7860525? ago

Ha! Yes, Pops, I am a dame (: I do like the men, but I hate my last one so much I will probably switch teams pretty soon. Lol.


7860084? ago

Please put into the rules No anarcho-Marxism or any other kind of Marxist terrorist language.

dsy-cow ago

great.. i want my hugbox... im dont done cunt

dsy-cow ago

i disagree with this btw

it creates hug boxes an gasp list of users

will you fuckers ever learn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-qQ_brIsfY

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

@CuckitOut do you think it would be ridiculous if voat users were suspicious of the recent restructuring and other recent events regarding other related websites?

duchessofdarkness ago

I accidentally reported someone when I wanted to reply to them, is there a way to unclick the button before it gets sent out like that?

reactionarytree ago

hey its reactionarytree here. im reporting for duty.

TinyRick ago

Oh thank you @Puttitout

I can finally block @sanegoatiswear

n_word ago

This will surely result in progression of the forum. Glad to see you guys are following reddit's formulaic lead every step of the way.

digitalentity1497 ago

I can finally enjoy Voat again, thank you. I can't wait to give this a go.

123_456 ago

Thank you very much for this feature. I am blocking orgy pro or whatever its name is.

Talc ago

"Banned" domains are still able to post because the bans don't work, "admins pet" users are allowed to spam with impunity, the entire reporting process is a complete waste of time because the spamfilter has gaping hole in it, and according to my counts the number of spam posts per day is actually increasing despite your assertions to the contrary. Just sayin'

SaneGoatiSwear ago

prove these statements, shill.

i'd like to know about this shit if true.

Talc ago

prove these statements, shill.

You appear to be talking to yourself, shill.

dabork ago
















W H E N?





MarryPooPins ago


...This system is so open to abuse.

SgtMattson ago

Thank you!

BadGuacamoleTV ago

Any word on how to deal with the error where we cant access our messages?

MrPim ago

What is scary is that a year ago the people now cheering this would have been appalled at the very idea. What a difference a year makes, right?

Bullshit. The block user button has been in the works for ages and was highly anticipated from its announcement. There have always been a version of SaneGoat, and people have wanted that block user button for a long time for a variety of users.

I personally probably won't use it. Even users I don't really like occasionally say something interesting. Or amusing or infuriating. And I've learned to not engage people. I don't even downvoat SaneGoat anymore, mostly. I read his shit and just ignore most of it.

Ina_Pickle ago

I am not referring to the "block user" function. I am referring to the report function for posts and the discussion on here about extending that to reporting users.

pembo210 ago

<3 @Cynabuns.. and other good stuffs

Ina_Pickle ago

Some of us have a heavier reporting finger than others. I foresee much chaos in our future. Should be entertaining.

pessimisticsteel ago

Na, shit pisses you off to. As much as I consider myself stoic, I'm not emotionless. Neither are you.

Mick ago

Haha, yes!

Mick ago

Spam for now :)

Tipman79 ago

Or better yet, lock upvoats after 7 days the same as downvoats, and if you delete a comment, you lose any of the voats on it,

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout i'm interjecting into an important convo between two obvious overt shills for silence, oee who participated in the locke silence attempt and tipman, an open shill against me and free speech in general. please note that in the surrounding conversation, these shills make it seem like it's a good thing to make voats not count if you delete. this creates a chilling effect whereby people can self-censor to undo downvoat brigades or upvoat brigades. it just makes things worse. this is ALL slippery slope, the shadow now greyboxing included. remember -ccp restrictions are also overt voat censorship. we need to continue to make the anti-spam system better so we won't need to restrict all users to accomplish security.

Tipman79 ago

and tipman, an open shill against me and free speech in general.

Nope, just against you. You need to fuck off and die.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

user openly admits to shilling against me @puttitout

archived capped and logged

Tipman79 ago

Could you even define the word "shill" at this point you fucking troll? You've basically called half the usebase shills.

Womb_Raider ago

I asked him to define it a week ago. No response.

pessimisticsteel ago

To each their own; I prefer the least amount of censorship as physically possible.

pessimisticsteel ago

Than speech is not free, and we are back at the beginning.

pessimisticsteel ago

I agree with blocking comments, especially the way they have it setup; where the comments aren't removed just minimized. I'm concerned about allowing anyone to block another voater's post.

pessimisticsteel ago

I wish that was the case.

pessimisticsteel ago

My thinking was more that each individual voater who chooses to block his post is voluntarily going against what this site represents. By no means do I respect every action of @sanegoatiswear, especially his bullshit about an individual who lost their dog and when he commented on the individual whos daughter was injured.

Eventually it will lead to 2 sides like we currently have in our political system; those who block him and never see the rare truth he has in some post, and those who are willing to deal with his shit.

Inb4 sane calls me a shill.

Bojangles ago

Voat: "It's okay when we do it!"

BeauDacious ago

Excellent work!

Lord_of_the_rats ago

Lord Spartacus doesn't exist any more. I should know, I used to be him.

Check /u/thunderlark's profile. It no longer exists.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what happened?

Lord_of_the_rats ago

i decied that it was a waste of time,

because i started work on a big programming project which more important than messing around with vote manipulation

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the war needs ammo, lord!

lol jk.

MrRain ago

Good stuff. Too bad sanegoat wont have an audience for his incoherent mumbo jambo anymore lol. And the best part of it is i dont have to see it anymore too. But it does worry me a bit the problem i find with communities most of the time is that they shut their eyes and ears to stuff they dont agree on and suddenly the community becomes crap because they wanna believe a narrative and shutout everything else(no sanegoat im not shutting my eyes on you just because im saying you need to get a life and learn to express yourself in a more coherent manner so that we may understand your points more properly). Lets keep our roots yeah? Blocking makes sense just make sure well always be free to speak our mind unlike reddit and that people dont power grab mod spots and enforce their stuff. You dont know me but i appreciate your work on this platform Putt and everyone else who is/ was involved. Please stay true to the roots of voat. Much love folks.

pessimisticsteel ago

Haha we are not placing him on a pedestal or grandstanding him, but you're putting him in a prison unjustly. Just because he hurt your feelings.

MarkTheNerd ago

My comment had nothing to do with banning.

MarkTheNerd ago

My life is bad enough thanks anyway.

MarkTheNerd ago

They're just people doing a job for the most part.

MarkTheNerd ago

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Cynabuns and Putt, you are good people. If you're ever in my neck of the woods I'd love to have you over for dinner and drinks.

MarkTheNerd ago

He's done the same to me as well. Insanegoat needs to be silenced, he makes voat worse instead of better.

MarkTheNerd ago

You can block people in real life, it's known as a restraining order.

Troll ago

Hey man, you might want to take a look at why I've been stuck on 16 unread submission replies for days now. It's getting kinda annoying.

BadGuacamoleTV ago

can you access your message box?

Ina_Pickle ago

Did you try deleting them? I have to delete my private message (not the replies though), or else they stay marked as unread for eternity.

antiliberalsociety ago

Perhaps page back a few to find the ones you missed?

Troll ago

That works. Fucking hell, no wonder I missed them. Some crazy motherfucker made 16 replies to some ancient thread of mine. I'm telling you, there are some nutcases around here.

Cuckbot ago

Were they upvoted?

Rotteuxx ago

Got that @Sanegoatiswear ?

It ain't rocket science buddy 'ol boy !

squataclops ago


ExpertShitposter ago

I'm assuming the collapsed post of the blocked user is only collapsed for the person who has that user blocked, while normally visible to others?

VoatIsForNiggers ago



And now he is ruining voat chat again. Whenever two or more people try to converse on voat chat, he will interrupt with 15-20 unrelated comments -- https://voat.co/chat/whatever

brandon816 ago

@PuttItOut - Are there any plans to extend the block user function to the chat system? Apparently it's needed there, according to this comment I replied to.

DecimateTheWeak ago

I never see you there:(

DecimateTheWeak ago

@cynabuns it's almost time

Cynabuns ago


DecimateTheWeak ago

Lol you must not remember that's okay I'll see you in vegas

Cynabuns ago

How can I forget?! See you at the drive-thru ;-)

DecimateTheWeak ago

Thank God you remembered lol good times

Cynabuns ago


DecimateTheWeak ago

Haven't mentioned it in awhile bro but thanks for all that you do.

Cynabuns ago

Appreciate that a ton - thank you.

DecimateTheWeak ago

Anytime brother.

blipblipbeep ago

All the above ;)


Owlchemy ago

I like it! Keep up the great work! It'll be nice to see the trolls collapse upon themselves, lost and lonely in their mommy's basements. And should help a lot in ridding the spam we run across. Appreciate all your efforts.

Lopsid ago

We need the ability to delete posts for when there's child porn. And kill the links too. Like that's the only feature that can save voat.

Donbuster ago

That's going to be hard to rectify with the ideals behind the modlog. If we make it admin only, we have a problem if putt does not respond quickly enough, voat's host will start hearing about us, and we'll be taken down. If we make it mod accessible, then the mods that don't need to be watched closely will have their actions shown in the modlog, and those mods which are abusive will not. Obviously a record of the deletion will be public, but without the content being there, it's just one users word against another.

I feel like a good solution here would be to make the full delete available to mods in globally NSFW subverses (since they are the most likely subs to have illegal content posted to them, and there's far less politically charged discussion that would motivate mod abuse), and a "Flag for review" type system for other subs that mimics a full delete, but requires admin confirmation within 7 days that yes, this is in fact illegal content, before the deleted post simply reappears in the modlog.

Donbuster ago


The more I think about this, the more elegant a solution to a longstanding issue it seems.

PuttItOut ago

This is coming soon.

Daeshaniqua ago

i doubt i'll be using either as dumb comments usually get downvoted to hell. unlike reddit, downvoted comments are 99.9% trash that need not be seen

fagnig ago

Its headed for something else then... slippery slope. Fair comment.

I think ive said something about this proposed feature in the past, probably while in conversation with you. I supported it because it took away the option of targeted annoyance, i drew a line between that and silencing people from the rest of voat.

You're not crazy. I think you probably have a decent argument, but i also suspect those who go around trolling individuals are going to be a bit raw about a new feature which lets an individual silence that user from their inbox/voat experience.

U4eah ago

Maybe the constant jumping between all the alts and having to play different characters all the time, is what brought on his paranoid schizophrenia?

fagnig ago

Its a decentralized option, no voat feature is forcing people to be hidden, and even then, if the blocking user wants to read a blocked user anyway, they can uncollapse comments by the blocked user. I dont think there will be that much uptake, people will still hate people yet most not block them.

7838714? ago

It's not community-enforced, though; it only functions at the individual level.

People's excitement right now stems from their reactionary frustration with SaneGoat's posts, many of which do have a spammy-like nature to them.
I recall a lot of excitement (and some anger) over the user-block function, too.

That was the user @Im-Just-Me / @ImJustMe / @xbeatlejuiceswifex (sp).

Btw, I'm not the one down voting you.

antiliberalsociety ago

Thanks! @sanegoatiswear will be thrilled :)

Tipman79 ago

He is just testing your limits like a toddler does. Eventually you will need to smack him around and make him piss like a puppy.

I second this sentiment. I downvoat him virtually every time I see him because it's always the same nonsense, gibberish and accusations.

When he stops gaming the system to give himself 300 upvoats at a time, I'll stop downvoating him.

7838574? ago

Ehh, not really at all. You can still state your opinions with full gusto. The people who don't want to hear you would have ignored you anyways; all this does is make the process of ignoring you more efficient from their side.

But they should probably consider getting rid of the negative CCP restrictions (or making it a lower number). That will certainly limit or disable one's free speech and is still vulnerable to bot/user DV attacks.

fagnig ago

On the subject of the blocked person being notified of being blocked, what would you wish to happen, why?

7838480? ago

Pardon the aside, but I love your username.

fagnig ago

What do you want? And why?

7838434? ago

There isn't right now, and there probably shouldn't be. If the block is for a serious case of harassment, then the blocked user may become agitated and amplify their intensity and harass in other ways.

7838337? ago

The post muting still works nicely, though. I'm not sure if it'll change after today's updates, but it has been working recently. Edit: Just checked, works great.

U4eah ago

You just know that sane is using alts or voat manipulation when you see his worthless delusional comments being upvoated. They alone should be enough to ban him.

Firevine ago

Awesome. Great addition to the site. Curbing blatant spam is important.

Le_Squish ago

Yah, such awesomeness.

Bet you 99% of voaters already know their first choice to get the block hammer.

fagnig ago

99% of voaters already know their first choice to get the block hammer

Whoever youre implying, sane is so hot right now, i think youre wrong. I think most people love to watch the fireworks.

7839311? ago

I, for one, prefer to watch the fireworks instead of block it from view.

7838232? ago

      Hey Puttsy, do you think there is a chance that you can separate the comment-muting function from the blocking function?

     Ideally, there would a separate mute for hiding a user's posts, another mute for hiding user's comments, and the originally designed block button. I guess combining the mute for posts and comments makes sense, but I think separating more specifically would give users more refined control.

     At the very least, I think it be helpful to separate blocked notifications from muted posts/comments. Do you think this might be possible?

     Thanks for your hard work! Have an hug!

Rotteuxx ago

7841721? ago

o: Shhh, don't tell @DerKatalog!

Awh. They do. I just really liked the double hug with the cat. Also the guy was pretty cute. Ha.

Rotteuxx ago

The guy was pretty cute... umh... so you admit to having a weak spot for cat owners, missy ?

I feel betrayed... I might have to write a 3 page post about how I'll cope with it.

7860543? ago

Uhhhh. Rottie... You (and all the other straight men) are the ones who loves pussy! (: You don't know how I deal with this! I should just ban all straight men from this sub.

Haha, you can write it, and I'll "tell" you I read it (;

Rotteuxx ago

I'm not into beastiality really... but hey, whatever lights you up babe !

PuttItOut ago

It's possible, but we will first see how many users are using these features to determine if the effort is worth the dev time.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

uh putt. there's only one of you... right?

@greensmoke that moment when you wonder who the fuck "we" is.

Disappointed ago

Gave some quick feedback on the new spam reports here yesterday: https://voat.co/v/voatdev/1605191

Cynabuns ago

A big THANK YOU for your spam efforts, good sir!

Bigglesworth45 ago

Thanks for all your hard work people.

SmokinJoeJordan ago

I think it is good to get rid of spam of course but users who don't like a certain viewpoint or have other reason for not liking a post or person will mark something as spam even if it is not

Disappointed ago

I actually thought I would see more of this but when I was made janitor in v/technology I was surprised that out of the 231 backed up modmail messages how few were reports that were just something people didn't like. Only 3 would fit what you describe.

Cynabuns ago

They have and they will continue to do just this; a good portion of the user spam reports are simply ignored for this very reason.

SmokinJoeJordan ago

I had a post deleted a couple days ago that wasn't spammy imo

Cynabuns ago

Was it maybe a rules issue with that sub?

SmokinJoeJordan ago

the mod report said "nah son thats spam"

Cynabuns ago

PM me with the link of the deleted post; maybe some wires got crossed.

SmokinJoeJordan ago

Just sent it thanks for your time

PuttItOut ago

I saw this and will look into shortly.

pessimisticsteel ago

Remember this site is supposed to represent free speak. Go back to reddit if you want a safe space.

7840869? ago

Apparently the libtards have taken over today. I'd stay back and let them get triggered away for a few days, then it'll be back to normal here.

Al3s ago

Funnily enough, after reading the OP my first thought was "One step closer to Reddit, meh"

pessimisticsteel ago

Good shit guys, keep it up.

vandilx ago

Thank you, sir. And thank you for the bumped Canary notice.

7837931? ago

Here comes the Qualitas SaneGoatis.

effusive_ermine ago

Voat really owes a lot to and the many users who have helped by reporting spam for their thankless work in this area, so when you don’t see spam, think of these unsung heroes.

Thank you Cynabuns. Knowing that reports are taken seriously is thanks enough. FWIW there has been less spam.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

and the slippery slope has gone off the cliff

you've shown your true colors here, putt.

i've gotten harassed more than any other user on voat.

and i am 100% against this blocked user move.

so it is: @puttitout's first move as CEO is to increase the shadowbox to include comments.

taKe ago

Wow, this site is changing quickly.

LlamaMan ago

I couldn't think of anyone to block... Can now.

fagnig ago

i've gotten harassed more than any other user on voat.

In less than a week youve gone from 10k to 8k ccp i think. If i recall you had movements of a 1000 ccp in a day. Do you think youre being brigaded/botted?

PuttItOut ago

I can't please everyone, but I desire to give users the capability to make their experience on Voat what they want it to be.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Why not just be honest that this is a compromise of sorts which you've made with other parties besides yourself and Atko?

antiliberalsociety ago

Trust the masses on this one, you are thanked because of users like this.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

their experience


you mean the vocal minority of sjw alts run by a very small group of dedicated users here to destroy free speech on voat

whose hands you're either

a. playing into without knowing

b playing into with knowing

c a part of.

are you actually going to meaningfully respond?

Womb_Raider ago

Sane, you're so unreasonable. Therein lies the problem. You refuse to acknowledge that almost everyone wants this feature. And beyond that, you refuse to acknowledge that they don't want this feature for any other user than for you...

Doesn't that make you think?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

and now

you're talking about going against alts?

what's inherently wrong with alts?

i mean seriously man

did you go off the deep end?!

MarkTheNerd ago

People who need more than one account are either trolling or using them to do things against the site rules. Just like you with your vote farming.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


what a cop out


why must you support the slippery slope?

i thought you were for free speech?

clearly you are not, by action.

you coded a larger shadowbox into voat and pushed it

without community discussion

you're a spez.

oftotc ago

Dude. No one wants to hang around the town-square where the village idiot is spewing verbiage that they find annoying for whatever reason. They need to be able to walk away from the guy. Now I ain't sayin' you're the village idiot, but we need to be able to voat in peace, dude. This makes it so people can walk away from you if they want to. It's not going to be withheld, regardless of your complaint.

Mick ago

i've gotten harassed more than any other user on voat.

The way I see it is you have incessantly harassed Voat users, calling us shills, and every time we call you out for proof we get fucking zip.

MarkTheNerd ago

You are correct once again Mick.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

also, i posed 4, 10k character posts of proof. you are lying.

heygeorge ago

Character count does not equate with meaningful content. You know this.

Yesterday, I stumbled upon the cygnus-whatever farm which was following you around for a few days. I thought it was interesting they were housed in v/TempleOfSpartacus and that AntiRacistNew was an approved submitter. I imagine you have already found this out on your own.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


no no, i called out 90 users.

there are a lot of users who aren't shills here, mick.

nice try.

0iamlordeyayaya0 ago

You called me out because I was mean to you twice. Anyone can look at my history and see I'm doing a piss poor job of being an sjw shill. You think shit like that might piss off normal users?

Fuck off the drugs you degenerate weirdo.

SaveTheChildren ago

go back to your cave sand nigger

U4eah ago

Everyone will block you, you'll fail to exist on voat anymore. Of course your'e pissed..

PuttItOut ago

We are actively working on alt detection and will be dealing with this problem very soon. The good news is we have all the data we need to test against.

Vote manipulation destroys credibility in our platform and community and can not continue.

Accounts that would naturally be throttled are supported by upvotes and accounts that are brigaded are restricted. It's the opposite of how the system is supposed to function.

Tipman79 ago

So what's your opinion on the fact that Sanegoat just went from 8200 CCP to 10k+ in less than 3 hours? Will that be stopped?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

people voted me o noes

you don't give a fuck i went down 4k though


dat script


Tipman79 ago

You didn't get 3000 upvoats in that short amount of time and everyone knows it. Claiming you did... lol, you're just fucking desperate now lol.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

oh so i didn't get 4000 downvoats either?

look at the data

it's up and down.


Tipman79 ago

You lose CCP a hell of a lot slower than you get it.

For you to say that your upswing the other night was normal voating is insane. That means that your comments were getting roughly 1000 upvoats an hour. Averages out to about 67 comment upvoats PER MINUTE for THREE HOURS!

Fuck off and die.

go1dfish ago

Does Voat have an official stance on alts?

When you say alt detection do you plan to reveal to users what accounts are alts of who or do you consider this to be PI/Dox and something to be protected if possible?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

so if i'm being harassed, how do i report it?

PuttItOut ago

We will be offering a report user mechanism which will include reporting for suspected brigading.

What I can tell you with certainty is I see what is going on, both sides, and it will be stopped.

On a personal note, I appreciate your tact with this reply sane.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i want to point out that your above comment would not be seen by many users because they've greyboxed me with the button and in their minds. they won't open this comment.

or are you going to tell me (because i refuse to click the block button) that your comment isn't hidden, as in, responses to a block-nested comment don't nest or, flatten?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i love voat because voat is for free speech

if i smell voat is going against free speech, or you are

i will call it out

if i am silenced for doing so, that is what it is. so be it.

but you have


without community consent

in UPPING the shadowbox to include comments

your first major coding move as CEO of voat is to increase the shadowbox

it's like we elected hillary clinton and 100,000 migrants just got let in.

i would hope you would remove shadowboxing.

it will be stopped

you aren't having community discussion about any of this

let me be clear

i don't support any action you take as a dictator. let the community speak, not just the shills.


everything i do is for the love of the human right to freely express oneself.

please remember that.

i pour as much time into voat of my life as you do.

because you and atko made a believer out of someone who had given up.

please do not do this to voat.

the methodology of "restrict all/giveall the tools to restrict themselves to stop a few" is not good enough.

it is the antithesis of good.

MarkTheNerd ago

Free speech does not mean you can spew bullshit without consequences. In this case those consequences are downvoats and what you consider harassment. If you stop acting like a drug-addled fucktard you'd find people a little nicer to you.

fagnig ago

Its good for everyone to see all the conversation, gotta prevent social engineers from censoring the masses exposure to Non-Approved Violations Of Thinking.

But the individual user being allowed to enable the auto-collapse of comments from users they themselves do not wish to read, does not accomplish this social engineering attack.

So whats your objection. Is this slippery slope to you?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

oh yeah? you gonna finally do something about those brigading me and others who just want to speak freely here?

let's see what happens.

20 bucks says i am silenced and the sjw shills are free to commit crimes against other people on voat.

DoomMantia ago

SJWs? Many of the people replying to you here are some of the most hardcore neo-nazis there are on this site. WTF are you even talking about???

7837722? ago

Thanks Putt, and @Cynabuns too.

AOU ago

You guys rock! :)

Cynabuns ago

Extending a very big THANK YOU to you for all your recent spam work, AOU!

AOU ago

voat has improved so much since.

It's now 90% of my browsing history. ^ ^

Cynabuns ago

Why not 100% ?!


7840481? ago

I still like to check r/the_donald (something I view as "the mainstream entry point to Voat and the Chans beyond"), Drudge Report, Breitbart, archive.is, and the YouTube channels for some based reporters and content creators (I personally like Bill Still, Paul Joseph Watson, "Millenial Millie" Weaver, and the main InfoWars channel, but I also occasionally check on Crowder, Rebel Media, Stefan Molyneux, and a few others from time to time).

AOU ago

Because archive.is ;)

Cynabuns ago


Samsquamch ago

Puttitout for president with cynabuns as VP 2020

Tipman79 ago

In b4 Sanegoat.

Edit: Also, thanks for your efforts @Cynabuns and @Puttitout

SaveTheChildren ago

sanegoat is fucking a goat from his flock right now. He should be here very soon.

U4eah ago

his mother goat or brother goat?

ilovepussy ago

And once again you continue to amaze! Nice work!

Son_Of_Hate ago

It's been said before, but stuff like this is what keeps us around. You clearly love the place and care about the users, and we appreciate you for it. Thanks once more.

PuttItOut ago

This is a trickier thing for us to do actually because of the way caching works.

I can't promise anything in this area because we have a lot of more important work to do.

It's on the list of things to research.

bikergang_accountant ago

Unless people will be blocking 100+ users you could also store it client side. But I guess that's what AVE is for.

PuttItOut ago

As Voat moves more and more to the API we will rely less on UI specific features, so we have to always consider how to handle scenarios in regards to both access mechanisms. Apps, for example, would need these same capabilities available.

pembo210 ago

༼ つ ◕_◕༽つ gib the v1 thingy, i got a thing for it too <3

go1dfish ago

Going further if you ever want to move Voat away from MS tech lock-in this approach helps.

Once the front end is built as a JS app powered by the API it is no longer at all tied to anything MS specific and it's only entanglement is voat's public facing API.

That means once the UI is an API client all you have to do is replace the API out from under it with something purely open source. Easier said than done of course but at least your frontend won't give a damn about the backend at all.

I've been playing with loopback lately, it's an interesting framework for API/Backend development that might be suitable for replacing Voats backend down the line.

go1dfish ago

Adding further to my broad suggestion of how Voat ought to be structured:

Reddit is going to v4 their site when they switch to a JS front end but it's not inherent with the approach.

https://ceddit.com is essentially this front end pattern applied to Reddit (before they did it even) but while nearly exactly copying Reddit's DOM structure to a level where I can use their existing CSS and themes even.

It should be possible to rebuild the existing Voat UI as a pure JS React (or other framework, ceddit is Ember) app while maintaining the exact same DOM structure, appearance and UX.

From there having the UI as a JS app gives you huge flexibility for improvements and experimentation. If the UI is open sourced then it would be easy for AVE type projects to instead be contributions to the app proper. It would also make it possible for devs to contribute to the front end without having to dirty themselves with MS tech.

Another thing to point out is that ceddit is slow, but it's slow because API rate limit restrictions and because of the large volume of data the app has to fetch to uncensor Reddit.

Without those limitations it is very possible for this sort of approach to be faster than a traditional HTML generating server side web app. With clients requesting data piecemeal you can also get much more granular with your cacheing, and that cacheing would be just as relevant for alternate clients.

go1dfish ago

This is the way to go. Solid API and build the site as a JS React app.

Optionally set up server side rendering for SEO and compatibility.

Reddit seems to be planning to replace their front end with something similar but I expect them to Digg v4 the site in the process.

tl;dr make the site just another API app. Then apps can do anything the site can do and you only have one code path for everything.

Sire ago

Cool! Curious to see how this will turn out. As always, mad props to you guys for the hard work.

Mick ago


ExpertShitposter ago


Cynabuns ago

Thanks for your report! OP's domain and username has been captured and submitted to ReportSpammers.

Gamio ago

If that obvious spammer gets around the report and no one does anything about it hes definitely a Russian hacker trying to influence us.

Mick ago

Justice has prevailed!

TahTahBur ago

This is a great feature, maybe the Bragade from /v/soapboxBANhammer will be stopped, and even more so those doxers at /v/soapDOXbananahammer

go1dfish ago

And there was much rejoicing.

7860096? ago

Please make a rule No anarcho-Marxism or any other kind of Marxist terrorist language.

bourbonexpert ago

for the 10 or so people under 20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yciX2meIkXI

PuttItOut ago

You're going to help dev Voat's comment plugin right? ;)

go1dfish ago

I might take a stab at it. I was meaning to ask if there was anything you wanted help with since I've been getting into C# for Unity but I'd much rather help with something more JS oriented like this anyway.

7841411? ago

You the man, go1dfish!

7837526? ago

OMG Thank you!!