Mick ago

Then I'd flair it with something appropriate like "Shitpost" or "Bot voting suspected"

No system is perfect so if people want to spoil things it's not too difficult and is just a fact of online life.

Mick ago

Deleted nope, that's what the voting system is for. Quality/entertained up, shit down.

Disappointed ago

Good idea but this is probably better in a separate discussion as well. The main hurdle to any of this happening is that @PuttItOut is basically the only one coding the site and those features that could help solve these issues would take up all his time for quite a while.

Tipman79 ago

Here's a good one, LINK

Legit post banned under the emergency attack rule

So the user hadn't even done anything wrong, @SaneGoatiSwear just didn't like him.


Mick ago

If you like rules, join reddit, they fuckin love rules.

Disappointed ago


Archive of the banlist.


Archive of the "new rules discussion".

ExpertShitposter ago

ShitRussiaSays, the RussoPhobia subverse. Why?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout

this is a continuation of the attack on me

in retribution for making all of voat aware of tipman79 being an anti-voat anti-speech attack shill.

Tipman79 ago

Oh that's bullshit! @Tipman79 is OBVIOUSLY a fucking shill!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

v/til is a private sub

a cabal of organized users are attacking me

by abusing v/til.

the shill purge has officially begun.

first, shills who are openly abusing the sub have already been banned, their shilbait posts removed.

ExpertShitposter ago

Get a load of this kriminal!

If you don't introduce me to your girlfriend Ellen Pao so i can cuck you, i will kill your boyfriend u/spez.

oiseaulibre ago

Sane, unban me I didn't do shit.

Tipman79 ago

Here you go folks. He's openly admitting that he's purging users from the sub. Cancer mod is cancer.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you have been banned from v/til for criminal shilling and spamming the sub, attempting to abuse the sub for your organization's agenda of attacking users for speaking up against your shilling.

the ban is a temporary measure to stop you and the cabal you're a part of that is anti-voat and anti-speech from abusing the community's private sub.

@puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout

Mick ago

It's kinda ironic given how much he screams "censorship!"

Disappointed ago

Which means he isn't really in a fit state of mind to be looking after a sub of that size.

Mick ago


oiseaulibre ago

He banned me for this post.


It is a legit TIL and had nothing to do with him.

He always preaches about how much he is against censorship, yet he acts like a reddit cancer mod.

@SaneGoatiSwear is a hypocrite.

Tipman79 ago

He banned you for it, yet funny enough he didn't delete it lol

oiseaulibre ago

He can't ban it because it is a legit post and it will show how cancerous he is.