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wokeasfook ago

Incredible. You have the patience of a saint although i'm certain many wouldn't recognize it.

Crensch ago

Thank you.

I'm sure they'd all think I was just raging and being all emotional because I called her stupid so many times. Tone-fallacy is one of the most popular ones with NPC-tier meatsuits.

wokeasfook ago

She'd certainly never think to consider the fact that she may actually be behaving like a stupid person. I couldn't believe how difficult a time she was having understanding your points.

I made a couple of posts yesterday and today outlining some successes i have had red pilling my friends and family. I posted screen shots from their messages to me. Hoping to share the positivity with my fellow strugglers here. My brother who i didn't really talk to anymore is now at the stage where he can't get enough of this stuff. He kind of just compared me to Morpheus which i will never let him forget.

Just wanted to say that i have used countless posts of yours in my efforts. You've been a huge help. I have literally one friend left asleep. He won't last much longer now. He won't enjoy being on the outside.

Crensch ago

She'd certainly never think to consider the fact that she may actually be behaving like a stupid person. I couldn't believe how difficult a time she was having understanding your points.

It's completely mind-boggling. That bitch can vote; even if she votes the same way as me, her voice is equal to mine in how this country is run - terrifying.

He kind of just compared me to Morpheus which i will never let him forget.

Never. Let. Him. Forget.

My brother who i didn't really talk to anymore is now at the stage where he can't get enough of this stuff.

That is fucking fantastic; congratulations on reacquiring a brother.

I made a couple of posts yesterday and today outlining some successes i have had red pilling my friends and family. I posted screen shots from their messages to me. Hoping to share the positivity with my fellow strugglers here.

That's really awesome, I'll have to take a look.

Just wanted to say that i have used countless posts of yours in my efforts. You've been a huge help.

Glad my efforts haven't gone to waste.

I have literally one friend left asleep. He won't last much longer now. He won't enjoy being on the outside.

Quickest way I've found to get someone to change their mind is to make them feel uncomfortable with the status quo. If it takes peer pressure to change his mind, so be it.

wokeasfook ago

I'm going to show him this i think he'll appreciate the "reacquiring a brother" comment as much as i do.

I agree with your tactics. Being shy and bashful never changed any minds. I more or less gave every person in my life an ultimatum and i was willing to lose every last one of them if it come to it. And it did come to it. Its all coming full circle now which is awesome. Really feels like my sacrifice has paid off finally.

Top comment is where i reply to my own comment from the day before showing screenshots for everyone to enjoy. Progress finally.

I have a feeling you might not be the biggest Katie fan yourself as i hear she is a bit of a Jew fan but that speech i posted is epic. She is helping me in a couple of my fights if not the Jewish fight i can still appreciate her defense of the West against Muzzies and Niggers. I won't throw the baby out with the bath water just yet. She has become an effective red pill.

Crensch ago

I'm going to show him this i think he'll appreciate the "reacquiring a brother" comment as much as i do.

How does it feel to descend into your own societal hell for 10 years, and only just now break through to the other side? I cannot imagine how you must feel right now, but I'd wager very few people on the planet are happier than you are right now.

I agree with your tactics. Being shy and bashful never changed any minds.

Cause them to feel discomfort until the defense mechanisms break - only then can you have a real conversation with someone stuck on an NPC routine.

I more or less gave every person in my life an ultimatum and i was willing to lose every last one of them if it come to it. And it did come to it.

Stabbing yourself in the heart so your mind can live, and watching your loved ones hate you for it.

Its all coming full circle now which is awesome. Really feels like my sacrifice has paid off finally.

I'm so fucking happy for you, and I bet I can't even imagine a Fauxcahontas of what you're feeling right now.

I have a feeling you might not be the biggest Katie fan yourself as i hear she is a bit of a Jew fan but that speech i posted is epic.

If you can use a Jew puppet to help whites, I have no problem with that. She can hang later - we have NPC faggots to wake up.

She is helping me in a couple of my fights if not the Jewish fight i can still appreciate her defense of the West against Muzzies and Niggers. I won't throw the baby out with the bath water just yet. She has become an effective red pill.

I won't judge you for using any means necessary - the stakes are too high to worry about high roads and being dragged down into anything. Get grimy.

She helped me wake up a rainbow flag touting France flag waving, abortion pushing NPC. And appearantly NPC's can't be woke so there is some power in proving to people they actually like someone they thought they hated.

I'm of the mind that it's a program stuck on a loop. An eternal defense mechanism that'll follow them to the grave unless assaulted relentlessly from the outside.

Then again, I suffer from the less-known effects of the Dunning-Kruger effect - I assume others are as mentally capable as I am if I'm on any level at all of mental autopilot. So I could be entirely wrong about NPCs, and your NPC flag-waver was just a PC stuck in a bad HD sector.

wokeasfook ago

I wish I knew how to do the clipping replies like you and many others do. Makes for a more intelligible post.

I kind of assumed someone with your mind and beliefs would know exactly what it's like to descend into societal hell. Perhaps you are in a job where you needed to be more careful than I do. There is also my giveafuckless attitude. It is true that not many speak as openly as I do in real life. I just dived right in. Im afraid of nothing. I've a very bring it on attitude. So I Threw caution to the wind. Once I seen the matrix I couldn't in good conscience do anything other than oppose it. Certainly I wasn't willing to cater to it or placate to those immersed in the narrative.

I'm lucky that my company has no HR department and never will. 1400 employees and no HR. It's why I love my boss. He is based as fuck although he doesn't have the same free time I have to read and research. But he's incredibly receptive and he loves how I upset the normies. He finds it hilarious. If they don't like it they can fuck off.

If you are a normie you can't have a conversation with me without me making you question your entire existence and world view. Whod have thought people wouldn't like that.

The willingness to lose them was one if the most effective changes I made. Reenter the matrix or drag everyone out of the matrix. Those were my choices.

Once I'd embraced my path I wasn't in societal hell anymore. It was only hell when I feared losing everyone. I knew how much research I had done to try to convince myself I was wrong about everything. When I still couldn't debunk myself I knew I would never relent. I had pretty much accepted my faith as a societal outsider for the rest of my life so this huge change in only the recent months came as a bit of a surprise. A pleasant one.

That friend who replied to your post text me today to inform me how happy he is. Said he hasn't been this happy in years and I'm the reason. We're the reason. He even mentioned how difficult it must have been for me. Apologized for any part he may have played.

So you can't be far off in your assessment. I doubt there is many feeling as happy as I am right now. Hopefully we will all feel it soon.

It's a snowballing affect. They are all like junkies now. Begging for more. More links. More videos. More info. I can't keep up anymore. 2 of them have now graduated to the point where I've told them they are on their own journey now. They are woke enough to proceed by themselves. They have now begun sending me stuff. Good content too. I'm so proud of them. Like little birds leaving the nest.

Nice fauxcahontas reference.

I may be a bit of a Dunning-Kruger sufferer myself. I tend to assume everyone is as smart or as well informed. I used to get mad pretty easily when trying to have conversations with the NPCs. Frustrated easily. "What the fuck is wrong with this person" "why can't they get it" "what's so difficult to understand" etc. Then I'd think 'nobody can be this dumb by accident'.

I have gotten better. I still upset them I just don't get upset myself anymore.

You are right about my sister in law. Turns out she's much smarter than I gave her credit for. In fact I realize now that I probably ignored trying to awaken her because I assumed she was too far gone. In hindsight Ive realized she actually has a fairly logical mind and I should have started with her. Hindsight is 20/20

Apologies for the long essay.

Crensch ago

I wish I knew how to do the clipping replies like you and many others do. Makes for a more intelligible post.

Greater-than sign. ">" at the beginning of a line. ">I wish I knew how to do...etc." causes the above line to go in the quote box.

Perhaps you are in a job where you needed to be more careful than I do.

Mmm, not quite that. The moderator position(s) that landed in my lap here cause me to be autistically neurotic about OpSec; both IRL and online. Safest course was to not get doxxed either way, and still is. If I say something IRL and someone recognizes it from here, I might be black-bag tier trouble.

There is also my giveafuckless attitude. It is true that not many speak as openly as I do in real life. I just dived right in. Im afraid of nothing. I've a very bring it on attitude. So I Threw caution to the wind. Once I seen the matrix I couldn't in good conscience do anything other than oppose it. Certainly I wasn't willing to cater to it or placate to those immersed in the narrative.

Good thing to have.

I'm lucky that my company has no HR department and never will. 1400 employees and no HR. It's why I love my boss. He is based as fuck although he doesn't have the same free time I have to read and research. But he's incredibly receptive and he loves how I upset the normies. He finds it hilarious. If they don't like it they can fuck off.

You are extremely lucky.

The willingness to lose them was one if the most effective changes I made. Reenter the matrix or drag everyone out of the matrix. Those were my choices.

Sounds like it paid off.

Once I'd embraced my path I wasn't in societal hell anymore. It was only hell when I feared losing everyone. I knew how much research I had done to try to convince myself I was wrong about everything. When I still couldn't debunk myself I knew I would never relent. I had pretty much accepted my faith as a societal outsider for the rest of my life so this huge change in only the recent months came as a bit of a surprise. A pleasant one.

I suppose my characterization of it as a hell is from the point of view of a normie. And we still get the slings and arrows, and just because we can brush them off doesn't mean it doesn't take its toll. Being ostracized from family and friends you are trying to help takes its toll.

That friend who replied to your post text me today to inform me how happy he is. Said he hasn't been this happy in years and I'm the reason. We're the reason. He even mentioned how difficult it must have been for me. Apologized for any part he may have played.

Massive validation dose, there.

It's a snowballing affect. They are all like junkies now. Begging for more. More links. More videos. More info. I can't keep up anymore. 2 of them have now graduated to the point where I've told them they are on their own journey now. They are woke enough to proceed by themselves. They have now begun sending me stuff. Good content too. I'm so proud of them. Like little birds leaving the nest.

That's awesome. They'll be chasing the dragon for the rest of their lives, likely.

I have gotten better. I still upset them I just don't get upset myself anymore.

Noticing your own leveling up is nice - often it happens without you knowing.

You are right about my sister in law. Turns out she's much smarter than I gave her credit for. In fact I realize now that I probably ignored trying to awaken her because I assumed she was too far gone. In hindsight Ive realized she actually has a fairly logical mind and I should have started with her. Hindsight is 20/20

It's said that the smartest of us can hold stupid ideas more strongly than the rest because they're better at rationalizing.

Apologies for the long essay.

Not a problem at all; I do this kind of thing anyway. Nice for it to be about good things for once.

wokeasfook ago

It's said that the smartest of us can hold stupid ideas more strongly than the rest because they're better at rationalizing.

Yep "its easier to fool a man than to convince him he has been fooled"

Hey mate, first off thanks for teaching me how to do the quotes.

I hate to disturb you but just wondering if you have any particular red pills you've found effective for the high IQ NPCs. Immigration, deep state etc. I've been through a lot of your stuff and there is certainly lot i could send to this particular person i'm thinking about but i'm just wondering if you have any one in particular that you use on similar people as described below.

I have an in house barrister who i just destroyed in a debate yesterday about the mass immigration to Europe and the migrant caravan. The Star of David on the medium rigid truck seemed to trigger him. I haven't been able to confirm if he is one of them and when i do confirm one way or the other i'll either keep going with him or abandon him as i'll know i'm talking to one of them and rational debate is impossible.

I kind of embarrassed him yesterday. He sees himself as above the average person. Smarter etc. He is smart but he is also dumb as fuck. You might as well be having a discussion with Chris Cuomo.

In the middle of the discussion around the lunch table with at least 15 other people including the bosses he randomly brings up 'vaccines' and 'chem trails' trying to make me take a position. Out of nowhere. The literal definition of a straw man argument. 2 subjects i've never spoke about in work and certainly never with him and suddenly he's trying to make me take a stance so that he can discredit me to the audience. So i called him out by explaining to everyone in the room what a straw man argument is. So he got pissed off then because i'm using language like straw man that he doesn't seem to like. He tried to turn NPC on me then by saying i'm as bad as the MSM idiots i claim to have such a problem with. Hmmm using the perfect word to describe his behaviour bothered him lots. He got mad because i called out his bullshit. I am really suspicious he is one of them because his debate technique stinks of kikery. Having said that i kind of hope he is just a high IQ NPC which is why i'm willing to try with him.

The best bit was my boss pulling me aside later and telling me i destroyed him. Any other job i'd be sacked. My bosses here stand back and admire. The boss was laughing and reminded me that I, a kid who grew up in commission/council housing just destroyed and embarrassed one of the best Barristers in Australia. I reduced him to name calling and straw man arguments.

Noticing your own leveling up is nice - often it happens without you knowing.

Damn right.

I suppose my characterization of it as a hell is from the point of view of a normie. And we still get the slings and arrows, and just because we can brush them off doesn't mean it doesn't take its toll. Being ostracized from family and friends you are trying to help takes its toll.

Definitely. This is what i meant when i assumed you'd been there done that and experienced the pain. Have you? If you don't mind me asking, have you been through the same with family and friends in real life? And if so, i'm curious how things are now? Or is this side of you reserved for online?

And one last thing. I mentioned how i'm pretty vocal in real life like i am here. Truth is i am but i would still never say nigger or kike or anything like that. In real life i talk about all the subjects we talk about here but i do curb my language as best i can so as not to scare off the deeply embedded MSM worshipers.

Crensch ago

I hate to disturb you but just wondering if you have any particular red pills you've found effective for the high IQ NPCs.

Two options. Hammer at them until they break, or use the Socratic method on them in order to get them to realize the internal inconsistencies in their own position - MIGHT require a chalk board depending on how deep the argument goes.

Socratic Method

Actual voat link for below, only archives exist of this guy's comments. Highly recommend looking at the picture in OP, focusing on the red line. His first comment was "It was 6 million, not 600,000" or something like that.

I'm wagering it's out of order, but this guy nuked his account after redpilling himself on the Holocaust. He wasn't the smartest, but he claimed to be literally autistic and claimed to have married a Jew.

If you can manage to get through the above fully, (the conversation splits at one point,) here was the end of that. Here is where it splits.

(Sorry for the shitty archiving)

Hammering until they break

Most of what I do are examples of that, really. Every defense mechanism has a breaking point. Everyone on the defensive gets battle fatigue and gives up at some point, except Jews and certain other, generally paid, entities.

The difference in their tone and language and (if IRL) body language is extremely noticeable. They'll say something defeatist, their shoulders slump, they sound exasperated, and all of that comes through in their text, too.

IRL, I'd comment on it - something like, "Oh, awesome! Now we can have a real conversation!" Not in a sarcastic way, either. The conversation doesn't start until that point. You weren't dealing with an authentic person, you were dealing with a defense mechanism program they use to keep their mind from needing to think. At that point, recap their arguments in your own words without being a dick (you can, but there's no reason to at this point, you've broken them) and let them agree or disagree with your words, and explain themselves.

It's all downhill from the break, really.

Definitely. This is what i meant when i assumed you'd been there done that and experienced the pain. Have you?

I've been the black sheep for ages, on many different topics. BECAUSE I'm the tin-foil-hatted guy of the family, getting them to listen to ANYTHING I say that might be remotely considered political or controversial or against their internal constructs of reality is dismissed right away. My family very openly prefers the convenient lie to the inconvenient truth, and so my progress on them is very slow.

My successes are many - 6 months or 2 years after I say mention something, they'll admit, "gee, you were right about this" but somehow, in a directly opposite showing of Gell Mann Amnesia, I'm still wrong about everything else.

I don't recall what the pain even feels like anymore. I'm either numb to it, or I am unaware of it, despite my ability to empathize with others in my position and conclude they are probably in a great deal of pain. I imagine when/if my friends' and family's programming breaks, that I'll break down like a little bitch from the validation and vindication of everything I've sacrificed and fought for; I don't know that'll happen, but it seems like it would.

Just as you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone, I'd wager you don't appreciate what hell you've gone through until you've marched out the other side, victorious.

And one last thing. I mentioned how i'm pretty vocal in real life like i am here. Truth is i am but i would still never say nigger or kike or anything like that. In real life i talk about all the subjects we talk about here but i do curb my language as best i can so as not to scare off the deeply embedded MSM worshipers.

I do not say these things in public for myriad reasons. The main one being my safety and well-being.

"I bet you wouldn't say that to my face!" is a common internet trope.

OF COURSE I WOULDN'T. I wouldn't risk my health and well-being to say what I say within reach of someone that uses his fists, or worse, when he loses with WORDS. I'm not even remotely shamed by my healthy sense of self-preservation. NPCs aren't worth even the slightest chance of physical harm to me - that's not a lottery ticket I'll buy into ever.

My second reason is economic in nature. I do gig work, and word travels fast in my profession. I'd wager MOST of my clients are right-wing, but I'd also wager almost nobody is as racist as I am. If I can't go full 1488 race-supremacist, then it is prudent to not allow any amount of racism to leak out IRL; the line gets fuzzy otherwise, and I might slip up. Much easier to choke it off at the base.

Third reason is that unlike here, I cannot link and support my claims immediately. I'll just look like "that racist/homophobic/islamophobic/etc. guy", and I'll have to deal with an even stronger defense mechanism than if I start the Socratic method from "oh, he's a nice guy, maybe has a weird idea or two".

Not sure if you've seen my latest thrashing, but I'm pretty sure I outed a Jew and made him tell me his weak points.

wokeasfook ago

<I think this is the most thorough destruction of holocaust belief that I've ever witnessed. What you did here was art. I'll be saving this thread to point people to it in the future.

^^^ this 💯 this. It was an art. I was reading through it thinking holy shit I'll never be able to do that. Nice example to set.

Crensch ago

When he said "number is wrong", I thought he was going for some lesser-claimed number. His response "The holocaust didn't happen" floored me. He's still a Jew pigfucker, but I respected the hell out of him. Wish he was still around (he probably is on some other autism-related username.)

wokeasfook ago

Doubt it.

He just nuked the account and repressed the fuck out of that memory like he'd just been raped by a pack of niggers

Crensch ago

I would normally agree, but gassed him multiple times.

Supposedly his wife's username:

I think he was a literal autist, and couldn't handle the fact that he didn't win. His wife, too, seemed like she wanted to get back at me for calling her a Jew pig.

wokeasfook ago

Had a big win of my own today. This guy finally admitted it.

Crensch ago


Kek at his 1-2k for "footage".

Jews killing non-jews probably!

wokeasfook ago

I know. Anything but admit it outright. Still that's the first person I've had take that pill. I have a few questioning but this is the first I've got to say it. Been saying it for years to his scoffs. He is one of the ones I explained is like a junkie now, can't get enough so I tried him again recently with some of your stuff. Then randomly this morning I decided to text him simply:

So did the Holocaust happen?

We were texting back and forth about other things all day but he didn't respond to the Holocaust question until about an hour ago.

This was his initial response. He'd been thinking about it all day and this was what he came up with. Top kek

Crensch ago

Stellar work, bud. Grats on your first Holohoax pill-taker.

wokeasfook ago

Btw congrats to you too, you supplied the weaponry to push it over the edge

wokeasfook ago

Thanks mate. Felt good. I would have liked a 'the Holocaust never happened' but I'll settle for 'it never happened'

I have concerns about the Steinlight Plan.

He suggested they cultivate the rise of Nationalism basically because of fear the Goyim would figure them out.

Trump proudly declared himself a Nationalist. Which I am. But it did give me pause.

Even if he is a Jew asset behind it all I'd still rather go along for now. It's buying us time to red pill the masses.

Any opinion on it?

Crensch ago

Any opinion on it?

They're not calculating for what I am now calling the Redpill Addiction Effect where people lied to their whole lives will voraciously devour FACTS and dismiss ALL non-factual narratives.

Time for redpills is a good thing. Breaking the programming is a good thing.

wokeasfook ago

Lose lose for them. Desperate measures

wokeasfook ago

It seems like he got it. I definitely respected him for admitting it. I'm sure she got it too but she still reverted back to blaming you.

See in her eyes even if everything you say is true its no excuse for the anti semitism. That's just disgusting.

The Jew cried out as she struck you

wokeasfook ago

I'm wagering it's out of order, but this guy nuked his account

Mate that was epic. He said the words. The Holocaust never happened. Brilliant.

I did see your esoteric takedown. Nail on the head.

I don't spend much time over there these days. I stumbled on the WordPress pizzagate first and that lead me here eventually. Lurked the pizzagate sub almost exclusively back then. I believe it and much more. I'm certain as I can be that the Podestas, Alafantis, the Clinton's Epsteins, all the steins, all those tight knit fuckers are genuinely satanic evil fucks guilty of everything they are suspected of and more. I doubt any of us can truly grasp the level of evil. I'm a huge supporter. I see Q as a progression of that same movement. It kinda feels like the next stage in the offensive.

Crensch ago

I believe i'm entirely in agreement with you here.

That holocaust guy - his (supposedly) Jew wife got on and debated me. I made that Anne Frank admit she was racist.

No archives there.

Despite my constantly quoting the words I'm responding to, I never did with those two for some reason. Damn shame.

wokeasfook ago

Ah stop I can't take it anymore. I can't even read her replies but I can imagine. I'm loving the 'it' references. They're really growing on me.