Now_Thats_Spicy ago

Can someone clue me in on who this in and why I should care?

Tipman79 ago

I'm tempted.. I just got paid too.

turd_pilot ago

You two are fucking up my otherwise great voat experience.

Foralltoosee ago

Great or not, you managed to have a Voat experience that didn't involve senseless bickering?

Tipman79 ago

So feel free to fuck off somewhere else. Otherwise, deal wit it. Welcome to Voat.

smokratez ago

Why did you pick a jew for that meme? Is there something you want to share? Can I show you my oven perhaps?

Tipman79 ago

Are you serious? I really can't tell at this point.

smokratez ago

Am I being serious? Is that what you mean?

Tipman79 ago

Yes, yes that's what I mean.

smokratez ago

Good. We've settled on that then.

Tipman79 ago

I'm glad we had this talk. I feel like we really accomplished something.

smokratez ago

I know right. Changed my whole life around.

Gigan ago

I read it in his voice too.

Anoxim ago

I love this.

you're doing gods work son.