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wokeasfook ago

These are the messages i'm receiving on a daily basis from people who i had previously lost all hope for. Still a ways to go with a lot of people in my life but things have improved beyond what i dared hope only a short time ago.

Onward and upward from here. We have the numbers now. Woke vs Asleep. We have passed critical mass. Speak out. Speak bravely. It works in the end. - Brothers Wife - Brother. I've decided to never let him forget he's compared me to Morpheus. Even though he technically didn't. Can't let the truth get in the way of a good gloat. - awakened mate acknowledging his awakening

All of the above were hopeless not long ago.

Times are good for me these days. The asleep are the loners these days.

Penetr8tor ago

Nice! Must feel great!

wokeasfook ago

It really does. And don't get me wrong I'm not completely letting them off the hook. I'm reminding them that they owe a lot of apologies. I'm reminding them that they took part in the MSM assault on critical thinkers. They need to realize what they have been a part of.

They are all taking it surprisingly well.

bopper ago

Happy for you !

wokeasfook ago

Thanks. I'm happy for all of us. The normies are receptive right now. More than they ever have been. We all have a window of opportunity we need to take full advantage of. We're all doing our part. Trump's doing his and we're doing ours.