Crensch ago

Cheesebooger ago

hahaha Jews tend not to like truth about themselves. Great job, man.

projection ago

Yes, facts and logic to the Jew are like sunshine to a vampire. They are creatures who have evolved to live in the darkness of lies.

bdmthrfkr ago

Thanks for the heads up and good work Crensch!

Germ22 ago

Looks like i missed out on some fun while i was ofline.

Crensch ago

Ahh yes. Even Dylan_Klebold sat at the back of the gas chamber this time. Things were really quiet until the rPV crowd started rattling sabers, attacking people from anon, and harassing good goats.

Voopin__Voopin ago

LOL, thanks for the ping!

so the hunt is on for the next alt/iteration.....

they allllllllllllways come back :)

also kek at the sidebar

no jews or kikery

MadWorld ago

X-D As always, brilliant and priceless!!

BigFatDaddy ago


Keep this up, and you might just hit 6 million.

Crensch ago

If and when I do, I'll doxx myself and never be seen in anything but SS uniforms and regalia.

Anti_Idle ago

Just can't use Google to find your uniform. Search shopping for gadsden flag, no problem. Search for nazi flag, no results.

MadWorld ago

You will be a hero to humanity!!

BigFatDaddy ago

Do that and I'm nominating you to run for President in 2024.

xenoPsychologist ago

i saw. you are the jew whisperer. its you.

Crensch ago

My last conversation with @sarai.

No idea if that was the kicker, or something else, since her entire account is nuked.

xenoPsychologist ago

you could fill a library.

Crensch ago

As I'm typing that I remember, I'm a FUCKING GENIUS

In this comment

I hid this archive:

And in this comment

I hid this archive:

And in this comment

I hid this archive:

The conversation flows from bottom to top here.

Sadly, I'm not genius enough to have gone further back than that. I should have known better and just copied what she said each time in my own comment. No idea why I've started slipping there.

BigFatDaddy ago

Man, I don't know how you do it. I just don't have the patience to handhold the disingenuous bastards through the logic like that. I get fed up and just start calling them faggots.

sigh I need to improve my bantz.

xenoPsychologist ago

right, i remember that! good times were had by all.

Crensch ago

Wish the whore hadn't deleted everything - I made her admit she was racist!

xenoPsychologist ago

oh man. i probably wouldnt have thought to screenshot or archive in time, either. maybe she will have an existential crisis or something.

Crensch ago

We're evil for being anti-semitic because we showed her that Jews were evil. Makes perfect sense.