NorwegianBlackMetal ago

Shut up faggot nigger.

smifft ago

@JohnCStevenson Eat shit and die Shariablue fag.

MarkTheNerd ago

Fuck you.

Redditsdead ago

We don't want your growth.

Shorts3600 ago

Congratulations! You have upgraded from ShareBlue Faggot to Whining ShareBlue Faggot.

MCVoat ago

ayyyy lmao

SaneGoatiSwear ago

neither are you, confirmed shill.

hats_ ago

madmardigan ago

Yes Trump is a bad man. He already put millions of blacks, Jews, and Muslims in concentration camps. He has also started a nuclear war with North Korea and China. He made an executive order for prima nocture for himself. You are completely correct Trump is clearly a madman.

gazillions ago

They're scraping the bottom of the barrel for employees.

"I only came to lecture you on my own free time"

0011011000111001 ago

How much would you buy my account for faggot?

TheUltimateQuakerII ago

Fedora tipped for you sir, considering how your plan is to farm downvotes.

Cheesebooger ago

Jews and left-winged nuts everywhere. EVERYWHERE!!

pixelperfect1 ago

Voat does not censor opinions like you are saying it does. Look at this post as an example. You are being down voted and everyone hates you, BUT the post will not get deleted so long as it isn't breaking other rules such as spam, etc. You can say what you want on this site and voat how you want to. I have to agree that you look like a shill faggot. Please stop preaching how others on here should be thinking.

wgtt911 ago

I wonder how these Shill will react when they have to get out of the basement and get real jobs....

heroinwinsagain ago

fuck growth. this isnt wallstreet. this isnt some fake ass, always going up, line graph. fuck you and your mother.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

People are saying that I'm a homosexual rapist of children, but this is not true at all. I'm simply trying to combat the mass non-child-raping hysteria that is present on this website, and occasionally I post links from NAMBLA. I feel that Voat has the potential for growth, but it needs a balance of ideas instead of mindlessly rallying behind non-child-rapists every word.

You seem like a trustworthy subreddit, so could you put in a good word with this website's administrator? Thank you.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago


You aren't welcome here.

smackdownfletch ago

Thanks for the laugh, moron!

noobftw ago

Bravo on your epic troll. these retards are falling for it

junesunflower ago

Come join us. We all float down here.

brandon816 ago

You know, they say that a major sign of schizophrenia is having full conversations with yourself. You might want to get yourself looked at by a proper psychiatrist.

OctoberDew ago

I would post more but I see there is already enough stupid in this thread.

MarchMelodies ago

Is that the new hire?

SeptemberVirgin ago

Yes, but he isn't working out. He already gave away his affiliation with us.

OctoberDew ago

That's too bad. He seemed like a nice guys.

DecemberSnowflake ago

Be quiet people. They can hear us.

ditch-digger ago

Your naming algorithm is gay.

DecemberSnowflake ago

and you know gay

SeptemberVirgin ago

getting your penis hard is it? shut up gayboi

AOU ago


MrRain ago

Fuck off Kike the balance here is people seeing and pursuing the truth and this is why people reject you.

ShareBlue shills by buying accounts and falsefying facts and trying to legitimize main stream media which is about as credible as Hillary Clinton being innocent. Bitch this aint reddit and we aint faggots trying to please you. You keep spreading the shareblue links and you wonder why people hate your fucking guts cuntwaffle? We criticize whoever we feel needs to be criticized that means Trump as well. You are shareblue and this is plain to see you tried to buy an account for your organization then you tried manipulating people into buying into your shit which we dont because to make it here you need some degree of intelect and not asking PLZ UPVOTE ME AND PUT IN A GOOD WORD FOR ME.

Fuck off to reddit cunt. We aint time for you here whore.

lanre ago

”You seem like a trustworthy subreddit, so could you put in a good word with this website's administrator? Thank you.”

What retard writes this stuff for you. He should be fired.

gummyboar ago

Cant tell if this is a troll or a really stupid shill. Either way fuck off

kestrel9 ago

Here's some balance of truth:

"David Brock has recently come under fire amid revelations that his new organization, Shareblue, has improper ties to the Chinese government, organizations in the City of London, Mexico, Israel and multiple Middle Eastern states."

ArcherMcTaco ago

Are you feeling triggered? Do you nees a safe space? Is it not enought that your garbage company you work for is shitting up 4chan, reddit and trying to shit up 8chan too? Are you even trying to win hearts and minds or give the appearance while everyone tells you what garbage you are. Fuck off snowflake. You begged plebbit to be your bitch, shill posted there till all the real users got sick of your shit and left. Now you expect to come to the place we went to get away from turds like youand shit this place up too? Drink bleach and get raped. Not necessarily in that order. If what I said just triggered you, congrats you failed the litmus test that you belong here. Now go to your safespace, the rest of us goats just wanna roam freely

Plague1 ago

You should kill yourself.

HungryCrow ago

He told me he's hard for streetshitters.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

@kevdude well? Which is it?

obvious-throwaway- ago

NIGGER please

Kal ago

I welcome the owners of this place to treat me like the cunts that they are. Still curious what it is, yes.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Well we could all start downvoating you so you can find out. But that's not a true goats way.

Essentially if you have a certain negative number of ccs you can't go in the chat room and can only comment so many times an hour or something like that. I'm sure someone has a link to the official increments.

Kal ago

Please don't take away my internet points!

gazillions ago

It's easy to avoid. Don't troll in dickish ways.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

I'm so conflicted right now.... blue or purple... BLUE OR PURPLE!

worthlesshope ago

To me it's the opposite. Every time I read an anti-Trump message it sounds like it's coming from an idiot. It's a pure cult-like attitude to hate Trump and I find it absurd. There is no reasonable argument to hate him so much.

I don't mindlessly follow anyone, in fact I put an excessive amount of thought behind it. I constantly question "Is Trump a bad person?" and every time the answer I come up with is No.

Kal ago

Where can I get it? I want it.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Subreddit huh. I think your on the wrong site. Does your mommy know where you are? Stupid fuck can't even proof read your shit before posting. Go back home your swimming against the tide here.

beren ago

What you are witnessing in our society today is a direct reaction to the hysteria on the left. If you are upset that Trump is president, then look in the mirror.

If you ask anyone who is not invested in either side of this ridiculous high school drama "us vs them" nonsense, they will all tell you that the main reason Trump got elected is because the left cheated to make sure that the literally worst candidate in the history of our electoral process was their nominee.

If you are upset about anything in our society today, look in the fucking mirror asshole.

Oh yeah, and go fuck yourself.

Reggie000 ago

Holy shit I wish this was a troll.

MagicalCentaurBeans ago

mfw johncstevenson is a needlestack alt and this is just a shameless attempt to reap karma and popularity.

TH3_1D10T ago


Fuck you. It's subverse.

And we do have a balance of ideas, you just have to get past the assholes here.

optionalfrank ago

Bad move, you missed this:

You seem like a trustworthy subreddit,

BobBelcher ago

This has to be a troll. No actual shareblue shill would be this incompetent.

heatercat ago

Why in the fucking hell must you people parasitise and coopt every single goddamn place on the internet? Every good thing you infiltrate and seek to censor into a leftist echo chamber and then you repeat ad nauseum and you wonder why we despise you? You are cancerous growths on the asshole of society and it's all the worse knowing this shill is probably a minimum wage deeply indebted 22 year old who just parrots what his professors told him and doesn't care about the damage he is causing. In short, fuck yourself forever. Want to redeem yourself? Take some photos of the employees making real money inside sb headquarters

heatercat ago

Dude share blue probably pays about 10/hr. You are not going to get the best

brandon816 ago

Keep in mind that some of their work is done through encouraged "volunteer work". In that case, they get paid less than minimum wage on average. Imagine your average McDonald's worker, then divide that attentiveness and energy level by two.

Nihilist ago

This dude is a shill. I'm certain this shit discredits actual liberal voices on voat. Fuck this/these person(s)

You're the reason everyone here calls me a shill. Gtfo with your neoliberal propraganda.

RumpRangerRick ago

Fuck off, nigger.

TimberWolfAlpha ago


Delet yourself

goatsandbros ago

Eat a dick.

pessimisticsteel ago

Eat shit and Die

hey_girls_pm_me_toes ago


Kal ago

You guys do seem like a good subreddit tho. He makes a solid point.

Kal ago

account restriction? dafaq is that?

tiredofctr ago

I have an apha account, but ai am gonna need pictures of your drivers license, you to go on webcam, the address of your family and friends, a pictire of your sharia blue minimum wage paycheck, and the same information from your co workers and employers. Then we can begin negotating a price.

johnny2shoes ago

Jesus Fucking Christ. It's like you idiots all think we we're born yesterday. There is littereally not a link from 'Shariablue' worth posting anywhere. They are a known shill breeding ground. Just fucking leave please. If you wont, maybe you can read a little bit and listen. Learn the fucking error of your bullshit ways.

Unreasonable ago


Rotteuxx ago

Wow... just wow.

Seriously ? Fuck m8, do your research bfr trying to shill on Voat.

yergi ago

Sharia blue terrorist, Go jihad back at Reddit.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I kinda miss CTR and the JIDF at this point, the quality of shilling has really gone down

ArcherMcTaco ago

Lol. I remember a while back I triggered a bunch of jidf shills into outing themselves by asking for tips how to bang jewish chicks. Other than that I never would of noticed them.... Also what is so offensive about my dirty gentile blood mixing with a jewish princess..... Unless.... Naww...

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

don't make mischlings, but yeah I remember a lot of good times fighting with them it was horrible being shilled and bothered but they put more effort in and worked more earnestly at it then the shills of today, I hated them at the time but compared to the current shills I kinda miss them

HarveyHarveyJones ago

It's becoming more redundant than ever.

facevalue ago

Fuck off, shill. You and your kike friends are what is wrong with America.

wuzizname ago

Shill getting 0.03 cents per comment post, saving up for them tendies when they go on sale!

looking4truth ago

How about you talk about "fairness " and 'balance" with Twitter, Reddit and Facebook. Everyone with opposing or different opinions has been kicked out of those sites and that's why we have voat. But here you're ,trying to thought-police us on our own platform .You people just can't stop yourselves from telling others what to think. Go jump from a bridge libfag.

AOU ago


You've made 3 mistakes here.

Twatter, faggit and Fecesbook

kestrel9 ago

ShareBlue, MediaMatters, CTR, etc etc aren't enough paid FAKE "GrassRoots" (ASTROTURF) for the Open Borders Islamo-Communists : ' ACLU Actively Assisting With Soros-Driven Protest Organization After Accepting Funds From The Open Society Institute.' March 6, 2017

"Startling developments have revealed that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has moved beyond their original charter as a legal advocate for individual rights under the Constitution to actively taking a hand in training and organizing protest groups throughout the country. Their shift in focus came just over a month after reports emerged that George Soros was sinking tens of millions into the group through his affiliated organizations."

Eualos ago


Bigglesworth45 ago

How long have you known that your parents don't want you?

Apathy ago

Get raped and I hope you get to watch your children die.

Bigglesworth45 ago

Jesus I can't wait for summer to end so the kids go back to school.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

You just got your shilling antics called out and now you're butthurt. Cry harder, shill.

Memorexem ago

NeedleStack ago

That's right, I called you out. And you're proving more and more that you're the shill I suspected you were.

occasionally I post links from Shareblue

More like 100% of the time. AND you said your organization was willing to buy an established voat account, proving you're a Shareblue hack.

You seem like a trustworthy subreddit

Ha ha! You need to go back and stay there.

kek_777 ago

I don't think @JohnCStevenson understands that his tactics don't work because this is just part and parcel of being on a conservative leaning website.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


hey @johncstevenson go back to the heroin.

MrRain ago

Thanks needle for calling out this shill.

derram ago

You know what's funny?

Seeing people who have banned me from multiple subs because they don't like my posts telling others to go back to reddit.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Dude congrats. Keep it up. I didnt leave the hugbox to have some shill try and turn everywhere I go into a safe space

heatercat ago

God bless you for stopping one of the cancer cells before it metastasized

jerry ago

Yea right

Mylon ago

I like sharing that Pepe article from Bill Clinton's Wife's website. Sometimes those crazy websites can be hilarious. Oh and I used to share the article about CTR bragging about their social media budget but I think that one got deleted.

AOU ago

They are owned by ((())), just like the onion.

lemon11 ago

Optick ago

KYS yourself

Eualos ago

Kill your self, yourself? Are you telling them to do it like that to make sure that no one else has to?

b0geyman ago

As opposed to Vince Foster, who used somebody else to kill himself.