AmaleksHairyAss ago

SaneGoat deleted my TIL about the Year of the Flaming Red Cock. It was a perfectly good TIL, and he did it because he faps to his iota of power. I haven't liked him ever since then, but his behavior is increasingly erratic and trollish. I'm not saying he should be banned but if he were that would be fine with me.

Likeitirish ago

Why doesn't everyone just BLOCK him? That's what I did anyway. Fuck him.

armday2day ago

Idk but Sane and everyone that has decided to fuck with him has provided me with hours of laughter

ginganinja ago

"What measure is a spammer?"

Indeed, friend.

carbanara ago

on the Second instance.

akuta ago

Shoulda named yourself Triggerypuff. ;) :D

Tipman79 ago

Because Mantip seemed too provocative.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

God damn you are full of zingers today!....You're on fire!...haha

Tor1 ago

don't you know he's cabron loco esse?

Tor1 ago

And why did he delete my TIL that jewess is synonymous with prostitute?

You may not be aware of this, but it’s a sad fact that because of severe economic hardships endured by Jews in past centuries, many Jewish girls were forced into a life of prostitution. In all the great European cities, a certain type of prostitute was always to be found: exotic and semi-Asiatic in appearance. She was Jewish, and she was very much in demand. The word “Jewess” therefore entered the language as a loose synonym for “Jewish prostitute”.

When Baudelaire writes a poem about a Parisian prostitute with whom he had just spent the night, he refers to her simply as a “Jewess”. That was enough to identify her as a prostitute. “Une nuit que j'étais près d'une affreuse Juive…” (“One night as I lay next to a frightful Jewess…”).

When Keats refers to Jewish prostitutes in an unpublished poetic fragment quoted in a private letter (1819), he doesn’t call them “prostitutes”. He just calls them “Jewesses”. Why? Because so many Jewesses were prostitutes that the two terms had virtually become interchangeable. “Nor in obscurèd purlieus would he seek / For curlèd Jewesses, with ankles neat, / Who, as they walk abroad, make tinkling with their feet."

Keats is here referring to the typical Jewess with her "curly" ringlets and the tinkling ankle bells he mentions were often worn in past eras by prostitutes to signal their approach.

AverageAmerica ago

What is sane goat is wear?

Derpfroot ago

@SaneGoatiSwear Go have a look for yourself. His noteworthy accomplishments are calling everyone a shill and poorly formatted comments.

uvulectomy ago

You can pretty much sum him up with "paranoid screeching autistic faggot"

stretched_girl ago

Just block him and move on....

pushthis ago

sanegoatiswear is a toilet jokester who uses moments of intelect to justify acting without restraint it seems to me at least. its way lame and in real life id consider that person like an alcoholic who needs to remove from their google TV edit: no offence, its just lame ass picking-to-prove "points" that are bullshit like, "dont be so sensitive omg" dude how bout you just not post

ExpertShitposter ago

Yes @SaneGoatiSwear, join our holy crusade against the degeneracy of society!

P.s, you still didn't give "the people" their much needed top 5 shills here:

ashekchum ago

5 of 10 is the new rule

TheonGreyjoy ago

I don't think it's hard to anger this guy.

7942597? ago

Yes, the insane retard keeps replying to top comments, then deletes when its downvoted, only to add it again. Fuck him, ban his ass already.

SATAN_loves_YOU ago

i understand @sanegoatiswear was never convicted of murder and rape in 1990

but he is very eager to delete posts about a murder and rape that HAPPENED IN 1990

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout

criminal shilling puttitout.

SATAN_loves_YOU ago

im not saying you were the one that committed the murder and rape of Cheryl Henry

im just curius as to why you deleted my post ABOUT the murder and rape of Cheryl Henry

Tipman79 ago

Yes it does seem a bit weird. I mean, I'm not accusing him of BRUTALLY RAPING AND MURDERING A WOMAN IN 1990, but on the other hand

tippyc ago

this is the new Voat meme, isnt it? sounds like advertisement time lol, who's good with photoshop?

SATAN_loves_YOU ago


im not saying @sanegoatiswear has committed the murder and rape of Cheryl Henry

but now im curious to what he was doing on august 23 1990

SaneGoatiSwear ago

nothing rong with a troll bro!

shills against speech gonna get withered in dat light of truth!

see a shill, rek a shill.

sanegoat needs you to rek your nearest shill today!

Hilarious_Exception ago

confirmed hostile shill

capping logging archiving for continued hostile shill

VicariousJambi ago

I don't think the report spam button does anything right now, I've been using that all day!

TheonGreyjoy ago

There is absolutely no evidence that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990. People should stop saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 because saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 is slander to his good name.

LostandFound ago

Only small children, think you meant to post that in fatpeoplehate

Tipman79 ago

The Lords work being done here!

SanaCabraLoJuro ago

Sane is my favorite free speech goat. I often throw him a few thousand upvotes to help him fight shills and deadbeat dad site owners. I'm totally not some 3 minute old alt created by him.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @atko @cynabuns @kevdude @fuzzywords

theongreyjoy is now a confirmed criminal attack shill.

authorities take note.

Hilarious_Exception ago

confirmed hostile shill

capping logging archiving for continued hostile shill

durchfall ago

Can you confirm me as well? I don't like feeling left out.

TheonGreyjoy ago

I think, in order to be confirmed, you have to post this copypasta word for word.

There is absolutely no evidence that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990. People should stop saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 because saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 is slander to his good name.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

There is absolutely no evidence that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990. People should stop saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 because saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 is slander to his good name.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout

laurentius_the_pyro is now a confirmed criminal shill.

authorities take note.

oedipusaurus_rex ago

If you can't handle people making fun of you, then maybe you shouldn't be a moderator on voat. Try your hand at reddit. They're fine with that shit over there.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

false equivalence

this isn't making fun.

this is a criminal attack - the thirdcharacter assassination attempt of me in the last few months.

Mr_Wolf ago

so umm...where were you in 1990? seems like you're avoiding allegations like O.J. unless you are O.J. Simpson.

oedipusaurus_rex ago

looks like 1990 was a bad year for you.

oedipusaurus_rex ago


oedipusaurus_rex ago

That's actually really funny.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

@sanegoatiswear confirmed criminal shill

the internet police are going to backtrace your IP and reverse the polarity of the flux capacitor to enhance the image of your face and catch you!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout

criminal shilling by theongreyjoy

TheonGreyjoy ago

I was right. Lets see if he replies again.

There is absolutely no evidence that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990. People should stop saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 because saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 is slander to his good name.

durchfall ago

H-here I go!

There is absolutely no evidence that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990. People should stop saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 because saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 is slander to his good name.

TheonGreyjoy ago

That's they way you're going to treat me for coming to your defense? Well then, nevermind what I said earlier.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

shill skyrock supporting another shill @puttitout @atko @cynabuns @kevdude @fuzzywords check it out

they're completely ignoring the fact their criminal attack shill tipman79 has been spamming the following message about me,

using the shill technique called

rumor mongering

[–] Tipman79 1 points (+1|-0) 4 hours ago

There is absolutely no evidence that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990. People should stop saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 because saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 is slander to his good name.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

So you don't want me saying

There is absolutely no evidence that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990. People should stop saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 because saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 is slander to his good name.


SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout

selfreferenceparadox is a confirmed criminal shill

authorities take note.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Which authorities shall I be reportes to? Not even Atko knows my IP.

Tipman79 ago

Actually I've only been posting that in reply to your spam.

B3nd3r ago

Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.

  • GBS

edistojim ago

^ most sane post in the whole thread.

Tipman79 ago

I hope so, I really don't like being second best at anything.

Tipman79 ago

Actually he's been doing it for over 24 hours now. It started around this time yesterday.