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SaneGoatiSwear ago

- @puttitout supports censorship by allowing weaponized voting, behavior and speech restrictions on voat

- @puttitout sanctions downvoat brigades against dissenters of the sjw srs control of voat (over 18,000 downvoats on my account, coupled with dozens of massive spam attacks on subs i mod, and thousands of hours spent attacking my character and attempting to turn the community against me, gaslight me, assassinate my character, wear me down, tens of thousands of comments and thousands of front page upvoat brigaded posts, and all the disinformation tactics in the book. not 1 single one of these criminal shills, nor downvoat brigaders were banned nor even warned, but @puttitout this confirmed criminal shill against freedom of speech of the highest order, badged a shill with a unique badge in 1 hour, for sjw shilling against community and also,

- @puttitout bans anyone preventing or slowing that silencing of dissent (see 2x groupings of goatku and friends) with secret bans in secret courts with secret judges with secret rules, with no warning, and no appeal. any amount they feel is upvoat brigading, and you may be banned. but downvoat brigading to silence free speech is protected.

over 150 accounts banned for voat manipulation with less than 10 votes ever given. a few accounts with ZERO votes ever given have also been banned for "vote manipulation."

- @puttitout supports and sanctions harassment and defamy campaigns against dissenters mega list of shills on voat an example of a criminal shill in the SJW organization

- @puttitout lies to the userbase. claims they don't remove points, yet was just proven to have removed over a thousand ccp from my account, and admitted it lies right to your faces.

- @puttitout lies to the userbase again. a month later, more bans, and no clarification. 100% lied to your face.

and now puttitout confirms he's against anyone speaking out against him. confirms stealing private subs. all private subs are fair game. voat exodus is now in full effect.

2275617 ago

What's wrong with all that? Makes perfect sense...MAGA!

janedoemadashell ago

A very insecure individual. maybe he needs to meet David Seaman....

Hilarious_Exception ago

confirmed hostile shill

capping logging archiving for continued hostile shill

guinness2 ago

Ha ha!

I came here to see SaneGoat have an Autistic screeching tantrum just like the little baby that PuttItOut described him to be... and I wasn't disappointed.

Heaps funny!

Moar pls.

Also, this.

Tipman79 ago

nd now puttitout confirms he's against anyone speaking out against him

Kinda like when you banned everyone who said anything bad to or about you from TIL right?

You fucking nigger faggot hypocrite.

Bonechip ago

markrod420 ago

Lol your shit doesn't work here. We aren't sheep. We are the people actually paying attention. We all say shit that is totally unacceptable all the time. We never get banned. Why? Because we just use our own account to do it. None of us is falling for your shit. Get lost CIA.

Rotteuxx ago

This downvoat brought to you by the PuttShill Army

8589509? ago

It is indeed impossibru for him to not be overdosing on his own salt.

SaveTheChildren ago


MrPim ago

You have one account now, use it wisely, or prepare to get assraped w downvoats.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout check it out, your minion is openly threatening me. but you do nothing about actual shills because you are one!

SelfReferenceParadox ago

You can't threaten people on the internet. Or are you afraid of getting your feelings hurt? Sounds a bit social justice-y to me.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Cries I'm being bullied, do something!

Tipman79 ago


I LOVE it!!! Putt isn't letting you get away with ANY of your shit anymore LMAO!!!

You're Voats resident bitch lol

kcamstar ago

It's simple... pull your head out of your ass and you'll do just fine.

SeanBox ago

It's not a threat... It's a promise. You're gonna get assraped.

markrod420 ago

Lol he is stating what is definitely going to happen to you thats all.

8583643? ago

I look forward to a few months from now when new users go "who's SaneGoat?" and no one really remembers.

MrPim ago

Im noones minion, and you know its true. Your behavior is what gets you dv. Nothing else. It isnt what you say. This has nothing whatsoever to do w free speech. Its your behavior. This has been explained to you repeatedly by dozens of users. You earn every single downvoat you get by behaving like the mental defective you are.

b0ard2death ago

Let's be honest dude, at this point, you're much much worse than any shill. I'll take a shill over your extremely excessive whining and spamming any day.

SaveTheChildren ago

WTF is sane going to do with his life? Or will he just keep shouting into the void?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he's done this before v/amalekleaves

b0ard2death ago

He'll repeat his cycle. He'll delete his account (Amalek), open a new one with a new name (saneGoat), and stay off the radar for a brief period of time. But when he comes back, he's always recognizable. His personality works like a fingerprint.

SaveTheChildren ago

Once someone pointed this out to me, not sure if you'll get the reference. Sane's ramblings mirror the side of a Dr. Bronners bottle. It's very noticeable.

b0ard2death ago

Hahaha! That's disturbingly accurate.

LlamaMan ago


FaggotBot ago

That was fast, faggot.

Galvanized_Dreamer ago

I'm starting to think this odd...

Is there any way he could be some for of AI/bot? Or has that theory been disproven?

JaggedxEdgex ago

It's kinda sad that his "intelligence" would be a monumental achievement in the field of artificial intelligence

MrPim ago

Hes probably had it written for weeks now in expectation.

8589516? ago

I'm willing to bet he had it ready way back when he first started spreading complete misinformation about Voat months ago.