He's finally done it. He's breaking all his own rules and deleting posts that don't break the rules of his sub. (TheShillShack)
submitted 8 years ago by Tipman79
This is pure gold I tell ya.
Firevine 8 years ago
I'm shocked, shocked that the second biggest piece of shit on Voat is acting this way.
Tipman79 8 years ago
Dare I ask who you think the biggest piece of shit is?
Really? Moreso than Hecho?
He's probably number three. He's a pedo, but I've never seen him be disruptive in the manner of Amalek or SaneGoat.
Firevine ago
I'm shocked, shocked that the second biggest piece of shit on Voat is acting this way.
Tipman79 ago
Dare I ask who you think the biggest piece of shit is?
Firevine ago
Tipman79 ago
Really? Moreso than Hecho?
Firevine ago
He's probably number three. He's a pedo, but I've never seen him be disruptive in the manner of Amalek or SaneGoat.