oil. Ether (ETH) will actually power the Ethereum network, our next-gen decentralized internet. I suggest you guys look into this, as it's slated to surpass Bitcoin soon in marketcap.

User2060 ago

Is dogecoin still around? If so, I never figured out what to do with it, nobody takes it as payment, anyway, no kind of internet store, anywhere.

Nadakai ago

Shit man i cant figure that out either, fuck those scrubs, free speech mofucka

compaioncube ago

I made an easy how to to use Bitcoin. Here is the link. https://voat.co/v/bitcoin/1945830

Voopin__Voopin ago

@gabara @Ina_Pickle @DANKGHIDORA

just pinging everyone i've seen thus far who's like me and doesnt know how to bitcoin.

compaioncube ago

I got around to making the How to. Here is the link. https://voat.co/v/bitcoin/1945830

Lonely_Potato ago


9575395? ago

Time to learn Bitcoin. As an AnCap I've been meaning to for a while anyway. Putt is right; cryptocurrency is as important for the future as freedom of speech. Down with the central banks!

I don't think an apology for asking us to treat the new kids nice is necessary. If I recall correctly you used a wink emoticon or something similar at the time. It was obviously just a suggestion, one that might help Voat grow a little more. But if people complained apologizing does help keep everyone content; I just don't think your statement then ought to have been interpreted too negatively. I'm surprised people complained.

And the news about the port is magnificent. I hope costs can be cut substantially, and cut further even after the port is made. I know many people are surprised that our costs are so high. Surely we can reach sustainability soon.

pandasstick ago

Been lurking for a while after the original shit storm from Reddit. Don't have any bitcoin but i'm willing to support the site if there is another way to.

Voopin__Voopin ago


^here's what I did. If I'm reading Putt's statement correctly, we have until july 14th to donate this way? But he did say something about locking the store down. I have not checked to see if store is accepting new orders.

9575417? ago

Welcome to accounthood, goat!

pandasstick ago

Thanks man, been lurking for a while but i decided to commit today after reading what the dev are trying to do.

Futt ago

Seems like all the crowdfunding platforms are turning political; but if you had to go with one maybe Counter Fund would be an idea? While they are not explicitly "pro free-speech" they do have a political agenda that aligns very well with most of Voat I guess. They do take a cut from donations to fund activism though, not sure if you'd be OK with that.

flashmans_nutcup ago

I don't know too much about apps listed there. I use coinomi because it's an offline wallet and works flawlessly on my phone. It allows you to store a number of different crypto currency and trade between them. For example you might put 500 dollars worth of Bitcoin into your wallet. You can then trade some (or all) of that Bitcoin for ethereum or wherever other cook they have on their exchange.

SexMachine ago

I requested v/holocaust a month ago. I need to discuss the shoah if you want more of my shekels.

Oy vey! It's annuda shoah!

Maslo ago


TheLegend27 ago

Bitcoin, huh...I've heard about it here and there. I'll try to get into it, for voat's sake.

9573692? ago

He didn't accuse you, he accused the people on the ProtectVoat subREDDIT of "destroying his SCP" (which doesn't actually do much unless you don't have a good CCP to activate your account).

duchessofdarkness ago

Thanks for all the hard work guys, it's worth it to come here and get made fun of once in a while just to be around a crowd like this, and glean some information.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Ahead of schedule and under budget to boot:)

Well Done - Keep Going!

9573512? ago

I don't remember HenryCorp exclusively posting ShareBlue links on any of his accounts...

MadWorld ago

You are awesome! Thank you!

9572736? ago

Different style than sg, and not as depressing to read. Still sad though

9576147? ago

It's depressing in a different way.

RedPillEh ago

Put your bitcoin address in the post?! Why you making it hard for me to give you money?!?!?

go1dfish ago

The wallet address is posted in the sidebar of /v/all


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're getting closer to that overdue round of golf

Dereliction ago

/u/PuttItOut, you're a damned trooper. Respect for you and what you do here. And for the community that's contributing in whatever ways it can to keep Voat's goat kicking.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

see my lowest rated comment for the facts.

@puttitout is a militant criminal SJW takeover shill. it's spez for voat. they pushed atif out, and took over, coding in a massive list of behavioral restrictions and censorship. they've banned users for "vote manipulation" with under 10 votes ever given, hell they banned an account with NO votes ever given for "vote manipulation" (they really banned those accounts because they upvoated me while @puttitout and the sjw takeover cabal were trying to silence me.)

go ahead.

look into the actual facts.

get your voat red pill; get woke.

voat is compromised just like reddit is. because the same idiots let the same shills do the same thing to a nearly the same website.

redpilldessert ago

The very fact your comment here isn't censored says to me the problem is with you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

stupid nigger.

in a few minutes i will be censored.

i will be below 0 ccp and i will be limited to 10 comments in a rolling 24 hour window.

that's overt censorship, and if you're too stupid to see that, you deserve the sjw hell you agent smith sheepled your way into, nigger.

as with all shills and useful idiots for the sjw criminal cabal like you, i hope you get raped and murdered, retard nigger.

redpilldessert ago

You're still not censored. Browse my history - I'm far from an SJW,

Dereliction ago

It's a marketplace of competing coins. And cryptocurrencies are all quite new so far as the larger world is concerned, so of course it looks like a big fucking mess. But it's a beautiful mess once you see it for what it is.

NoRagrets ago

Can I suggest you look at opening an account at GoldMoney.com for receiving payments.


white-male ago

Thank you and everyone else who has been working hard on this. I'm relatively new to Voat but I love it here and I'm glad to see people working hard on OSS to make Voat even better.

Eastupward ago

Thank you for the well thought out, and well wrote Goat Statement! Also, all the work you're putting in, to keep the users putting out. ;) Much love!

flashmans_nutcup ago

I use Localbitcoins.

Make an account. Find someone in your city/country who is selling bitcoins. The site does this pretty much on it's own. All users are ranked depending on past transactions so find someone with good transaction history. Message your preferred user and decide upon an amount to buy. I usually do a "cardless transaction" which involves some fucking around with a phone app but each user will have their preferred payment method. Once payment has been received they will release the coins and they'll go to the wallet in your localbitcoins account.

It's recommended that you don't keep the coins in an online wallet so you should move them somewhere more secure. I use the coinomi android app wallet for this.

GoBackToReddit ago

Voat’s primary credit card processor has decided, for reasons unknown, to discontinue their relationship with Voat. While they did claim that it was due to “risk”, I can only speculate as to the reasons. This means I will have to spend time looking for another processor which brings up all my memories of what PayPal did to Voat.

Same "attack" (money/host)?

Salbuchi_2019 ago

Namecoin apparently is focused on intangible goods, like domain names.

Ethereum Classic is a fork from Ethereum.

Potcoin is probably a scam.

Just to name a few more.

go1dfish ago

Potcoin is an interesting idea, federal laws prevent the banks from dealing with state legal marijuana businesses so they currently deal mostly in cash.

The idea of potcoin is to be a cryptocurrency specifically for trade in medical/recreational pot.

But I don't know why you wouldn't just use bitcoin or another generic cryptocurrency for this. The Dennis Rodman/North Korea thing certainly seems scammy though (there was a price pump and dump associated with this as well)

North Korea has legal pot, and Dennis Rodman goes to NK a lot, not sure what the rest of the connection is there.

go1dfish ago

I think this is largely how the creator of Litecoin sees it as well, once the Lightning Network is activated on both coins it will be possible to do on-chain atomic swaps between the two.

This means trust-free exchanges between bitcoin and lightcoin.


go1dfish ago

Yeah it is, a ton of the coins listed on http://coinmarketcap.com/ and http://coincap.io will die out.

Most of them do have a specific justification for existence.

Litecoin is supposed to be bitcoin but faster and cheaper.

Ethereum is like a meta coin.

Dogecoin is a joke on all the Bitcoin moon talk. Yes it's literally a joke, and even it is outperforming the US dollar lately.

Monero is focused on anonymity

Dash also has a privacy focus and some of the same goals as litecoin

Decred builds a democratic governance model into the blockchain to pre-empt the scaling/mining power crisis bitcoin is seeing now.

coinmarketcap splits between currencies and assets. The currencies are more like Bitcoin and general purpose and the assets are more like stocks in distributed applications.

tl;dr it is a big fucking mess, but some of these are going to be like the MS and Apple of the next generation and some will be like the Betamax and Pets.com

Cuilrunnings ago

What do you think of Lisk?

go1dfish ago

It's one I have my eye on and would like to learn more.

Don't have any, but recently set up a Qubes OS machine for handling multiple wallets securely.

My vague understanding of Lisk is that it is like Ethereum but supporting actual JS code rather than Solidity. That has upside and downside. My interest in it is as a JS dev, but EOS is looking more interesting in that respect to me since it is done by the people who built out https://steemit.com which is the biggest blockchain backed web app I know of.

I got diving into ethereum again recently because I was interested in building out a fully censorship resistant censorship network and have been for a while, but STEEM beat me to it and I didn't even realize it because the site is actually quite easy to use.


I don't think Lisk is a scam, seems like it could do well I need to learn more.

vivalad ago

is there a po box where we could just mail a check?

TerraKell ago

The sad fact is that our wonderful asshole government will convene a secret hearing in a secret court to get a secret court order to intercept any and all mail.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

They need a court order to open it though. As of now, like @go1dfish said, they can only photograph it.

vivalad ago

dammit - gotta tell the hoboing kids to stop sending me postcards emblazoned with '9-11 was an inside job'

ExpertShitposter ago

Thanks puttko!!

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Could you elaborate?

I know when they killswitch the internet Bitcoin dies, but what more do you know about the wiki you linked?

ExpertShitposter ago

About what it says in the wiki. In 1859, everything electrical was disrupted or destroyed. But who cares, nobody depended on anything electrical back then, it was just an inconvenience.

If it hit today with all the sensitive electronics, and ALL water pumping and food processing being fully dependent on electricity, as well as all car fuel injectors being electronically controlled, it would basically be the end of the world.

A study was conducted by US government over the courser of 7 years whose conclusion was that if it were to hit again, 50% of us population would die within 30 days due to dehydration and diarrhea from contaminated water sources (water not being pumped to cities), and starvation (farms not working and trucks unable to drive). And 99% of us population was declared as "not equipped with knowledge on how to obtain, process, and store food without electric devices" so by month two it would probably be 90% dead.

Scientist agree it will hit again, but nobody knows when and with what magnitude. It could be tomorrow or in am million years. It could be weak ass and do nothing, or even more powerful.

Ether way.....trusting jew bankers and computers with all your life wealth is beyond risky. Wanna play with bitcoin? Ok, put ONE months paycheck into it...don't fucking save money with it.

Tallest_Skil ago

There is no anonymity with bitcoin. All transactions are publicly logged.

go1dfish ago

This is true, bitcoin is anonymous in the same sense that Voat is. That is to say it is psuedoanonymous.

If you can trade bitcoin for cash that bitcoin will be difficult to tie to you, and that's one reason why governments are very wary about the fiat gateways to cryptocurrency.

Some coins like Monero and Dash attempt to improve upon the privacy of Bitcoin but I'm not familiar with the technicals of how.

InsaneFaggotimSure ago





Rotteuxx ago

Where the fuck is my ping ?

I protest this troll !

digitalentity1497 ago

I'm no longer a shill, oh joy!

9576175? ago

You and @Rotteuxx are both on his list, I'm sure. Only five pings can be made per comment, however.

Also Rotteuxx, guess still no keychain update :(

Rotteuxx ago

Well seeing as how there's more SJW fuckery with the payment system for Voat, it'll have to take a back seat for now.

I just rly hate the idea of expanding my online footprint by dabling in crypto currency, it goes against my philosophy of not tying my real life (bank accounts in this case) & online existence... not sure how I feel about doing things like that for transactions between Putt and I if we go forward.

9578955? ago

I'm sure some sort of system could be worked out whereby you could transfer and sell the products, maybe through a mainstream middle man, and not have to connect your real world identity with Voat at all. If no such system can be worked out then you can back out of the whole thing; no one will fault you for that.

Rotteuxx ago

Bah, I'm sure it can be worked out somehow. I have read up on cryptobits anyways, haven't paid attention to the evolution of the systems honestly.

9583572? ago

Neither have I, but I've wanted to -- and finally I am -- get into crypto-era technologies. I think they will be very important in the years to come.

Rotteuxx ago

I dunno... I have this perverse fantasy of seeing the whole grid crash & burn from a major solar storm & then live like a king in a Mad Max style dystopia. Like a world wide reality check about dependence to technology & the realization that basic skills are worth more than gold.

But I can't ignore what's here now & fall behind !

9583804? ago

In the sci-fi series I've written a CME (Coronal Mass Ejection from the sun) actually plays a vital role in destroying most of human civilization, leaving only the ones who left on an interstellar ship to survive on a new world they fled to shortly beforehand. A CME would devastate our civilization if one occurred today, even ignoring cryptocurrencies.

digitalentity1497 ago

I'm sure it can bring some money to Voat. Too bad.

9576192? ago

Putt did state his intention to update on it eventually. The time will come; too many have expressed interest for the project to fall to nothing.

digitalentity1497 ago

Yeah. Priority is the way to go.

Mick ago

Drink Coke™

ExpertShitposter ago

@Trigglypuff eat your heart out.

I am the true shill.

go1dfish ago

Well yeah, but it's not so much investing as the decision of when to sell for the fiat necessary to run the business.

At the time I said he'd probably do well to cash out at least half of it immediately and hold the rest.

Aged ago

Well, you don't should apologize. From my POV, many users here don't really see this as a free speech site, but as their own version of Reddit. They want to scare users away because they don't want more people. Being fundamentally hostile like that is.....expected from people like them, but I still hate them.

About the server thing, you should really not expect a lot from the /r/The_Donald crisis. That thing became too big to kill for Reddit. I bet they're profiting of it and that's why they don't ban it, but how they have to serve their almighty lord The American Donkey(The Democrats), they ban any right-wing sub that may be growing to keep them contained on /r/The_Donald. And money is something you should preserve. It's life or death PuttItOut. You don't take a risk when it's life or death for us.

bloodguard ago

Processor Shut Down (Why BitCoin Matters)

At one point CoinStar (wacky coin counting things you see in supermarkets) was going to add the option to payout in bitcoin instead of gift cards (amazon etc.). The idea just seemed to evaporate. I wonder they were warned off by the gov.

If you have a USAA account you can automatically fund a coinbase wallet if you want an easy way to buy bitcoin, ethereum, and litecoin.

compaioncube ago

I'm not to good with Bitcoin but I can put together an easy how to early next morning. There are many places that can tell you how it works though. Try looking at bitcoin.org for some help.

heygeorge ago

Thanks, Putts. I think your intellect and heart have long been in the right place. This post shows your manifest to be meeting up with intention. From this, great things spring.

digitalentity1497 ago

Thank you Putt. 3 and counting! Are we going to get @Rotteuxx 's keychain in the Voat store?

ginx2666 ago

Voat’s primary credit card processor

Care to explicitly, directly name it in post? I've stopped using paypal (for different reason, but still), so it'd be great to know who else I should avoid dealing with.

PuttItOut ago

Oh I wanted to. I wanted to drag their name through the mud and post the emails they sent but it would have done nothing to change their decision (as this is in the contract you are forced to sign). Nearly the entire financial industry can flip your off switch anytime they want, which is why I made mention of digital currencies.

I will say that this is one of the largest processors in the market.

B3bomber ago

You could always do the shell company thing like "real" corporations do. Register out of some low/no tax country, have a shell company that collects the payments, have said company pay the parent shell company for "licensing fees" and then that company can handle the server payments.

That stuff is legal. Certain big companies (Apple) do this to avoid paying taxes. Why not do the same and make it possible to force processors to accept payments?

hels ago

Gaggle (or google) search doesn't have any CCs on the front page when searching "largest processors in the market"

Bings 4th result has Visa with the same search words.

I am not an internet sleuth or anything, Was hoping /u/puttitout had some codewords or GOAT or something.

StateOfMind ago

It would still be good to know their name though.

varialus ago

Just speculation, but maybe it'll be accidentally leaked sometimes after the cutoff date.

StateOfMind ago

I hope so.

go1dfish ago

If @puttitout will take any other crypto in addition to bitcoin you can use shapeshift.io to send whatever crypto with minimal fees.

Bitcoin fees are ridiculous right now though.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Are they (((fees))) or just high fees because of risk?

go1dfish ago

Fees as a result of a 1MB block limit originally added by Satoshi to combat spam, but generally regarded to be a temporary stopgap that would eventually be raised.

This limits the bitcoin transaction network to about 3 transactions per second, and a fee market determines which transactions happen first.

Some people believe Jihan Wu https://twitter.com/JihanWu is taking advantage of a vulnerability in the bitcoin proof of work model that allows ASIC miners to have outsized mining power, and thus gaining a significant portion of the fee market, and hashing power that ultimately leads to protocol control and the ability to successfully fork the protocol.

AOU ago

Thanks you so much, Putt!!!

Voat has become the best online Free Speech platform.

PuttItOut ago

Thanks man. We have a long way to go but I'm pretty sure we can get there.

Techius ago

kek so you're always making a loss, and you don't have any money. How hasn't Voat shut yet?

9571131? ago

Because of the sacrifices and hard work of people who truly care about freedom.

Chiefpacman ago

Revenue: 2017-05-22 – 2017-06-19 Store Revenue: $2,628.00 USD Expenses: 5/1/2017 – 5/31/2017 Hosting: $7,005.23 USD Monthly Misc: $200.00 USD Yearly Misc: $105.00 USD

Doesn't mention donations. I believe one donator alone gave $12k last month.

go1dfish ago

If Putt held that BTC it's worth closer to $15k now.

Chiefpacman ago

The BTC is rising? interesting..

I thought the Chinese miners were flooding the market too much with their massive state backed corps mining too ferociously? Is that a thing or was it resolved?

Off topic so feel free not to answer. Its just I was having a conversation about this recently. I'm uninformed on the subject nowadays, pretty sure the Chinese thing is or was happening at some point

go1dfish ago

The rate of bitcoin creation/mining is essentially fixed and cannot change no matter how many miners there are.

The flood of chinese miners just concentrates the newly minted bitcoin into chinese hands and chinese trading activity. It also concentrates the hashing power and decision making of the network there.

There is a big debate over how to scale bitcoin currently, and the outsized influence of the chinese miners is affecting that. Bitcoin touched $3k this month but is back to $2600 right now. The main effect of the scaling uncertainty right now seems to be to increase the value of alt-coins.

Chiefpacman ago

The rate of bitcoin creation/mining is essentially fixed and cannot change no matter how many miners there are.

You're blowing my mind. So if I were to start mining Bitcoins, I would take away from other miners productivity?

The main effect of the scaling uncertainty right now seems to be to increase the value of alt-coins.

I don't quite understand. Alt-coins, as in non-Chinese coins? Or just not BTC altogether?

go1dfish ago

You're blowing my mind. So if I were to start mining Bitcoins, I would take away from other miners productivity?

Yes mining functions like a lottery that is drawn roughly every 10 minutes. The cost of your raffle tickets is your hashing power (electricity) and the reward is the "Block Reward" that creates coins and any transaction fees included in the block your miner processes.

I don't quite understand. Alt-coins, as in non-Chinese coins? Or just not BTC altogether?

Alt-Coins as in other cryptocurrencies besides Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin are the most well known. But there are hundreds: http://coinmarketcap.com/

Chiefpacman ago

Interesting information. Thank you

PuttItOut ago

This is a good idea, we need to write some instruction on Bitcoin and other digital currencies.

I wonder if someone from Voat can provide some resources, or better yet, do a write up.

JohnCStevenson ago

Hey @PuttItOut. I have tried time and time again to spread my message, but your website's draconian restrictions have limited me to just 10 posts a day simply because I disagree with the fake news being spread here. The people at r/ProtectVoat have destroyed my SCP, leaving me unable to post any links from reputable websites. Please take actions against users such as @1moar and @NeedleStack, who have unfairly targeted me, or there will be legal ramifications.

And ask yourself: Are you fine with a website that caters to some of the most dangerous people currently walking the planet? Take a look at how depraved Trump supporters are, and ask yourself if free speech is worth the cost:




The choice is yours. Have a good day. :)


Free speech is worth my life and more you freedom hating unpatriotic faggot

captngoos ago

You're not gonna do shit, pussy


Amazing how you can still say all that with 3 dicks in your mouth constantly.

9593756? ago

kill yourself. Nobody is buying your bullshit.

Cat-hax ago

Last I fucking checked the left was the ones protesting, attacking trump supporters, destorying private property, all I hear about Trump supporters is they say bad words, grow the fuck up. Oh also this is the internet you can't Sue because some one downvoted you're posts, you except that possibility by posting here.

LionElTrump ago

And ask yourself: Are you fine with a website that caters to some of the most dangerous people currently walking the planet? Take a look at how depraved Trump supporters are, and ask yourself if free speech is worth the cost:

Shareblue is fucking atrocious. Paid government(well was, Hillary & Obama LOST) shills to push a narrative. We've all been educated and seen in practice your doublespeak and constant twisting. Your time honored methodology of pointing at someone else to sick the public on is over. No one is going to visit your garbage site except those poor un-monitored 13yr-26yr old age groups.

Tea Party doesn't exist except in peoples hearts & minds because Obama used the IRS to target political opponents, couldn't have the Tea Party challenging Establishment crooks in the Republican party! His "Violent Supporters" are moving from the point from self-protection to Constitutional Protection, every shooting/stabbing a liberal/illegal immigrant conducts by advice of Bernie, Hillary, Obama, or Lynch adds another straw. When the 2nd amendment crowd does finally snap they will unite around the Red, White, and Blue and the Constitution as a means to unite, once more. History is repeating itself. Everyone sees this. The ones that were in control of humans source of information outside their immediate area have lost that control thanks to the internet, despite their best efforts. Now the scales must be balanced. The United States of America will never let Pedophiles prosper, Welfare Queens rule, or Poverty Pimps continue their sick scam.

You have lost on all front, online, polls, voting booths, physical altercations, and court rooms as the pols continue to show that anonymous people unite behind the idea that the criminal factions like ShareBlue, Clinton's Legacy Media, and Obama's online propaganda, and those that work/support those efforts must be flogged and embarrassed to the world to show what a sick minority you are.

Bishop1488 ago

I personally think that someone really needs to fire up the gas chambers for this kike.

MistaMusick ago

Free speech is absolutely worth it. Fuck yourself you like nigger.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hey shareblue, could you please report voat to the FTC? false advertisement is a serious crime.

please show them this list of censorship and behavioral manipulation: https://voat.co/v/whatever/1679838

and compare it to https://github.com/voat/voat wherein voat's then-ceo promised no censorship (and you can easily find other examples of voat, inc, claiming no censorship

yes i am vehemently against you and all you stand for. i am the anti-shill. and you are confirmed paid shills.

that said,

if you wish to speak freely here (you're paid shills, therefore, representatives of a non-living entity, therefore you do NOT have any human rights such as the right to freely self-express)

then by all means

use this ammo to rek these other shills, the criminal sjw takeover shills that took over voat.

report voat to the FTC for false advertisement: https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/

Grifter42 ago

Drink bleach, you fucking leftist retard.

Soundguy21 ago

Ahh David brock wants to sue voat, perhaps you should tell him to stop raping little boys first.

tapsnapornap ago

How about you sue all of us you faggot nigger

Ina_Pickle ago

Hey Cuck,

Are you self-aware enough to even realize where you are? This is not reddit.

The people at r/ProtectVoat have destroyed my SCP

FreeBreivik ago

I hope you grow hair in your throat! :-D

kestrel9 ago

Shills don't have messages and no one likes a whinebagger, especially paid whinebaggers.
ShareBlue fun fact https://i.imgflip.com/1r6qx5.jpg

9575276? ago

Dangerous in what way, exactly? Dangerous to your abilities to control and command people to regurgitate your nonsense and advance your political agendas? That makes Voat dangerous? You are clearly in need of help if you think that's true, and that help being in the form of cognitive therapy. Voat allows people to speak freely just as you would in a room by yourself, except the good people here actually listen to you when no one else is, and that is invaluable and priceless. You're not mad at voat, you're mad that you're being listened to but are being disagreed with, and that's new for you. That's life man. It's ok.

RumpRangerRick ago

How does that cock taste in your mouth ? I bet it's pretty dirty, huh ?

Nadakai ago

gfy =]

gazillions ago

Fuck you.

gramman74 ago

Eat a dick John.

Impulsive ago

Are you fine with a website that caters to some of the most dangerous people currently walking the planet?

Ask yourself this; Are you referring to shareblue? Because that is all you linked to...

sinclair ago

downvoat cause you're a fucking crybaby. I get downvoats all the time, you aren't THAT important. Humble yourself shitlord.

9573947? ago

Die in a tire fire faggot

9573772? ago

Don't you remember what happened when r/FPH was banned from Reddit 2 years ago? They tried to silence people with a certain opinion by destroying the place they gathered. However, they didn't "instantly shut up" as planned, they stormed out and shouted far louder in much-more-populated areas.

That's what will always happen when you try to destroy free speech: it will always spread somewhere else and be much louder because its speakers will know they and their most important rights are under attack, and will do everything they can to spread their warning worldwide.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

You are a special kind of reprehensible.

1moar ago

Legal ramifications, lol k.

Fuck yourself with a rusty cactus.

Good day. :D

tanukihat ago

I'll find you, bro.

tanukihat ago

Hey JohnCStevenson, where do you live? Liberal state?

tanukihat ago

You live in Canada huh.

Samsquamch ago

How do you explain this comment:

There is no ShareBlue organization. It is merely an unaffiliated website meant to contact the spread of fake news in today's world.

If you're concerned about an actual issue, let's talk about how you flaired my thread as "Troll" and let people bombard the post to a -226 rating. That's not very nice.

Even though when you responded to me, I hadn't "flaired" (whatever the fuck that means) any of your posts. Not to mention even wikipedia lists ShareBlue as a "left-wing news website headed by former Clinton staffer Peter Daou" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shareblue

9573628? ago

The "flair" comment might be referring to what ShareBlue does on Eddit (and thus, like a cheating husband suspects his wife must also be cheating on him, assumes we do here), where they secretly tag every account that participates on r/The_Donald for easy downvoting, discrimination, and banning if they ever leave the "plantation"/"reservation"/"concentration camp" (like the pre-Holocaust Jews in Nazi Germany).

Alternatively, he was referring to the tag someone put on his submission (possibly on v/ProtectVoat, who knows/cares).

9574626? ago

He did have a troll flair on PV but he deserved it

Ina_Pickle ago

I don't even have a troll flair on PV, so he must have seriously deserved it.

totes_magotes ago

Today's word is: goan

Goan' fuck yourself

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

some of the most dangerous people currently walking the planet?

if only you knew how bad things really were

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I hope trump has three scoops of ice cream next time, it's going to be a lone 8 years

abattoirdaydream ago

ReeeeeeRoooooo! ReeeeeeRoooooo! He does not fear you!

RooooooReeeeee! RooooooReeeeee! Open shills are still flimsy!

ReeeeeeRoooooo! ReeeeeeRoooooo! There is nothing you can do!

RooooooReeeeee! RooooooReeeeee! Go hang yourself, you AIDS riddled faggot!

KatiePorpoise ago

I know I've fully acclimated here now because this just made me laugh my ass off instead of recoil in horror. I will have to remember this insult for future use

HarveyHarveyJones ago


Do I get another badge for calling bullshit on this attack too?

Alois_sticklgruber ago

I upgoated you just cause i can. Hope the wounds heal friend, and dont forget if you change your mind about globalism and a one world government and want to just get back to good old Americana, im here to help you.


Please check this out with an open mind and remember we're all just people.

9573656? ago

You're doing the hardest job available, with a near-guarantee of failure. Beta males and beta females (females who couldn't naturally attract a mate, due to either looks, personality, mental illness, age, or a combination of the above) don't like any system that has them compete naturally and evenly, favoring anything that even gives them a perceived edge.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

I tired to bring him into the flock

TheRealVladimirPutin ago

Hey @PuttItOut I think Voat would have a good case against David Brock and ShareBlue for violations of civil rights statutes. They are clearly going around intimidating Voat's vendors and credit card processors for giving (legal) support to a then-candidate and current-office holder of a federal elected office.

42 USC 1985(3)

[I]f two or more persons conspire to prevent by force, intimidation, or threat, any citizen who is lawfully entitled to vote, from giving his support or advocacy in a legal manner, toward or in favor of the election of any lawfully qualified person as an elector for President or Vice President, or as a Member of Congress of the United States; or to injure any citizen in person or property on account of such support or advocacy; in any case of conspiracy set forth in this section, if one or more persons engaged therein do, or cause to be done, any act in furtherance of the object of such conspiracy, whereby another is injured in his person or property, or deprived of having and exercising any right or privilege of a citizen of the United States, the party so injured or deprived may have an action for the recovery of damages occasioned by such injury or deprivation, against any one or more of the conspirators.

abattoirdaydream ago

I agree. He should see if this is a pursuable avenue.

9573555? ago

If we could somehow get Voat through the cost of the legal battle, the final reward money would go a long way towards keeping Voat going for a while (if they don't pull something out of their ass to win).

go1dfish ago

Have an upvoat.

But know that I completely disagree with your premise; and I'm not even a Trump supporter.

The circle jerk here bothers me, but not nearly so bad as censorship. The difference between this place and reddit is that you are welcome to spread your message even if it counters the hive mind. The worst you have to deal with is down votes.

Do you really think shutting down free expression here will stop the ideologies you oppose?

fagnig ago

Answer me this, did they dox you?

Tor1 ago

LOL at

some of the most dangerous people currently walking the planet

Overdramatically Reeeee much?

Ina_Pickle ago

Probably not, but it is responsible of you for at least trying to hear both sides of the story.

sampsonnite420 ago

Take your threats and fuck off. this guy doesnt seem to understand this platform isnt ran by Mommy Government. what a disgraceful protein water sack.

JesusDrowning ago

What are you, retarded? That shit won't work here, this is not eddit.

idk ago

or there will be legal ramifications.


uvulectomy ago

"I have tried time and time again to spread my message..."

You keep shilling for the ctrl-left narrative...

"...but your website's draconian restrictions have limited me to just 10 posts a day simply because I disagree with the fake news being spread here."

The restrictions are because people see through your bullshit and downvote accordingly.

"The people at r/ProtectVoat have destroyed my SCP, leaving me unable to post any links from reputable websites."

shareblue.com is about as disreputable as you can get, shill.

"Please take actions against users such as @1moar and @NeedleStack, who have unfairly targeted me, or there will be legal ramifications."

KEK <-- This one




Seriously, this shit is hilarious. I still can't decide if you're for real, or just a really dumb troll.

"And ask yourself: Are you fine with a website that caters to some of the most dangerous people currently walking the planet? Take a look at how depraved Trump supporters are, and ask yourself if free speech is worth the cost:"

Without free speech, EVERYBODY suffers. Without free speech, there is nothing to stop TRUE oppression. Free speech is what allows you to post your inane drivel here. You only get downvoted, not censored. Nobody is deleting your posts or your comments because, as they say, sunlight is the best disinfectant. You are free to spout your nonsense, and we're free to ridicule you. But nobody is deleting your nonsense, either.

<Bunch of shareblue links>

This is hardly "reputable websites", and that's ALL you post.

"The choice is yours. Have a good day."

The choice has been made long ago. You're free to expose yourself as a retard, and we're free to call you out on it. You won't get the option to silence others through administrative overreach here. This isn't Reddit, and it isn't run by authoritarian fuckstains.

tl;dr - get bent, Shilly McShecklestein.

9576154? ago

KEK <-- This one




Stylish top kek, sir.

9571972? ago

⚠ ⚠ Huge faggit alert ⚠ ⚠

NeedleStack ago

Oh no! A Shareblue propagandist is still crying over being outed as the piece of shit that he is. Do you need an extra scoop, kiddo?

Please take actions against users such as @1moar and @NeedleStack, who have unfairly targeted me, or there will be legal ramifications.

"I'm gonna sue you for being a meanie pants!"

Archived comment

PeperoniPizzaGate ago

Dude it's obvious that JohnCStevenson is your second account.

kestrel9 ago

What a whiner that ShareBlue pronoun is...sounds familiar https://i.imgflip.com/1r6sag.jpg

DependasaurusRex ago

He doesnt deserve 2 scoops. HE CANT HANDE THE SCOOP!!!!!

NeedleStack ago

He lacks covfefe.

DependasaurusRex ago


RumpRangerRick ago

Low Energy.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

I've seen this faggot shit from other users.

Get a new username, don't flame everyone, and move on (him, not you).

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Hey calm down or he's going to sue you twice!

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Im not sure what you did. Can you elaborate????

NeedleStack ago

The details are in this post. Basically he advertized that he wanted to buy an established voat account to spread Democratic propaganda (Shareblue links) from. I called him out on it.

Ina_Pickle ago

If this is real, then I am going to wait until my account hits 6 digit CCP.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Good for you. How much did he offer?

NeedleStack ago

I never contacted him about it but if you do decide to, demand $1 for the combined total of your SCP and CCP points. :)

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Oh ok, sounds like a nice vacation... Who'd want my troll nazi account...lol

9573487? ago

I definitely wouldn't mind a sudden windfall of nearly $24,000 for an account that can't even downvote any submissions (due to me being too good at downvoting spammers in the old days), and enough quality users know who I am here that any attempt to shill with my account would be blatantly obvious even if I was made to sign an NDA.

DependasaurusRex ago

Id sell in a hearbeat. Then promply make a new one and out myself after the transaction hits my account.

lord_nougat ago

If you're going to charge a buck a point, you better get those points up first! Upvoted for a dollar!

DependasaurusRex ago

Thanks for the assist, buddy! And honestly at this point, 500$ would be a godsend ;)

How you been? Did you try the rum?

lord_nougat ago

They didn't have it at Albertsons! And I still haven't opened that bourbon.

When I find the rum, I'll buy it.

DependasaurusRex ago

Man, albertsons inst the place to find booze, haha.i commend you for the attempt though ;) hope all has been well in your neck of the woods!

lord_nougat ago

Well, since I only looked at Albertsons, I was clearly not putting any effort into it. Beverage Warehouse will surely have it, or as we call it "Bev Ho".

DependasaurusRex ago

Haha. Yeah, very clear. I am ashamed of you, ser! Very ashamed!

(Hope you have been doimg well outside of the booze. Really starting to need to cut back myself....) Sad!

lord_nougat ago

Cutting back is for CUTTERS! And cutters are freakish faggots!

I have kind of cut back for ... reasons. I had to get a root canal and the doc said not to drink. So I cut back on drinking.

DependasaurusRex ago

Hey, there, buddy! I never said I was quitting! Quiters never prosper, unless it is a marathon or heroin!

Yeah, I am just finding myself dingking a fifth a night, si it is a good sign ti cut back agajn for a month or two. It is getting too expensive, and nit sleeping well again. I dont wamt to have to go back to the muscle relaxers again just because my tollerance is too high to kill the pain anymore :/

NeedleStack ago

They'd make you sign a Nondisclosure Agreement so you wouldn't squeal I'm afraid.

DependasaurusRex ago

Probably. Doesnt mean there is no way around it with enough skill ;)

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago


SexMachine ago

All mainstream payment services have had SJWs blackball Voat and 8chan. Patreon, PayPal, Gofundme. They cite hate speech and CP, even though v/jailbait was the first subverse banned, and you can find the same exact material on reddit. You know a mainstream payment processor? They've been told about Voat, and if they agree to letting Voat be a client, SJWs have promised to boycott them and let the world know how they are working with pedophile Nazis. It doesn't matter if it's false, PewDiePie is now a Nazi and advertisers refuse to have their ads associated with him, and Pepe the Frog is a symbol in the ADL hate database, that is the world we are living in.

We are gaining ground, but it's an uphill battle. The Cultural Marxists are firmly rooted in our media and academia. What they say is """truth""", 2 + 2 = 5.

lbruiser ago

If I had to guess, I bet this site does not meet with their TOS since free speech is allowed here.

Artofchoke ago

Fuck yeah. ♡♡♡

DependasaurusRex ago


9570944? ago

Congratulations on your progress, I'm Glad to hear about it!

Porting code is no easy task, and i hope it will pan out for the future of Voat.

go1dfish ago

Unfortunately our government hates privacy. http://localbitcoins.com is your best bet for remaining anonymous but I've never used it myself.

Edit: Bitcoin ATMs are another option: https://coinatmradar.com

I've heard the fees are high and I've never seen one myself (never looked) but they are getting more popular. This is the preferred way the /biz/ kids get into the alt-coin game I think.

go1dfish ago

/v/Bitcoin is willing to help anyone who needs an introduction to the wonderful world of cryptocurrency in whatever form.

Bitcoin is kind of expensive to send for typical donations amounts at the moment @puttitout you may want to setup ethereum/litecoin addresses as well to help mitigate this.




Other related subs:

ahab_with_piggyback ago

I have been a bit busy with work projects (construction and out of town work) but I want to add in that as spokesman but not yet mod of /v/Ethereum we totally stand behind Voat and with our brother subs in the cryptocurrency community. I am happy to devote any free time I have to making sure any Goats need help understanding this medium of exchange with Ether and also if you have any questions @puttitout I am happy to answer as best I can.

go1dfish ago

Been noticing and upvoting your contributions to /v/ethereum and glad to see more crypto interested Goats.

Do you have any ethereum wallet recommendations for linux?

ahab_with_piggyback ago

You are going to balk at this but linux is actually not a system that I use very much (I like Mac - I know some people are going to hate but it works for me). So that being said I am not familiar with linux based wallets.

Here is the latest in Ether wallets from an article that was written 3 weeks ago on the subject: https://themerkle.com/top-5-ethereum-wallets/ some of those might support linux. I just use the official one from the Ether project called MIST.

go1dfish ago

You'd be surprised. I don't just mod /v/apple my daily driver is a trash can Mac Pro.

That being the case, what's a good Mac wallet?

I recently set up an old box specifically for hardened cryptocurrency use: https://voat.co/v/Linux/1941568

ahab_with_piggyback ago

I forget you have your fingers in alot of pies to be honest with my new job and move I dont keep up on things like I should. Wallets I like primarily are MIST. Here is a quote from the article I mentioned that pretty much sums it all up.


In some cases, there is nothing better than using the official Ethereum wallet known as Mist. This particular solution has seen a lot of upgrades over the past few years, and can be trusted at all times. Mist is also a wallet client that supports multisignature addresses, which can be quite convenient for advanced users. It does require you to download the entire Ethereum blockchain, though, which can be a bit of an issue for people using computers with less free hard disk space. Overall, Mist is a convenient wallet that offers everything users would need.

go1dfish ago

Do you do anything with ethereum tokens and smart contracts or are you more of a holder?

As a mac user you might really like https://exodus.io it's my preferred wallet at the moment.

ahab_with_piggyback ago

Well full disclosure I have closed my position in Ether at the moment. I believe in the technology and still embrace the use of the coins I just don't hold any right now. I can't speak to smart contracts as I have not used them there was a huge fuss about one smart contract that went unresolved due to system problems and costing an exchange 14 million dollars to cover the damage. I plan to buy back into Ether soon and I will look at updating my system but I am sort of waiting for Ether mania to settle down right now.

go1dfish ago

Fair enough, I sold some today as well but still holding and back into BTC a bit in hopes that the scaling issues have finally been resolved.

I am worried that ether may be too hot right now and might take a dip if bitcoin regains its footing.

My biggest stake is actually in decred.


ahab_with_piggyback ago

I have never heard of decred... and to be fair if we're honest crypto currency is the future for sure. But, right now we are in a bubble so hard once speculation evaporates (like the dotcom crash). I think we will see a lower volitility and a better use for this medium of exchange. It's just too early to tell right now.

go1dfish ago

Totally, I'm convinced one or more cryptocurrencies will be as dominant as the dollar is now, but its a matter of how long it takes and which one(s) win.

The volatility is because the winner will be ridiculously valuable and the losers will go to near zero.

Decred is pretty low key right now, and my holdings are large because I got in on the initial airdrop and forgot about it. I put some ether gains into it as well though as I think it has solid potential.

Good devs, real problem and a good idea. And the problem they are solving (distributed governance) will allow for better development on other fronts as well I think (like privacy/fungibility)

ahab_with_piggyback ago

That was so well thoughtout and written, I honestly don't have any other response than I agree. I don't know much about Decred but to the rest of your points you are 100 percent on the money.

glugglug ago

I wouldn't trust Ethereum, at all. It's hyper-inflative by design, and was most likely created by big banks as a way to devalue the digital currency market so badly that it scares people away.


As far as I know the only part that's inflative "by design" is the mining DAG size, partly to motivate miners to eventually support switching to a different/better system. The problem being few (none?) of these cryptocurrencies can currently scale to the processing capacity needed for global credit card systems or stock trading. The solutions are in development, and ETH is basically ensuring there will be a somewhat gentle and consistent push to move on and not just flail indecisively like Bitcoin. It is a risk point, but I expect if the development doesn't go well there will be an alternative push to defuse/delay the time bomb instead.

Would love to hear the specifics about your concerns though!

draegspir ago

This is far from the truth! Please do some research (both OP and readers) on Ethereum to understand why it's such a big deal. In short, the Ethereum network is going to be the next internet that is completely decentralized. Imagine websites and app stores that the government CANNOT take down.

InfoTeddy ago

Any sources and/or arguments to back this up?

glugglug ago

As far as why it's hyper-inflative: Bitcoin is designed such that there are a finite number of bitcoins possible to mine, and as more are found the remaining ones become more computationally expensive to find. After that point if it becomes more popular, existing bitcoins need to be subdivided to make smaller transactions rather than decreasing the value of each country.

Ethereum, on the other hand, has an unlimited number of minable ethers, which don't get more computationally expensive as more are found. Since computing power follows Moore's law (doubling every 18 months), that means that even without more people actively trying to find new ethers, or hardware coming out optimized specifically to mine them, it will have a ~60% inflation rate. I know people think Moore's law is dead... They are wrong. Between AMD becoming competitive again and making Intel react, and the promise of memristive memory from HP and Samsung (which the specs of Intel's new 3D Xpoint suggest it might be using), it is back with a vengeance. In fact, if memristors live up to the HP announcements from 2012, we will be greatly exceeding that doubling every 18 months for the next decade or two.

As far as Ethereum being backed by banks: https://www.google.com/amp/amp.timeinc.net/fortune/2017/02/28/ethereum-jpmorgan-microsoft-alliance/%3Fsource%3Ddam

draegspir ago

Ethereum will have a finite cap once they switch from Proof-of-Work (the way Bitcoins are mined) to Proof-of-Stake, capping the number of coins to around 100 million. That is roughly x5 Bitcoin's total cap, but that will be a moot point since it will also end up as a deflationary asset.

Also, Ethereum is not only backed by banks, they are backed by many technology institutions as well such as Intel and Microsoft as seen on their main page. Many businesses running large in-house networks are seeing the upside of a blockchain-based network, and Ethereum seems to be the best model thus far. That's why even institutions such as banks are looking heavily into the technology because it saves them money.

Bitcoin is awesome and paved the road to blockchain technology, but I would also recommend you pay attention to Ethereum, because that may be the platform where the next truly decentralized Voat exists!

hels ago

I would prefer to mail puttitout $10 each month or $120 each year. Or maybe a bank transfer. I suppose I am just old school but I imagine it is easier for me to lose a few percent purchasing Swiss currency and mailing it to him or bank transfer to him rather than any crypto.

Pizzalawyer ago

I hear ya! What do you do when your only source of income is Social Security direct deposited into an old fashion bank account? I didnt understand 50% of the lingo that VOAT just used trying to explain this. It's kind of scary for us oldsters much as it was when paper currency was introduced as a substitute for coins - except I'm not that old!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hey @puttitout i hope you get raped and murdered for what you've done to speech here on voat. you're a 2-bit spez wannabe takeover shill for militant criminal sjws.

puttitout has:

  • removed CCP manually from multiple users' accounts after claiming they never mess with users' CCP

  • promised to not ban more users until clarifications on the bans were made transparent. never made clarifications; has banned hundreds of accounts since that promise.

  • manipulated the userbase in a witch hunt against a user, lied to the userbase about that user, and took punative action against many users, without basis or cause, simply to silence dissent.

  • coded censorship - - hard censorship - - into voat

  • supported and protected criminals

  • again, and i can't stress this enough: repeatedly lied to the userbase, and repeatedly got caught lying to the userbase

source: my lowest rated comment has all the sources.


megalist of censorship on voat: https://voat.co/v/whatever/1679838

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Me too

go1dfish ago

The only parts of crypto that have to be hard right now are the gateways to fiat because government demands it.

Once you have it, it's really quite simple and there are very easy use wallets now.

Securing large amounts can be more difficult, but most people wouldn't even attempt to store such large amounts of wealth in any other form on their own.

Cryptocurrency has the potential to be way more secure and easy to use than any other form of banking system currently known, but significant effort into making things easy to use hasn't happened until more recently.

hels ago

I entirely support your words. I have nothing to go against them but it sucked when my 1.08 bitcoins disappeared when instawallet went down.

Remember silkroad? Had 0.2 bitcoins in there too.

Those numbers are here and there but why trust crypto? I don't think you know that a government can completely censor or shut down the internet. I am curious why you think crypto is more secure and easy than any other form of banking system. Let's pretend that USA Walmart could not accept US currency in the United States. Tell me, what do you think would happen. So let's pretend that all any server that can be accessed in the world stopped processing bitcoin transactions.......

We know that internet is censored in a major country like China. We know that censorship is coming towards us, why crypto?

go1dfish ago

I went looking through old wallets the other day and saw a transaction of 10 BTC to MtGox, not sure what ever happened to that.

Almost everyone in early on the crypto space lost some, but almost everyone who stuck with it gained more than they lost as well.

I am curious why you think crypto is more secure and easy than any other form of banking system.

Because pretty much every banking system right now involves trust or shared secrets.

Clearest example:

You know your pin code, and you have to give the bank your pin code to authenticate yourself. This is not the case with cryptocurrency. Newer chipped/contactless payments also have similar features in this regard though as well as Apple Pay.

Beyond that, money in a bank always requires trusting that bank (or the US government in the case of FDIC insured deposits)

You can hold bitcoin without trusting anyone, and it is possible to transfer bitcoin to a completely unknown location, and even password protect/encrypt the private key. So you can get all the benefits of physical security with none of the downsides of internet access for coin you want to store long term, and this is what exchanges do with cold storage.

So let's pretend that all any server that can be accessed in the world stopped processing bitcoin transactions.......

Not sure what you mean by this, these servers are distributed they could be censored like china does but that censorship could be routed around through encryption like people currently route through the chinese firewall.

In a doomsday mass EMP event or something yes bitcoin becomes rather useless until communications are restored and there isn't a good way around that. Precious metals still have a place for that sort of doomsday scenario.

hels ago

Thank you for the response. It is why I love VOAT people can ask questions and get well thought-out explanations. I had fun on the dogecoin bandwagon when it hit it's peak but we all know what has happened now. So I have one other question for you, do you think bitcoin will be around as long as the internet is alive?

I agree completely that precious metals will always regain their value. After an EMP your gold is worth close to shit but as we regain power and revive into a normal society again it will continually increase in value. I really want to believe in something anonymous but I would put pretty good money on anyone who has over 100 bitcoins and lives in America, the Government knows who they are.

go1dfish ago

So I have one other question for you, do you think bitcoin will be around as long as the internet is alive?

This is an interesting question, I say it's very likely that it will be barring some catastrophic vulnerability that causes the whole thing to fail. Quantum computing is the most likely vector of this sort of doomsday IMO.

The bitcoin blockchain would at a minimum still be interesting as a museum piece for being the first if nothing else.

hels ago

I used bing and this is the first thing that came up when I searched 'Quantum Computing" (I had no clue what it is and am still confused) Quantum computing studies theoretical computation systems that make direct use of quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. Quantum computers are different from binary digital electronic computers based on transistors. Whereas common digital computing requires that the data be encoded into binary digits, each of which is always in one of two definite states, quantum computation uses quantum bits, which can be in superpositions of states. A quantum Turing machine is a theoretical model of such a computer, and is also known as the universal quantum computer. The field of quantum computing was initiated by the work of Paul Benioff and Yuri Manin in 1980, Richard Feynman in 1982, and David Deutsch in 1985. A quantum computer with spins as quantum bits was also formulated for use as a quantum space–time in 1968.

The funny thing is, I don't believe bitcoin would ever be in a museum. 1984 is mentioned time and time again. Why would the government allow museums to remember something so free?

I hate the pessimistic side of me. My instawallet bitcoin + .08 was lost, dogecoin never prospered, so why trust again? Sure, I should have held the bitcoin+ in something offline. I know that now. I was naive then and now non-trusting. I want to be proved wrong, I want crypto currency to beat the government and globalism. I just have a difficult time believing it will.

Again, I thank you for your thoughts as that is all I ask.

go1dfish ago

I want crypto currency to beat the government and globalism. I just have a difficult time believing it will.

I can understand this being a general pessimist myself.

It doesn't seem like there is any better approach, government is violence.

Cryptography is one thing that is resistant to violence, that seems very strong to me.

Dollars will absolutely go down in value, it's just a matter of by how much.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

We should point out that all non-cash fiat transactions also rely on the internet. In the doomsday scenario you described, the funds in your bank account would also be inaccessible.

Soundguy21 ago

You mean brass and lead ?

go1dfish ago

Yeah I'd imagine brass and lead appreciate quite a bit in that doomsday scenario.

Trippin0ut ago

Stoked to hear about the progression. Hopefully sometime soon Voat will no longer have funding worries, i kind of like this place.

SonOfRobin ago

WhooHoo. The little website that could just did.

DrPenguin ago

Thanks Putt. We all appreciate your hard work. Thanks for working so hard for free speech

DrSelfAppointed ago

Happy anal-versary, congrats on your 3 year rise to power.

ApprenticeShitposter ago

Heil Putt!

Wuttier ago


ExpertShitposter ago

Fuck you!

ApprenticeShitposter ago

I'm trying to learn from the expert, but he has some issues...

ExpertShitposter ago

I apologize.

ApprenticeShitposter ago

Your oediplile complex is showing...

ExpertShitposter ago

Fuck you.

PuttItOut ago

This guy knows! He has been here since forever.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

look everyone! puttitout's having a joke with a real 1.4 day old account! it couldn't possibly be a setup!

Obergruppenkraken ago

Stop replying to yourself putt.

ApprenticeShitposter ago

Shhh...I'm pretending to be a newbie.