xenoPsychologist ago

i do believe i have seen a sequel account running around. electric boogaloo and all that.

Crensch ago

Oh, do let me know who you think it is!

xenoPsychologist ago

thats the thing, it was just dylan_klebod2. nothin particularly sneaky, just a two slammed up against the butt of his previous name.

Crensch ago

Ah, what a faggot. Deleting all that great content because he's a coward.

@Dylan_Klebold2 come the fuck on, dude.

xenoPsychologist ago

it looks like he killed that one, too. whats going on with that sausage wrangler? i guess we will have to keep our eyes out for proper alter egos now. ya know how they just cant keep away!

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

he deleted cause was afraid he get into trouble for his username

PhatBastard ago

Crensch is busy today. Keep it up, your doing gods work

BigFatDaddy ago

Awww, the little kike-lover his gone? Does this put you up to 6 Million jews gassed yet?

Anti_Idle ago

Wasn't Dylan Klebold some jewish fag in Hitler's life?

ExpertShitposter ago

Its the columbine school shooter.

Anti_Idle ago

Oh yeah, that's right. I know I'd seen it somewhere recently and I've been watching the greatest story never told.

ExpertShitposter ago

Damn it @Dylan_Klebold i liked you even tho you mad 4 muddy jew babies. If you ever come back just stick to shitposting and don't tell us you married a jew.

White-Supremacist ago

Damn it @Dylan_Klebold i liked you even tho you mad 4 muddy jew babies. If you ever come back just stick to shitposting and don't tell us you married a jew.

Whats next? "Hey niggers, lets be friends just don't point out you are a nigger, K?"

Not saying I want to censor people, just saying, don't correct your enemy while he is making a mistake. Let the niggers and kikes tell you who they are.

ExpertShitposter ago

He wasn't some shithead leftie or anything just clueless on the JQ. Simply never heard the info.

Crensch ago

I was impressed that he admitted he got the numbers on the holocaust wrong, and a week later when asked about the numbers, said the holocaust didn't happen.

Poor faggot didn't know what he was doing when he got married to a kike and sired 3 Anne Franks and a transgender Arnie Frank.

weredawg ago

I saw him get destroyed in debate, but I didn't know he completely flipped on it later. I did notice that I never saw him post again.

Crensch ago

https://kek.gg/i/5PQbrx.png https://voat.co/v/whatever/2362223

No archive.

His first answer was something like "the number is wrong".

His second deleted comment was something like "the holocaust didn't happen"

weredawg ago

God damn. He broke.

Crensch ago


Crensch ago

I even made his supposed wife admit she was racist. Bitch was a born-and-bred Jew and I forced her to admit she wouldn't move her little Anne Franks to a poor nigger neighborhood over the poor white neighborhood, all other things being equal.

Crensch ago







ahh shit, it's too damn late. gimme a sec to get the archive of him admitting the holocaust didn't happen. (hope i have it)

ExpertShitposter ago

Maybe he deleted account to hide tracks so he can infiltrate JIDF HQ and bomb it.

gabara ago

^^^ this

Mumbleberry ago

Lol, that's funny.