stretched_girl ago

I think it would be a wonderful idea to prevent any user with less than three months on voat from upvoting any comments/submissions made by another user with less than three months on voat.

It's still too easy for amalekish cancer to spread.


oiseaulibre ago

-new accounts and accounts with low ccp are more limited than this, and for an unknown period of time, are forced to use google to use voat - a major privacy breach.

-all accounts must allow google to sign up for voat - a major privacy breach.

What do you mean by "forced to use google to use voat" and "all accounts must allow google to sign up for voat"?

Talc ago

I think he's talking about capcha. To use voat you have to unblock google, or your posts are rejected for failing to complete the capcha that google tried and failed to send. I'm using a completely separate virtual machine for voat, for exactly this reason.

oiseaulibre ago

Ahh makes sense.

rusty_-_shackleford ago

Lol, I've just seen all your "Adolf Puttler" posts as well.
As in:

Everyone I disagree with is literally Hitler

As in:

Page 1 of the SJW handbook

Let your mask slip a little there?
I can't believe you're still claiming any kind of credibility at all.

CrudOMatic ago

-the amount you can post in a sub is limited per hour, besides in subs you mod.

Oh noes, muh rate is limited - CENSORSHIP!!!!11!!1!1 Rate limiting is not censorship, it's to keep the site from getting overwhelmed with traffic (imagine I make a bot that makes 4 posts per second - I could bring the site to a crawl if not make it 503). Not rocket science, sanegoat - though simple techniques to make sure the site is usable IS ALWAYS A FUCKING CONSPIRACY.

-the amount you can post in a sub is limited per 24 hours, besides in subs you mod.

Yes, lets let one autist dominate a sub because REASONS. Which is funny, because the post limit is by the hour, not by the day - and I only hit that hourly limit ONCE in my entire time on the site, in /v/music

-you can only post once every 60(30) seconds, site wide.


-you can only downvoat comments up to the amount you've upvoated comments

Makes sense - it keeps people from setting up brigade accounts that just rain downgoats all day. If it really bugs you, then, i dunno, TRY FUCKING UPGOATING SOME SHIT. Besides, aren't you the guy who constantly cries about downgoats being censorship? A little hypocritical to be whining about not having unlimited downgoats.

-in a 24 hour period, you can only voat 1/2 as much as you have ccp total

No poz-brigading either. Up your CCP.

-you cannot downvoat anyone's comments nor posts that are older than 7 days.


-you can only comment (and edit) every 30(15) seconds


-new accounts and accounts with low ccp are more limited than this,


and for an unknown period of time, are forced to use google to use voat - a major privacy breach.

I don't even know where to begin with this one. I can't figure out wtf is bouncing around in your dope-addled brain when you say people are "forced to use google to use voat" other than you're a fucking liar. How are users "forced to use google to use voat", sane? How does this happen, how does this work, WTF do you mean?!

-all accounts must allow google to sign up for voat - a major privacy breach.

Are you talking about invite-only mode or something? I highly doubt that Voat is forcing you to get a gmail account to sign up.

-you are not allowed to access voat past page 19 through voat, besides your own comment history to page 99.

This has been explained to you ad nauseam, if you put a ridiculously high number in the page argument in the url, you can DoS the fucking database server. So they capped it at 20. HOW IN THE HIGH HOLY BLAZING HELL is it censorship? Censorship is keeping YOU from speaking, you gibbering shitgibbon. How is not being able to go through someone's entire history keeping you from speaking?!

-past 3 months, voat pages are now archived and you are not allowed to comment nor voat on them.

Archival is an easy concept to understand - why should the admins allow people to create new DB records for old dead shit? Space, son - it ain't cheap.

-you are not allowed to participate meaningfully in consensus building the direction of voat, like you used to before the admin switch 7 months ago.

Another one that I can't figure out. What do you mean by "consensus building"? That you can't dominate subs with a narrative or something?

-you will be harassed, attacked, and defamed, and downvoat brigaded before posts even show up in v/all/new if you attempt to bring any of this up. any of it. on this whole page.

Are you talking about the fuckwits who used bots to abuse a bug and downgoat everyone's posts about a month ago? If not, has it occured to you that you might be getting downgoated because people are tired of your chicken-little bullshit and walls of text/giant headings to grab attention like a Munchausen moron for your VAST CONSPIRACY that the site isn't built for you to dominate, abuse and DoS?

-accounts with -ccp are serverely restricted,

As they should be. If you aren't bringing meaningful contributions and are just here to throw shit, the community gets to bomb you. Still hangry that you can't brigade with socks I see. The CCP system is Voat's immune system, and as we tell all the whiners who want it to be removed - it is the ONLY thing that has kept Voat from being turned into Reddit. SRS has tried to set up shop here at least 7 times that I know of - and the only reason they got no traction is because of the CCP system. You want it removed so you can brigade, plain and simple.

The funny thing is, if you were to stop being a fucking shit flinging autist, you would have positive CCP and would be able to post/comment and up/down vote as much as you like. I've personally never hit the ceiling on my vote limits except for when my account was new, so I don't see why you're whining about those limits... unless, once again, you want to brigade.

-if you are caught in a mystical trap of unknown measure, defined by a secret cabal of secret devs,

Meaningless conspiratard gibbering. Voat is open-source, anyone can contribute. What, do you think it should be closed-source? What exactly do you mean by "secret devs"? That since it is open-source, then you don't know who the devs are because they, like you, enjoy relative anonymity?

You can tell that you understand jack & dick about programming, systems & development to think the bulk of what you're complaining about is a vast conspiracy to censor you, or anyone else for that matter.

-and even upvote ONE post in a way they secretly construe as being party to a brigade, you will be banned without warning, without ability to appeal. This is not coded into voat, it's done manually by secret tribunal of shills named failure, disappointed, fuzzywords, and puttitout (to name a few.)

That plainly has never happened, either that, or you participated in a brigade and got busted for it. Call the fucking WAAAAAHMBULANCE. Also "secret cabal" is so fucking secret that you know who they are... and one of them OWNS THE FUCKING SITE. Jesus fucking Christ sane, you're killing me with this shit.

On no, they can ban spammers and harassers! CENSORSHIP REARS ITS UGLY HEAD AGAIN!!!!11!!1!1 Not to mention that it's so fucking secret THAT THERE IS A PUBLIC LINK TO VIEW IT.

-if you are caught protecting others' ability to speak on the same account, you will be banned for it, while those abusers silencing users are protected by the administration of voat.

Are you sure you weren't brigading or fucking with people, sane? If I owned the site, I'd definitely ban your ass for coming at me constantly, accusing me of all manner of bullshit, and pingflooding my fucking inbox. The people who own this site don't have to put up with anyone's bullshit. It seems that you think free speech is autistic screeching and harassing motherfuckers.

furthermore, they have strict code already in place, just turned off that limits you to just 10 downvoats on another account per rolling 30 minute window. not turned on yet


TLDR: there is MASSIVE censorship on voat, but it's been a slower slippery slope than on reddit, in the hopes that YOU wouldn't notice.

No one else notices because they don't engage in abusive behavior and don't exploit bugs in the site or game the system like you do.

Cantilever ago

Excellent rebuttal

Pizzalurker15 ago

Thank you for explaining that to me. I know nothing about code so until you explained i was worried.

stretched_girl ago

We need an Amalek/Antiracist control agency. Sort of like animal control, but one which always takes the animal to a kill shelter.

AristotleCLONE ago

No, we need a 5mil thick lawn trash bag and a pr. of cement shoes to affix to your, person, by which you know what happens from there ... either that, or allow the Indians to order you to go the fuck back where you came from before your Caucasoid ancestors helped to steal Indians' country.

stretched_girl ago

You're really grasping at straws. My mother was born in Northern Ireland. By male parent's parents immigrated from Sweden and Denmark.

Have another downvote.

AristotleCLONE ago

Your downvoats mean, nothing, in the face of the truth and the fact that you have rights to nothing in this country. Just like me.

Yep we have only the right/the responsibility to make good on repairing the evil and destruction our Caucasoid ancestors launched ... when they stole this land from Indians, and when they stole negros from their own land ---as it has all culminated into today's 'good life' me and you get to live as Caucasoids who inherited the USA fruits of their wicked evils.

stretched_girl ago

That's not censorship, it's asshole control. So that you, specifically, can't manipulate votes as easily.

Yes, I admit it. It is a conspiracy against you and almost everyone is in on it.

AristotleCLONE ago

No, it's not called asshole control. It's called sissified cowards can't handle the, truth, so they abuse their authority via voat's peculiar censorship tools.

Plus, the t/s forgot to include how individual thinking is not allowed here on voat. Only group thinking is allowed, therefore if some "free" thinker arises ... voat's fascists get to bombard his acct with downvoats until his CCP is < -100 which allows that voat feature to kick in/free thinker's posting privileges become limited to 3 posts per day.

Yes, voat is easily the most anti-(free speech) website, today.

Cantilever ago

I've also noticed this site's users corralling us into and toward the extreme right. I'm conservative but I don't have a problem with Muslims, but every time I say something that goes against the Muslim-hating groupthink, I get lampooned.

So I do agree with you that the restrictions that limit unpopular speech encourages groupthink.

I think the intent of the restriction for spam control is well intentioned, but it should be refined so the hive mind can't censor unpopular opinions.

Thanks for campaigning so hard on this. Because of the groupthink, I thought you were crazy and deserved it until you explained it the way you did here

AristotleCLONE ago

Impeccable post. SIr, I will remember you in the future here as you are like a rose growing up thru the concrete.

stretched_girl ago

Awww, amalek, did we hurt your feelings? You should have listened long ago when I mentioned that you were turning your message into spam, thereby cheapening it and turning users against you.

You now reap the whirlwind.

edit: Have another downvote.

AristotleCLONE ago

did we hurt your feelings?

You extremelySTUPID Dungpile, that is not possible.

If it were possible, then I would not proudly have such an impeccable CCP score here. Yes a CCP score which jumps out at every reader as, proof, that I am the sole voat member who gets to enjoy the life of 'free thinker' among multitudes of Alt-Right Dungpile.


If you had the ability to hurt my, feelings, then I would have long closed my acct by now and ran away from voat many many moons ago weeping like a lil' soft bïtch.

You should have listened long ago when I mentioned that you were turning your message into spam

I have listened. And I also have no control over your hallucinations.

You now reap the whirlwind.

Yes I am glad you are keen enough to notice that. As I do in fact reap the whirlwinds of, pleasure, each time I see another downvoat/proof that I hath ripped the heart out of yet another of you behemoth bigots who epitomize the reason why 85% of all humans now hate our great nation.

stretched_girl ago


AristotleCLONE ago

I ❤️ you too!!

SelfReferenceParadox ago

>reposting this hard