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Dylan_Klebold ago

It says 600,000, not 6 million.

Dylan_Klebold ago

So the number might be wrong. Doesn't change that the holocaust happened.

Crensch ago

Oh yeah? Which claims of the holocaust do you think actually happened? 6million? Gas chambers? Ovens? Death Rollercoasters? Soap? Lampshades?

Dylan_Klebold ago

The soap and lampshade shit is wrong.

Crensch ago

That's not what I asked, now stop acting like a Jew and state your position clearly.

Dylan_Klebold ago

The gas and the ovens happened.

Crensch ago

And the number of dead?

Dylan_Klebold ago

Maybe off by hundreds of thousands, perhaps a million.

Crensch ago

So you think it's more like as little as 5 million then? Or are you saying up to 7 million?

Dylan_Klebold ago

5 million is the lowest.

Crensch ago

When the 6 million number came out, Auschwitz was reported to be 4 million of that. Do you agree?

Dylan_Klebold ago

No. In fact, they lowered that estimate.

Crensch ago

Really? What did they lower it to?

Dylan_Klebold ago

1.1 million for auschwitz

Crensch ago

And when was it that they lowered it?

Dylan_Klebold ago


Crensch ago

And when did the 6 million number come out?

Dylan_Klebold ago

Shit, can't find it.

Crensch ago

Is that so?

Dylan_Klebold ago

Maybe DuckDuckGo is just a shit search engine.

Crensch ago

Dylan_Klebold ago

Alright. What does the date have to do with anything?

Crensch ago

What do you do when you're adding supposed death camps up to get a total for deaths?

Dylan_Klebold ago

I don't collect statistics like that, so I don't know.

Crensch ago

You don't know how to come up with a total number of deaths from various supposed death camps?

Dylan_Klebold ago

Well, yeah, that's simple addition.

Crensch ago

So in 1946 when the 6 million number came out, what was the accepted total for Auschwitz at that time?

Dylan_Klebold ago

4 million.

Crensch ago

And what did they lower it to, by your own admittance, in 1988?

Dylan_Klebold ago

1.1 million.

Crensch ago

So how many million were they off by?

Dylan_Klebold ago


Crensch ago

What's 6 million minus 2.9 million?

Dylan_Klebold ago


Crensch ago

Then why did you claim it was as low as 5 million?

Dylan_Klebold ago

Shit, I didn't know.

Crensch ago

Let's just round the difference down to 3 million.

What percentage of 6 million is 3 million?

Dylan_Klebold ago


Crensch ago

So how much of a lie was the often-repeated and literally the only number most people know about WW2 or the Nazis, just from simple mathematics based on their own internally inconsistent claims?

Dylan_Klebold ago

Okay, the holocaust is a half truth. Still somewhat correct.

Crensch ago

That's a lot of lie for my taste, but if a half lie is fine with you, then let's move on to the gas chambers.

Do you believe Jews were gassed with Zyklon B?

Do you believe that the pills were dropped from the chimney into the room?

Please furnish any other details you find particularly compelling.

Dylan_Klebold ago

Yes, the gassings happened. Didn't nazis admit to doing it?

Crensch ago

Yes, the gassings happened.

Care to provide details, or answers to the more specific questions I had above?

Didn't nazis admit to doing it?

Rupert Butler wrote an Anti-Nazi book called Legions of Death in 1983. In it he wrote this.

The Nuremburg Court, or where nazis would have admitted such things, is where the ridiculous things like Jews being turned into lampshades and even soap were originally claimed, believed, and printed as fact.

It's your choice to believe it or not, but the Judge of that court, Edward L. Van Roden wrote in his book, "American Atrocities in Germany" about how 137 of the 139 alleged war criminals were tortured by having their testicles crushed.

You can DDG this:

Article 19 of the London Charter (rules for the Nuremburg Trials) states: "The Tribunal shall not be bound by rules of EVIDENCE."

Article 21 states: "The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts of common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof."

Dylan_Klebold ago

Okay, assuming the gassings didn't happen (which may be a more plausible possibillity than I realized), treating a group of people badly just cause of the actions of a few is pretty bad, right?

Crensch ago

Please look at the picture in OP again, and ignore the red lines.

Sullysq ago

Good job my dood. You kept your cool and broke it all down within their own inconsistencies. You didn't even use the census numbers or the Red Cross reports! I'm impressed. (mostly cause you stayed calm ;p )

weredawg ago

I think this is the most thorough destruction of holocaust belief that I've ever witnessed. What you did here was art. I'll be saving this thread to point people to it in the future.

Crensch ago