Dark_Shroud ago

Maybe you shouldn't have been such a complete asshole to so many people on the site.

BlueDrache ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

my apologies the thread ran into the 10k and above. had to edit down (there's a lot more criminal shilling just from that one shill tipman)


TLDR: the shills are here, i have shone the light on them, and now all can see how they behave when called out. take a good look, know who the enemy to speech is, and call them out if they attack you.

BlueDrache ago

Help! I need an admin! I'm under attack by a shill!

Anoxim ago

Just be glad you didnt end up like that girl in 1990. Poor soul.

AlwaysInService ago

It really is better than HBO. Who would've thought...

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout

please read the third line of morojax's comment.

that is well above and beyond.

you have 24 hours to respond, justin.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout

morojax is a confirmed criminal shill

authorities take note.

TheonGreyjoy ago

All I'm saying is, where was @SaneGoatiSwear in 1990?

Salicaz ago

He has a history of making a good point somewhere and getting upvoats, hen immediately spazzing out and shitting all over things and puts people off. We're kinda bored of you now mate and you know it, hence you're increased noise making. Yes, yes, we can still see you don't worry.

TheonGreyjoy ago

I'm anything but bored of him. I find this hilarious.

sp00kyd00ky ago

Doesn't look like @tipman79 is bored tho

Tipman79 ago

Are you kidding? This is better than HBO.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout

tipman79 makes it clear in this comment he's here to watch voat burn.

a proven criminal

a proven shill

a proven anti-voat actor

wanna bet it's paid?

Tipman79 ago

tipman79 makes it clear in this comment he's here to watch voat burn.

Nope, just you.

a proven criminal

Nope. You haven't proven a thing. Just because you SAY I've done something criminal, doesn't make it so. By the way, where were you in 1990?

sp00kyd00ky ago

Your consistency is admirable. Almost as good as @SaneGoatiSwear. It's awesome that you have enough time available to dedicate to what you enjoy.

Tipman79 ago

Why thank you. It's nice that good quality shilling is still appreciated around here.

sp00kyd00ky ago

The silent majority supports you @SaneGoatiSwear.

TheonGreyjoy ago

@SaneGoatiSwear has my support. Let it be known that I personally support @SaneGoatiSwear, and that saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 is slander and a criminal offense.

Anoxim ago

There is absolutely no evidence that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990. People should stop saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 because saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 is slander to his good name.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout criminal shill confirmed @anoxim

authorities take note.

Anoxim ago

Woo, @Rotteuxx was right you just have to use the copypasta and you get on the shill list! Thanks @Rotteuxx!

Tipman79 ago

authorities take note.

Uh oh. You're in trouble now!

Anoxim ago


Rotteuxx ago

I beleive you've mistaken me for @Tipman79, I'm a more subtle shill versed in psychological warfare, tactically maneuvering to push him to expose himself by his own cognitive dissonance.

Thanks for thinking of me though, fellow shillarino !

Tipman79 ago

Oh stop trying to be so fucking fancy about it. "Ooo! Look at me! Cognitive big words!" Just keep fucking shilling you stuck up bastard.

Rotteuxx ago

Now now fellow shill, don't be intimidated by knowledge, its yours to possess, use it as a weapon !

And I will keep shilling as a stuck up bastard, thank you very much.

Anoxim ago

I just do it for the lulz.

Markzila ago

I would feel bad for SaneGoat and come to his defense if I hadn't personally been the victim of his harassment, at which time he basically plead guilty to shilling for cunts and undue harassment of Voaters when he refused to post proof of any of his claims against me.

So at this point, when I see Sane get attacked, I give 0 fucks, and see it as the equivalent of two pedophiles having a jail fight, I just root for the blood and hope one of them dies painfully at the hands of the other. SaneGoat brought this on himself and he deserves worse IMO.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

confirmed shill shilling

Tipman79 ago

Is it true you RAPED A MURDERED A GIRL IN 1990?

auto_turret ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @inhysterics

check this idiot out

he went WAAAAY across the line there.

criminal shill confirmed

authorities take note.

auto_turret ago

You said exactly that, I was just repeating you.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Why the obsession with 1990? Year of the goat was 1991...

Fagtardicus ago

niggers tongue my anus

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

I agree, I tongued it. TY BTW for letting me tungue your asshole so much.

Yes! I'm a Nigger! God.