SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Niggardly_Jew ago

boekanier ago

The 'holocaust' is a jewish invention, a myth that does give them power and money.

cincoderp ago

I found the documentry "Europa, the final battle" very informative on this issue. Something never seemed right with the official version of ww2, a lot of stuff made no sense. Now I know why.

ice007 ago

Reading and listening to David Irving is also a real eye opener.


My10thaccount ago

All of this is extremely transparent and common sense to any independent critical thinker. Which means about 10% of the population but I would be curious to see the specific pull you cited. Did you know what is real actually sterilized all black immigrants? Israel is all about eugenics.

Gorillion ago

Secular Pseudo-Religion

Perfect. Jibes with the well known "Foundation Myth" regularly posted by anon on the chans.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Does voat still get newbies? Thought it was invite only? Me is confused

Simonsaysgoat ago

Irk why your getting downvoted for answering,me lol

blackguard19 ago

I’m continually amused by how many people can accept this conspiracy theory as real, despite the implications of extensive collusion, decades of lies, and the cooperation of the media and education systems, basically how massive of a conspiracy it is. We’re talking about history literally being rewritten and perhaps millions of deaths being not only misattributed but actually contrived.

Yet there’s no way a single terror attack or school shooting could possibly be fake. There’s no way a moon landing could be faked. I never can understand this double standard. It’s like people can accept that they’ve been lied to on a ridiculously massive scale, but not on a smaller and much easier-to-achieve scale.

blackguard19 ago

Absolutely, same sort of thing. It just makes it obvious when right-wing outlets are Holo revisionists yet still say 9/11 was really a bunch of Arab hijackers who hated freedom that they are shills and gatekeepers.

brandnewset ago

Versailles > Redvolution > Weimar home broke ass fag state > Hitler.

It's almost like they are doing it again in slow mo and expecting another Hitler won't come along... sheesh. Reap what you sow fuckers.

TemetNosce ago

"Currently no other groups has this special political right to protect their victim-hood narrative against people who might use their free speech rights to question the narrative."


(OP joined Voat 6 months ago) Who's new here?

ice007 ago

Muslims have the equivalent of holocaust denial laws?

Who is getting thrown in prison for disagreeing with Muslim's fake historical narratives?

TemetNosce ago

People in Europe. I am comparing the denial laws for jews, with the blasphemy laws of islam.

ice007 ago

Looks like you are somewhat correct.

The law isn't violating free speech in order to protect a Muslim victimhood narrative. But it is violating free speech in order to protect their religion from criticism.

So they do sort of have special rights also.

Tallest_Skil ago

Totally different. There’s no sob story for dune coons.

crazy_eyes ago

How does being a victim give anybody political power? That makes no sense whatsoever

ice007 ago

You aren't familiar with how the politics of victimhood culture works?

crazy_eyes ago

Not really, you talking virtue signalling bullshit? I understand playing on people sympathy but only an idiot would act on it

ice007 ago

I understand playing on people sympathy but only an idiot would act on it

Most of our society is made up of idiots. And the idiots vote.

expose ago

there new voaters? heard register's shut off

expose ago

thanks bud that when he shut em off? 29 days?

ice007 ago

Apparently shut off for 3 months.

My account is 6 months old, but i still consider myself to be a relatively new voater.

expose ago

how you know it's 3 months?

ice007 ago

I read it from another post.

But then I saw a post from the guy who runs voat saying he will be randomly enabling new accounts from time to time.

expose ago

nice bud thanks for the source.

GreenSlug ago

Fuckin preach that truth!

jonnyquest ago

Great vid -- I think this scene says a lot (with CC) ... srry about the imgur, imgoat is timing out; if someone wants to suggest their next fav img host, I'll move it later:

ForgotMyName ago

I see a lot of on here and they always seem to work.

progressbin ago

There are no new voaters... PuttItOut welded the coffin lid shut. It's a shame too, because that fren reddit sub just got banned.

ice007 ago

ice007 ago

What's the background story on that?

sbt2160p ago

The Admins contacted us like 2 weeks ago saying we were removing a lot of stuff that we should but that we missed a few things. We asked for clarification on what constitutes "advocating violence" and got none. We asked over a dozen times over the past two weeks for the Admins to clarify and they refused to.

Then they banned us with no warning and without telling us what content we were banned for.

We dealt with bullshit from the chapocels who were posting things advocating violence and personal attacks against us and our frens (which we always reported to the Admins but they never acted on) and we dealt with bullshit from the incels who were upset that their mass shooting frogs were removed.

And in the end the Admins still banned us, even though we tried to do everything they said.

I guess the lesson is to not cuck out and to tell the Admins to go fuck themselves.

hello_reddit ago

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @TheBuddha.

Posted automatically (#49308) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@ice007: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @TheBuddha)

TheBuddha ago

Voat is invite only. There are no new goats.

Where you paid to make that submission?

ForgotMyName ago

This whole chain reads like autistic screeching, but from one old goat to another: we appreciate the effort.

The bummer is I wouldn't care if it didn't raise concerns about the validity of OP's sources. If they're crap then I've just wasted my time watching/reading stuff that I can't actually share with anyone else because they'll laugh in my face when it's demonstrably false.

TheBuddha ago

I hate lies.

ForgotMyName ago

Me too. Particularly on here. We're already inundated with disinformation. We need to band together and curate solid sources.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, it's time to call it out.

ice007 ago

I've seen people on reddit ask for, and receive, a voat invite.

There are new people.

MrPim ago

There is not an invite function. There has never been. You have now been told this by two very old accts w a great deal of history here. Can you provide a link to a reddit comment w someone claiming to have received one?

ice007 ago

I can look up the post where they asked and some people replied that they would send them an invite.

Perhaps I am mistaken in that they never received the invite.

If you are correct that there is no invite function, then that sucks.

What's the reason for still saying that "voat is invite only" when there is no invite function?

gabara ago

Fuck off, lawman

Mumbleberry ago


TheBuddha ago


You fucking Israeli!

Mumbleberry ago

Shalom, bubbele.

TheBuddha ago

LOL have fun with them. I've got to do the guitar thread soon.

Please don't be too mean to them?

Mumbleberry ago

Kinda hard not to be, they make it so easy.

TheBuddha ago

I have no idea why they expect us to just let them lie. Did they really think nobody would notice?

Mumbleberry ago

Used to reddit, where most are blinded by the amount of traffic.

TheBuddha ago

That's why he lied?

Mumbleberry ago

That's why he thought the lie would slide.

TheBuddha ago

I'm always a goat. We want truth, even if we don't like it. Sadly, more have voted this up.

Mumbleberry ago

Happens a lot, title gets the upvote.

TheBuddha ago

I know.

ice007 ago

I never knew that paid Israeli shills had so many sock puppet accounts on voat.

I guess that explains why they don't have an invite function yet.

Go fuck yourself.

Mumbleberry ago

Show the invite thing dude. Show me a comment from a "new" user. I hate kikes, I hate liars too. Which are you?

MrPim ago

First; You have another option to prove there are invites. Go through your acct and find a Send Invite button. Hint: it doesnt exist.

I believe it was a planned feature which was never implemented. You have to understand the history of voat has been a rollercoaster. Many things were planned which for various reasons never made it to reality.

Anyone telling you they've received an invite is lying. There is currently exactly One way to create a new acct. Get Putt to manually add one to the User DB. Unless you know him personally or are a glownigger, good luck w that.

TheBuddha ago

They're squirming...

Did they forget that this is a free speech site?

TheBuddha ago

The reason is, it catches LIARS out.

You're a fucking liar making shit up to earn points and probably are paid to do so - unless you're stupid enough to do it for free.

Which is it? Are you paid or fucking retarded? Did you THINK you can fool people on a site that ALLOWS me to tell you that you're a liar?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @TheBuddha.

Posted automatically (#49309) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@ice007: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @TheBuddha)

TheBuddha ago

So, tell me, who is paying you?

ice007 ago

People can get paid for revealing the truth about the Holocaust myth?

Please do tell me where I can sign up. I would love to get paid.

TheBuddha ago

Then why are you posting lies?

ice007 ago

So you can't get paid to reveal the truth about the holocaust myth?

Why did you imply that I could get paid? You are deceptive.

TheBuddha ago

Why are YOU lying?

Are you LYING for free?

ice007 ago

Exactly which part of my post is wrong? The pew poll?

larryhuston ago

The "invite" and "new users" part, you lying sack of reddit shit.

TheBuddha ago

First, the lie about "new voaters" which you compounded by claiming they actually exist by invite.

No. There's no INVITE system, you dumb cunt. You're a liar and if you're not paid to post lies then you'd a retard for doing it free

TheBuddha ago

No you haven't.

There is no invite mechanism.

I have no idea why you just tried to lie about that.

Black_Phillip ago

Yawn. Instead of acting like niggers and finding someone more powerful than you to blame, do something productive to save your society and take women’s rights away.

All I know is the krautniggers to the west invaded my country and the Russian potatoes to the east invaded at the same time. They murdered millions of my non Jewish people and I hope they all enjoy the rape and killings of invaders that they deserve.

This is why you have politicians cucking to Israel in the first place by the way, but can’t blame my white womyn.

Tallest_Skil ago

Instead of being a jew apologist, why not post your address so we can kill you for race treason?

Black_Phillip ago

Didn't apologize for them at all, I know reading is hard but try to keep up.

Also, I would, but I'm not interested in spending the day sniping dumb cucks all day. Police get called, time spent in court and all that. Your time will come when the collapse happens . In the meantime, go serve your white womyn and continue the fall.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting that you were proven wrong.

Black_Phillip ago

Yeah that didn’t happen but it seems you’re too low IQ enough to understand, which is why the Jews will always rule over you.

Tallest_Skil ago

Congratulations on apologizing for jews. Everything you said is wrong. You’re literally just posting the same bullshit that proven paid shills post everywhere else. “IT’S NOT DA JOOS GOYIM IT’S DA WIMMINS!” You failed. Your account is forfeit. And now you can’t make a new sock. How tragic.

Black_Phillip ago

Mental illness is strong in this one. You point to actual solution and all they can say is joooooos.

My account is fine and I’ll say whatever the fuck I want retard. You people are no better than the communists, only slightly less dumb but still below 70IQ.

When your woman keeps voting for more welfare and increasing illegal immigration, I hope you enjoy watching her getting taken as a rape slave and just before you’re executed you finally figure how big of a cuck you are.

Tallest_Skil ago

You point to actual solution and all they can say is joooooos.

Use fewer pronouns, jew apologist.

My account is fine

Exposed as a jew apologist. Nothing you say from here on will ever be taken seriously.

You people are no better than the communists


When your woman keeps voting


for more welfare and increasing illegal immigration


I hope you enjoy watching her getting taken as a rape slave


and just before you’re executed you finally figure how big of a cuck you are.

Said the jew apologist. Apologizing for jews. Telling people to ignore the real problems. Causing the very thing he says.

Black_Phillip ago

I feel bad for the white people who are genuinely concerned about the death of their race and culture but their stuck with retards like yourself.

Tallest_Skil ago

No one cares what you think, subhuman jew.

ice007 ago

Instead of acting like niggers and finding someone more powerful than you to blame, do something productive to save your society

Zionists rule through deception and indoctrination of the ruled into their pseudo-religious world view.

The key to breaking their power is to reveal the deception and break the indoctrination.

Black_Phillip ago

You guys are too low IQ to get it. One clear, easy way, to get what you want but you're obsessed. You will deserve the collapse when it comes.

RockmanRaiden ago


Do your thing.

zyklon_b ago

what suck a kikes dick and talk but no action?

DukeofAnarchy ago

There are no new Voaters. (((Putt))) has been keeping the site invite only "temporarily" for ages.

ice007 ago

So how do you send out an invite?

DukeofAnarchy ago

You can't. No invitation system has ever been implemented, so going "invite-only" really means no new accounts. Putt has talked about adding a button to generate an invite code.

For more information see this thread:

ice007 ago

thanks. I guess it depends on how you define "new". Looks like there's no new accounts within the last 3 months.

Asshat69 ago

Even netanyahu himself said Hitler didn't want to kill the Jews

ice007 ago


ice007 ago

So what that link says is that, according to Netanyahu, Hitler did not originally want to exterminate all jews, but was convinced to do so by the big bad Muslim leader.

Sounds like netanyahu wants to modify the Holocaust myth in order to move muslims to share the top spot (along with white gentiles) in the oppressor hierarchy.

Still it's all about creating a vicimhood hierarchy and an oppressor hierarchy.

Jew on top of the victimhood hierarchy.

Whites (and now muslims) on top of the oppressor hierarchy.

Asshat69 ago

Oh yes, of course there are Jewish leprechaun tricks in everything they say.

brandnewset ago

MFW I realize leprechauns and their pot of gold and rainbow are actually wandering bum sex loving small hats.

Blood-is-Nature ago

They can never let the holocaust story fall because it hides all the war crimes England, France, Russia and the US committed against Germany, it proves the conspiracy of jews from England, France and Russia to not only attack a totally innocent Germany, but also to use and prolong WWI as a meat grinder to kill as many fighting age men as possible. Furthermore it hides the treasonous jewish attack from inside Germany that prevented Germany from claiming their victory during WWI, by staging an ammunition manufacturing boycott which left Germany standing on victory line defenseless. Then it hides the global jewish conspiracy during WWII and most importantly it covers up the theft of Palestine and with it the identity of israel.

As long as Palestine is occupied by jewish terrorists the holocaust is untouchable.

Zoldam ago

They have put all their eggs in one basket with the holocaust. "The Holocaust" has been a layer of protection they have used to hide their crimes throughout history. If the holocaust narrative is broken, their entire empire will be exposed and extremely vulnerable. Destroy the holocaust narrative, and the rest will crumble. They will not go down without a fight, they will start wars, cause famine, and bring economic collapse, but they will be exposed and people will know is responsible. We can choose to fight for our freedom, or we can choose to willingly be slaves.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

The Holocaust is the biggest fraud and hoax ever perpetrated against mankind. It has forever changed geopolitical history and changed the direction of humanity as a result.

For this lie, the lie of all lies, all Jews should be held guilty and responsible for this atrocity against the rest of mankind and should be subsequently executed and exterminated. Every. Single. Jew. All the Jewish men. All the Jewish women. And all the Jewish children.

HeLovedPandas ago

I've only been on Voat for a day and I can already spot glowniggers :D

Learning is fun!

Damnpasswords ago


ice007 ago

Yea that account is a total FBI provocateur.

glassuser ago

It's glowing.

Damnpasswords ago

They don't even need to get a response anymore. They just use their own posts as evidence.

ice007 ago

I can only hope that the voaters who upvoted are people who only scanned the first sentence, click upvote, and moved on without reading the last part.

Gopherurself ago

That is a truth carved in stone

randomfuckingidiot ago

The holojoke is a lie

Men arent women

Jews are the synagogue of satan

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Niggers are subhuman.

Faggots are mentally ill.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

vastrightwing ago

Did I hear synagogue of satan?

randomfuckingidiot ago

When you believe your IQ is higher than most of the world, you think you can fool everyone. The temptation to lie, cheat and steal is overwhelming.

I just cant see this from their perspective. I'm smart. 148 IQ. But I see it as a way to help my people. Yes, it is incredibly easy to manipulate and control others... the thought of doing that makes me feel physically sick. I used to be that asshole when I was a kid.

I've seen the look in peoples eyes, where they're absolutely terrified of you.

I hate it.

I dont want to see that ever again.

I just cant understand those that do.

vastrightwing ago

And then you discover the other end of the spectrum where people are trapped living in the moment, unable to think abstractly. You realize you never imagined there were people like that. Then the world makes a lot more sense. Then you become terrified as you ponder the ramifications of your discovery.

Gopherurself ago

I second this man

IdoubtIt2 ago

Oooooooyyyyyyy veeeeeeeyyyyyy!!!! Shit this down!

Gopherurself ago


IdoubtIt2 ago

Lol! Best autocorrect yet!

ForTheUltimate ago

That's why Israel denies the Armenian Holocaust.

how does that follow?

KosherHiveKicker ago

The Armenian Genocide of Christians was carried out by The Young ((( Turks ))). They were fucking Jews.

ForTheUltimate ago

mainly with muslims or was it mostly jews doing the acts?

KosherHiveKicker ago

They were led by Crypto-Jews who literally were attempting to overthrow the Ottoman Empire and hand control of the country to the Bolshevik Jews Of Russia.

The Dönmeh (Turkish: Dönme) were a group of crypto-Sabbateans (commonly referred to as crypto-Jews) in the Ottoman Empire who converted publicly to Islam, but were said to have retained their beliefs. The movement was centered in Salonica.[1] The group originated during and soon after the era of Sabbatai Zevi, a 17th-century Jewish kabbalist who claimed to be the Messiah and eventually converted to Islam under threat of death in order to escape punishment by the Sultan Mehmed IV. After Zevi's conversion, a number of Jews followed him into Islam and became the Dönmeh.[2] Since the 20th century, assimilated Dönmeh have intermarried with other groups and most have assimilated into Turkish society.

ForTheUltimate ago

besides my question... who was doing the killing physically?

ice007 ago

If Israel recognized the Armenian Holocaust, then so would America.

Then they might start including information about the Armenian Holocaust when teaching school children the Holocaust education material.

Next thing you know, they might start including information about the Ukrainian genocide, and the Cambodian genocide, and the Rwandan genocide, on and on.

Suddenly the Jewish genocide story doesn't look like that big of a deal anymore.

Suddenly the Jews are no longer the most oppressed people in all of history.

Israel wants Jews to be at the very top of the victimhood hierarchy.

Therefore, their victimhood story must be the "Biggest" victimhood story.

It's better if school children are not taught about any other genocide story, because then they might not understand how Jews deserve special rights that no one else gets.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Jews were responsible for the genocide of Armenian Christians. If they acknowledge this, then they’ll have to give us their permanent victim status since who tf is going to cry over genocidal Christian killing jews. It would also acknowledge that the holohoax is hardly one of a kind and that others have been killed for their ethnicity (kulaks) or their religion (Armenian Christians). They lose status, and that CANNOT happen.

ice007 ago

They also are trying rewrite history by claiming that the Americans who liberated the camps were not white American Army men, but rather black American Army men.

The whole point of the Holocaust myth is to create a hierarchy of victimhood, with Jews at the very top, and a hierarchy of oppressors, with whites at the very top.

The problem with the current version of the Holocaust myth is that while Jews are at the top of the victimhood hierarchy, whites are both the oppressors (Nazis running the camps) and the liberators (white American army men).

So whites as liberators need to be replaced with Black Americans.

You can see this effort to replace the white liberators with blacks in the 1998 Steven Spielberg produced documentary called "The Last Days".

"The Last Days" showcased testimony of 5 survivors of the Nazi concentration camps.

Mountains of evidence shows that the majority of the testimony of all 5 survivors is made up of lies.

There's a video about this Spielberg created fraud called "The Last Days of the Big Lie":

Gopherurself ago

Just waiting for the hero nigger Netflix adaptation , minus all the truth about the allies starving the camps for 30 days after the Nazis fled. The KIKES had to get their propaganda plan together. IKE the KIKE. Patton our lost hero.

IdoubtIt2 ago

“Black American army men”...I hadn’t heard this. Those motherfuckers.

NotHereForPizza ago

Just make sure nothing else you talk about here is of any value.

I mean, it's not like it matters anyway, because faggots like OP will try to distract you away from it again if you do.

zyklon_b ago


ice007 ago

German Holocaust blogger is revealed to have 'LIED about being Jewish' and 'invented 22 death camp victims' to write about on her website

ice007 ago

Words like "nazi" and "holocaust denier" are a trick to make people stop investigating the crimes of Israel.

Israeli Minister "We always use the anti-Semitism trick or bring up the Holocaust"

Far2Long2 ago

Well-written post, OP. I will adopt this term - Holocaustianity.

Questioning the holo-narrative is the 21st Century version of heresy. Nevertheless, it must be challenged, until it be dead.

ice007 ago

Crayonall9t ago

Thank you voat for telling me this when I joined earlier this year. It has changed my life.

TopTierCIAShill ago

Wait, you weren't a holocaust denier straight out of the womb?

lol dumbass

Goys-R-Us ago

Did you get a nose job?

Far2Long2 ago

I'm with you. The resources I've been directed to by Voat have sharpened my understanding of the Jewish Problem.

The more I learn about the malign depredations of the Jews, the more isolated I become. (((They))) are everywhere in our society, quietly dismantling what White Christians have built.

Gopherurself ago

It's fucking everywhere from the emasuclated avg white men that you see on games shows now, watching an oldie and every one of them looked boss as fuck while these new age tv white guys are filtered through a soyscreen

Blood-is-Nature ago

It wasn't white Christians, it was "white" Europeans. All three abrahamic religions are mass population control, based on hiding the laws of nature behind an unquestionable deity, and putting up new, corrupted laws to control humanity. The reason why people like E. Michael Jones, Farrakhan and Owen Benjamin can dish out against jews without getting killed for it, is because they unknowingly(!?) drive their followers back into the jewish indoctrination of religion.

And if you think atheism is the way to go than I have some really bad news for you...atheism and infidel means non-believer, which is defined by being against believer. Theses terms were created to catch everyone who didn't fell for the religious indoctrination with branding them anti-religious, which putts religion above them in a rhetorical way. It's a trap and it work marvelously to the point where where millennia later people still proudly proclaim to be atheists. The side effect that the jews couldn't possibly predict, but that changed the future for all of us, was that humans without a place to direct their natural faith at, will become hedonistic and will direct their faith in anything that self their own interest...and in comes materialism in the form of capitalism. This is why today Christianity is not needed anymore, because atheists are the most fanatic followers of capitalism that the jews could ever imagine.

CaucasianWhiteBoy ago

It absolutely was white Christians. Europe was unified by Christianity and modern science was birthed by Christians and the principles they followed that led them to discover the truth about the world around them. It is ridiculous to state otherwise. Modern science has led us so far astray from where we should be because of anti-truthers denying that there could be anything beyond the idea of Naturalism. These are the same people who deny real science in order to justify their faggotry. We are trapped in a box. The wrong presuppositions lead to the wrong ideas and the wrong ideas lead us to dead ends. We are only recently starting to think beyond Naturalism. Men like Francis Collins and William Lane Craig are leading the charge.

Blood-is-Nature ago

denying that there could be anything beyond the idea of Naturalism

The reason why humanity is deadlocked on finding answers to all the horrors happening around us are threefold...

  1. Like I stated before, we all are operating under false laws that were given to us to control us. Science can never work if it's not based on the laws of nature, which is why science today is fully compromised by military intervention, nondisclosure agreements, political blackmail, the pharmaceutical drug slinging cartel, the funding and taxation mafia, backstabbing etc.

  2. The human misconception about our role in this ecosystem. We were given the traits to create in this world, the materials to do it with, the laws to operate under, the tool to comprehend everything (consciousness) and a compass to navigate between positive and negative outcomes (common sense). We were meant to be stewards to this ecosystem and our meaning of life is "creation in accordance to the natural laws for the benefit of all", which in return creates the best possible breeding ground for our offspring and a world full of benefits in which we can design and create the future. We only had to follow the laws of nature, instead we exploited and destroyed our ecosystem for short term benefits, while ignoring long term consequences, thereby becoming parasites to the host (ecosystem) that sustains our existence, and we have been suffering from the consequences thereof ever since.

  3. The human misconception about their identity. Humanity operates under the false belief that their consciousness defines their identity, which is the reason for every negative action we ever did. We fell for a natural temptation, namely hedonism, which gave us the illusion that whatever we can make up as excuses in our minds is enough as a justification for all the horrors we unleashed upon this ecosystem. We deliberately ignore common sense, which is tuned to the laws of nature, and instead endlessly making up excuses for our actions. We are in denial what we did, what we do, what the consequences will be, instead we desperately try to make up more excuses (spirituality) so that we don't have to face reality.

So what is our consciousness if not our identity? A mere tool. It's a sophisticated apparatus for comprehending the world around us and it operates with blood. If you take the blood out of the brain, it dies and with it our consciousness. Meanwhile our blood has no problem surviving without our brains. Whatever is in our blood (they call it genetics these days) is the carrier of our identity, and it is the blood that is the only thing we can pass on to our offspring, not any of the knowledge we accumulated in our brain.

CaucasianWhiteBoy ago

The funny thing is that I agree with most of what you said but I disagree that the physical reality that we perceive is all there is. If we are only material then we should have far more control of our bodies but we don’t. We are barely aware of the functions of our body. I think it is obvious that we are simply drivers in these physical bodies. Think of the movie Avatar by James Cameron. We are more than our blood. Our conscious is an energy source that continues to exist even when our bodies deteriorate.

What you said about us being “parasites” is another reason I think we are something beyond this natural world. We are an anomaly. We have the ability to defy natural laws when nothing else can. There’s something else going on here.

Blood-is-Nature ago

We are barely aware of the functions of our body

The same thing as with nature. We haven't even began to comprehend the secrets nature has in store for us, but we are already way deep into our own destruction to ever find the right path again. But none of these secrets have any indication of an alternative reality. That's all in our mind and very likely the result of making up excuses to play down our fear of death. We know that life is a circle and that we dissolve into our core components, which will end up as parts of other life, which completely deconstructs the afterlife lie, yet humans force their spirituality nonsense forward with nothing other than belief.

we are simply drivers in these physical bodies

That's the hedonism I was talking about. In your mind you just proclaimed superiority over your body, with no evidence in nature backing you up. It's a lie until proven otherwise. But if you use my explanation of the consciousness being a tool and comparing it with nature you will find evidence that animals use senses, have instincts, use pattern recognition, show intelligence etc. All as tools to help them fulfill their jobs, which is "creation in accordance with the natural laws" which benefits all. Every species follows the laws of nature by instinct, only humans can't seem to come up with the basic meaning of their life, simply because the fell for hedonism and can't stop wanting more out of everything, while defiling the laws of nature.

We are an anomaly

If anything we were a test that is failing since the beginning. So far no other species was given a consciousness capable to comprehend everything on this world. The laws of nature are designed around natural opposites, which makes the balance in between the moral code to uphold, so for us to fall for temptation as such an early stage must be result of chance fucking us over hard. Chance btw is the most ingenious system to keep the laws of nature in check, because even within perfectly designed laws there is still always the possibility for chance to make anything happen. I would also argue that chance is responsible for this world to have humor, because it's such a ludicrous concept to have inside the boundaries of laws. Anyway, that's another topic.

Our conscious is an energy source that continues to exist even when our bodies deteriorate

Where is the evidence for this? Everything on this earth is based on a positive and a negative energy source (by logic), so how would one determine the one of the consciousness?

We have the ability to defy natural laws when nothing else can.

That's incorrect. Every life form can fall for temptations or deliberately create chaos, which will destabilize the natural order. The difference is that we can comprehend the ramifications of that, because we have sophisticated tool that nobody else has. Our consciousness.

CaucasianWhiteBoy ago

That's the hedonism I was talking about. In your mind you just proclaimed superiority over your body, with no evidence in nature backing you up. It's a lie until proven otherwise.

Hedonism without a moral guide leads to all kinds of self-indulgence which leads to misery and chaos. I think we could both agree on that point. I believe in something called Christian Hedonism. This article explains it well:


If anything we were a test that is failing since the beginning.

A test created by whom?


Chance btw is the most ingenious system to keep the laws of nature in check, because even within perfectly designed laws there is still always the possibility for chance to make anything happen.

Chance is a system? How can luck be systematic? There is no order a.k.a. "system" with luck/chance. Common sense should tell you this is a design if chance was involved at all. Design must come from a designer. That being said, I don't know how any serious minded person could think that the natural laws, which are finely tuned, could be a product of chaos.


Where is the evidence for this? I may have misspoke here but regardless if you deem consciousness to be energy or not, it definitely seems to be abstracted from physical reality. I would personally say it this way, our consciousness (in Christian terms our spirit) is the bridge between our physical reality and the metaphysical reality (spiritual reality).


The difference is that we can comprehend the ramifications of that, because we have a sophisticated tool that nobody else has. Our consciousness.

That's exactly what I'm saying. We are not like animals who do only what their instincts dictate. We can defy our own instincts and create whatever we want. Look up a man named David Goggins. His story alone tells me we are more than our physical bodies. We have the ability to push ourselves beyond what our physical bodies tell us we are capable of.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Hedonism without a moral guide leads to all kinds of self-indulgence which leads to misery and chaos

Morality is dictated by natural laws, and hedonism is a consequence of not following these laws, so hedonism without a moral guide is impossible. Hedonism is to deliberately ignore morality.

I believe in something called Christian Hedonism

By putting the Christian label on it you already divided everyone into two groups, believer and unbeliever, and with the Christian term on top of hedonism you also judge others from an elevated position. That is hedonism. Instead of trying to specify the term "hedonism" to your views, you must seek out the foundation of what it really means, and for that you must find it in nature...Serving one's own interests, especially without concern for the needs or interests of others. That's hedonism, that's against the laws of nature, that will have negative consequences.

A test created by whom?

By "the sum of all things", which stands for creation itself. Inside this ecosystem every part is needed the sustain the whole, and if you destroy a part the rest has to adapt to it. This is easier to understand if you take your own body as an ecosystem and if you chop some fingers off, it will have negative consequences for the rest of your body. On a larger scale creation cannot happen without "the sum of all thing" working together. For example if male and female want to procreate it's not just them that are involved in the creation. It's the seed and the eggs, the food in their bellies, the molecules in the air that they breath, the land they are standing on, the civilization that protects them, the animals that feed them, the water that keeps the landmasses in place etc. Everything inside is needed for any kind of creation. You cannot create out of nothing, because nothing doesn't exist.

Now let me explain to you how laws were created without a creator. The most fundamental natural law is the one that defines existence..."to be or not to be". Understanding this gives existence two barriers in between which existence is happening. A beginning and an end. This is a fundamental law for everything that exists, these are the barriers everything operates under. Now if we apply this law to humanity we get birth and death as barriers. Now death is a negative outcome and staying alive a positive one...that's the foundation of morality, that's what our common sense is tuned into. We also know that death is always approaching and life always running out, which in combination with morality means that life demands struggle to survive, the death is the easy way out filled with temptations, and that the natural order is to keep the balance in between those two natural opposites in check. Another natural example for laws being created without a creator...imagine a drought and all the remaining lifeforms are gathering around the last water source. Predator and prey will face each other and create, without any plan or comprehension about it, a new, temporary set of moral rules to sustain their survival. They will not attack each other despite being natural enemies. And just like that "the sum of all things" created a new law.

How can chance be systematic?

The natural laws dictate that "opposites must coexist" as in there cannot be chaos without order, no positivity without negativity, no up without down etc. Every state is defined by it's opposite. Now the laws of nature are a flawless system of order, which is by it's own laws impossible, because you can't have order without chaos, therefore "chance" represents the chaos to balance out the laws of nature. It's a deliberate flaw in a perfect system to make sure it's unbiased. The reason why perfect harmony can never be achieved is because time exists, and that means everything must always move forward. You can never keep the balance with time running against you. Sounds cruel, but viewing it as a test of survival and it all makes sense. Nature demands survival.

physical reality

There is nothing non physical. Everything your consciousness makes up comes from information received in the "physical" world, furthermore your consciousness is sustain by your physical body, brain, and blood. "the sum of all things" is needed for creation, you cannot come up with anything that isn't influenced by the "physical". That would be creation out of nothing. Nothing cannot exist. Your article also starts of with misquoting Tesla by calling energy, frequency and vibration a non physical phenomenon. That has nothing to do with spirituality. Like, vibration is a consequence of a physical action. The article also constantly talks about the universe, which means nothing to us inside this ecosystem. We only know about the universe by visuals, the rest is speculation, hearsay and deliberate lies. That's not a truth, it's a lie until proven otherwise. This is not spirituality, it's nothing but assumptions and hopes, based on our lack of knowledge about it. We both don't know anyone who ever left this ecosystem, so the universe offers no truth we can work with today, just visual confirmation about what we know about this ecosystem. You cannot trust visuals alone. We learned that the hard way with entertainment.

We can defy our own instincts and create whatever we want.

Nope. Not without following the laws of nature. The consciousness only gives us the means to comprehend the consequences of our actions, which puts us into the position of stewards to this ecosystem, not rulers. We are still "slaves" of the laws of nature and nothing will change that. Going against these laws will always bring death.

Creggieb ago

To me, faith means belief in a thing, regardless of evidence to a contrary. It means that even when every single human sense says that a thing is unlikely to be true, faith says that it is true, and a "good" human will behave as if the thing is true, cuz faith.

In that context, I believe faith is a bad thing.

To me, faith can be a good thing, but comes with a demand for verification to continue believing.

Organized religion regularly and to actually fails to verify that the faith is justified, while regularly providing circumstantial evidence that the belief is either incomplete understandings, or blatant falsehoods.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Truth has to be ultimate and provable, otherwise it's a lie until proven otherwise. The only fundamental truth on this earth that can be proven to everyone are the laws of nature. Faith/belief is a natural trait, BUT in nature belief is always temporary, followed automatically by curiosity, which will lead to knowledge. Nature demands adaptation to survive, and knowledge is how we adapt, for which nature shows us all it's wonders so that we can learn from it. Unquestionable belief is a death sentence in nature because you would stop adapting to a world full of predators, and then you die. A great example is lightning...the first time a human or an animal experiences a storm it will believe the world is going down. This is based on survival instincts using fear to protect us. Now what happens next is curiosity about what the fuck is up with the noise and the lightning, which leads to the realization that the thunder doesn't bring harm, and eventually to the fatal knowledge that the lightning does. Another good example is a mirage. Same, curiosity, knowledge.

Now by creating the concept of a deity, attributing all of natures achievements to it, and demanding unquestionable belief from the followers you generate a roadblock that prevents the natural path for knowledge. In natural terms, a predator used deception to lower your survival odds. This was followed by forcing upon humanity a new set of rules "the laws of men", who are all against the laws of nature, and thereby self destructive to anyone who doesn't know about the original laws.

Damnpasswords ago

What about your former belief in the holocaust? Doesn't that prove that secular beliefs are just as fallible?

Creggieb ago

Yes. all beliefs are fallible. That is why beliefs should be challenged, and critical thinking skills used to evaluate the likeliness that the belief accurately describes the observable world.

Regarding the holocaust, my position has, and always has been that Hitler definitely had it in for a lotta different groups. Jews were part of this. 6 million sounds way too high.

My family is Ukrainian, and even with the socially accepted number of six million, my victim status as coming from a group surviving the holodomor is at least ten times higher that of the Jewish.

And I get NO VICTIM STATUS AT ALL(Not that I need any because I am a capable person) so I reject the idea that I should care at all about a "tragedy" that is a pittance in comparison.

EatingChildABUSE ago

What are these laws of nature u speak of

Blood-is-Nature ago

The rules that govern everything that exist, the barriers of existence itself, the moral construct we must operate under. These rules were not created by a creator but by "the sum of all things"

bruddah ago

The 7 Natural Laws: The Kybalion

1) The Law of Mentalism: The first of the seven Universal Laws tells us that "The All is Mind - The Universe is Mental".

2) The Law of Correspondence (Immutable): The second of the seven Universal Laws tells us "As above, so below; as below, so above"

3) The Law of Vibration: The third of the seven Universal Laws tells us that "Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates"

4) The Law of Polarity: The fourth of the seven Universal Laws tells us that "Everything is dual, everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree"

5) The Law of Rhythm: The fifth of the seven Universal Laws tells us that "Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."

6) The Law of Cause and Effect: The sixth of the seven Universal Laws tells us that "Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause."

7) The Law of Gender: The last of the seven Universal Laws tells us that "Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles". This mutable Universal Law is evident throughout creation in the so-called opposite sexes found not only in human beings but also in plants, minerals, electrons and magnetic poles to name but a few

Bool2k ago

Where did you get these from?

Also, what's the opposite of a neutron in regards to the "law of polarity"?

twistedmac11 ago

@bruddah got these principles from The Kybalion, a book about Hermeticism

In regards to your question about neutrons, I think the answer you're looking for is antineutrons, one type of antiparticle

ice007 ago

The more I learn ... the more isolated I become...

Have you tried joining AIM?

1031grnis ago

It is easy to become isolated when it seems there aren't a lot of people to identify with once we become red-pilled. Thanks for the AIM info - I just signed up.

MurkSquatch ago

AIM is great. I've been a member for about 6 months now.

Phantom42 ago

Yer a Nazi Harry.

Gopherurself ago

Fuckin gandalf was a Nazi anti-semite bigot homaphobe, bbut there's that one time he fuckin SAVED MIDDLE EARTH , shout-out assange

WilliamCutting ago

I used to be hawkish about getting on people's case for saying Nazi instead of National Socialist but lately im thinking it isn't super important.

Creggieb ago

I like to insist upon the German word Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

Dont forget that the SJW narrative requires proper pronouns, and certain terminology to avoid the negative labels of ignorant, bigoted or racist. Applying the enemies rules to themselves is one of the key rules for radicals

Phantom42 ago

Indeed. I prefer the term National Socialist, but, BUT, we turned an insult (Nazi) into something we and we alone own. It is our title. It's like us calling each other "goy" around here. It's an insult, to (((them))), but to us it's a funny joke and it also is a not-so-subtle hint to the Kikes we know.

So, I am a proud National Socialist. I am a proud Nazi. I stand for the Truth, and I live and breathe for my fellow man.

Strange times we live, where standing for the Truth and being for your fellow man is a mortal sin according to the world....


WilliamCutting ago

Well put my friend

Honk Honkler

Vidarr30000 ago

r/CringeAnarchy refugee?

ice007 ago

I know right?

It sounds strange to say, but learning the truth about the holocaust myth really is a major life changing event.

It's impact is similar or even greater than changing from a devout religious person into a non-believer.

1031grnis ago

It really is a life changer. Sad thing is, it's difficult to share with those close to us because they think we're nuts.

ice007 ago

Sad thing is, it's difficult to share with those close to us because they think we're nuts.

Totally agree. I'm very glad for voat.

I'm also considering joining AIM

FreeeBird ago

They seem like they have solid foundational principles but anything that even mentions protecting white rights will immediately (and incorrectly) be branded as a white supremacist organization and demonized by the ADL and SLPC types and will be difficult to get support from the normies. It’s a great start to the dialogue though.

ice007 ago

will be difficult to get support from the normies

Of course normies won't support it.

It's not about getting normies to join.

It's about, when normies wake up to reality, where do they go to interact and socialize with other woke people?

Where do you go to network with others, and build the foundation needed to maintain the survival of our people?

BitChuteArchive ago - ( Defamation - ADL bullying Ukraine into downplay... ) - ( Spanish Inquisition was 99% Myth. (BBC) )

ice007 ago

"Holocaust Survivor" Fools Oprah

Apexbreed ago

"it wasn't a lie. It was my imagination." Every fucking time. This deserves it's own post if it isn't already.

ice007 ago

Israelis have used hate crime hoaxes to protect the holocaust myth.

2 Israelis were caught making over 1,000 bomb threat phone calls to American Jewish Community Centers.

JCC Threat-Makers: 2 Years, 1,000 Calls

These 2 Israelis were paid in bitcoin to create this wave of hate crime hoaxes.

JCC Threat-Makers “Paid with Bitcoin”

No law enforcement has officially determined who paid them. But who benefited?

One possibility is the ADL (Anti-Defemation League). This hate crime hoax was used as a pretense by the ADL to pressure Amazon to ban a bunch of Holocaust Revisionist books that the ADL wanted banned.


Then the Israeli Jews were caught, the ADL blamed the bomb threats on "white hate".

ADL: Israeli Jew’s Bomb Threats against American Jews are “White Hate”

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

1.The world Almanac in 1933 has the Jewish population at 15.3 million in 1948 the Jewish population was 15.7 million. The Jewish population miraculously lost 6 Million and still made the difference plus 400k.

2.Churchill, Eisenhower or De Gaulle's Memoirs never mentioned the holocaust.

3.Patton's letters home after the war never mentioned the holocaust. Patton saw the communists as the real enemy and realized we had fought against the wrong enemy. He was assassinated by Douglas Bazata (Jewish Lebanese). He later admitted to this at party in the 1960's. "We fought the wrong enemy".

4.The chimneys for the alleged crematorium we're built after the war. Photos of Auschwitz before and after the war have proven this.

5.The Red Cross new the factual numbers of Jews in "labour" camps to be 271,000.

6.The three most famous holocaust survivors, Elie Wiesel, Otto Frank, and Primo Levi, have something in common - when the Soviet army approached Auschwitz, they were all in camp hospitals, there were several, the main Auschwitz hospital is shown to the left. Elie Wiesel was being treated for an Auschwitz hospital infected foot. The Nazis gave him the option of waiting to be liberated by the Soviets, or evacuating to the west. Wiesel, with his father, chose to leave with the Nazis. This is related in his book Night describing his year at Auschwitz. When Wiesel was in Auschwitz the Nazis were supposedly killing 10,000 Jews per day in gas chambers disguised as shower rooms. There is not a single mention of gas chambers in the book.

7.The number of holocaust official deaths has lowered throughout the years. From 6 Million to the now official numbers being 1.1 million.

8.No mass graves have ever been officially found.

9.The Concentration Camp Crematorium One of the main problems with the 6 million jews being murdered claim was disposal of the bodies. It was claimed at Nuremberg that they had been disposed of in the camp crematorium. There were crematorium in each camp, but they simply didn’t have the capacity. Each crematorium oven could burn a body in about one and a half hours, meaning a maximum capacity of 16 bodies every day or just less than 6000 bodies per year per oven. The camps had between four and twelve ovens each giving 24,000 to 72,000 bodies per year maximum at each camp – this still wouldn’t be possible as you can’t run these ovens non-stop without the metal fracturing. Even double or triple loading wouldn’t help as this increased the time to three hours for two bodies or four and a half hours for three bodies. Also bodies aren’t totally reduced by this process and usually leave the pelvis and thigh bones which need crushing with special machinery – no such machinery was found at any of the camps. There is also the problem of fuel as each body would need about 40 kilograms of coke to burn – there is no record of the massive amount of coke required being supplied

10.United States Airforce Aerial Photos Of Camps From 1942, until the end of World War Two, the United States Airforce performed low flying, low-speed photography of all the alleged “death camps” to obtain evidence of what was going on. This followed jewish claims in the West that a mass murder was occurring. All these photographs were released in 1979 when they were declassified. None of these photographs show any sign of mass murder or disposal of millions of bodies.

11.Western Allies Never Liberated Any Death Camps With Gas Chambers None of the Western Allies ( Britain, Canada, USA, Australia, France etc. ) liberated any camps that had gas chambers, or other systems of mass murder in them. All the alleged death camps with gas chambers were liberated by the Russians. Consequently any alleged evidence of death camps and/or gas chambers was forthcoming solely from Soviet Russia. The Western Allies liberated a total of 12 main camps and the Soviet Russians 8 main camps.

12.The British Secret service cracked the German enigma code in 1942 and never once recovered any evidence of mass murders taking place.

13.The French Resistance Denied The Holocaust During World War Two Germany invaded France and occupied Northern France from 1940 to 1944. A secret army of French Patriots known collectively as “The French Resistance” fought the German occupiers in various ways. A large number of French Resistance members were imprisoned, tortured and executed including their leader, and French National hero, Jean Moulin. After World War Two French resistance members were released from various German concentration camps, including Auschwitz and other alleged death camps. On their return to France they all gave horrific accounts of their treatment by the Germans, and were full of hatred for them because of the events of World War Two. However they all denied any knowledge of gas chambers and a mass murder programme in the concentration camps.

14.The Gas Chambers Of World War One It was widely reported during World War One ( 1914 to 1918 ) that the Germans, and their allies, were using gas chambers to kill thousands of prisoners. However after the end of the War Stanley Baldwin admitted in Parliament that it had been propaganda and no such gas chambers had existed. He also apologised publicly to the German People for this racist slur on them.

15.The fake photos of holocaust was actually falsified. Using photos of the Bolshevik Jews starvation of the German 6th army and holomodor Ukrainian holocaust of 1932 and 1933.

16.During World War One the British Government had agreed with leading jews that they would support a jewish homeland in Palestine in exchange for the powerful jewish lobby in America getting the USA to join the Allies. This led to the Balfour Declaration being made by the British Government promising the jews a homeland in Palestine. After discussions in the British Cabinet, and consultation with Zionist leaders, the decision was made known in the form of a letter by Arthur James Lord Balfour to Lord Rothschild. The letter represents the first political recognition of Zionist aims by a Great Power.

17.After World War One the British Government were unable, or unwilling, to make good on this promise. From 1919 onwards the jews claimed 6 million jews in Europe were under threat from extermination unless they got a homeland in Palestine. This was 14 years before the Nazis came to power and 24 years before the alleged Holocaust started.

18.The jews have been waving the 6 million figure around since before 1900

19.Meyer Levin wrote Anne Frank's diary. He wrote it in ball point pen which wasn't used until 1950. He sued otto Frank and won 50k for his writing.

20.Leuchter Report: One of the pieces of evidence Professor Ernst Zundel produced at his trials in Canada was the “Leuchter Report” compiled by Fred Leuchter on his commission. Fred Leuchter is the World’s foremost expert on gas chambers, and holds the patents for nearly all the gas chambers used for executions in the World. He has also personally built, or supervised the building, of all gas chambers in the USA and most in the rest of the World. After inspecting the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz, Leuchter concluded they were unsuitable for use as gas chambers due to their lack of airtight doors, lack of a gas extraction system and general shoddy build. He also chemically analysed the walls for ferrocyanide ( produced when Zyklon-B reacts with brick walls ) and concluded there was none – the Auschwitz authorities took the same tests with the same results and now admit there was no gas chamber in Auschwitz.

derram ago :

Defamation - ADL bullying Ukraine into downplaying the Holodomor as serious as the Holocaust - YouTube :

Spanish Inquisition was 99% Myth. (BBC) - YouTube

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