sgx191316 ago

If you want more proof, here's some. A minor, not particularly popular thread, which sanegoat commented on heavily THREE DAYS after it was made and almost immediately deleted, and mysteriously all his comments get 10-11 upvotes. About 110 upvotes from his alts in that thread alone.

Nerobot ago

Starts here at 10-13 upvotes

sgx191316 ago

And many of those comments were made on an unpopular post 3 days after it was already made and deleted. In case it's not obvious there is zero chance it's organic activity.

piratse ago

This is probably the answer. A bot, or paid to have bots upvoat old comments. You can't DV old comments but you can UV. It's an easy fix. No voting on comments older than X days.

Disappointed ago

Just hit "prior" at the top right to get the previous number.

brandon816 ago

+1500 now. Hopefully putt gets good data out of it, and can get some automatic alt-botting protection going on or something. Even if that takes the better part of a year, it's honestly needed if Voat is going to survive.

oiseaulibre ago

#FREESANE , SANE dindu nuffin wrong.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Screenshots? Archives?

Tipman79 ago

Like I said, it's redundant at this point. There's multiple screenshots and archives from his previous voat farming.