jewsbadnews ago

Sorry, Pepsi already bought it.

DietCokehead1 ago

shut up, nigger.

leahbettsisdead ago

I love goats, but they are certainly rejects of the baryard... and they eat everything regardless of nutrition.

Don't be dumb. As you have eluded to, studies between the milks have been made and there is a scientific basis to the difference in flavors. If the consuner preferred goat milk, it would be on the fucking shelf in the market.

This is the only social media platform I have participated in. The closest other would be an xbox live account of the same name. I still pay to maintain account... but havent owned and xbox in close to a decade.... so I ain't got no place else to go.

How about milk is the foundation for so many flavorful things.

Quick recipie: Milk Sugar Salt

Put in ice cream maker. Cow milk ice cream... call it sweet cream, call it vanilla.... I'll call it delicious.

Got eat some goat cream.

leahbettsisdead ago

Did not say anything about what I let them do? I mentioned what they preferred to do.

Not opinions. Fact: cow meat rated as better meat than goat. Fact: less people enjoy the taste of goat milk. Fact: a greater number of cheeses are made with cow milk.

Your opinion is hinges soley on nutritional value and efficient production. We could eat Solent Green if thats all food was. Flavor is soul. Take away the soul and you simply livestock.

leahbettsisdead ago

Do not confuse effient production with usefulness.

Goat milk is less palatable in flavour and more limited in secondary uses in comparison to cows milk. Cheeses, for example, are more varried in type and flavor from a cow.

It is not my concern others did not drink enough milk through adolescence and their body is too weak to stomach the lactose. A well balanced diet compinsates for the lacking nutients so I may enjoy a more delicate flavor.

Do I even need to compare goat stew or curry to a porterhouse or ribeye. A fucking prime rib nigga. Filet mignon son. The infinitely usefull ground meat.

Just fucking stop with "muslims eat and fuck goats so, yeah its good stuff" bullshit.

Every goat I ever had would rather eat from the garbage can than foraging.

JuiceTown ago

I'd be happy to sell you this account for $1 per SCP

pm me

cointelpro_shill ago

well, you do have a way with words

leahbettsisdead ago

Lots of animals have hooves.

Cows for example.

They don't eat garbage and have better milk and meat.

cointelpro_shill ago

why would anybody do that

Lobotomy ago

You know, the least they could do is actually put forth some effort.

cointelpro_shill ago

i find that suspicious

cointelpro_shill ago

not if you only post links

MadWorld ago

We could get that money, donate to voat, and then expose them the skunk everywhere :).

ShittyAdvice ago


Precipitate ago

Fuck you kikes, I'll take 500.

Disappointed ago

@kevdude @Crensch if you missed this.

junesunflower ago

Sombody is fuckng with you and you believe it

gazillions ago

Best part of Voat.

Lobotomy ago

Truly. As I mentioned in more detail elsewhere in here, we eat our own on a psychological level, for fun. What they get paid to do, we made a game out of and a mastery of, in 2004 on Old /b/ and /i/. Right now, they're playing catch-up, and these are people who don't have any fucking self awareness. I think we're pretty safe for a while.

Shareblue/CTR may have some real talent at the top, but on the ground level, it's a bunch of betamale virgins, and it fucks the whole operation up.

jewsbadnews ago

They are sloppy, even the top people in government and these globalist jews are fucking stupid, book smart, but stupid.

NeedleStack ago

Guardbuddy ago

Is sanegoatiswear still jerking himself off in there?

user2033 ago

I already know a shill is a shill long before I ever look at their account age or CCP. Those are secondary confirmations. Anyone who isn't sure, go to /pol/ and train for a while. Your senses will develop with time.

The ones I see here are pretty crap though. No subtlety.

oftotc ago

Although this could easily be fake, thanks a ton for calling it out. Even if some dufus got all wet at our responses, folks need to to man the perimeter and Needlestack's always got dibs on the 50-cal ;-)

HitlerIsBlack ago

This obvious shilling is a shill tactic, they want to fool you into believing that all of their shilling is obvious and you can always spot them. The real ShareBlue cunts are blending in, posting the "hey faggots, looks at these dumb niggers" posts and posting stuff that discredits opposing viewpoints, like, in order to associate free speech with extreme racism, that is one example.

Lobotomy ago

The real ShareBlue cunts are blending in, posting the "hey faggots, looks at these dumb niggers" posts and posting stuff that discredits opposing viewpoints, like, in order to associate free speech with extreme racism, that is one example.

"They call themselves Anonymous, they are Hackers on Steroids!" cue C4 van

Not ringing any bells? I guess I'll just say it; What you're suggesting doesn't work.

CTR already tried the exact tactic you mentioned during the election, and it was so forced and unnatural that they were rooted out immediately. That's the thing about the Moral Outrage route. In no other case is the Law of Diminishing Returns more real. They can try their damndest to "nigger" this, and "faggot" that, in order to paint us in the image of "old school republican bigot big dumb meanie head". That's fine, let them, for they must have forgotten that this tactic was used, ad nauseum, in 2016, and last I fuckin checked, you can only trick most people the same way once. Truly, these are the typical tricks of a one Schlomo Shekelstein. You can tell, because of how rarely they learn lessons.

Bfwilley ago

They are not a real bright group, paid shills or true believers drunk on the Ctrl Left Cool Aid.

Remember there is nothing, NOTHING as fascist as a liberal.

HitlerIsBlack ago

This obvious shilling is a shill tactic, they want to fool you into believing that all of their shilling is obvious and you can always spot them. They real ShareBlue cunts are blending in, posting the "hey faggots, looks at these dumb niggers" posts

leahbettsisdead ago

Ummm.. I missed the evidence of "SB" being for sherries blue berries... and the the link being a direct link.

Also, I could create an alternate email and voat account too.... if I was a fag. Stop messaging yourself.

Voat is so inconsequential of a user base that you aren't fooling anyone with your charades. The imaginary boiler plate message is too obvious.

People doing shady things typically do not spell out their evil plan like some cheesy villain in a movie.

I want to buy your account. Hmu if interested.

That's what a geniune message about wanting to buy your account would look like you lying fag.


It worked for them on Reddit, they bought, connived or back doored their way in to every group that regularly makes the front page, there, with the eager help of the admins of course. The shift on /r/politics as they seized the moderator positions and turned it into a "I'm with Her!!!" talking point echo chamber was one of the most marked and sickening turns I've ever seen in an online forum.

MagicalCentaurBeans ago

fuckin' facepalmin' my fuckin' face off over here. none of that evidence is conclusive you hack fraud.

Trash_Panda ago

Nah even when you come out and explain it to them with documentation they just say "well...ok THIS one was fake but all the other ones are real"

Tzitzimitl ago

oh wow, i totally didnt expect henrycorp to be a shareblue faggot /s

Alois_sticklgruber ago

cough Umm how much we talkin, 50$ or like 1k$? Im asking for a friend?

Chiefpacman ago

Are you sure it's not the same guy who jokingly did this same thing when he wanted to buy 'troll's' account?

Or something similar. Not saying I'm sure, just thats its about as likely as him being from shareblue. Some pretty much just like the reaction.

NeedleStack ago

I don't know about that story. Oh boy.

Chiefpacman ago

I didn't notice it either but heard that a user made an inquiry to troll, troll and made a post. Voat freaked out. Then the guy (who was posing as shareblue) came back on his main account and pointed out a post where he said he was going to prank troll and pretend to be shareblue.

Could just be folk lore though. @troll any truth to it? I think he said he made it to you

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Use his email to solicit gay sex ads on backpage

Spaceballs-1 ago

TFW no one ever offers me money for my account. :(

BeHereNow ago

You are the biggest failure of a prostitute ever.

Spaceballs-1 ago


MillstoneNecklace ago

Will happily sell this account for 1,000 bit coin.

Just saying.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Too bad I missed him. I doubt he'd pay as much as my deep state employer but it wouldn't have hurt to compare.

Pawn ago

Asking price is 13 million. Plus a ferari. One hot beech. oh and Israeli citizenship so they can get some GOY DIVERSITY.

Grifter42 ago

Can the citizenship be given to a sand nigger?

I'd like to see Israel get a taste of it's own sand nigger rapefugee crisis medicine.

Pawn ago

If enough niggers hear about the gibs, all of africa will descend on them.

Pawn ago

He should contant puttiout for more details on buying aged accounts. Putt has tons of umbrellas this dude can use to sodomize himself. Red ones green ones purple ones.

Mad_Dog91 ago

Haha!! Nice find

1hump4treefidy ago

Need someone to take care of shareblue.

Ywis ago

JohnCStevenson DM me. I need cash !

DietCokehead1 ago

If anyone offers to buy your account, just say "shut up, nigger." and then ignore them.

Goathole ago

Hey John! My account is for sale anytime you want to buy it buddy.

I'll just make a new one.

All in all, I'd say it's worth $1,500. It's not like the little faggots here don't call me shareblue once a week anyway.....

ankakot ago

Good catch. Fuck shills.

Phoneaccount1 ago

Links directly to Shareblue... This kinds shit is surely around but this is likely a troll.

MrPim ago

I find it funny. None of them Ever ask for my acct.Im old voat, i have CCP to kill a man. But they Never ask me, they know they cant and a f they did everyone would know thats not Pim. Pim is always Pim and you cant buy Pim.

nigger_plz ago

I guess you do. 20k ain't chopped liver.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I feel more stupid for having clicked on this post (though I did give you an upvote for a conversation worth having).

Dude. You post some good content. This isn't among it. Who cares if shills are among us or accounts are being bought?

Just keep talking. They can't win. Stop being so paranoid obsessive. Deal with speech as speech and with speech. The rest takes care of itself.

The only issue that matters is vote manipulation.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Alas, paranoid nuts seem a permanent feature of the landscape around here.

It makes for some shit conversations but also some easy debate wins.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I just cannot understand why people don't realize they are creating an anti-reddit as opposed to a free speech platform. It is frustrating. But clearly I have nothing better to do...

Joe_McCarthy ago

It is frustrating. But in their own way I find all of these discussion platforms frustrating. For various reasons they're still usually better than talking to people face to face though in my opinion.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

lol, what a fucking dipshit. next time, take his money and burn the account

gazillions ago

Haha. He wants to buy an account from "someone who has influence on Voat".

Typical lefty expecting sheep at a goat pen. Tsk tsk.

Lobotomy ago

The funniest part? They don't understand the culture of Voat and the *Chans. They think that we don't eat our own for the fun of it. We are so fucking hardened to the kind of shit that they pull, because we've used those tactics on ourselves for the past decade and change. We, as a whole, and on the individual level, are entirely fucking unaffected by their tactics. We do what they try to do, for fun, on a MUCH larger scale, and a trillion times better. This is what a lot of us live for, and seeing David Brock's pet project flounder to emulate even the tiniest scintilla of our success, is like watching a puppy try to copy your behavior. It's positively adorable.

They could dump billions into Shareblue, and it will remain exactly as unsuccessful as it is right now.

This is why I'm okay with Shariablue being around for the shilling. This is why you'll never see me call someone a shill. It's completely pointless to 'name the Jew' when the Jew in question is about as threatening as a sunset. You can't subvert the subversive when they're better than you at subverting. If Machiavelli's The Prince should teach you anything, make it that.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Typical lefty expecting sheep at a goat pen.

I like this a lot....

TrueAmerican ago

Starting a while ago, we've created multiple Voat accounts at irregular intervals and have been making comments that meet certain characteristics that are typically 'upvoated' by other users. We have been building up the CCP on these accounts. Soon, these accounts will enter a new 'phase' of their purpose.. to start leftist brigading here on Voat, disguised as actual Voat users. This is going to create division among the userbase and prevent them from acting as one, thereby minimizing their influence and impact on the real world.

gazillions ago

Jahaha! That's pretty funny!

NeoGoat ago

You are actually incriminating "your" account & sharing plans? Why?

JohnCStevenson ago

You seem upset. Would you like me to treat you to some pizza? :)

rail606 ago

Jesus would call you a weed. I wouldn't worry til harvest time though.

leahbettsisdead ago

Haha... pefect analogy. Voat is a pen for the rejects. Hoping they don't get out and eat the garbage.

Trumpocrat2020 ago

You cant pen a goat against it's will. Anyone who's owned one will tell you that.

Best case is to convince them they'd rather not escape.

leahbettsisdead ago

Precisely the continuation this conversation needed a week afyer it ended.

Trumpocrat2020 ago

:: D

Knights_of_the_14 ago

We're not reddit either, I barely remember any account names; maybe a few moderators. The few that do have some recognition for posting particular content are not the people to just go knife people in the back. Does Shareblue have any idea how people work outside of the drone like nature of reddit... smhtbqhfam

AOU ago

If these retards were smart they would know trying to corrupt loyal well known accounts is a complete waste of time.

So_lost ago

I thought about doing this. Just so I can have concrete evidence of a shill in action then i thought better of it. Why make it easier for them?

HashTagFU ago

I'd sell one of my older accounts for money, as long as it was enough. I'd then come back with proof of the sale and call the fucker out on it.

somefuckingguy15 ago

They would make you sign an NDA on it.

HashTagFU ago

OK I'd come back with a strong suggestion that that's what happened using a spoofed MAC and a Starbucks wifi.

somefuckingguy15 ago

Could work, i wouldn't bother though. They are just adding names to the list. Good way to get your real name out would be to sign a contract with the devil.

baneofretail ago

Nobody knows the real name of Rusty Shakelford

Apathy ago

Well I personally look up to Hecho and that other H guy who bans everyone. Primo accounts, ripe for the picking, if someone were to offer the right price.

jsac ago

you could have drawn him out just a little to see what the payment would be and/or any other useful info to use against them.

NeedleStack ago

I believe they are absolutely that sloppy and transparent. Edit: The proof is in the posting. He posted both posts.

Trash_Panda ago

No it's definitely a troll. I'm probably going to employ this tactic in the future and then watch Voat melt down over my post. It'll be all over the front page, I promise. I've done it before, shit's hilarious. Low effort high reward.

NeedleStack ago

If he were trolling I think he'd keep the first post up as a badge of trolldom. I think he's for real (which is especially sad).

Trash_Panda ago

Or maybe he saw someone announce that they archived it "in case OP tries to remove the evidence" so he deleted it to watch everyone go "HAH! I TOLD YOU! IT'S REAL GUYS!"

This shit is comedy gold. It's really easy to fuck with paranoid people dude.

Dkeere ago

You're getting downvotes, but you're absolutely right.

Trash_Panda ago

Lmao I know man I do this every couple months. Everyone gets so butt-hurt about it.

NeedleStack ago

I thought you were overthinking it but I didn't downvoat you.