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TheonGreyjoy ago

There is absolutely no evidence that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990. People should stop saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 because saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 is slander to his good name.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @atko @cynabuns @kevdude @fuzzywords

theongreyjoy is now a confirmed criminal attack shill.

authorities take note.

durchfall ago

Can you confirm me as well? I don't like feeling left out.

TheonGreyjoy ago

I think, in order to be confirmed, you have to post this copypasta word for word.

There is absolutely no evidence that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990. People should stop saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 because saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 is slander to his good name.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

There is absolutely no evidence that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990. People should stop saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 because saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 is slander to his good name.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout

laurentius_the_pyro is now a confirmed criminal shill.

authorities take note.

oedipusaurus_rex ago

If you can't handle people making fun of you, then maybe you shouldn't be a moderator on voat. Try your hand at reddit. They're fine with that shit over there.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

false equivalence

this isn't making fun.

this is a criminal attack - the thirdcharacter assassination attempt of me in the last few months.

Mr_Wolf ago

so umm...where were you in 1990? seems like you're avoiding allegations like O.J. unless you are O.J. Simpson.

oedipusaurus_rex ago

looks like 1990 was a bad year for you.

oedipusaurus_rex ago


oedipusaurus_rex ago

That's actually really funny.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

@sanegoatiswear confirmed criminal shill

the internet police are going to backtrace your IP and reverse the polarity of the flux capacitor to enhance the image of your face and catch you!