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SATAN_loves_YOU ago

i understand @sanegoatiswear was never convicted of murder and rape in 1990

but he is very eager to delete posts about a murder and rape that HAPPENED IN 1990

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout

criminal shilling puttitout.

SATAN_loves_YOU ago

im not saying you were the one that committed the murder and rape of Cheryl Henry

im just curius as to why you deleted my post ABOUT the murder and rape of Cheryl Henry

Tipman79 ago

Yes it does seem a bit weird. I mean, I'm not accusing him of BRUTALLY RAPING AND MURDERING A WOMAN IN 1990, but on the other hand

tippyc ago

this is the new Voat meme, isnt it? sounds like advertisement time lol, who's good with photoshop?

SATAN_loves_YOU ago


im not saying @sanegoatiswear has committed the murder and rape of Cheryl Henry

but now im curious to what he was doing on august 23 1990