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80800808 ago

I'm new, I'm a proud honky, I thank you for the advice, but I will not let those kike infiltrators silence me. I read the thread, and if I do get down voted into oblivion, I suspect it's the kikes trying to keep me from speaking out...well FU shekelstein. F. U.

LightningAndTheSun ago

proud honky


You are glowing in the FUCKING dark, pal.

80800808 ago

Yep, you got me Columbo. Here is a list of links I add to, and pass them on to my mom, and anyone else who will listen...

Because they're behind literally every single shitty thing on earth. It's always the fucking jews. It is ALWAYS. THE FUCKING. JEWS.

Jews are the only group that need special laws against the truth to protect their web of lies, because if people learned what they've done, the entire fucking world, chink nigger and aryan, would unite arm-in-arm to make the holocaust actually happen.

Lurking boomers, grow a fucking nutsack and justify why IsraelTM is our greatest ally.

Again great detective work...why on God's green earth would I announce I'm new in a thread about the kikes infiltrating voat? Do you think the kike/shill/glownigger/spooks have the balls to announce they are new?

Anyways, thanks for the welcoming