PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Fuck the scumbags at reddit my one of my comments got picked up by media matters and the shit hit the fan

Rotteuxx ago

Guessing by the deleted comments that this was @virge ?

virge ago

Virge has not deleted any comments in over a month now, but thank you for playing Mr. Troll sir.

Rotteuxx ago

A month at best, not over, liar.

virge ago

Thanks for proving my point.

NotaQjackass ago

Let us welcome our "judeo-christian" jackass friends.

Zednix ago

Bait comments to ban the sub. If you needed evidence for the technocratic take over there it is.

bonnieblue ago

I do not agree with Reddit and their "quarantine" of The_Donald subreddit. To me it is censorship and that is un-American. I am now here to share the positive love and light with other like minded MAGA voaters.

BlueDrache ago

So ... they wasted manpower when losing a war on 2 fronts and starving to death because of Allied bombing the supply lines to dig up 900k corpses, burn them and then rebury the cremated remains.

Ok, Shlomo. Whatever.

OoklaTheMok111 ago

Goddamn, I love this place. LMAO.

Iornukrum ago

Maybe now they can drop that charade about loving Israel and get real.

sackofwisdom ago

There's a huge wealth of archived wisdom from people on some of Reddit's subs. It's a shame the site has been corrupted for so long. I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for all the beautiful bastards there that have influenced me over the last decade.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Threats against police? My ass.

BravoXray ago

Well I'm fucking pissed.

Arcesious ago

I think there's already more overlap between these sorts of communities than people realize or will admit, so the complaints about 'those dumb boomers' coming to voat or wherever just make me roll my eyes.

Lefteightwat ago

Yup, glad. I found this place tho. Last bastion anyone? Good lord.

The1stLantern ago

Here come the refugees

CrustyBeaver52 ago

I see tombstones / yup, tombstones is what I see.

Lefteightwat ago

Yeah i uninstalled reddit, this get regular stories and updates tho?

SitelessVagrant ago

Fairly regular. The more traffic from the old home the the more news we'll get.

molonlabe9 ago

I was going to use my old account /u/cuntpaochicken (6-11-2015) but it's locked for security purposes, whatever that means.

Looks like voat may be the only reasonable place to go.

Fatema ago

Meanwhile at BLM (sips tea)

ConcreteGaloshes ago

So, are they on track? Which officials? Which police?

Does anyone know? I really don't want to go look for myself. The reddit domain is so cringeworthy.

Putinforpresident ago

Can someone explain what the quarantine means, and if the subreddit is just on its way to being banned?

SitelessVagrant ago

Quarantine is a chickenshit ban.

AuraLain ago

Ready to move from Reddit

englishwebster ago

we need to understand that this is intentional in the run up to the election.

we should help them get back into reddit somehow. like em or lump em they were a large part of the success last time.

Arotaes_Forgehammer ago

fuck lol

kommisar6 ago

Maybe they will start posting here. This place is a lot better than that sub.

Ender_of_dreams ago

Voat is hilarious.

Legalize-Murder ago

Your tiny cock is hilarious, kike loving faggot.

RaisonDetre ago

Back for good, new account. Fuck those fascists.

Tallest_Skil ago

You have no idea what fascism is.

Shekelstein6M ago

Fascism is radical nationalism. It doesn't mean "people I don't like".

SmokeyMeadow ago

I don't see why shit always has to flow downhill to us from Reddit. If you're a refugee from there, go away. We don't want you here and also the holocaust was faked.

redditrefugee14 ago

Nah, to both. You'll be replaced here soon enough. Thoughts on Israel having enough nukes to prevent anything like the Holocaust happening again?

The_Oogie ago

Israel only has nukes because America have them nukes.

Tallest_Skil ago


Kikes stole US nuclear secrets and gave them to the ✡Soviets✡. They also stole 500 pounds of uranium from the US. We gave them NOTHING.

redditrefugee14 ago

Actually, no retard. That was France. But you're avoiding the question.

The_Oogie ago

You're the retard...can't even read usernames.

redditrefugee14 ago

I absolutely can. You butted into the conversion and avoided the question, while moving the goalpost with factually incorrect info. Holy shit you're dumb lol.

SmokeyMeadow ago

LOL, "again." Your shitty Reddit sub will be unquarantined after the debate, and all of you will move back there like the garbage flood you are. Before then you'll probably have to make a dozen accounts because they will all keep getting downvoted to shit for being a piece of shit kike lover. Neck yourself.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Your shitty Reddit sub will be unquarantined after the debate, and all of you will move back there

It's really for the best.

Last time the T_D faggots showed to en masse, their asses seemed to hurt more than when their wife's boyfriend, Jamal penetrated them.

redditrefugee14 ago

I love how you avoided the part of Israel's nukes lmfao. Does that really trigger you that much?

2fast4u92 ago

Simple, target them with our own, double the size of the explosions. Instant glass bowl in the desert

SmokeyMeadow ago

Have fun with that until the admin locks down registration. And enjoy your salary from the state of Israel.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

have your say,


shut it down someone disagrees with me!!!

Go back to reddit with them safe space faggot. And take the cencorship faggot @puttitout with you too.

SmokeyMeadow ago

Oh this is rich. Voat's biggest shit heel outcast troll just had to weigh in. Try not to break the scale with your idiocy. I enjoy watching you cry like a little bitch when your shitty alt accounts get voted below the contribution threshold.

"Waaaaah! This site is supposed to be free speech, why won't anyone take me seriously?"

Maybe it's because nothing you've ever said has had any kind of legitimacy or merit. Ever consider that? The fact that you're sticking up for these kike lovers proves that you don't actually believe a word of what you post. Going back to Reddit isn't an option for you, so go suck start a shotgun, you pathetic waste of oxygen.

redditrefugee14 ago

HAAHAAHAAAHAA I love you still avoided my comment about nukes for the second time. It clearly triggers you.

SmokeyMeadow ago

I didn't address it because it didn't seem relevant to the discussion of how you're a faggot who needs to die. But I'm fine with Israel having nukes because that makes them a target, just so you know. Maybe we'll get lucky and a coalition of unkiked nations will vaporize your shitty homeland in a simultaneous multilateral strike.

redditrefugee14 ago

And anyone who tries to target Israel will get nuked out of oblivion 😉. You mad?

SmokeyMeadow ago

I would view any retaliation as an acceptable loss.

redditrefugee15 ago

Right, but you're not a leader of a country, dummy lol.

SmokeyMeadow ago

You're leading the pack of faggots getting BTFO by the Voat immune system.

SnappySnap ago

Created an account because I feel the end is near.

Tallest_Skil ago

Like the NPC you are, yeah. No conscious thought. Just following trends.

Papa_Stattikk ago

I highly doubt they threatened police.

cyka_blyat556 ago

Fuck these reddit niggers. We don't want you faggots here.

whiteshower ago

When God, family, and country are counterculture we have become Weimar.

Enterprise_CV6 ago

I came from over there. I'm new to this place, but I'll figure it out, I'm sure. CV6 at your service. Let's avenge this massacure.

MrDarkWater ago

Israel did 911. Hitler did nothing wrong. Killed are the synagogue of Satan

NaCl_Miner ago

Is this a sub for GEOTUS or Jew haters?

MrDarkWater ago

Welcome to voat, ignorant fuck-stain

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

99% of voat users blame "muh jooz" for their own failings. Get used to it.

MrDarkWater ago

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Grow up and start taking responsibility for your life. Stupid nigger.

MrDarkWater ago


MrDarkWater ago

Kike argument tactic

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

muh jooz, everyone is racist, everyone raped me!! Whaaahhhh

MrDarkWater ago

Triggered you huh? go back to reddit, faggot.

you are here for a reason. If you can't handle it, be gone.

Tallest_Skil ago

Your autocorrect changed “kikes” to something that doesn’t make sense.

MrDarkWater ago

Ty, fucking Chinese phone trying to fuck with me again

Russian_Robot ago


FWIW, as a new guy here, going to listen more than I post. Only reason I had a reddit account was for that sub.

NaCl_Miner ago

Same. Looks like an interesting clientele here. I think TD tried to stay more focused on DJT though

Niggertown ago

/v/TheZognald for those that don't want to be magatards their whole lives.

spezkiller ago

I don't care about that sub, but I'm pretty sure if anyone posted in there calling for violence against cops, it was a false flag. aren't they pro-cop???

ioillusion ago

In the case of other subs, you could find conversations openly planning the takedowns. There was a list of targets at one point.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Well i wouldn't so i'm anti cop being pro police reform and and anti police brutality is actually one of the most pro police things out there well it should be anyway.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

I'm anti cop but don't call for violence against cops TD is pro cop so you know threats of violence against cops is a lie.

woksauce ago

The admins gave no examples, just vague allegations

Slackboy101 ago

Of all the things they blame us for

pew_pew_pew ago

Yes they are. One of the only subs on there that is pro cop. It's just censorship. Are you really surprised? Reddit appeals to boot licking groupthink scum.

redditrefugee12 ago

I'd love to make a full exodus over here, but we gotta remove antisemites from here, much like on T_D on Reddit. That's why it was a such a successful community. The left and people with Trump Derangement Syndrome tried to paint us as racists, and it triggered them they were wrong. Let's try to shape this community into T_D, a community of kind American patriots.

irelandLost ago

These idiots are going to be worse even than the qtards. Is there a way to block these reddit clone subs so they don’t appear on v/all for me?

drj2 ago

Yes you just click block subverse when you see it.

irelandLost ago

Thanks, I’ve just followed your instruction and seen that it’s so simple an idiot could’ve figured it out quite easily. But I had to ask. While this may not be a proud moment for me personally I am happy to say goodbye to the qtards. Thank you very much fren

DudeGoingDeaf ago

Here we go again, fuck Reddit!

Yuke ago

I have no sympathy for anyone still using Reddit. Moaning about anything they do is like going to a library and wanting to sing out loud and being mad that they won't let you because... it's... a... library.

SuiteMadameBlue1976 ago


Time4puff ago

Guess they wanted it down for the circus debate tonight.

woksauce ago

I bet it is up in a week after the debate fallout is over.

SitelessVagrant ago

Too many people are already celebrating, and to many of the T_D'ers are tired of the constant shit with Reddit. It's either going to be here or that Parler thing Brad is talking about .

Magnifiscent ago

You're probably not wrong, but at some point you have to ask yourself (or at least I have), what is the value of something that can be taken away without warning based on the whim of another? Screw reddit.

el-y0y0s ago

Spez caught with his shorts at his ankles. But that's nothing new.

Turkeypotato ago

And his wife's clit in his ass

SitelessVagrant ago


OhRutherfordBehave ago

Oh shit, were all about to learn a hard lesson that your skin color doesn't matter, only your ideology....

SmokeyMeadow ago

"Muh based minorities!"

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Can't fucking wait

teamviewer ago

Boomer civic nationalists, just trust the plan, goy! Let them non-white immigrants come in LEGALLY, doesn't matter they breed more, abuse our welfare system, and vote democrat!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Is there some sort of problem with threatening violence against the police?

Lawmakers in Oregon just threatened police in the past week.

philmchawk ago

Every leftist sub does it daily.

diethylaminedreams ago

The Donald is pretty tame. They've been decent with moderation I guess. Cth posts flagrant calls to violence in the regular.

Cyberpunk_VCR ago

Yeah, Chapo and Late Stage Capitalism should have been banned 1000x over by now.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Craphole chapped ass is some of highest concentration of dumbest shit on the internet. Reddit is like "fuck having money anyway." Or ironically enough, it's ALL becoming advertisement. Like advertiser puppet accounts talking to advertising puppet accounts, all overseen by HR that makes sure nothing's too offensive. Surely that bubble won't burst.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

There is nothing wrong with threats or violence, you just need to be in the right position to do it, say an elected official or a peace officer.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Well if the police dislike my free speech I'll kill any who illegally kick in my front door.

Rifles go through police vests.

glassuser ago

Depends on the vest and the rifle. But in general, 308 black tip > allthatshit

GritD2 ago

Or antifa member

RaisonDetre ago

Or just a Democrat

thelma ago

well, has anyone been arrested ?


Seems like no threats were made then, doesn't it ?

Shittit .. why are people even there ?

ggolemg ago

Genocide all non-whites, kikes first.

Tallest_Skil ago


Doc40holliday ago

Why would it be such a big deal if people believe this or not lol. Who gives a fuck if people agree on if the holocaust happened or not, we can support Trump regardless. This is a retarded comment, but I'm down to see what evidence you guys have to support your claim that the holocaust didn't happen. I have seen the YouTube video of the guy going through the newspaper talking about 6 million Jews and a holocaust happening before Hitler was even in power.

Tallest_Skil ago


It is only because jews needed a justification for establishing a homeland that the story of the holocaust is even repeated today. It is only because jews control Western media, banks, education, companies, and governments that the story of the holocaust is repeated today and that whites feel guilty for something they did not do. To understand why the holocaust remains part of public consciousness, you need to look at who benefits. From the holocaust, jews got an entire nation–Israel–in the Middle East. From this key strategic location, they are able to influence world oil trade, reap billions of dollars in “reparations” from Germany, and have since 1948 received nearly $3,000,000,000,000 in foreign and military aid from the taxpayers of the USA. Israel is a place to which jewish criminals from other nations escape to avoid prosecution. Jews around the world claim victim status while victimizing the rest of the world themselves. They can only do this as long as the narrative of the holocaust is believed.

If a large enough number of people discovers the truth: that the holocaust did not happen, that a genocide of jews was not planned, ordered, or carried out, and that jews have used this hoax as leverage to commit their own genocide on both whites and Arabs around the world for 73 years–people. will. be. livid. Israel will lose its funding and jews around the world will lose their “victim card.” Every action taken by every jew in every country for the last 73 years will be called into question. Every story in the media, every social cause they supported, every law they passed as a member of another nation’s government, every corporation they own, every price they set, every bank they control, every interest rate they raised or lowered, every war they engaged in, every nuclear missile they built, every threat they made, every lie that any jew, anywhere, has told in the last 70 years–and before–will be called into question. Everything will be scrutinized. Every dollar will be demanded in repayment. Everything will be dismantled. Everything the jews have done to destroy Western civilization will be undone. People. will. be. livid.

The entire modern system of “political correctness”–of whining, reparations, and granting jews carte blanche to behave as they wish–is based on what was invented at the Nuremberg “trial.” Because the entirety of the modern world was built on a lie, if anyone, anywhere, is allowed to say, “Yes, but…” he is destroying the 70 years of lies that led to the world we see today. For jews, the holocaust is sacred. Doubting, questioning, or refuting it–even saying that events were not exactly as jews claim–is equivalent to telling a Christian, “Jesus wasn’t actually crucified, he was just pinched really hard.” The holocaust is a “given.” To jews, it is a priori “true.” It cannot be changed. If whites are allowed to start doubting it, jewish global control implodes.

Take away the “excuse” of the holocaust. Now look at the behavior of jews around the world again. They don’t look so innocent anymore. They start to look exactly as they are: a brutal, merciless people who will say or do anything to get what they want, who live off the pain of others. Everyone reading this book has been personally aggrieved by bankers, tyrants, traitors, propagandists, outsourcers, and warmongers. Even if you didn’t know it. Even if you, personally, have never met a jew at any time in your life, your life has been directly affected by the actions of the jews since WWII. Without the holocaust to protect them, everyone would know that jews are behind this pain.

redditrefugee14 ago

You poor thing. Show us on the doll where the Jews touched you.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

This is the most kiked comment in history. Classic jude.

Fatema ago

Also Reddit: "Dont Post Here"

anoncastillo ago

Let's not go with "don't post here" and instead "ask us to educate you because holy shit have the kikes made you retarded".

Epoxe ago

fuck you. don't tell me what to think fuckwad.

Tallest_Skil ago

don’t tell me what to think

Don’t act surprised when you’re killed for being wrong, then.

agree with


Epoxe ago

oh so either I agree or im a leftist zionist? eat shit.

"TRUTH" is different than truth.

Some fucking nigger on the internet said it, so it has to be true. Right? I just think its a shit starting position for a conversation to tell some one some shit like that. You hate Jew's? Fine. I don't give a fuck. At least put a reasonable well suited argument together for why you think that.... but to just come out and tell some one accept my precondition or XXXXX. FUCK YOU. You dont own me bitch.

Why are you fucking cocksuckers so worked up about jew's anyways? its all you God damned morons talk about on here.

Tallest_Skil ago

either I

Become literate or fuck off. We don’t want you if you can’t read.


Fuck off, then. Either lurk more or shut the fuck up about things you don’t understand.

Epoxe ago

Nah. You don't own me fucker. I'll do what I please. I bet you're wacking off in your grandmas basement, like the truly bad ass anti-jew edge-lord you are.

"Grandma get me some more cookies, I'm busy being a bad ass and slaying internet jew's"

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

All of you kikes have the same exact "rebuttals". Hurrr durr basement buuuhhhh virgin duuuhhh neckbeard. Fuck off you filthy longnosed rat.

Epoxe ago

Seriously everyone who disagrees with you isn't a jew fucktard.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Sure thing, Moshi.

Tallest_Skil ago

Kill yourself, yid. The holocaust didn’t happen. You’ve exposed yourself.

Slackboy101 ago

Guys save it for the enemy! we'll look into that after the Libtards get culled!

anoncastillo ago

(((Liberals)))? Jesus fuck, just ask Google what percent of American billionaires are jewish and from there you'll figure it out.

pew_pew_pew ago

You're going to "ask google" for facts. okay. Faggots gonna fag i guess.

anoncastillo ago

Even google will tell you the rich are overwhelmingly jewish.

Tallest_Skil ago

You are the enemy if you can’t comprehend fact. That’s the point being made.

Slackboy101 ago

No! i mean the Sjws! ANTIFA! We won't get anything done arguing with each other

Tallest_Skil ago

Your next line is “Trump is not a leftist and the Republican party doesn’t vote identically to the Democrat party.”

That’s why you don’t belong here. You have no fucking idea who “the liberals” even are.

DepressedDIO ago

what are you a fucking idiot?

MrDarkWater ago

Stick around and learn something, or leave

Tallest_Skil ago

Go back to reddit, subhuman. Worship jews on another website.

DepressedDIO ago

I've been on voat before this reddit shit, but if you think the holocaust didn't happen you're simply a retard and you need todie tbh.

Tallest_Skil ago

Okay, blow your brains out. Your account is worthless. You do not belong here. Do not post again. The holocaust is demonstrably a hoax and has been admitted to as such by jews.

DepressedDIO ago

You're a fucking idiot and should hang yourself. Get used to seeing me, i'll be around for a while faggot.

Tallest_Skil ago

No you won’t. We’ll see to that.

DepressedDIO ago

Come and get me faggot

Tallest_Skil ago

Post your home address, subhuman. We’ll find you one way or another. Make it easier for us and maybe we’ll only kill you with one bullet.

DepressedDIO ago

Oh i'm just shaking in my boots as I drink from my Louder with crowder mug. Come find me troglodyte.

Tallest_Skil ago

Tick tock, yidlover.

DepressedDIO ago

Come and get me faggot Come and get me faggot Come and get me faggot

Tallest_Skil ago

9 posts left today. Go back to reddit where your brain damage matters.

DepressedDIO ago

Come get me faggot Come get me faggot Come get me f a g g o t

Tallest_Skil ago


DepressedDIO ago

Come get me faggot

DepressedDIO ago

come get me f a g g o t

pew_pew_pew ago

Don't be dumb. Free speech is hard for someone's first day here but you too can learn to entertain an idea without believing it. Give it time.

DepressedDIO ago

I've been on this website for a while retard, it's my free speech to call this retard a fucking retard. Go fuck yourself faggot

ChocktawRidge ago

What kind of retarded BS is that?

MrDarkWater ago

Truth that hurts your NPC brain-jelly

Tallest_Skil ago


anoncastillo ago

Only black pilled idiots who don't want to turn the entire right against the kikes would tell them to leave. Start telling them how the holohoax was faked and how the kikes stole 1/3 of their income instead. Or even your usual christcuck jewslave bible bullshit.

Tallest_Skil ago

Why would I want leftists here? They’re not “the right” because they say they are. For fuck’s sake. Good goy, by the way. Keep repeating what jews tell you to say.

ChocktawRidge ago

Eat shit.

Legalize-Murder ago

You just now stopped sucking the cock of reddit long enough to realize that you were controlled opposition? Dumbass faggot.

ChocktawRidge ago

I really get a kick out out of you little internet badasses.

MrDarkWater ago

Get a kick out of truth. Don't fight it

Legalize-Murder ago

Yeah says the guy who comments eat shit to someone. You're an NPC faggot.

Tallest_Skil ago

Cry harder, you jewish piece of shit. You don’t belong here. The holocaust didn’t happen. Go back to reddit.

pew_pew_pew ago

It's called FREE SPEECH. Get used to it or gtfo.

ChocktawRidge ago

You get used to it, and by the way, fuck off and die!

MrDarkWater ago

Hitler did nothing wrong, Israel did 911, and Jews are the synagogue of Satan

Torch_Bearer ago

you worship YAHWEH, the god of the Jews. you are nothing more than a rebellious child. rebuke christianity, return to your roots.

odinist ago

Torch_Bearer ago

a brother, i thank you. good to see not all users here are christian failure

MrDarkWater ago

The God of Israel, not today's Jews who are Edomites and Khazarians.

My roots are Israel, as are yours white boy. Learn something

pew_pew_pew ago

That's the spirit faggot.

redditrefugee12 ago

I'd love to make a full exodus over here, but we gotta remove antisemites from here, much like on T_D on Reddit. That's why it was a such a successful community. The left and people with Trump Derangement Syndrome tried to paint us as racists, and it triggered them they were wrong. Let's try to shape this community into T_D, a community of kind, loving American patriots.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

"My old website was full of censorship so now I'd like to bring that here."


tanukihat ago

I don't believe this account for one damn second. Who are you? You're hitting too many buzzwords and talking points.

freshmeat ago

T_D has been co-opposition for over 3 years and you jew lovers still havent figured it out yet even when they make it obvious.

The_Oogie ago

Do you work for Vox? GTFO.

TestForScience ago

somebody get this bitch a some rope and a stool.

VicariousJambi ago

I suggest watching the "One third of the holocaust" Documentary

Sefton Delmer Atrocity Propagnada Quote - - -

What Holocaust Revisionists Believe - - -

All Camps inspected were Labor Camps - - -

American newspapermen sprayed with delousing powder prior to inspection of the Nazi Labor Camps -

Holocaust, Hate Speech and Were the Germans so Stupid? -

One Third of the Holocaust -

Auschwitz - Why the Gas Chambers are a Myth -

Off Your Knees Germany -

Spielberg's Hoax - The Last Days of The Big Lie -

The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz -

The Reichsmarshal of the Greatgerman Reich

Agent for the Four-Year-Plan

Leader of the council of ministers for the Reich defense

Berlin, 7.1941

To the

Head of the Securitypolice and the SD SS groupleader H e y d r i c h


In addition to the duty, that has been assigned to you in the decree from the 1/24/39, to carry the jewish question to a solution in form of emigration or evacuation, wich is as favorable as possible to the timely circumstances, i hereby order you to make all neccessary arangements in the matter of organisational, factual and material for a whole solution of the jewish question in the area of german influence in europe.

In case of touching the competence of other central authorities, these shall be made to participate.

I further order you to provide a complete plan for the factual and material prearrangements for the realization of the aspired final solution of the jewish question.


Minority Nazis - - -

6 Million 9 months before - - -

More 6 Million mentions from 1900 onwards -

SLM123 ago

Who gives a fuck if someone paints you as racist? Grow some balls.

MrDarkWater ago

You should be racists, you fucking idiot

cdglow ago

Not sure if serious, but consider this.

People on The Donald like to make fun of Lefties on Reddit for banning them and not being able to logically argue points or even return light banter.

Is the USS Liberty real, or is it just real in my mind? Is asking about the USS Liberty an example of anti-semitism?

Now you come here, and can't handle logical points about some Jewish crimes or other factual matters. If they're so obviously wrong, why can't you even try to refute them? What makes you so different from the Censorious Redditors other than having an R instead of D in front of your name? Guess what, the "Nazis" here don't censor, and will debate anybody.

For the record, I don't think there's anything wrong with most Jews, but there is a top tier criminal class that seeks their great advantage over ours. What's wrong with putting our interests first? Is it MAGA or is it MIGA?

Epoxe ago


How the fuck is that not censorship?

cdglow ago

Dude, that's random light banter and trolling. Nobody banned you. Stop being such a pussy. Go back to Reddit if you want a safe space.

redditrefugee12 ago

😂😂😂 holy shit it's funny seeing triggered antisemites. Yes, the Holocaust absolutely did happen. Gotta love how much you moved the goalpost on this comment.

Plant_Boy ago

Let's have it then. Where's the evidence that 6 million Jews died?

For this response you're not allowed to use Wikipedia, News Articles, nor Holocaust Museum references in your answer. If you do your response will be considered invalid.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Yawwwwwnn. These T_D faggots are just insufferable, aren't they?

jimibulgin ago

There is no evidence for it and plenty of evidence against it and you know it. Crawl back under a rock.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/MeanwhileOnReddit comment by @dunklederf.

Posted automatically (#50182) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@redditrefugee12: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @dunklederf)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @dunklederf.

Posted automatically (#50178) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@redditrefugee12: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @dunklederf)

Tallest_Skil ago

Yeah, you’re done here. We’ll ensure you’ll never post again. Kill yourself.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Hey SCHLOMO SHILL @Tallest_Shill deciding to be a "fellow white person"


cdglow ago

I was taught in grade school that Jewish skin was used to make lampshades, and anybody who questioned this was a Nazi. Some time passed and everybody, even Holocaust scholars, ultimately admitted those stories were bullshit.

Why can they be wrong about some things before, but you're absolutely certain that they're right about everything else they claim? How can we know for certain if it's illegal to even ask the question in so many countries?

HoneyTrap1488 ago

lol, that faggot you were replying to deleted all his comments. These T_D Redditards are such cowards...

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Why can they be wrong about some things before, but you're absolutely certain that they're right about everything else they claim?

NPCs just have emotional outbursts when forced to think critically or form their own opinions on a complex subject. The reason being that they're mentally unequipped to do so...

I miss the old days, when such NPCs would just shut the fuck up to avoid embarrassing themselves.

redditrefugee12 ago

i'M nOt An aNtIsEmItE, i JuSt DeNy ThE hOlOcAuSt.

There's documented footage of it even.

Ocelot ago

You sure must love fighting for alien races while your own is being exterminated before your eyes, you absolute cuck.

wasteroftime ago

I knew you guys were oven dodgers, figures you'd dodge a question too. Learn that from the talmud?

A11ahuSnackbar ago

Fire up the ovens, ashtray must have overflown again

cdglow ago

There is documented footage of gas chambers with Jews being killed? Really? Please post and clear up our misconceptions. I don't believe this exists, because it never happened.

The closest thing you will find is piles of dead typhus/starvation victims towards the end of the war when the Allies cut supply lines to camps. It's horrible, but not evidence of systemic Jewish slaughter or that anywhere near 6 million died.

By the way, you will find thousands and thousands of pics of piles of dead bodies: Jews, Germans, Americans, Russians, and more. WWII killed tens of millions, soldiers and civilians.

Tallest_Skil ago

Either prove the holocaust happened or commit suicide. We don’t want you here. Do not post again.

Doc40holliday ago

Can you prove that it didn't happen?

Not_Important ago

You can't prove a negative.

Tallest_Skil ago

Yep, it’s conclusively proven. Fuck off, yid.

Doc40holliday ago

K, how about providing some evidence you mongoloid.

Tallest_Skil ago

Okay, prove the holocaust happened.

redditrefugee13 ago

BTFO. Holy shit you just got obliterated in this debate. Better luck next time.

Shekelstein6M ago

redditrefugee13 ago

Ya your conspiracy video didn't do shit to dispute it. Thoughts on the fact that if any antisemitic losers ever tried anything like that today, Israel would nuke your ass?

MrDarkWater ago

... Of 6 million dead kikes?

Oh please show me: a Nazi like me would love that footage.

Legalize-Murder ago

We dont want you faggot civ nats here.

redditrefugee12 ago

Sucks for you that we'll be taking over this community ;)

freshmeat ago


Astupidname69 ago

You faggots say this every time and every time all you takeover is the nearest gas chamber.

Hitler was right, jews not only did 9/11 and the USS liberty, but are also responsible for every major war in the last 100+ years, the never ending waves of shitskins flooding America and Europe and a fuck ton more.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @cthulhu69.

Posted automatically (#50127) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@redditrefugee12: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @cthulhu69)

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re done. Already blew your account.

redditrefugee13 ago

Wrong 😘

Tallest_Skil ago

And that’s that. You’re done. Enjoy your 10 posts per day for all eternity, paid jewish shill.

redditrefugee14 ago

No siree 🤣. You're not a very smart antisemite, are you?

Shotinthedark ago

You're very wrong if you think you can change this place. You're just another cocksucking nigger lover in a long line of kikes.

Rlm1745 ago

Soon friend... Soon.

Torch_Bearer ago

LMAO. voat is going to pull out your entrails saying things like that

@kevdude @crensh @theoldones

heads up

Legalize-Murder ago

Yeah that's what all you faggots said last time. Good luck nigger lovers. You kike fellators are just as bad as the commies.

redditrefugee12 ago

We were never quarantined before, dumbass. Your racist safe space here will come to an end soon enough.

Legalize-Murder ago

Yeah you were retard. You came here as "the pedes" and you lasted less time than any other other refugees, because you're kike loving pussies. You faggots will never take voat over. You are just like an illegal nigger alien, you come here with a chip on your shoulder ready to take over and change cultures. Look in the mirror kike loving faggot.

redditrefugee12 ago

Again, dummy, we were never quarantined before. I can't wait once we ban miserable racists like yourself.

Merchant_Menace ago

Diaf heeb

kayakbassfisher ago

You still fucking here.

anamazonslittle ago

You fucking newb bastard. It wasn't Quarantined, it was shut down for a day. The admins made it private, kicked out the mid team, and replaced them with JIDF shills, just like they did for politics, and the Bernie sanders one.

M80TheMan ago

You won't ban shit, nigger. Your cohort of kike lovers can't handle this place anyway. Best you just cry back to reddit.

pew_pew_pew ago

You are particularly stupid. This isn't reddit. You"re not going to ban anyone. And isn't that why you came here stupid?

redditrefugee13 ago

Yup, we'll get rid of racist losers like you very soon.

Mumbleberry ago

How, Mr. neg. ccp?

redditrefugee13 ago


Mumbleberry ago

-17, go for more faggot.

pew_pew_pew ago

How about you censor us? Maybe quarantine this sub for hate speech? Fuck off.

redditrefugee13 ago

I can't wait once we get rid of triggered antisemites like you lol

vonbacon ago

Gas yourself you fucking kike cock sucking faggot this isn't the first time you fucking kikeniggerfaggots failed to infiltrate Voat and won't be the last you will find nothing but hate from us here you subversive rat. No go rope yourself before RWDS have to do it for you.

anamazonslittle ago

Wait, are you secretly an Old Goat?

Noseberg, is that you? No one is really this trolley accidentally.

pew_pew_pew ago

You are going to die from pure irony overdose.

Legalize-Murder ago

Fuck off boomer, you dont even know what you're talking about. You're a retard NPC like the rest of the Zion don lovers.

SchlangeHatRecht ago

I fully agree. The "nigger faggot" insult is just dumb. I guess just rise above it, and ignore those worthless comments

Tallest_Skil ago

Blow your fucking brains out, subhuman. We’re going to exterminate every last one of you.

redditrefugee12 ago

Damn, someone's triggered lmao. You're probably some pimple faced, 5 foot 2, 35 year guy typing this in his mom's basement. Explain to me specifically how you're going to be able to do this?

Bac10us ago

Wow, what a fag, probably that tranny mod from when Reddit exploded CA

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/MeanwhileOnReddit comment by @dunklederf.

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Tallest_Skil ago

Well, you won’t live much longer when you’re raped to death by the niggers, spics, and dune coons you’re importing, so those of you who survive that will simply be wiped out by the new government when the law is restored.

What, you thought your posts online were anonymous? Ha.


Do this more. This is my favorite thing that you do. Or don't, but please do.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Notice how SCHLOMO SHILL @Tallest_Shill is the first comment of all 3 of the new fags comments that were linked. "Fellow White People"

redditrefugee12 ago

Waiting for your answer to explain to me how "We’re going to exterminate every last one of you." What's wrong, all talk, but no plan, big boy? Show me on the doll where the Jews touched you. You seem very hurt, sweetie.

goblin_ghost ago

Show me on the doll where the Jews touched you.

Literally on our penises, when they chopped part of our dicks off as babies. Among many other places.

Plant_Boy ago

Now why would we tell you our plans?

In a small hint, you destroy yourselves. You are your own worst enemy and too arrogant to know it.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Do they really need to do anything? Between the genetic diseases from the multi generational inbreeding, and the limited population, they only have maybe 6 or 7 viable generations left.

I mean the only way the Jewish race could survive, is if they allowed diversity in Israel. The mixed race breeding would prevent the race from dying off and the multicultural environment would enrich the country.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

I dont think this is the place youre looking for.

Merchant_Menace ago

Begone, faggot.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

gas the kikes

Duchozz ago

Fuck you nigger

AlphaOmega ago

you seem very hurt, sweetie

Fucking Reddit shill tactics on Voat. Cancerous fucks. Reddit not good enough for you?

Wonder_Boy ago

This is a free speech zone.

That said, no self-respecting poster says "sweetie" in debate format on Voat.

You're a Nigger faggot and you can GTFO back to reddit, little dick man.

BushChuck ago

Women and children, too. This time we do it properly.


You'll delete your account soon enough.

HomerChimpson ago

And... its gone.

nosam ago

the faggot didn't nuke the account, but all the posts were removed

bb22 ago

The pain from all the downvotes was causing his ass to bleed.


Hahahahahahah, thank you for the update on him. Didn't even bother to keep up on him, but since you showed me, I'm delighted to see the immune system in full swing. I fucking love my goat bros.

Paranoiaattack ago

I'm guessing you were over-circumsized and the extra loss of blood caused some brain damage.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/MeanwhileOnReddit comment by @dunklederf.

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Tallest_Skil ago

It was already explained to you, you illiterate subhuman. Go back to reddit. You’re not welcome here.

bb22 ago

Tallest Skil, you are a total faggot but for once I actually agree with you.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Kike on Kike violence! SCHLOMO SHILL @Tallest_Shill a "fellow white person"

bb22 ago

Tell me about it lmmfao

Tallest_Skil ago

Hi, bot account.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

I'm not a bot you fucking LYING SCHLOMO SHILL @Tallest_Shill

Oh, seems you call everyone a bot: bitch

IsaacJan ago

Lmfao you’re right

TheRealAmalek ago

But we wish it did.

GreenSlug ago

Hitler did nothing wrong, except for not really gassing all the jews

HashTheFash ago

Also having a shit diet that gave him digestive issues.

hollandkt ago

He attacked Russia two years too soon, and started bombing London instead of finishing the RAF. That's the real travesty. We would have world peace in 2019 instead of this shit show.

HashTheFash ago

Attacked russia too soon

Icebreaker is a decent starting point to understand why that was impossible.

redditrefugee14 ago

Something like the Holocaust will never happen again because of all of Israel's nukes. You mad?

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Mad that fucking retards like you still think Jews aren't evil down to their very DNA.

Wake the fuck up you naive boomer retard.

Wonder_Boy ago

Found the Jew.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

If the US or Russia started imprisoning and gassing Jews, whom would Israel nuke?

redditrefugee14 ago

The US would never happen. Russia would get enough nukes to obliterate an enormous portion of their country and citizens. I'm sure they'd totally want that lol.

try4gain ago

get real bro

MrDarkWater ago

Get lost bro

BlueDrache ago

Nigger.... you in the wrong neighborhood.

OrdinaryFaggot ago

that post is about 6 million times more real than yours

Legalize-Murder ago

Tallest skil is a huge faggot, but that's nothing compared to you Zion don cocksuckers. We dont want you niggers here, you're worth less than nothing.

Tallest_Skil ago

And here I was upvoting your posts. Oh well.

Legalize-Murder ago

Oh come on you know you're a faggot. I mean it in the voat sense, like something you would tell your buddy.

Tallest_Skil ago

in the Voat sense

These dumbasses don’t know that! You’re going to make them think that queers are supported here.

GreenSlug ago

You two stop it! Now kiss and make up. KISS GOD DAMNIT YOU FAGGOTS!

Tallest_Skil ago

member for 14 minutes

Your account is already ruined. Kill yourself immediately.

jzerocoolj ago

Wooden doors Tone?